Woldingham Design Guidance - Live Cartogold Jobs

Woldingham Design Guidance - Live Cartogold Jobs

Woldingham Design Guidance - Live Cartogold Jobs


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Houses seton differentlevelsHouses surroundedby trees andvegetation and partlyscreened√XFigure 5.2: Sketch illustrating the design principles forhillside developmentHouses merge intoanother resulting in aloss of tree cover anderosion or treed skylineHouses set at one levelresulting in a line ofdevelopment that is notcharacteristicBuilt form5.6 The form of a building can have a negative impacton the view, when it is too bulky; so can the location ofa building in close relation to others. For example whenhouses are too regularly placed on the hillside. To avoid thisproposals should:■■ Be informally arranged so that they are perceived asindividually sited houses “dotted around” within a denselandscape setting. They should not be placed in a lineeither vertical or parallel to the contours;■■ Have a varied roofline, be broken up, in terms of the builtform and not be overly bulky and monolithic;■■ Be designed so that buildings do not coalesce in viewsand have generous gaps between them that are plantedand are sufficiently wide to allow for hedge and treeplanting to mature;■■ Be laid out on site in such a way that they retain or createnew views from the road out across the valley;■■ Be designed so that buildings do not penetrate the treecanopy. Building heights should be clearly lower than thetree ‘skyline’; and■■ Ensure that boundary treatments are kept low wherethere are existing views out across the valley, so thatthese are not being blocked off.5.7 The choice of materials also has an impact onthe prominence of buildings in views from the surroundingcountryside. in particular roof materials can have a negativeimpact:■■ Roof materials should be muted in colour, reddish,brownish roof tiles. Shiny roof materials such as metalcladding should be avoided.Figure 5.3: Photograph showing the negative accumulated effects ofdevelopment on hillsides that are set at one level and dominate thelandscape between them.X√√Figure 5.4: Buildingform should bebroken up this can beachieved through boththe roof form and themass of the building.This can be realised ina traditional style but isalso possible in moremodern styles.<strong>Woldingham</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Guidance</strong> ©TiBBalDS MaRCH 201118

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