planet - PBS Kids

planet - PBS Kids planet - PBS Kids
from More from this publisher /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/ContentsUp, Up, and Awaypages 2 - 3Manny’s Minionspages 14 - 15Spamboni Spoilerpages 4 - 5Shhh!pages 6 - 7Read All About It!pages 8 - 9Rebus Readypages 10 - 11Terrible Trapspages 12 - 13Want to Fly?pages 16 - 17Jessica’s Journalpages 18 - 19The Hideoutpages 20 - 21Take Controlpages 22 - 23Word Vaultpage 24

1Um, why ismy lunchdancing?Is it just me,or did this pizzasuddenly become asteering wheel?Little do Jessica and Marcus knowthat The Electric Diner has turnedinto a spaceship. And clearly, it’sblasting off now! /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/Up,andUp,AwayThe Electric Companymay think they are in for a crash,but there are secret control panelsall over their diner spaceship.Let’s head inthat direction.No, let’s gostraight. We’ve gotto reach our target!

Path toPrankster3PLANETJessica and Marcus are flying to PranksterPlanet, where they’ll have all thewords in the world. (No pressure or anything!)Help them find the right path to the <strong>planet</strong>.Draw a line from word to word in which csounds like it does in cat.spicefacecentcucumbercolormiceceleryspacecookiecapesliceplacecentercutcrosspicnicracelace /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/SpamboniSpoilerManny has an evil plan.He’s sucking up all the words on Earth.Without words, the <strong>planet</strong> will be in bigtrouble. The Wordsuckeruppernator isthe machine he’s madeto do the dirty job.Mine!ALL MINE!PSST! While the Wordsuckeruppernatoris having trouble, you can collect words fromthis magazine and hide them from Manny inthe Word Vault. Each time you find a red wordin these pages, write it in the Word Vaulton page 24 so it is safefrom Manny.HEIGHT:15 millioninchesThis <strong>planet</strong> has13 hidden OFF buttons.There’s only one way to stop it:They all have to be pushed.

Turn back a page.You’ll find morewords in REDto collect. Nowyou’re ahead ofthe game.ChopANDManny’s machine is powered by words. Here aresome super-long words that it ate. Take these longwords and chop them into smaller words, like this:pan cake/You’ll scramble the machine, and itjust might slow down.5armpitbullfroghairdopathwayyourselftoothpickinchwormcheckup daylightbreakfasteyeball /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/PRANKSTER FILESFACT:Shhh!There’s a lot that Jessica and Marcusdon’t know about Prankster Planet.As a matter of fact, anyone who gets their hands on these top-secretfacts will become an expert on the <strong>planet</strong>. Don’t tell Manny that youknow this. He might send one of his robots after you!FACT:The Prankster Planet Pledge is:PLAYING PRANKSis what we do.AND we suck all the words up too!We will rule the world some day.The Electric Company will GO away!These things are possibleon Prankster Planet:•flying•eating a burger the size of a house•getting stuck inside a vendingmachineThese things are impossibleon Prankster Planet:•throwing Word Balls•escaping Manny’s robots•getting a good smoothie*possibleFACT:The center of PranksterPlanet is made of cheese.FACT:On Wednesdays, everyoneon Prankster Planet mustwear a sandwich hat.NOPEFACT:Manny’s robots have danceparties after Manny goesto sleep.*in most places...readabout that later

FACT:Once a year, everyone onPrankster Planet speaksin rhyme.Finish the conversation betweenJessica and Marcus by writingthe correct words in the spaceson the right. Choose from thewords in the box below.fallcrybeesgreatcoolDo you want to play ball?No, I’m afraid I might _ _ _ _ !Do you want to climb thosetrees?No, I think they might have_ _ _ _ !How about we eat some pie?No, pie always makes me .Maybe we could hit the pool!No, the water’s way too_ _ _ _ .Let’s try sledding on a plate!Yeah! I think that sounds just_ _ _ _ _ !_ _ _7 /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/FREE EVERY DAYA lot of crazystuff happens onPrankster Planet.THE SCOOPtells it all.Check it out.DANNY HITBY FLYING PANCAKE!Surething!Hey,can I get a copyof The Scoop?What?Hey, this isn’ttrue!THE SCOOPDANNY EATS10 BATCHESOF COOKIES!MANNY FOUNDWITH ICE CREAM CONEUP NOSEDANCINGROBOTON THE LOOSEEach batch had 10 cookies init. That’s one hundred cookies!

9WhatHappened ???Manny got his Wordsuckeruppernatorto suck up these headlines. What doyou think happened? Why did it happen?Who did it happen to? Write your ownheadlines on the lines below.

10 One way to survive on PranksterPlanet is by creating rebuses. Why?Because on Prankster Planet, you canmake anything appear if you createa rebus for it. Check out some ofDanny’s all-time greatest /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/RebusReady! Toma + R falling!H + + ing+out 4 + ing mon + .

11You get a point each time youmake a rebus for one of thesewords. The current high scoreis 5. Can you equal that score?Can you beat it?Close your eyes, put your fingersomewhere on the word list atright, open your eyes, and thentry to draw a rebus for the wordyou landed on. Then, cover up theword and have a friend try to solveyour rebus puzzle.WORD LISTcatfish strawberrytoothbrush skateboardladybugdoormattablecloth /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/TerribleTrapsNo way! Where did you find this map? Does anyone know youhave it? This map was supposed to be hidden away. It shows thetraps on Prankster Planet. With this secret information, you canavoid them all!FRANCINE’S GARDEN:Smell this plant, and you’ll itch for one minute .Not bad, considering the other things that can gowrong on this <strong>planet</strong>.JUNGLE:Step on this log and you’ll be turnedinto a monkey for a year !Never letanyone see thismap.

13WATCHOUT!!Crack this code to find out the mostdangerous place on Prankster Planet.Your goal is to count the letters by fivestill you reach fifty. Circle every fifthletter that you land on and write it inthe spaces below.JUNKYARD:Pull this lever, and you’llbe frozen for an hour .THey,buddy, wanta map?is the most dangerous location!Answer: The Big Lake. Try to swim in The Big Lake.The only way you can get out is if you drink the whole thing.By the way, it’s not made of water. It’s made of pickle juice. /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/MANNY’SIf you see a robot on Prankster Planet, RUN!Manny’s mean machines are always making trouble. Jessica andMarcus have no idea what they are in for. Check out Manny’s topsecretrobot cards, and you’ll see just how evil these bad-bots canbe. (Manny is quite a genius, but each of these robots isn’t exactlyperfect. Each has a “problem” he is still trying to fix.)NAME:Tempo BotMADE OF: Metal,rubber, and a potatoPOWER: It can moveat different speedsor tempos. It has aticking metronomethat you canprogram to tell ithow fast or slow togo. It can move indouble time oreven triple time. It can move faster thana cheetah with a jet pack.PROBLEM: If you can get it going fast,its wheels spin and spin until it digs itselfinto a hole.MINIONSMADE OF: Helmets,cones, gold, iron, andaluminumPOWER: These tricksterscan steal Word Ball fuel.Watch out! They canalso stun you witha simple touch.PROBLEM: If youbounce on aBaddie’s head,the Baddiewill break.NAME:The Baddies

Changetastic Changemeister 3000MADE OF: A blender, an umbrella, a large clock,and a whisk15POWER: This machine can change anything into…ANYTHING! Just put something inside it, and it willchange anything you zap into the thing that you putinside. So, if you put a ham and cheese sandwich inside,anything you zap with it turns into a ham and cheesesandwich!PROBLEM: If you open it up and putpickles inside, it will break.Draw your own robot below.What are its powers? Could it take on one of Manny’s robots? How?ROBOT NAME:MADE OF:POWERS:How could this robotDEFEAT one of Manny’s robots? /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/Want toFlyHey...want to knowhow Mannybuilt his jetpack?This fell off the bottom ofManny’s shoe as he wasrunning after Jessica andMarcus. It shows exactlyhow he did it. Pretty soonManny won’t be the onlyone who can fly aroundon Prankster Planet.

You don’t have to be on PranksterPlanet to make cool contraptions.Grab a grown-up and try makingthese wacky inventions at home.They sizzle, ooze, and bounce!Electric PuttyWhat you’ll need:1 cup cornstarch½ cup watera few drops of food coloring1. Mix ingredients together. Makesure to use the right amountof each.2.3.Remove the electric puttyfrom the bowl and mush it inyour hands.Store the putty in a plasticbag or container.Liquid Yo-yoWhat you’ll need:one large rubber bandsafety scissorsone water balloonzero squirrels1.Prankster VolcanoWhat you’ll need:small glass of milkempty ice trayglass or clear plastic pitcherwatera few drops of food coloring1. Pour the milk into the ice tray(to make three or four cubes).2. Put the tray in the freezer and letit sit overnight.3. Fill the pitcher with cold water.Add the food coloring.4. Drop a milk cube into the pitcher.Watch it melt and “smoke” likea volcano!Cut the rubber band so it looks likea string.2. Fill the bottom of the balloon with water.3.Blow air into the balloon until it is thesize of an apple. Tie the balloon shut.Then tie one end of the rubber bandaround the knot.174.5.Tie the other end of the rubberband around your finger.Throw the balloon toward theground. Just before it hits theground it will spring back to you.Try to catch it in your hand! /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/Okay, Marcus,I found 30 cents.But we need 35.Today didn’t go very well. Marcus got goo-ed twice!There’s a junkyard here. It’s full of broken robots,Did you finda nickel?Jessica’s JournalNo, but I foundthis pickle.Little does Manny know…while on Prankster Planet,Jessica has been writingin her journal and sendingthe pages back home.And lately, things havebeen pretty crazy.gum wrappers, tires, bathtubs, moldy pizza, and even an old vendingmachine! Inside the vending machine we found one of the OFFbuttons to shut down Manny’s Wordsuckeruppernator. All we had todo was put a quarter and a dime (35 cents) into the vendingmachine and push the right letter and number. The OFF buttonwould fall out, and we’d press it. It all seemed so easy!But nothing is easy on Prankster Planet. Annie scrambled all the numbersand letters on the vending machine, so we ended upgetting slimed. We ran out of change: no quarters,no dimes, and zero nickels. We couldn’t get to the OFFbutton unless we dug around to try to findsome loose change. It was so gross!

Jessica was just about to sendoff these updates by space mailwhen the Wordsuckeruppernatorcame by and ate her words.Help her share news with thecrew back home. Write thewords from the word box inany space you like.19I never knew a day could be so. First of all,Marcus ate a and got turned into a .If that wasn’t bad enough, Francine took myI had to walk around all day wearing ait very hard for us to run when aand. This madecame along and tried tous. Luckily, we found a in the andwere able to . I hope we don’t have to here.It’s kind of and .xoxo, Jessicaeat sinkcar gardenhard shoegreenloud live hidejungle wet hatgoat bananasweater sleepdark hot weirdrabbit cold chase pantsrobot cave junkyarditchy swimkissstinkybusboatstay floatsilly lemonswamprun /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/TheHide-outPICK APathNone of the Prankstersknow this, but there is actuallyone place on Prankster Planetwhere Electric Company powersdo work. Jessica and Marcus gothere every chance they get. Theythrow Word Balls, solve puzzles,and unscramble letter codes.Help them keep their mad-madsuper-bad-special-skillsin shapeby playing these games.Jessica and Marcus break a sweat with this wild word maze.This challenge starts with a picture. Find the path that spellsthe name of the thing you see in the picture. Do this for eachpicture to find your way to the finish line. Follow the wrong pathand you’ll be stuck in a jumble of letters.

TiptheScale!21acorn rainbow tamesnake hand tablequack basket sackbag rake aimWord WizardThe race is on.Make words using only the letters that are nextto each other. Letters can be touching up, down,side to side, or diagonally. Your words can twist,turn, or go in any direction. How many can youmake? Write them on the lines on the right or ona piece of paper. Then create a word search foryour friends here. Put any letters you want in theboxes.SNTFJessica and Marcus arecompeting to tip this scale.Jessica is collecting all the wordsin which the letter a sounds like itdoes in apple, and putting themon her side. Marcus is grabbingall the words in which the lettera sounds like it does in ape.Draw a line connecting eachword to the side which it belongs.Whoever gets the most wordswill tip the scale and win!UKIPZSRIREMNRAET /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/Wheredid they go?Where?Little Mean Robot,do you spot anyonemaking trouble?You made it all the way up to thecontrol tower. Good thing you’re so good,because the fate of the universe is in your hands.You can see all of Prankster Planet from uphere. That means you can see all of the 13 OFFbuttons. If you only knew where to look,you’d be able to help Jessicaand Marcus push all thebuttons and shut downthe Wordsuckeruppernatorfor good!CONTROLYes boss,I do.

23Wait...there is one way to revealthe buttons. Do you notice all theletters hidden on Prankster Planet?Find the letters that spell “ElectricPower” and color them in. The OFFbuttons are actually hiding underthe areas that you color. Go aroundand push each one. You’ll save theworld from being wordless! You’llprove to everyone that The ElectricCompany can do anything! Hurry! Itwon’t be long before Manny knowswhat you’re up to.Answer:! /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/WordVaulti_ _ _ _sspecific lengths shorterthan your thumbh_ _ _ _ _dten groups of tenEach red word that you findin the pages of this magazine belongsin this vault. Write the red words in theline next to their definition. Once a wordis in here Manny will never be able toget his hands on it.n_ _ _ _la coin that is worth5 pennies or centsd_ _ _ _ _ _ _nthe way that something is goingi_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _enot able to be, happen, or dod_ _ _ _e timewhen you do a beat twice as fastt_ _ _ _e timewhen you do a beat threetimes as fastq_ _ _ _ _ra coin that is worth25 pennies or centss_ _ _ethe number of pointsmade by each player orteam in a gamem_ _ _ _ea unit of time thatis 60 seconds longg_ _lsomething that youwant and work forh_ _ra unit of time thatis 60 minutes longb_ _ _ha group of thingsthat are made orput togethert_ _ _ _tsomething thatyou aim ford_ _ea coin that is worth10 pennies or centsa_ _ _ _thow much thereis of somethings_ _ _ea tool thatmeasures weightt_ _ _ _ sthe speeds at whichmusic is playedf_ _ _sall fifth numbers(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, etc.)

p_ _ _eto show that somethingis true, or that it isn’tp_ _ _ _ _ _eable to be, happen, or don_ _ _ _eto see somethingspecifics_ _ _ _ _ _tsomething that doesn’tcurve or bende_ _ _lhaving thesame amounty_ _ra unit of time that is12 months longt_plean over toone sideEducation, Research & OutreachLewis Bernstein, Ph.D.Executive Vice PresidentEducation, Research and OutreachJeanette Betancourt, Ed.D.SVP, Outreach and Educational PracticesRandell M Bynum, L.M.S.W.Director, The Electric Company OutreachJennifer Kotler, Ph.D.AVP, Domestic ResearchEmily HelfgotAssistant Director, EducationVictoria CrispinEducational Outreach ManagerRebecca HermanEditorial ServicesThe Electric Company ProductionJodi NussbaumProject DirectorKaren FowlerVP/Executive ProducerErica Branch-RidleyAVP/Supervision Producer, BroadbandWritten by Rebecca Honig, Two KazoosEdited by Melanie Gold, Jeanette Leardiand Kama EinhornDesigned by Primal ScreenConsumer MarketingTheresa FitzgeraldVP, Creative ServicesKathryn HarveyMarketing DirectorAlysia ChristianiStudio ManagerStrategic Partnerships and DevelopmentAnita StewartSenior Vice PresidentStrategic Partnerships and DevelopmentPatrick KeyVP, Strategic Partnerships and DevelopmentSesame WorkshopPresident and Chief Executive Officer: Gary E. Knell Chief Operating Officer: H. MelvinMing Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer: Sherrie WestinExecutive Vice President, Distribution: Terry Fitzpatrick Chief of Staff: Myung Kang-Huneke Chief Financial Officer: Daryl Mintzh_ _ _ _thow tall someoneor something isz_ _oa number thatmeans noneAdvisorsSpecial thanks to our community partners including LA’s BEST, I Have a DreamFoundation LA, and The After-School Corporation; the teachers of Albuquerque, NMand Oakland, CA; <strong>PBS</strong> stations KNME and KQED; and to the National Summer LearningAssociation and the Collaborative for Building After-School Systems. /electriccompany/prankster<strong>planet</strong>/

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