farmers' attitude towards sustainable agricultural practices

farmers' attitude towards sustainable agricultural practices

farmers' attitude towards sustainable agricultural practices


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Ghosh and Hasan.economically profitable’ (SPI=170) was in 24 th and ‘Crop rotation requires more laborthan other <strong>agricultural</strong> <strong>practices</strong>’ (SPI=139) was in 25 th . From the above statements it canbe said that <strong>sustainable</strong> agriculture was clear to most of the respondents and they opinedthat it is easy to apply, economically profitable, no need of extra labor.Based on the computed scores the respondents were classified into three categories i.e.,low <strong>attitude</strong> (up to 82 scores), medium <strong>attitude</strong> (83 to 106 scores) and high <strong>attitude</strong>(above 106 scores).From Figure 1 it is clear that majority (65.6%) of the respondents had medium <strong>attitude</strong><strong>towards</strong> <strong>sustainable</strong> agriculture followed by 21.1% low and 13.3% high <strong>attitude</strong>respectively.232Figure 1: Distribution of the farmers according to their <strong>attitude</strong> <strong>towards</strong> <strong>sustainable</strong><strong>agricultural</strong> <strong>practices</strong>However, it is observed that an overwhelming majority (79%) of the respondents in thestudy area had medium to high <strong>attitude</strong> <strong>towards</strong> <strong>sustainable</strong> agriculture. Most of therespondents of the study area knew the importance of <strong>sustainable</strong> agriculture. Many ofthem were agreed to the necessity of practicing <strong>sustainable</strong> agriculture to maintain aproper environment for <strong>agricultural</strong> production. They opined that, modern techniques likeexcess use of chemical fertilizer made the field unproductive and it is a threat to theagriculture.Relationship between selected characteristics of the farmers and their <strong>attitude</strong> <strong>towards</strong><strong>sustainable</strong> <strong>agricultural</strong> <strong>practices</strong>Coefficient of correlation was computed in order to explore the relationships between theselected characteristics of the farmers and their <strong>attitude</strong> <strong>towards</strong> <strong>sustainable</strong> <strong>agricultural</strong><strong>practices</strong>. The null hypothesis was “there was no statistically significant relationship existsbetween the selected characteristics of the farmers and their <strong>attitude</strong> <strong>towards</strong> <strong>sustainable</strong><strong>agricultural</strong> <strong>practices</strong>”. Relationships between the selected characteristics of the farmersand their <strong>attitude</strong> <strong>towards</strong> <strong>sustainable</strong> <strong>agricultural</strong> <strong>practices</strong> have been presented inTable 3.Table 3. Relationship between selected characteristics of the farmers and their <strong>attitude</strong><strong>towards</strong> <strong>sustainable</strong> <strong>agricultural</strong> <strong>practices</strong>Selected personal attributesCo-efficient of correlation (r)Age -0.137Level of education 0.560**Farm size 0.343**Family size 0.111Annual Income 0.293**Farming experience -0.190Cosmopoliteness 0.549**Extension contactKnowledge** Significant at 0.01 level of probability0.400**0.634**http://www.bdresearchpublications.com/journal/

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