KS1 to KS2 Transition Leaflet - Welwyn St. Mary's School

KS1 to KS2 Transition Leaflet - Welwyn St. Mary's School

KS1 to KS2 Transition Leaflet - Welwyn St. Mary's School


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Parent CouncilThis leaflet has been designed by theParent Council in order <strong>to</strong> ease thetransition from Key <strong>St</strong>age 1 <strong>to</strong> Key<strong>St</strong>age 2 for the children and give information<strong>to</strong> parents so that theyknow what happens at this time ofchange. This was an area the ParentCouncil felt needed <strong>to</strong> be developedwithin the school and we hope that youhave found this leaflet of benefit notjust <strong>to</strong> you but for your child as well.At the beginning of theAutumn Term please spend afew moments <strong>to</strong> give us somefeedback as <strong>to</strong> how the transitionfrom Key <strong>St</strong>age 1 <strong>to</strong>Key <strong>St</strong>age 2 went for yourchild. We would also like <strong>to</strong>know how useful you foundthis leaflet. The details forconstructive comments arebelow.<strong>Welwyn</strong> <strong>St</strong>.Mary’s Primary<strong>School</strong>A GUIDE TOTRANSITIONFROM KEY STAGE 1TO KEY STAGE 2E-mail:parentcouncil@welwynstmarys.herts.sch.ukOrHappy <strong>Transition</strong>use the Parent Councilmessages and suggestionbox which is on the walloutside AK2 in the infantplayground.This <strong>Leaflet</strong> has been producedby the Parent Council

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