Woldingham Design Guidance - Live Cartogold Jobs

Woldingham Design Guidance - Live Cartogold Jobs

Woldingham Design Guidance - Live Cartogold Jobs


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Status of the document1.9 This design guidance has been adopted as aSupplementary Planning Document and it applies to the<strong>Woldingham</strong> area of Special Residential Character. Thereare parts of the special residential character area which falloutside the “urban area” as defined in the Core Strategy. inthese areas green belt policy applies and takes precedenceover this design guidance. Within the Green Belt there isa presumption against development (which includes theconstruction of new buildings, although limited extension,alteration of replacement of buildings may be appropriate).1.10 This Supplementary Planning Document providesdetailed character and design guidance, expanding uponCore Strategy policies CSP 18 and CSP19. These twopolicies and other policies in the Core Strategy and thesubsequent Development Management Development PlanDocument apply to all or parts of the <strong>Woldingham</strong> SpecialResidential Character area.1.11 The <strong>Woldingham</strong> Village <strong>Design</strong> Statement(WVDS) has also been adopted as a SupplementaryPlanning Document; as both documents are adoptedas Supplementary Planning Document they have equalweight as planning guidance. it should be noted that the<strong>Woldingham</strong> <strong>Design</strong> Guide is not intended to replace the<strong>Woldingham</strong> Village <strong>Design</strong> Statement that was adopted asa Supplementary Planning Document in 2005. This earlierdocument contains a large number of guidelines many of©TiBBalDS MaRCH 2011 which are very detailed and will be additional to those in thenew document. Others guidelines within the document willbe complementary.<strong>Woldingham</strong>1.12 The <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Guidance</strong> is based on the <strong>Woldingham</strong>Character assessment that describes in detail the character,historic development, topography and landscape settingof <strong>Woldingham</strong> as a whole as well as each sub-characterarea. in summary, <strong>Woldingham</strong> has a positive and distinctivecharacter today, because of controls placed on building usesby the Gilford Covenants, and the minimum plot sizes.The character is also a result of its topography and sitingon a long ridgeline, its strong landscape character andits historical pattern of development, from a small hamletto a planned ‘village’ laid out and developed from thelate nineteenth century onwards. its character is createdprimarily by:■■ a number of non-residential building groups and openspaces located in the centre of the village influence thecharacter of the wider village. These are:- The Green, the original hamlet, fronted by a terrace ofsmall cottages and large properties;- The Crescent, a formal suburban parade of buildings,including shops and other businesses that serve thelocal community, set back from Station Road behind asmall open space;- The Glebe, a significant recreational open space set atthe heart of the village, yet tucked away from away fromroad frontages;- The Church, sited at the junction between Station Road,long Hill and Croft Road;■■ landscape being the dominant feature, with buildingsbeing subservient in terms of visual prominence;■■ a sylvan character formed by tree cover, soft front, rearand side boundary treatments, consisting of hedges andmature shrubs, with only limited areas of hardstanding;■■ Buildings set far apart from one another in large plots,with little coalescence. They are informally arranged andcontribute little to the spatial definition of the roads;■■ large, detached houses that have been individuallydesigned by a variety of architects;■■ Strong topography that offers glimpsed views betweenbuildings to wooded hillsides or open countryside; and■■ informal roads that are primarily defined by planting, withfew pavements, road lights or highway markings.<strong>Woldingham</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Guidance</strong>3

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