Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...

Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...

Untitled - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian Blues in ...


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Pitg the poor Stad, (Owner !We cont<strong>in</strong>ue to receive distress<strong>in</strong>gstories from stud owners concern<strong>in</strong>gthe travell<strong>in</strong>g arangemef,rts for visit<strong>in</strong>gqueens. One <strong>of</strong> thenr wites :" Life is made quite unbearable attimes by the queer antics <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong>,these queen o*vnefs.t' In the circum.stances we feel it might help to impfovematters if at this appropriatetime o{ the year we tepr<strong>in</strong>ted the helpfulnotes from a Stud Owner whichfirst appeared <strong>in</strong> o,ur March, 1951,issue.T this time <strong>of</strong> the year manyqueens are visit<strong>in</strong>g studs for thefirst time and al1 too {requentlyorvners are disappo<strong>in</strong>ted that thequeens turn. It should be rememberedthat queens u'hen call<strong>in</strong>g areunder a big stress and the mere fact<strong>of</strong> be<strong>in</strong>g boxed dur<strong>in</strong>g a journey tostrange surround<strong>in</strong>gs and strangepeople is enough to put any queen <strong>of</strong>f.I{ore <strong>of</strong>ten than not the owner hasnot made any lixed arrangements andmany useless calls, wires, etc., flyabout and by the time the queeo hasto be sent the owner is so confusedrhaf. fhe cat is desnaiched tithoulproper prelim<strong>in</strong>aries. Here are a fervtips which rvill make for the comforto{ your queen and all concerned:DO NOT arri.ve without notice at8.30 a.m. or 10.30 p.m. oo the doorstepand expect the stud owner togreet you with open arms, especiallyif your queen is loose or packedsard<strong>in</strong>e fashion <strong>in</strong> a ferret box. Seethat the queen is delivered <strong>in</strong> a comfortableand moderately sized box orbasket-not some filthy contraptiondone up rvith str<strong>in</strong>g, the family rvashbasket or a ,trO Ib. crate that you canhardly get to the stud house. It hashappened !F<strong>in</strong>d out before vour queen c:.-:if the studorvner has a stud availar,-rand rviil accept vour qu"en, uith ronditionsand fee. Proride vourself s'itha good rvooden bor 1S<strong>in</strong>s. x 12<strong>in</strong>s xI 4.<strong>in</strong>s hiolr u it h rleeor' r atches. Aniece oI rr-irc I rr ist ed rngn I a catchwill prevent pry<strong>in</strong>g eves {rom remov<strong>in</strong>othe lid if s"q1 bv rail...."',..bBaskets are all right for road travel.Never bore holes near the bottom <strong>of</strong>the rvooden box as these causedraughts-air space should be madeat the top just under the lid. Trvoclean blankets should be <strong>in</strong>cluded.As soon as the queen ca]Js eithertelephone or rvire the stud olvner toascerta<strong>in</strong> if the

8.O.1.C. PhotogruphMrs. Mart<strong>in</strong> supervises the f<strong>in</strong>al arrangernents and Stewardess Diane Furnessgets acqua<strong>in</strong>ted with her precious charges before their departure frorn LondonAirport. The travell<strong>in</strong>g case was specially made for the kittens and occupiedevery available <strong>in</strong>ch <strong>of</strong> space allowed by air freight regulations.Six l{itteros FIAECENT travellers on theB.O.A.C. llermes service fromLondon to Johannesburg \\eresix pedigree kittens rvhich \\'ere senta< a silt ro io rth Alrican Jancier -\Irs.L lIiies, <strong>of</strong> Westridge, Durban. ThevrumpriseJ rr h;Ll \ras prol ,ahlv. thelargest and most valuable consignment<strong>of</strong> blue-blooded fel<strong>in</strong>e stock ever toieave these shores.\r-ansement. for the.election andrle.naich <strong>of</strong> th. kitlcnc \\ere hrndiedby llrs. E. B. X,Iart<strong>in</strong>, <strong>of</strong> Chelmsford,rvho has sent cats and kittens to manydifierent parts <strong>of</strong> the rvorld. She rvasgiven valuable assistance by severalir ell-knorvn members <strong>of</strong> the Fancy.The kittens rvere Widd<strong>in</strong>gton Srrnsh<strong>in</strong>-^(Cream Longhair male bred by\Irs. Sheppard), Riccalton Rosadau'nrCrea m [-onghair lema]p l,red by ]lrs.Baker), l larpur Btue Orchid (B1ueLonghair femzrle bred by l{ajor Dugdale),Blue Star Trv<strong>in</strong>kle (B1ue I onghairmale bred by llrs. Pond andorvned by Mrs. Stephenson), Antonia<strong>of</strong> .\ll<strong>in</strong>gton r( h<strong>in</strong>chille female) anJFabian <strong>of</strong> ;\ll<strong>in</strong>gton (Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla male),both bred bv X{iss Langston.All arrived safely at their destjnationand har.-. given great satisfaction;rnd pieasure to their new os.ner.They must surely do much to raise thestandard <strong>of</strong> pedigree stock <strong>in</strong> SouthAfrica, u,here nerv blood is badlyneeded.

SudV,ers <strong>of</strong> the lVel,lsBy LISA GORDON SMITFINE <strong>of</strong> the most popularmembers <strong>of</strong> the Sadier'sWe1ls Opera is an artist whohas only one small rvalk<strong>in</strong>g-onpart and no l<strong>in</strong>es to s<strong>in</strong>g. He isSadler, the cat, lvho makes twobrief appearances <strong>in</strong> " The Schoolfor Fathers. "Sadler is not only popular rvith theaudiences (as is rvitnbssed by the-nnlrrrip hp opt. nn les< thrn L(r fhp''" b 'J, h.rice lorrorrels <strong>of</strong> f'sh le{t at thestage door aiong rvith the flou'ers {or'the prima donnas) but he is extremelypopular rvith the rest <strong>of</strong> thc company." Sadler " is not so ntuch zr nameas an hereditary title, and one held <strong>in</strong>apostolic succession at that. Sadlerthe First obta<strong>in</strong>ed the position o{lheatre [iat by applf<strong>in</strong>g at the stagedcor to ask if there $'as er v;icancy.There lvas, and he rvas t:rken on folthe customarv duties o{ rnouse-catcherand general pet. -Ihe r6le <strong>in</strong> " ThcSchool for l-athers " hc thought out{or hiurself at a Sunday rehe:rr-sal .Thp normrllrr'rioi'l b .. rrrln _' '1,,'rri ,ln

" liex s Cbronicie " photogrcphSadler the Second makes his appearance <strong>in</strong> " The School for Fathers."on the wall. Then it is uP to himl{e stretches, bl<strong>in</strong>ks at the aucliclce,ancl leisurely jumps dow'n to <strong>in</strong>vestigatethe flou.er becl as the curl:l1n[alls. Seldom,]nes h:s pprf^rnrfncevar-v, although there is no compulsionabout il and Loth thc m nrg'6en1irnd the audiences rvould accept anyrvell,almost any !-variation he lvoulclcare to <strong>in</strong>troduce.,\t the pnd uI th:s >c^n" - idlcimakes no more appear:lnces until thenext " school lor Fathers " niglttorso the authorities hoPe. But oneeven<strong>in</strong>g, when a difierent opera \\'ason the programme, they heard gales<strong>of</strong> laughter from the auditorium dur<strong>in</strong>gtlre <strong>in</strong>ierr al. A discr"ct peep lplealeclthat Sadler, fear<strong>in</strong>g to disappo<strong>in</strong>t" his public," had re<strong>in</strong>troducedthe Curt:r<strong>in</strong> Turn so prevalent <strong>in</strong> bygonecenturies and had walked alongthe " apron " <strong>in</strong> front <strong>of</strong> the curta<strong>in</strong>to select the most central and iimelitposition <strong>in</strong> rvhich to take a bath !h is som.t <strong>in</strong>res said <strong>of</strong> t heatrit alsrars thal thev lrre " quite unspoilerll,r'{ame.' I th<strong>in</strong>k this may fairly 1,,'said <strong>of</strong> Sadler. IIe is self-op<strong>in</strong>ionatedand conceited, <strong>of</strong> coutse, but those areacteristics. He is friendly and extremelygracious to the Press, be<strong>in</strong>grvill<strong>in</strong>g to grant an <strong>in</strong>terview or be

photographed rvith his {riends at anyhottr oI the Jay

Correspondenee CornerReaders are <strong>in</strong>vited to send contributions to<strong>in</strong> the useful exchange <strong>of</strong> ideas, experiencesshould be concise and deal preferably withthis feature and so to jo<strong>in</strong>and knowledge. Lettersitems <strong>of</strong> general <strong>in</strong>terest.RINGW,ORM IS CUREDAt iast I am pleased to tell vou thatmy Tortoiseshell, Rezza Ophelia, iscurecl <strong>of</strong> r<strong>in</strong>grvorm, thanks to thetreatment you <strong>in</strong>dicated after myletter (see Correspondence Corner <strong>in</strong>our issue <strong>of</strong> October last).I used a pound <strong>of</strong> sodium acid sulpha.tecrystals, a pound <strong>of</strong> sodium thiosulphate, tak<strong>in</strong>g, a tablespoonful <strong>of</strong>each and dissolv<strong>in</strong>g them separatelv<strong>in</strong> one gallon <strong>of</strong> t'ater. The solutionsu'ere then mixed together and used to$'ash the cat thoroughly. The wash-1ng was repeatecl after 10 days anclthree wash<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> ali rvere given. Asa precaution aga<strong>in</strong>st re<strong>in</strong>fection mvapartment rvas sprayed rvith a, 2 percent. mixture <strong>of</strong> formaldehyde.llorvever, I had to rener- the treatmentas, one month after the {irstseries <strong>of</strong> rvash<strong>in</strong>gs, r<strong>in</strong>glr.orm reappeared.I th<strong>in</strong>k this rvas due to <strong>in</strong>suf;frcientdis<strong>in</strong>{ection. So I repeateclthe treatment with five s'ash<strong>in</strong>gs andtwo dis<strong>in</strong>fections with 5 per cent. nixtureo{ formaidehyde. Then Iporvdered the Jur <strong>of</strong> the cat l'irh an<strong>in</strong>sect powder-Timor pou'der s-ith lftper cent. D.D.T. This is be<strong>in</strong>g useclrvith u'onderful results among animals<strong>in</strong> France.I nursed my cat from August lastyear and it was only at Christmas tha.tI felt sure I had efiected a completeguls-fhs best Christmas present Icould wish for. I would iike you topublish my letter <strong>in</strong> Oun Cers so thatother readers might benefit from myexperiences, and I would like aiso tothank all those readers who so k<strong>in</strong>tllvresponded to my appeal.NIr. Michei Gu<strong>in</strong>ard,Paris, FranceF.I.E. TREATMENTI orvn a Siamese, nos. over a yeatold. At live months he r.vas <strong>in</strong>fectedwith gastric'flu, also known a.s <strong>in</strong>fectiousenteritis. The onset u.a,ssuciden, with vomit<strong>in</strong>g, high temperatureand listlessness. I commulicatedu.ith a vet., who prescribed thefollow<strong>in</strong>g treatment, rvhich efiected acompiete recovery.Treatment. Good nurstng is alljrnportdnl.Th" kitter must be keptrvarm ancl out <strong>of</strong> draughts. I conf<strong>in</strong>edhim fo a warm cage for this purpose.In order to prevent dehydrationcaused hy "xcessir,e vomit<strong>in</strong>g,fluid should be adm<strong>in</strong>istered frecluentiy.Norma.l sal<strong>in</strong>e solution (oneteaspoonful <strong>of</strong> salt to a p<strong>in</strong>t <strong>of</strong> boiledwater) given {our-hourly, orally andrectalll'-rectally about 20 cu. cms.No fats may be given. A solution <strong>of</strong>giucose u'as also given at <strong>in</strong>tervals.To stop the vomit<strong>in</strong>g, half a gra<strong>in</strong>o{ chloretone rras admi:ristered.Ihe ma<strong>in</strong> drug <strong>of</strong> the treatment isr u reomr c <strong>in</strong> . The dnse is 50 mgs.tu'ice darly for five days. I found itqrrite e25y to dose wiLh a pippette/nnse dr<strong>of</strong>rper type; a-fter mix<strong>in</strong>g u.itha teaspoon o.f sal<strong>in</strong>e solution. As anoccasional stimulant, half a teaspoono{ 'brandy i:r u.arm *,ater was given atnight.As diarrhoea is apparent, the anusshouid he kept clean. All excreta,etc., is highly <strong>in</strong>fectious and should beburnt. When improvement was noteddiluted warm milk u'as added to thediet. I found encourag<strong>in</strong>g signs <strong>of</strong>lmprovement after ten days.llrs. A. H. ,Henderson(Reg. Tra<strong>in</strong>ed Nurse),Somerset East, Soutb A,frica.

,UDY ENJOYING HERSELFMRS. A. A. BANKS, <strong>of</strong> 79 Langton Avenue, Sydenham,^vr London, S.E. 26, writes:" I thou7ht you would be <strong>in</strong>terested to know hoiv much I appreciate your Ktt-zYmeTablets. I have given them to lnJ voung cat, Judy, s<strong>in</strong>ce she was fveweeks old andshe has never had a day's illness. Judy loves zfis failg*-lt the sight <strong>of</strong> the bottleshe gets excited and, aJter hav<strong>in</strong>g her daily dose, she alwasts looks Jor more. I ulwa,vsrecontmend Kit-zvme whenerer I get thc opportunir/."KIT. ZYME WILL BENEFIT YOUR CAT TOO . . .It is a natural Tonic and Conditioner- NOT a purgative[6it"myffi€eVITAMIN - RICH YEASTPromotes resistance to : LISTLESSN ESS, FALLINGCOAT, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN TROUBLES50 (7i gr.) Tablets I16, 250 for 4-, 750 for 8LKIT-ZYME is sold by Chemists and most Pet StoresLiterature Free on ReouestlFtnlNCE No.46lf any difficulty <strong>in</strong> obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g write to :PHILUPS YEAST PRODUCTS LTD., Park Royal Road, London, N.W. l0

READER WITH A PROBLEMI -- .,-:,i-^ r^ -^1, :."^ '[:rnY t]f Yourreadeis can help me with a problemri hich I th<strong>in</strong>k u'ill be o{ <strong>in</strong>terest toirther cat orvners lvho live outsideFno'.nd rnrl on rei rrrn do not \\'ant 1olose their pets.I have five Siamese cats u'ith me <strong>in</strong>Berl<strong>in</strong> and I coulcl not bear thethought o-[ their be<strong>in</strong>g left beh<strong>in</strong>d'r hen rr p rei rrrn io F nuland. I haveseen too many cats left lvith a re-'il.trnr n.om:.e,,i a hr,mg uith thescrvant u'hen their owners 1ea\re, andcat sk<strong>in</strong>s are on sale <strong>in</strong> almost a1lchemist's shops at 12DN'I (J1) each.\Iv cats have travelled froni Paris anclr hr, oh ('"'"b" iprmr n,- an,l I f<strong>in</strong>rl t hp','r-pl le ree'1i1., <strong>in</strong> ne'"r "' ., " -rrrrnrrnd<strong>in</strong>ocBut the op<strong>in</strong>ion is constantly exnre

talrlets. He .rvill drirrk tea, colTee,Bournvita, cocoa,ancl ()r'altirre, .)ranyth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> thrs k<strong>in</strong>d rvith just a" spotoI milk. His ma<strong>in</strong> m"al each,lay iscornflakes as he rvil1 not e:rt cookedmeat or raw meat. Fish makes himi]l.I do hope this is <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>terest to yourrearIers.IIiss V. I\1. I)auncey.lidgbaston, Birrn<strong>in</strong>gh:rm, I {i.INFORMATION SOUGFITI u'onder i{ a"ny o{ your readersknnrr I nvrh<strong>in</strong>g about thc rrrit<strong>in</strong>gs oIthe late Ecllvard Greenly, r.vho wasvery fond <strong>of</strong> cats an(l collecte,l e grcalmany stories about them? I am toldthat he had a manuscript on cat anecdotesu.hich was neyer published, anclif T cor,rld locate it T should like tohave a look at it. I enquired lastsummer at the Rritish \Iuseum but{ound there \vas no record <strong>of</strong> it there.I .shal1 be most grateful for any <strong>in</strong>formation.l'1r. .l . B. Rh<strong>in</strong>e,i)uke University, I)urham,North Carol<strong>in</strong>a, U.S.A.MRS. VIZE WRITES FROM S.A.This is :r rvonclerful country, rvithlrrilliant flou,ers, marvellous sceneryf ull <strong>of</strong> contrasts-itt times rve areti,000 {eet :rt;ove sea levei, then clou,nto flat, sancly scrull land with not alir<strong>in</strong>o th<strong>in</strong>,' <strong>in</strong> riohr Then ,,ne c,,rnesupon fertile valleys u,ith extensivegrape-grorvrng areas and a coastl<strong>in</strong>eu,ith mernv delightful seaside torvns.( )ne th<strong>in</strong>q I har c nniiced: there arenut many cats nlnn<strong>in</strong>g louse.<strong>in</strong> thelorr ns. Tt rras I long time b"Iere lsa\\' even one alley cat. Most <strong>of</strong> themare mackerel tabbies or blacks. Itu'as mostly <strong>in</strong> the caf6s and farms Isaw our fel<strong>in</strong>e friends.I rvas able to meet a feu. fanciersthrough the k<strong>in</strong>dness <strong>of</strong> Nliss Pocock(Chairman <strong>of</strong> the S.A.C.U.), ri'ho gavea cocktail party <strong>in</strong> my honour.l\'lost <strong>of</strong> the cats <strong>in</strong> the L rI,. -LreSiarnese. There are very Ieu l-r'nghairsand curfency r:estrictions ire airar to imports. Later, rn.lohannesl,urg, I rras most h,,spitrl'lr'r-npi',p,1 1," I tr qlla\\ -rl //-h,i-m,no{ the Rantl Cat Club :rnd Siamese CatSociety <strong>of</strong> S.A.) and Mrs. Sten'art.We drove to Boksburg to see Mrs. Vanlf eer.er's Siamese, and a goodly lotthey tt ere, 1, ,, ,. ( Ine nlale, t.| mOnths.\\as uulstand<strong>in</strong>g. ,nrl ii his po<strong>in</strong>tsr)eepen rvith his adult c.oat he u'ouidl rorrlrle lhe lest <strong>in</strong> F.ng tnd.{clnallv the \iamecp hcre are n,'ton the whole <strong>of</strong> a very high standard,and as the breeders have rrever seeu a(llonlost Yo Yo, it is rather difficultlor them to know u,ha.t to aim {or.Also, lirck <strong>of</strong> experienced judges is ahandicap. l{rs. Stervart, rvho camefrnm Fnqlen,l ehnrrf 1,1- . years ago, lsth. only one. as far as I can gather,rvho has had experience at first hand<strong>of</strong> ihc renrrired slandards Jor alilrrperls (he ic rvnrl<strong>in</strong>o',pnrherrlput the Cat Fancy here on its feet. . . .Mrs. Anne Vize(norv visit<strong>in</strong>g South Africa).A WAY TO HELPI should Like to support veryuarmlr'the lprrer Jrom ]lrs. Phl-t C.Jones, nhich appeared <strong>in</strong> your Decemberissue. I knorv the rvork <strong>of</strong> theAnimal Health Trust $'e11, and I canrssur^ rerders that rhis voluntary urgan:s:tiondeserves cVery possib)esupport, and to this end I have <strong>in</strong>lerestedmvself for the ast tbree years.\A'hat a grand gesture it s,ould beif all <strong>of</strong> us rvho are cat lovers couldsubscribe a suftcient sum to make itpossible for the Trust to carry outsome scientific rvork towards the eradicationor cure <strong>of</strong> the diseases thatafflict our pets IIfrs. Jones says: " The sooner somescheme is ]aunched to raise this sum,the sooner this vaiuabie rvork can becommenced." Can we not thereforeln10

statt nou some lurther support for theIel<strong>in</strong>e Fund at the begion<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> theNew Year? A11 the organisa.tion {orthis is atready <strong>in</strong> be<strong>in</strong>g at the Trust,and if everyone who has the good <strong>of</strong>our cats at heart wili send as genetousa donation aS they can possibly afiorclit will expedite matters.A gu<strong>in</strong>ea annually will make You amember <strong>of</strong> the Trust, or you can enroiyour cat as a Trusty member for lifeat 5s. Surely this is a modest appeal<strong>in</strong> return for the hea,lth, happ<strong>in</strong>ess andcompanionship our ca,ts give to us?Donations can be sent to theAnimal Health Trust (marked Fel<strong>in</strong>eFund), 232/5 Abbey House, VictoriaStreet, S.W.1, or 'to me at thisaddress.Mrs. Felicity Tschudi Broadwood,Send l{iil House, Send, Surrey..About that letter You were gomgto send us. Vhy not sit downand wfite it NOW ? C<strong>of</strong>fespondenceCorner is YOUR feature,Please help to keep it <strong>in</strong>tercst<strong>in</strong>gand <strong>of</strong> value to other cat lovers.A pet tanny ou'l rvas found <strong>in</strong> anexh:rusted condition at BuchhurstHiil, Ilssex, and tahen to an animalsanatorium for care and attentron.Then came a snag. Olvls should have{ur and sk<strong>in</strong> to :ricl their digestion andthe s:rnatorium authorities began toth<strong>in</strong>l< :rbout ploculirLg some unsk<strong>in</strong>nedrabbit and other furred food. Felix,the cat, solved the problem rvithout{uss or expense. I{e takes nightlYtol1 as olficial rlrouser tc the sana.-torium and never troubles to ea.t any<strong>of</strong> his catch.DANEFTUR,S?' CATTERYGordon B. Allt, F.Z.S.BLUE, CREAM & GHINCIIILIA PERSIANSPrize Stud <strong>Cats</strong> available.. Kittens by prize'w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gstock usually for sale -to approved homes only.Can be seen bY aPPo<strong>in</strong>tment.oLD LANE, ST. JoHNS, CR0WB0R0UG[], ST SSEXCrowborough 407

A page for the proletarian puss No. 2I" Efen<strong>in</strong>g News" photoSlraph.pgfsl-6fls <strong>of</strong> thg backroom boys at the Regent's park Zoo-surveys the giantcarp with a mixture <strong>of</strong> curiosity and suspicio,n.Zoo Buekroom Bogs- (ReproCuced b1 courtesl oJ the London,,Et.en<strong>in</strong>g i6"r,,)ITHIN recent teeks there hastaken place at the LondouZoo the imponant yearly lasko{ stocktak<strong>in</strong>g. The 7,000 and more<strong>in</strong>mates <strong>of</strong> cages, dens, ar.iaries, tanksand ponds have been carefullychecked and c.atalogued.But (rvrites Joan Powe) there is oneclass <strong>of</strong> animal thal wi)J not appear<strong>in</strong> the records though its addresswould be London Zoo. Classified, itrvould read: Felis domestica. Weknorv it as the domestic cat. And theRegent's Park ssfs-5611s hatf adozen or so bl,acks, whites and tabbies-area proud lot, though theyhave not been classified. You couldcall them the Backroom Boys o{London Zoo.Quietly and unobtrusively theymove beh<strong>in</strong>d the scenes, g-ag<strong>in</strong>g rvaron rats and mice <strong>in</strong> the animal houses,draw<strong>in</strong>g their daily ratlon <strong>of</strong> meat orfish. l{embers <strong>of</strong> the public r:arelysee them But the uniformedkeepers and assistant keepers who seethey are fed and lodged say: .' Wewouldn't do rvithout them fors'orlds.' 'In the Lion House, for <strong>in</strong>stance,unperturbed by the roars and snarl<strong>in</strong>g<strong>of</strong> Rota, LIr. Churchill's lion, is a12

plump 1itt1e black cat called Nigger,rvho shares the quarters oI HeadKeeper Charles Hitchcock.Nigger has lived <strong>in</strong> the Lion HouseIor seven months, but " Hitch " rvilltell you there ha.ve always been cats<strong>in</strong> the Lion l-Iouse as far back as hecan remember.Some years ago there rvere Siamesecats-the Iavourites <strong>of</strong> one o{ thehead keepers. A <strong>Russian</strong> blue catonce kept down rats beh<strong>in</strong>d the iioncages." Thcw're ccnsihle animals, ca.ts,and on the whole they seldom runrisks," says " Hitch." " Ol course,Nigger had an occasional game withthe lion cubs u'hen they were verysmall, but he soon learnt when tostop. He keeps rvelf arvay from thebig cats now."When the Zoo is closed a grey-ands'hitecat can sometirnes be seen stroll<strong>in</strong>gamong the K<strong>in</strong>g Pengu<strong>in</strong>s. He is'Iosher. the Club House cat, and heand the pengu<strong>in</strong>s are good friends'FIis job: keep<strong>in</strong>g down mice and rats<strong>in</strong> the J{eepers' Social Club, rvhere hehas com{ortable quarters and goodfood.At the Keepers' Lodge is anotherfavourite, Horace, a black cat whohas sunned himself by lhe aviaries forlhe past six years.And at the Aquarium, tucked away<strong>in</strong> the quarters <strong>of</strong> Head Keeper FredAkhurst, is a large rvhite cat rvhocould sum up every c.at's dream-ornightmare. For Peter-stately andalo<strong>of</strong>-has the run <strong>of</strong> tanks <strong>of</strong> 3,109fish-from t<strong>in</strong>y tropical fish to giantcarp. But, as Keeper Akhurst expla<strong>in</strong>s,no cat likes to see giant fishevenbeh<strong>in</strong>d glass. It's all rather unnerv<strong>in</strong>g.F\ -- @I4J.

DEE BLACKBURN cont<strong>in</strong>ues her srorv <strong>of</strong>Boesuro - Sailor Siumese(Third Instalnent)E had a beautiful passagefrom England to St. PeterPort <strong>in</strong> Guernsey. Thew<strong>in</strong>d was just right and u'6 1o"6.one 1o4g reach, mak<strong>in</strong>g the trip <strong>in</strong>just under 13 hours. We arrivedearly <strong>in</strong> the morn<strong>in</strong>g and just asquickly as I could get readyBo'sun was taken ashore for thefirst time <strong>in</strong> several weeks. Bo'sunknew Guernsey as he had beenthere earlier <strong>in</strong> the year, but atfirst he seemed terrified to be onland aga<strong>in</strong> and found it diffrcultto follow on his lead. However,rvhen we got up <strong>in</strong>to the hills helost his timidness and after a littlewhile got back <strong>in</strong>to his stride.From Guernsey, where we stayedonly a day, we set sail Ior the Isle <strong>of</strong>Chaussey, r-lff the French coast ; bulas the rv<strong>in</strong>d became very light rvestopped at St. Helier, Jersey. Ior thenight. As the surround<strong>in</strong>gs to thcharbour were not particularly .<strong>in</strong>vit<strong>in</strong>g-manytra<strong>in</strong>s and much traffc-Bo'sun was not taken ashore. As amatter <strong>of</strong> fact, rve ourselves stayedaboard and u'e set sail early the nextmorn<strong>in</strong>g for Chaussetr. This island isa lovely spot-it is orvned by a {riend<strong>of</strong> a friend <strong>of</strong> ours-and as there s.ereno tra<strong>in</strong>s or traffrc on the island,Bo'sun aga<strong>in</strong> had the time <strong>of</strong> his lifescamper<strong>in</strong>g all through the hills andfields. The niece <strong>of</strong> llar<strong>in</strong> llarie,author <strong>of</strong> the book " W<strong>in</strong>d Al<strong>of</strong>t andAlow," took us fish<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> her yachtand Bo'sun had a wonderful meal olfresh fish for his breakfast, which hethoroughiy enjoyed.We stayed three days at Chausseva.:rd then one morn<strong>in</strong>g the u,<strong>in</strong>d sas stfavourable u'e reluctantly made ourdeparture, head<strong>in</strong>g for .Benodet, onthe northern coast <strong>of</strong> France. Wesarled for three days and two nightsand Bo'sun u,as <strong>in</strong> seventh heaven.S<strong>in</strong>ce. night sail<strong>in</strong>g m.akes it necessaryto catch a few w<strong>in</strong>ks <strong>of</strong> steep dur<strong>in</strong>gthe daytime, Bo'sun is as pleased aspunch, .and I'm sure he th<strong>in</strong>ks thenew rout<strong>in</strong>e has been established just{or his benefit-so he can have a bed.fellorv for his afternoon nap.When I have a late night or earlymorn<strong>in</strong>g watch and George is hav<strong>in</strong>ghis shut-eye, Bo'sun <strong>in</strong>sists upon comrngon rvatch with me. If I happento get up and out on deck without hisknow<strong>in</strong>g it he puts up such a howlthat I have to hurry belor.v and gethim lest he arvakens " the capta<strong>in</strong>."When he keeps the watch with me he<strong>in</strong>variabiy sits on the compass, rthichis sunk <strong>in</strong> the centre <strong>of</strong> the cockpitseat. This sometimes makes navigat<strong>in</strong>ga bit di-ffrcult until I can removehim, and I do this by go<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>i coursea bit, which makes the compass needlesrv<strong>in</strong>g to right or ieft. The illum<strong>in</strong>ateddial fasc<strong>in</strong>ates him, so he moves toone side and q.ill sit quietly and watchthe rnovement, sometimes try<strong>in</strong>g tocatch the object rvhich sw<strong>in</strong>gs backand {orth.Towards night{all ol our third daywe ran <strong>in</strong>to a complete calm anddense fog. As we wouid have had tosail all night aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> rock <strong>in</strong>festedwaters to make Benodet, we decidedto poke oui nose <strong>in</strong>to Camaret <strong>in</strong>stead<strong>of</strong> carry<strong>in</strong>g on. We made port just atnightfall and had no sooner mooredthan one <strong>of</strong> the q.orst south-westerlygales I ever experienced descendedupon us. \Ve u'ere very glad wehadn't carried on! Bo'sun, as amatter o{ fact, is as good as a baro_meter. Two or three hours before aT4I

gale makes its presence lelt Bo'sungives the warn<strong>in</strong>g. For no apparentreason, he charges around the deck ata rapid rate o{ knots and keeps thisup for about ten or fifteen m<strong>in</strong>utes,after which he has a nap. When thishappens, George ahvays says, " A bigw<strong>in</strong>d is com<strong>in</strong>g, Bo'sun's got it underhis tail." And, sure enough, he'sahvays right !We stayed <strong>in</strong> Camaret a, u'eek rvait<strong>in</strong>gfor good w<strong>in</strong>ds, so dgcided not to<strong>of</strong> Kit-E-Kat took a long leaP fromone side <strong>of</strong> the cab<strong>in</strong> to the other whenwe came about <strong>in</strong> some rather ruggedSEAS.Bo'sun's <strong>in</strong>troduction to SPa<strong>in</strong> wasnot too pleasant. We landed at amost enchant<strong>in</strong>g spot-Mugia., a smallvillage <strong>in</strong> Camar<strong>in</strong>ias Bay. We tookhim ashore for a walk and suddenlythere appeared about lifty littlechildren. So amazed were they atBo'sun-" uno cato "-on a lead thatA hungry Bo'sun implores Dee Blackburn to " Coltne on, openup ! " as she tantalises h<strong>in</strong> with a sight <strong>of</strong> his favourite fateon board the S.Y. " Marv Hillier."go on to Benodet, but to take our departureacross the Bay <strong>of</strong> Biscay {romthis po<strong>in</strong>t. Cross<strong>in</strong>g the BaY fromFrance to Spa<strong>in</strong> took us just under{our days and we encountered avariety oJ weather, from flat calms togale force w<strong>in</strong>ds. Bo'sun was quitehappy under all circumstances, andonly once showed aLarm when his dishthe great lot <strong>of</strong> them surged forward<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> allcnrnl . io '.-r*_ nel him. t{e __'u'asterrified ! And. as they could not,,nrlprcfa n.l T'n olich i+.- uas tmpossible{or us to te1l them he wasfrightened. So Bo'sun had to betaken back aboard and spirited out toa more secluded section <strong>of</strong> the villageto avoid his many admirers. Horv-15

cver, <strong>in</strong> Spa<strong>in</strong> all the people arecurious, children and grown-ups alike.When we moor alongside a quay greatmasses <strong>of</strong> them come along and justwatch us by the hour. As a result,Bo'sun is gett<strong>in</strong>g used to them anddoes not react so violently to theirenthusiasm.From Mugia rve sailed on to Corcubion,then to Muros, another enchant<strong>in</strong>glittle Spanish village. F<strong>in</strong>ally, wearrived at Vigo, a simply delightfuicity. The hospitality <strong>of</strong> Spanishpeople is amaz<strong>in</strong>g. They just can'tseem to do enough to please. Welvere made honorary members <strong>of</strong> theYacht Club Nautical and allorved a1lthe facilities <strong>of</strong> the Club. One night<strong>in</strong> Vigo I received a terrible fright.Apparently, early <strong>in</strong> the even<strong>in</strong>g,rvhen Bo'sun had been allorved ashore,he met a Spanish sefforita. When hecame aboard for the night he rvas mostupset and did a fair amount <strong>of</strong> horv]-<strong>in</strong>g, *'hich we thought might be hismanner <strong>of</strong> serenad<strong>in</strong>g-and he kept itttn -r' I A s he ra relv cries <strong>in</strong> the manner<strong>of</strong> most Siamese cats, $'e felt that he\Mas unhappy and let him out aga<strong>in</strong>for rvhat rve thought would be a littlewhile, but he had other ideas. As aresult, I rvalked the streets <strong>of</strong> Vigountil four o'clock <strong>in</strong> the morn<strong>in</strong>g, butBo'sun was nowhere to be found. Hehad never done this before and Ithought we had lost him. Needless tosay, there rvas little sleep for Georgeor me, but about 6 a.m. the prodigalreturned. Next day he was keptaboard on his lead. I was tak<strong>in</strong>e nomore chances.(fncfraperoned Seno,ritaThat even<strong>in</strong>g. just about twilight,I heard a thump on deck. Bo,sun,sears perked up and he let out quite ahowl and jumped up to the porthole.I quickly poked my head out <strong>of</strong> thehatch, and there, sitt<strong>in</strong>g iluite pertly,was a little grey sefrorita, quite obviouslythe attraction <strong>of</strong> the previousnight's escapade. I stopped andtalked u,ith her lor a ferv m<strong>in</strong>utes andtold her I was surprised her fatherwould allow her out at night; that Iwas under the impression that allSpanish sefroritas must have a chaperone,and that, furthermore, Bo'sunwasn't a.llou'ed to have girl Iriends soshe must be <strong>of</strong>f " muy pronto." Shenever appeared dur<strong>in</strong>g the daytime,fortunately, so Bo'sun rvas allowed tohave a run ashore. But for threenights at the same time she came backto the ship, but I believe tired ol thechase rvhen Sir Bo'sun didn't appearany more. In view <strong>of</strong> his escapade,Bo'sun was conf<strong>in</strong>ed to ship afterdark. George and I are .beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g tohave our doubts as to the efficiencv<strong>of</strong> Bo'sun's opera,tion !Popular <strong>in</strong> VigoBy the way, Bo'sun has acquired aNorth Sea roll. It iso't noticeableaboard, and we hadn't noticed it ourselves,but some friends <strong>of</strong> ours calledattention to his gait one day rvhenthey were watch<strong>in</strong>g him play ashore,and, sure enough, he walks like atypical Norfh Sea sailor.In the smaller villages <strong>of</strong> the variousharbours rvhere we moor we <strong>of</strong>tenpack a lunch and go ashore <strong>in</strong> thed<strong>in</strong>ghy to f<strong>in</strong>d a"n attractive sDot torelax or srvim. \Vhen a picnic lunchis the order <strong>of</strong> the day Bo,sun alwayscomes along. I pack his lunch <strong>in</strong> one<strong>of</strong> the small round player,s cigarettet<strong>in</strong>s which has a tight cover, and thecover serves as his dish for both thecontents and a spot <strong>of</strong> milk. He lovesto go for a row <strong>in</strong> the d<strong>in</strong>ghy and isalways the first <strong>in</strong> when we are pre_par<strong>in</strong>g to leave the yacht. He sitsway up <strong>in</strong> the bow and looks for allthe world like a figurehead"Bo'sun beca.me quite a popularcharacter <strong>in</strong> Vigo, particularly so asreporters came aboard and took pictures<strong>of</strong> us rvhich appeared il 1leIocal press. The dav the paper ep_peared hundreds <strong>of</strong> people came dowtl!4_ulI

to the Yacht Club to see the ship with" uno cato " aboard.We stayed two weeks <strong>in</strong> Vigo, andaga<strong>in</strong> reluctantly made sail forI-isbon, lvhere we ate moored nol"Bo'sun hasn't gone ashore here as theharbour is quite close to the ma<strong>in</strong>road. However, he amuses himselfvisit<strong>in</strong>g about three other sliiPsmoored alongside us, and f<strong>in</strong>ds lifeaboard quite to his lik<strong>in</strong>g.Soon rve take to sea, aga<strong>in</strong> and nodoubt will have other th<strong>in</strong>gs to relateby the time my typewriter is takenout aga<strong>in</strong>.(To be cont<strong>in</strong>ued)SNOOKYWe much regret that our picture <strong>of</strong>Snooky, remarkable 25-year-old cat <strong>of</strong>Albany, New York, does not aPPearunder happier circuststances. Vhenthe picture reached us from America<strong>in</strong> late November the news was thatSnooky was enjoy<strong>in</strong>g the best <strong>of</strong>health and his devoted owner, MissMary Ellis, was look<strong>in</strong>g forward tothe celebration od another day.Then followed an air mail letter carry<strong>in</strong>gthe sad message that SnookY hadfallen vicitm to the unexpected coldweather' He died on 7th November't7Snooky's 25th birthdaY attractedconsiderable attention <strong>in</strong> America'He was a strik<strong>in</strong>g cat, Pure white,bred from imported Petsian stock,weight 2O pounds and 33 <strong>in</strong>ches fromhead to tip <strong>of</strong> tai1. His teeth were <strong>in</strong>healthy condition and his sight andhear<strong>in</strong>g perfect to the end. Fot yearshe had a dog comPanion to whom trewas greatly attached.TA,KING THEIR MEDICINE !It is fairly simPle to give a cat apill (rvrites llenrietta Hitchcock iqthe " Nerv York World-Telegram andSun ") if the poor fellow needs one.But rvhen it comes to liquid medic<strong>in</strong>e,vou may run <strong>in</strong>to oPPosition. Ilthere are trvo peoPle to do the deedit js much simPler. S<strong>in</strong>gle-handed,vou need technique.They jerk their heads arvaY, theYblorv the medic<strong>in</strong>e out <strong>in</strong> bubbles,they irat the spoon or medic<strong>in</strong>erlropper arvay rvith a, sassy pa\Y. So,rvhen I operate alone I make acocoon, or mummy, <strong>of</strong> the littlerascals. I use a, large bath torvel.Put" the middle edge <strong>of</strong> it under thecat's ch<strong>in</strong> anrl P<strong>in</strong> it snuglY at theback <strong>of</strong> the neck rvith a safety p<strong>in</strong>.Then overlap the torvel across theback, pull<strong>in</strong>g it firmly so that theprotest<strong>in</strong>g front paws are controlled'Then bunclle the rema<strong>in</strong>der <strong>of</strong> thetowel under the cat, draw<strong>in</strong>$ it from{ront to back. Use another safetYp<strong>in</strong> to complete the mummy iI necessary'You can then hold the cat on Yourlan rrr nerrh him nn ihe tahle andslide the medic<strong>in</strong>e dropper <strong>in</strong>to theside <strong>of</strong> the mouth, between Jront andback teeth. I use this method withmy Siamese.'Whenever vou take your cat to aveter<strong>in</strong>arian, observe his methods andhis dexterity and speed. Make as^L^-+ ^ :^L ^f :r {^- ^^+^:ilurL d luu ur rL dr yuu Ldu, aur LdLsare nervous, and you don't want thempil<strong>in</strong>g up resentment <strong>of</strong> your hehaviour.

ARISTOCRATFastidious cats are grateful for6Lorexane ' Dust<strong>in</strong>g Powder,because <strong>of</strong> thethem aga<strong>in</strong>st unwelcome guests.Pleasantly perfumed and perfectlysafe,death to fleas and lice.spells certa<strong>in</strong>ryffieeBHffiHfi-(conta<strong>in</strong>s gantma BHC)Obta<strong>in</strong>able from your usual supplier or, <strong>in</strong> case bf difficulty, write roInperial Chemical fPharmaceuticals) Ltd., $0ilmslow, Manchester,a subsidiary company <strong>of</strong> Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.f71c*f.t#terrlc,tzr/ mh+e FOR YOUR FtOilEY<strong>in</strong> these I lb. jarSThese one pound jars are thcmost economical buy <strong>in</strong> petfoods. They conta<strong>in</strong> exactlyrhe same high quality food asthe popular 8 oz, t<strong>in</strong>s but yousave 5d. on the larger size.Hygien ically packed and hermeticallysealed they wi ll keepunopened-<strong>in</strong>def<strong>in</strong> itely. Wl LESI lb; iars show real economy tobreeders & owners <strong>of</strong> large dogs.WILES DOG FOODSWOODTIANSEY . BEVERLEY . YORKSONE POUNDJAR COSTS ONLYI lb. T<strong>in</strong>s ( <strong>in</strong> limit€dsupply) l0ld.

AMERICAN NEY/SLETTER No. 7Paws a,eross "The Pond"From BILLIE BANCROFT (American Associate Editor),-Ta IIE Alli,nric (,.i1 I lul, heltl rhoirI tilri..rh Chunrpirrnship >houI amid pomp a-nJ splcndor. lh^room \\'as decorated for this specialoccasion I'ith huge clusters <strong>of</strong> goldenflo*ers. In connection s,ith the All_Rreecl Shor', u.hich s:rs handlecl lryl'lrs. Silas Andrews (president <strong>of</strong> th.^C.F.F.), there u'as the So1icl Color,judged bv Mrs. I\:tabel Erdrnan, theSilver Society and the Siamese Cat<strong>Breeders</strong>' Guild, judged by I,Irs. E.Earl Nack, <strong>of</strong> \V111or.r. Cirove, penn_syhania. \{any entries rvere turneclarvay for lack <strong>of</strong> spacc. ]Irs. ElsieCloll<strong>in</strong>s, <strong>of</strong> Nen' York City, rvas man_ager ; she turned <strong>in</strong> a very elficientperformance. F<strong>in</strong>anciallv, the shorvlvas a pronounced success. Thet'eather rvas good, the gate excellentand there rvere many entries fromgreat distances. The presi

h$IIlloonbeam <strong>of</strong> Gaylands, owned byMiss Verner E. Clum. The BestOpposite was also a B1ue, Southland'sTrudy, ou'ned by Mrs. Foster Prather.*+*North Texas held their first sho*'atDallas. The Al1-Breed judge u'as Mrs.C. F. Rotter, {rom'Nl<strong>in</strong>neapolis, N{<strong>in</strong>n.The Best <strong>in</strong>. Sho.p was Ch. Nlichael o{Beverly-Serrano, a Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla male,owned by Mrs. Helen Amos. BestOpposite s'as Chesterfield Clarissa, aBlue, o',rned lf lt; Ben Kendricks.The Milwaukee Cat Club \\'asjudged by Mr. Deans Henderson, All-Breed. Best <strong>in</strong> Show was ChadhurstSampson <strong>of</strong> Great Lakes, an importedBlack male owned by Mrs. Myrtle I{.Shipe. Chadhurst Sampson rvas alsobest <strong>in</strong> the Solid Color Specialty,u'hich u'as judged by Mrs. FrancesKosierowski. When Chadhurst wasirnder the A11-Breed judge's hand. (Deans-Henderson) he heldhim up and remarked: " It looks asthough someth<strong>in</strong>g new has been added. this cat isn't from this country."**nThe Seventh Annual ChampionshipShor'v o{ the Long Island <strong>Breeders</strong>'Club rras held at thc Corden C:l)Cas<strong>in</strong>o. Garden City, Long Island.This is a. rather small club buta: Jrpmalr, .'nl',ci' o Thp meneoer\{rs. Florence Hamilton, did a r.eryeveelleni ioh <strong>of</strong> nrrll<strong>in</strong>o the shorv lrefnrerhc n,,hl<strong>in</strong> \Irc f-rvctnl (m,,llfrom Cleveland, Ohio, rvas the All-Rreed irrdse. \Irs Christ<strong>in</strong>e Hartmanwas the Specialtl' judge. Both judgesdid excellent rvork. No chang<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>decisions after the ribbons had beenplaced . no arguments . no dissatisfiedbreeders.. . (well. . maybeone breeder was unhappy) .alltoid, it can be acc.urately stated thatit real1y was a quiet, peaceful, sportsmanlikesho$'. Best Cat <strong>in</strong> Show wasNani Lei K<strong>in</strong>g's Lanakila <strong>of</strong> SunnyKnoll, bred by Mrs. Joseph, <strong>of</strong> California,and no*' orvned by ll{rs. Nora:0M. Andrervs. K<strong>in</strong>g is a Smoke, just ayear olJ, big boned, cobby, eye colorout oI rhis uorld. Il rvould be <strong>in</strong>deedhard to {ault this boy <strong>in</strong> anyth<strong>in</strong>g.Everyone seemed to th<strong>in</strong>k this boythe Best <strong>in</strong> Show there havebeen times when the op<strong>in</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> Best<strong>in</strong> Show was not unanimous. Thestewards <strong>of</strong> The Cas<strong>in</strong>o had a littlealley cat that had been flown downfrom Quebec, Canada. One oJ thejudges (Mrs. Hartman) called the showto order and presented " CanadianRuJus," a ribbon on rvhich waspr<strong>in</strong>ted Best Grand Champion.Talk<strong>in</strong>g to the stervards afterrvards, Irvas <strong>in</strong>formed that 'iCanadian Rufus "out-ranked every cat <strong>in</strong> the show. T[e]r verv cnnntr- ihe .esi <strong>of</strong> the show. Ru{us had luncheon with me theiast dav.American PersonalityMRS. IDA WILCOX SMITHtT /T RS. TDA WILCOX SNIITHl\/ | and her tu'o Silver Champions,I Y r Citrus Riclge Pericles an

completely. It rvas dur<strong>in</strong>g this periodthat this <strong>in</strong>trepid little lady u'oulclplace her trvo " bodyguards " <strong>in</strong> thestern <strong>of</strong> her boat and go fish<strong>in</strong>g rviththem-sometimes n'ith a, net.flrs. Smith told me quite recenflythat her two cats proved a source <strong>of</strong>joy and companionship that couldnever have been duplicated <strong>in</strong> humanrelationship under as close conl<strong>in</strong>e,ment, and so began the dream <strong>of</strong> lda\Vilcox Smith as a breeder <strong>of</strong> persians.One day she heard o{ a ladyrvho had a " house {ul1 " <strong>of</strong> WhitePersians. The Smiths made a ca1l.breed<strong>in</strong>g. .\lrs. Smith sdys it is graudto u'<strong>in</strong> r.r'ith z<strong>in</strong>y cat, but to rv<strong>in</strong> lvithone <strong>of</strong> your own, one that you havervorked for, etxperimented for-s'el1,it is really a happy and proud sensation.She has also made some verynrce wlns rvith <strong>Blues</strong> and Blacks, butthe Florida climate is hard on darkcoats and it is next to impossible tokeep them :rn even colour. This isprobably due to the salt moisture <strong>in</strong>the night air.This little breeder will talk endlesslyabout her cat family, and at this writ<strong>in</strong>git is quite large; but rvhen I triedMrs. Ida Wilcox Smithwith her Silver Champions.They really found a " house fuil " oISilvers. A Silver baby rvent homervith them, and so began the CitrusRidge Cattery.Mrs. Smith has been pcrfect<strong>in</strong>g herbreed ever s<strong>in</strong>ce. In 1984, she madesome very spectacular rv<strong>in</strong>s at thevarious shorvs and has been a consistentu'<strong>in</strong>ner ever s<strong>in</strong>ce. To-day shecan $'rite her pedigree <strong>of</strong> pure-bloodswith six generations <strong>of</strong> her ownt1to <strong>in</strong>terview her regard<strong>in</strong>g her personalactivities, I found her quite diffidentand greatly given to under-statements.So I snooped around andlound out some <strong>of</strong> her deep, darksecrets. She is no glory-seeker and ismuch <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ed to be one <strong>of</strong> the workers<strong>in</strong> the ranks. Obscurity is not only antodus operandi <strong>of</strong> h-^r jotr as presi_dent <strong>of</strong> X{iami Florida Cat Fanciers ;it is a fetish' Brr-r-r' BeNcnorr,

JS}WTMmrr>b"$*T.tJI,-rs"4 suni slGN or oooo-*IEALTTIy eATt ARE FED on tpnerrS"ifrt5$<strong>Cats</strong> can't resist Spratt,s Cat Food which -$PmA[il'$CAT F O O D --":Ti?il:i:;i:ry!::":::*'"'SPRATT'S PATENT LTD.?ae/n rw fvrzfia*afnn 4t147 BOv/ ROAD, LONDON, E.3conta<strong>in</strong>s fish. Kittens love it, too. Servedstraight from the handy packet or moistened withgravy, milk or soup, it makes a completelybalanced " all-nourishment,' meal that DromotesREDWALLS CH INCH ILLAS & CREAMSExport a SpecialityExquisite Kittens sometimes for saleMRS. E. M. HACK|NG, RED WALLS, L|pH00K,;-HANTS.Telephone : Liphook 320122

On Jad,g<strong>in</strong>g SiameseBy P. M. SODERBERGFEW days ago I rvas rvitha group <strong>of</strong> Siamese fanciershav<strong>in</strong>g a friendly chat overa cup <strong>of</strong> tea when, quite bychance, a discussion started whichmay be <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>teres! to the noviceSiarnese breeder u'ho <strong>in</strong>tends toshow his cats. What I have tosav mav also <strong>in</strong>terest those whohave exhibited Siamese dur<strong>in</strong>g thepast season.Every year a great number <strong>of</strong>new fanciers jo<strong>in</strong> the throng wh<strong>of</strong><strong>in</strong>d the Siamese the most attractive<strong>of</strong> all cats, but I am not concernedhere with their popularity.At the outset <strong>of</strong> our friendlydiscussion a well-known judgestated as her op<strong>in</strong>ion that therewas far more <strong>in</strong>consistency <strong>in</strong> thejudg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> Siamese than is thecase with Lonehairs. No onedenied the statement ; <strong>in</strong> fact, noone could, for it is true. Yet thereis a po<strong>in</strong>t tha! must not be forgotten.Many <strong>of</strong> the best Longhairjudges are also on the judg<strong>in</strong>gpanel <strong>of</strong> the Siamese Cat Club.Thus a question presented itselfquitq clearly. Why is it that thereis this obvious <strong>in</strong>consistency <strong>in</strong>judg<strong>in</strong>g Siamese rvhen the ab;tity<strong>of</strong> the judges is not <strong>in</strong> doubt?The answer is not as simple asit seems at first sight, for there area number <strong>of</strong> factors <strong>in</strong>volved, vetif someth<strong>in</strong>g can be done to hllpthe novice lrho is con{used by hisexperience at the shows, then theproblem must be exam<strong>in</strong>ed.Let us start <strong>of</strong>f by tak<strong>in</strong>g therealiy simple case. A'cat is shown<strong>in</strong> a small class and is awarded afirst prize, and then, shortiy after,at another show it comes homecardless. Here the explanationmay be perfectly simple, forwhereas competition was small onthe first occa-sion, the cat <strong>in</strong> questionmay have won merely- becauseit was the best <strong>of</strong> a oobr lot.Such a situation any noirice canunderstand.On the other hand, it doessometimes happen that a cat w<strong>in</strong>sunder a certa<strong>in</strong> judge <strong>in</strong> a largeclass <strong>in</strong> which there are a number<strong>of</strong> well-known cats, but at a latershow under a different judge thesame cat is passed over. Thisjust means that judges <strong>in</strong>terpretthe standa rd <strong>in</strong> -different u'ivs.and, <strong>in</strong> decid<strong>in</strong>g their awards,place a different emphasis on thevarious qualities which are set out<strong>in</strong> this standard. To say the least<strong>of</strong> it, such results are tonfus<strong>in</strong>g,but there is no reflection on thejudge who, without doubt, hasmade his a'nvards rvith care.There are few judges to whomI h-ave ever spoken who judge byadd<strong>in</strong>g up marks as they aie setout <strong>in</strong> the sr-andard. In-fact. thelate Cylil Yeates <strong>of</strong>ten told methat he considered judg<strong>in</strong>g bypo<strong>in</strong>ts cou)d never bi a satlsfactorymethod. My own experience<strong>of</strong> judg<strong>in</strong>g is far too imall topermit me to be categorical aboutsuch a matter, but few will contradictme when I sav that theren-ever were better judges <strong>of</strong> catsthan Cyril Yeates and [is wife.T see,Asthe position, the judg'esol Siamese ought to get togetherand discuss the matter-, but I cannotclaim that this idea is entirelv.))

my own. It was suggbsted at oursmall tea party by a lady rvhoknows Jar more about Siamesethan most <strong>of</strong> us who are on thejudg<strong>in</strong>g panel. Such a meet<strong>in</strong>gshould resuit <strong>in</strong> a consistent policyand would remove many anomalies.The k<strong>in</strong>ked tail is ahvays aproblern when judg<strong>in</strong>g Siamese.The Standard <strong>of</strong> Po<strong>in</strong>ts says:" The tail should be quitestraight or slightly k<strong>in</strong>ked at theextremity." Now there you haveit. If I had my way no Siamesewould have a k<strong>in</strong>ked tail, butpeople who have far greater experienceare most anxious that thek<strong>in</strong>k should be reta<strong>in</strong>ed becausethey regard it as characteristic <strong>of</strong>the breed. Whatever r've may feelabout this question, no judge hasthe right to put a cat down becauseit has a siight k<strong>in</strong>k, but thervord " slight " can be <strong>in</strong>terpreted<strong>in</strong> many ways. Perhaps the <strong>of</strong>ficialStandard should be more expliciton this po<strong>in</strong>t.Froblem <strong>of</strong> the Squ<strong>in</strong>t'We now come to a second po<strong>in</strong>tabout which there is a wide divergence<strong>of</strong> op<strong>in</strong>ion. It is the perennialquestion <strong>of</strong> the squ<strong>in</strong>t. Atone time it used to be said that asqu<strong>in</strong>t was also a characteristic <strong>of</strong>the cat. I have even read that allthe orig<strong>in</strong>al importations had adecided squ<strong>in</strong>t. This certa<strong>in</strong>ly isnot true, but the fact rema<strong>in</strong>sthat there are Siamese at theshows which have a decidedsqu<strong>in</strong>t and these are sometimeshigh up <strong>in</strong> the cards.When referr<strong>in</strong>g to eyes theStandard merely stales: " Notendency to squ<strong>in</strong>t," but it certa<strong>in</strong>lydoes not suggest what thejudge shall do when he meets a24cat which is really cross-eyed.There is no implication that a badsqu<strong>in</strong>t is a disqualification.This much at least can be said.A squ<strong>in</strong>t may be hereditary, andthen comes the question: " Do wewant to breed this fault <strong>in</strong>to ourcats ? " I would not presume tomake a statement on the subject,but I knorv what I feel about it.Siamese cats are strange creaturesand I have known somewhich had the most appall<strong>in</strong>gsqu<strong>in</strong>t at times when emotionallydisturbed, yet at others had eyesvrhich were perfectly centred. Itis the duty <strong>of</strong> a judge to decide" on the day," and no exhibitorcan expect more than this.Best <strong>in</strong> the WoddIn case you should have formedthg impression that the standard<strong>of</strong> judg<strong>in</strong>g Siamese is bad, let medisillusion you, for that is far fromthe truth i yet there are manyjudges who feel that the job canbe done better. If that is the casethere is excuse for complaisancy.The Siamese <strong>in</strong> this country arethe hest <strong>in</strong> the world, and <strong>in</strong> lhatposition <strong>of</strong> pre-em<strong>in</strong>ence theymust rema<strong>in</strong>. This can only beachieved if breeders know clearlywhat is required, and for suchguidance they are compelled torely largely upon the op<strong>in</strong>ion <strong>of</strong>the judges at the shows.I have mentioned <strong>in</strong> some detailtwo po<strong>in</strong>ts which are worthdiscuss<strong>in</strong>g, but there are also anumber <strong>of</strong> others. Can we notget together at some time <strong>in</strong> thenear future to settle ouf differences<strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>terpretation? When we havereached our conclusions, let usstick to them. The Siamese cat isworth the trouble and so are themany hundreds <strong>of</strong> breeders.

Modern Research andCat I{ealthI[ow tloe toork <strong>of</strong> bi,och,enoistsattd ueter,ittary trrrg6orr, ltelps to nzakecats lteulth,ier]r the diet does not conta<strong>in</strong> a suftilcientsupply <strong>of</strong> vitam<strong>in</strong>s, togethcrwith what biochemists call 'traceelements,' then your cat can neveLbe really fit and grow a lovely coat.A healthy bloodstream, good boneformation, sound digestion and nervousstructure; all depend not onlyon the conect vitam<strong>in</strong>s and rn<strong>in</strong>eralelements, but-what is critical-ontheir be<strong>in</strong>g present <strong>in</strong> scientificallvbalanced proportions. This is wh1'Tibs' are so necessary for all catsand kittens.HOW'TIBS'G01{DtTtor{ cATs'Tibs ' Cat Powders supplement the'civilised ' diet <strong>of</strong> domestic catswith vitam<strong>in</strong>s and m<strong>in</strong>erals which itmay normally lack.Every packet <strong>of</strong>'Tibs' Cat Powdersembodies the research <strong>of</strong>workers<strong>in</strong> the field <strong>of</strong> cat nutrition, and the'Tibs' formula is scientifically batancedto provide m<strong>in</strong>erals and vitam<strong>in</strong>swhich the cat needs <strong>in</strong> exactlvthe right proportions, Iron, coppe"rand cobalt are present to providefresh red blood cells and preventanaemia; calcium and phoiphorusfor healthy bones and ieeth; vitam<strong>in</strong>81 and nicot<strong>in</strong>ic acid for heaithyappetite, silky coat and good generalcondition.A corner <strong>of</strong> the Bob fuIarth laboratories olure'Tibs' CatPowders are be<strong>in</strong>g discwsed with oisitors,H.0.0F GAT lrEArT&{All 'Tibs' preparations are underconstant analltical contlol <strong>in</strong> theBob Mart<strong>in</strong> laboratories at Southport.Veter<strong>in</strong>ary surgeons and pharmacistswho are welcome visitors,have expressed their admiration forthe research and care that so <strong>in</strong>toevery 'Tibs' product.Visitc from the 8at Fancy to the BobMart<strong>in</strong> laboratories and factory arecordially <strong>in</strong>vited. Cat Club Secretarieswho wish to organisc partiesshould write to the Advertis<strong>in</strong>gDepartment for possible dates.T I R S {;;-i- uf#i!s:"?!if*,?::#'!"%::kr:;';:'f IUU KEEP cArs KlrrENlsH

Presented by JOAN THOMPSONlf EGULARLY every month,l( nn.r. Joan Thompson-- L popular and active {igure <strong>in</strong>the Cat Fancy for many years,breeder and Internationral judgewiLlturn the pages od her diary toreveal the niost <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g entriesco,nrcern<strong>in</strong>g personalities, bothhurnan and fel<strong>in</strong>e.28th December. To-day I visitedMrs. Stephenson, <strong>of</strong> Tunbridge Wel1s.Her garden has a huge plot completelyr,vired <strong>in</strong> and enclos<strong>in</strong>g rose beds andLarvn. The rv<strong>in</strong>dows at the back <strong>of</strong>the house all open on to this space sothe cats have the freedom and exetciseso necessary for their happ<strong>in</strong>essand well-be<strong>in</strong>g. When the rvire nett<strong>in</strong>grias erected Mrs. Stephenson \\tasout for a, short time and on her teturnshe lound that the extra length at thetop planned to curve <strong>in</strong>rvards hadbeen stapled on to a firm {oundation.Of course, the idea rvas to have thenefi<strong>in</strong>o Iert '' wnhhlw " Su catS \\howa"nt to get out and maraud<strong>in</strong>g malesrvho u,ant to get <strong>in</strong> th<strong>in</strong>k trvice abouttheir safety rvhen they feel themselvessw;rv<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong>se( rrrclv This was soon""*t'''bput right and norv :t is en ideal spece. r r .L r^ *:r. .Luc ldlrrry. \- trvhere couldone f<strong>in</strong>d Lo,rghair kiitens <strong>in</strong> moreperfect coat and condition and Ishould imag<strong>in</strong>e none has been to moreshorvs. Wohurn Sunsh<strong>in</strong>e, purt hasedfrom his breeder, Miss Page, made hiscl6but at the Festival Shoiv <strong>in</strong> July.He has s<strong>in</strong>ce been to four mote shou,s,an,l as he has l,reen brought out atthree <strong>of</strong> them for Best <strong>in</strong> Shorv he has26been handled by dozens <strong>of</strong> judges andstewards. He rvas look<strong>in</strong>g lovely andis hio for his age : at six months heu'eighed over eight pounds. The sam.eremarks apply to the Blue-CreamAshdown Shadows, except tbat, be<strong>in</strong>ga femele, she is not so heavy. BestLonghair Kitten at the Festival Ch.Show and Herts and Middlesex, shehas been to five shows. Her coat isremarkably <strong>in</strong>term<strong>in</strong>gled and everyonewho has bred this variety knowshow difficult that is to atta<strong>in</strong>. HerCream litter brother, Ashdown Spritepresent at two shows-is a big,-a1so well-grown kitten and has improved.-pn- mrrch Vrs Stellgaggn 1y35th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> hav<strong>in</strong>g him neutered, butI hope I .;ras successful <strong>in</strong> persuad<strong>in</strong>gher not to.. We are short <strong>of</strong> Creammales and he is well bred, be<strong>in</strong>g byNeuburie Bambi and Anchor Questy,the latter Cream queen be<strong>in</strong>g fu1l sisterto Anchor Cream Cracker and myAnnhnr l-pliciirr All fhpco rrnrrnsqueens, bred by J\ljss Hildyard, <strong>of</strong>Liphook, have produced outstand<strong>in</strong>gw<strong>in</strong>ners.Annther kiffen Rlrr. Star Tu'<strong>in</strong>kle\present at the B.P.C.S. Ch. Shou').was <strong>in</strong> lovely coat. A huge kitten, hervas flyirg to llrs. Miles, <strong>of</strong> S. Africa,on 1st January <strong>in</strong> company with MajorDugdale's Harpur BIue Orchid, twoAll<strong>in</strong>gton Ch<strong>in</strong>chillas and two Creams.Until we can f<strong>in</strong>d a" vacc<strong>in</strong>e to immuniseour kittens aga<strong>in</strong>st fel<strong>in</strong>e distempbrand the more deadly <strong>in</strong>fectiousenteritis there is a sma1l risk <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>fectionat show-s, but when kittens arefit and well the risk is negligible.

Those lead<strong>in</strong>g a natural life are more-.^:-.^-+ - r!ar4uy well_knornbireeders renor'vned for the bloom ontheir kittens have been exhibit<strong>in</strong>gover t*'enty years and never had i11-ness. One has only 1o peruse thisseason's shor.r. catalogues to f<strong>in</strong>d theevidence that dozens <strong>of</strong> breeders haleshown at almost every sholl and theirstock, uhich T have [3i the pleasureur ^{ Juutsu'ts, ;,'/^;-- ,,,-- \vdJr .,,i+L \\r,,, d - f-"' ^-^^--^L-Ptions,<strong>in</strong> superb condition. Pre-natalcare n{ rhe molher. ampl" food good<strong>in</strong> nlelir" ani varier, hvoipnie lir -<strong>in</strong>o cnr,lir<strong>in</strong>nc ewprricp enrl crnrnr,-Iously clean sanitarr' lrns. litrle or no<strong>in</strong>-h-eerl<strong>in</strong>c are the faclors rvhichdeterm<strong>in</strong>e the health and robustness<strong>of</strong> cats and kittens. One precautionI har.e observed, and that is to takekittens to sho*'s onl-v rvhen I haveheen al,le io pel there and back homr.:- ln une ^-^ d -l^-. r\" T LUnS ^-- :^,,-,JUurnevs, strangesurround<strong>in</strong>gs overnight are tir<strong>in</strong>g anda tired kitten is more susceptible.But <strong>of</strong> coutse I have lived about 10miles from the London shows so havehad a good choice. Others'ise, Imight have had to modily my ideasehnrr+ +rarrcll<strong>in</strong>s Ilst January. From Switzerland,Mme. Sandoz sends news <strong>of</strong> her enjoyabletrip to the Cat Club de ParisShorv on 21st, 22nd and 23rd Decemher. Congralrrlar:nns to MadameGibbon on [nt. Ch. SouthuayNicholas be<strong>in</strong>g Best ir: Shorv. It is agreat triumph to present a Blue maieborn <strong>in</strong> 1942 and secure such anhonour. Her Chiachitla FarqubarTatiana also rvon over the youngercats ; she is a remarkable queen withwonderful eves and expression.Best Shorthair was a Biue Po<strong>in</strong>tSiamese, RaarJ Blue Revel, bred hvMrs. Macdonald. Mrs. Axon wasawarded lirst i,n the European sectiono{ the photographic section with Ch.Noxa Teena, a Tortoiseshell-and-White. Best Female <strong>in</strong> the Ch. classwas Madame Bonnardot's Blue-CrearnInt. Ch. Vivette de Montasab, a1ovely queen rvhrch I have admired onthe Cont<strong>in</strong>ent. Congratulations alsotu -Viss Posthuma, <strong>of</strong> Holland, whobred Bentveld Rosemary, Best Kjtten<strong>in</strong> Shou', a Blue female by her Int. Ch.Southway Wizard. Madame Sandozwill be attend<strong>in</strong>g a show <strong>in</strong> Viennathis spr<strong>in</strong>g-another tribute to the revival<strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> cat shorvs all overthe world.From IIrs. Dorvney, Nerv Zealand,a \\.elcome letter arrived follor.v<strong>in</strong>g hercablc ru tell me Nliss Lelgarde Frascr'sRed Tabbies, Hendon Beautiful Do]land Hendon Red Dancer, and my Bluemale, Roya1, by Thiepval Beau Ideal,harl arrir e'l rr felt chp rlrites: " The'Nortolk'tame <strong>in</strong> on Sarurday rfternoon.thc rrh. I'ut J,e<strong>in</strong>g a Saturdaythpr* rrrs nn .. hnrrp,'f ,'"r" cett<strong>in</strong>s fhe Liilens<strong>of</strong>f rrnt:l \lnnrlrv T rorked hardall ihe u eek-end to mr ke the l imc fly.The 'Nor{olk' rvas out <strong>in</strong> the streamso had to go out <strong>in</strong> the launch rviththe slor k <strong>in</strong>cnpcior. \\'e had to callat rhe N.Z. Shipp<strong>in</strong>g Cumpeny s,'ffiep firct rnr'l vnrr merr ...*J I'o .,";/.1 ^,,^.r;^- ,..--. . \ -: the kittensall right? ' What a sigh <strong>of</strong> relief rvhenhe said, ' F<strong>in</strong>e ! '" The bo'sun had looked after ther.:r!^-^ ..- rr ir'ru -r L-' ri ru tsr --oomed them.He even had the fur saved <strong>in</strong> a paperhag {or me. The kiiiens had not beenconf<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Spratt's crates but rvere <strong>in</strong>big coops on the deck. Royal lived <strong>in</strong>one and the Reds <strong>in</strong> the other. Thebo'sun had also allowed them to run<strong>in</strong> his cab<strong>in</strong>. He said the rvhole crervhad spoilt them. Directly I got themhome I sr vp t hpm orecc rwh<strong>in</strong>h nherrenjoyed. T fed them laler, but they\\Pre n<strong>of</strong> hungry until supper time.{ll thrce are lovelv kitlens and I amso pleased with them. We ha,ve neverseen such dark Reds <strong>in</strong> New Zealand.Their ennnpr enr J'.-lr'' c anrl o\)Acu.onderful. I rvas pleased to see SpotlightPride's photograph <strong>in</strong> the Octoberissue <strong>of</strong> Oun C,A.rs. He was veryyoung then. His po<strong>in</strong>ts and maskhave darkened considerably now. Myimports from llngland give me so

much pleasure and my husband is sok<strong>in</strong>d and <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> the cats."More good nervs <strong>of</strong> British exportscomes from U.S.A. Mrs. NlyrtleShipe, oI Detruit, trIichigan, nrit"s:" The Black male, Chadhurst Samson<strong>of</strong> Great Lakes, bred by MissRodda, rvhich you so much admiredrvhen you met him at Idleg.ild, Neq'York, u ith i\l iss Hydon, is no\\ aChampion. Trvo weeks ago, at Miirvaukee,Wiscons<strong>in</strong>, which was adouble shou', he received the au.ard<strong>of</strong> Best Cat at both shorvs. He has alovely head and face u,ith a snub noselike our best Biues, and he is blessedg'ith a charm<strong>in</strong>g disposition."From l{iss \rerner Clum, o{ Fiorida,U.S.A., comes news <strong>of</strong> Souvenir ],Toonbeam<strong>of</strong> Gavlands, three times rv<strong>in</strong>ner<strong>in</strong> his Open Class as a kitten here,season 1950-1951. This is the Bluervhich ltliss Kathleen Yorke firstjudged at the K.K. Shou' <strong>in</strong> Juty,1950, giv<strong>in</strong>g him a very good reportand mak<strong>in</strong>g him her Besr Blue t(irten.He became a C.F.A. Championthis autumn and was awarded hispo<strong>in</strong>ts under N{rs. Saxby-Mabie, Mrs.Laura Graham and \Irs. Rotter. Alovely photo accompanies l{iss Clum'sletter <strong>of</strong> Souvenir \Ioonbeam with hisrv<strong>in</strong>ner's ribbons and trvo silver cups.A number <strong>of</strong> breeders will rememberthe beautiful Black kitten Baralan\{istress l{idnight (by Ch. BaralanBoy Blue), r'hich Mrs. Henn exhibitedat Sandy and the I{.C.C.C. Ch.Shou', 1949. She rvas much admiredand alvarded frrsts. Later, MistressMidnight was sent to Mrs. Kloos, <strong>of</strong>Fiorida, rvhere she became a Ctrampion.Not- Raralan C<strong>in</strong>ders (by Ch.Baralan Samson), another lovelyBlack tonghair, has gone to Mrs.Kloos, and by all accounts rve shallsoon be congratulat<strong>in</strong>g orvner andbreeder on another British-bredU.S.A. Champion.This is good news u.hich I amalways pleased to receive. <strong>Breeders</strong>h_ere are very <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> the career<strong>of</strong> our exported stock, as, <strong>in</strong>deed, tl-revshould be. In U.S.A. it is permissibleto add the neu, owner's prefix or affixto our registered name, even u'henstock already has either trelong<strong>in</strong>g toBritish breeders.From l,Irs. Cicely llellor, <strong>of</strong> NervYork, comes nervs <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Herm'smagnificent Blacl< ma1e, DoubleChampion Hermcrest Natajha, thecat 1 admired so much at the AilanticCat Club Ch. Show <strong>in</strong> January, 1950.Exhibited at the 35th Annual Ch.Show <strong>of</strong> the Empite Cat Club <strong>in</strong> NervYork, he lvon over a1l cther breeds t

l9:16, rvhen \ve \\rere iong<strong>in</strong>g to seervhat our fellon' cat brecders had beenproduc<strong>in</strong>g clur<strong>in</strong>g the rvar years. WelL,the Committee can congtatulatethemselves on a series <strong>of</strong> successfulshc*'s and norv their {riends rejoicervith them over their record figurcs atthis one-178 exhibits and 751 entries. The large hall ri'as throngedir ith speclrtors anrl I rrr' ,lclightcd 1ohear the gate rras also a record one.I had 8l <strong>of</strong> the exhibits to judge <strong>in</strong>various classes :rnd much enjoyed mysellrvith my grand stes'ard, Mrs.Cl-rapman, s.ho ]randles the chls sou,ell. ]liss Iiathleen Yorke, Mrs.o. ll . L:ml, xnd Jliss Lelgarde Frascrrvere Best <strong>in</strong> Shos- judg-^s and theirchoice fron'i their own ancl ther()m<strong>in</strong>'es ,i frre , th"r juJges uereBest Longhair, lrliss l,angston's Ch.Iilambeau oI Alhngton. He rvas ontop <strong>of</strong> his form ancl look<strong>in</strong>g lovelv, aseiene ancl siveet erpression add<strong>in</strong>g tohig beauty. Rest Shorthair Cat *'asI'Irs. G. Price's Pikha flia Too, theSeaI Po<strong>in</strong>t Siamese {emale I ga\re aChalienge Certificate to at the lastNotts and Derbt' Ch. Shol , a veryattractive cat u'hen handled, rvith a1ove11., short, srlk.v coat <strong>of</strong> excellent\\arm 1one. ge5f [-nnghair T{itten,N{rs. Oakley's Storke,r' Nugget, a. goodCream male *;ith a long, florv<strong>in</strong>g coat.'Best Shorthair T{itten, l'{rs. Dadd'sSabukia S<strong>in</strong>bad, Seal Po<strong>in</strong>t Siamese,zr l<strong>in</strong>e male rvho has rvon rvell at previ.ousshows and rvi11 shortly be leavirgfor Srveden. Best LonghairNeuter, Mrs. Hammond's Cream,Fanifold Kitticat, <strong>in</strong> fu11 PomP andvery sweet to handle. Best ShorthairNeuter, one ol Brigaclier Ro-'siter's" boys," Seal Po<strong>in</strong>t Siamese K<strong>in</strong>kiPu, on this occasion beat<strong>in</strong>g his housemate, Premier llirza Taklif, rvho haddecided to <strong>in</strong>sulate himsel{ aga<strong>in</strong>st thecold rveather by grou'<strong>in</strong>g a" longer coatthan usual. Bolh are lo\ely neuiers.as rvas the third, n'Irs . Busrvell'sBeaumanor Si.mon.Conorairrlations to Mrs. L<strong>in</strong>daParker on her Sabukia Su'eet Wiiliam,by her Siamese male L<strong>in</strong>dale SimonPie, becom<strong>in</strong>g a ChamPion, also tohis breeder, Mrs. Dadd. Felicitationsto Mrs. Aitken for the same honourfor her Rlrck -fcmale. bred hy herself .Bourneside Black ToPsy. A lovelYSilver Tabby Longhair male, Antnnio<strong>of</strong> Silverleigh, exh:ibited by I'IissBracey and bred <strong>in</strong> Scotland bY MissPaton, rvas a welcome sight andshould hetp this rare varietY.tr{rs. Tr-rrney's Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla female,Srrisbury Aphra, oI th" sea-greencyes, looked lovely <strong>in</strong> the morn<strong>in</strong>glight and her coat had the clear,frosty look so <strong>in</strong>describable andcharm<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> this variety.LAURENTIDE SIAMESE & RUSSIAN BLUESExcel os PetsLAURENTIDE JADEScientifically bred for stam<strong>in</strong>aand other desirable qualitiesKittens usually for salefrom prize w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g QueensSeal Fo<strong>in</strong>t Studs available to approvedQueensMRS. A. HARGREAVES, F,Z.S.NETHERTON HOUSE . DREWSTEIGNTONNR. EXETER, DEVON ' Drewsteignton 232

A little gem I had to judge wasllrs. Budd's Black Shorthair kitten,Nidderdale Black Magic ; her jet blackcoat shone and her type was lovely.Altogether, a grand show. Congratulationsto the Show Managers, ourrvell-known Mr. Felix Toml<strong>in</strong>son andMr. Jack Mart<strong>in</strong> and their committee.After the show to Bramcote, Notts,to VIr. and Mrs. Brice-Webb, a realcat chat and supper by the fire.l2th January. Delighted to f<strong>in</strong>dmy hostess much improved <strong>in</strong> healths<strong>in</strong>ce her serious illness last summerand tak<strong>in</strong>g her usual enthusiastic <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong> cats. Ifer Blue ma1e, OxleysSmasher, was look<strong>in</strong>g weli. He is avery attractive pale son <strong>of</strong> Playmate<strong>of</strong> the Court. He has won severa"lspecials for his 1ove1y eye colour, andthe previous day tvon first <strong>in</strong> AnyVariety Longhair Stud, judged onprogeny. Thiepval Elf, daughter <strong>of</strong>Ch. Southrvay ,Crusader, is a favourite<strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>e. She has a lovely Iace andhead and such round saucer eyes.Her daughter, Ronada Susan, won theprevious day Mr. Ou'en-Jones's specialprize for Best Biue Persian MaidenQueen bred by exhibitor. RonadaPeach was <strong>in</strong> good g64l-4 pity shehas not had a lamity this year. Shewill be allowed to mismate to see ifshe will f<strong>in</strong>d " the time, the place andthe loved one altogether " effective.In the middle <strong>of</strong> the garden Mr.Webb had erected Ch. Astra <strong>of</strong> pensford'stemporary house. FIe will certa<strong>in</strong>lyhave a lov<strong>in</strong>g home whilst hisowner, l,Irs. Vize, is <strong>in</strong> South Africa.He was look<strong>in</strong>g very u'ell, rvith hiss<strong>of</strong>t coat show<strong>in</strong>g the btoom <strong>of</strong> goodhealth. I am send<strong>in</strong>g my Cream,Anchor Felicity, to him, as this mat<strong>in</strong>gproduced the Copenhagen w<strong>in</strong>nerTw<strong>in</strong>kle <strong>of</strong> Pensford. Severai wellknownMidland fanciers are tak<strong>in</strong>g theopportunity <strong>of</strong> us<strong>in</strong>g him whilst he isavailable there. Mrs. Vize returns <strong>in</strong>April, accord<strong>in</strong>g to the latest news.74th January. My mailba.g overthe holidays brought a number <strong>of</strong>love1y photographs. I wish the Editorcould publish them all, but space doesnot permit. However, when he considersthey are sharp and clear and o{general <strong>in</strong>terest many will be publisheddur<strong>in</strong>g the year. I am alu,ayspleased to mention new Chamoionsand Premier Neuters, and any omissionsare because I have not followedtbe {ortunes <strong>of</strong> every cat. So pleasesend news <strong>of</strong> these outstand<strong>in</strong>gw<strong>in</strong>ners.Mr. J. Arthur Rank is to give theentire proceeds <strong>of</strong> the world premibreol the new film " The Card,, to theAnimal Health Trust. Tbe pr<strong>in</strong>cipalplayers <strong>in</strong> this famous Arnold Bennettcomedy are AIec Gu<strong>in</strong>ness. ValerieHobson, Glynis Johns and petulaClark. The premidre takes place atthe Odeon Theatre, Leicester Square,on 28tb February.AII fanciers should read55 THE CAT FANCY rtA mo nth lv j" r "l: j"L..,:|,",fi'.;",r"r-Pedi g ree catsO FULL REPORTS ON THE SHOWS BREEDERS, NEWS.) 'UDGES' THE FANCY OVERSEAS CLUB MEETINGS 'I AND REPORTSO STUD AND SALES ADVERTISEMENTS,'}ETC., ETC.S<strong>in</strong>gle copies l|d. postfree. yearly Subscription llt.Obtd<strong>in</strong>oblc only from . THE EDITOR (KtT WTLSON)..THE LOFT'' 18 SOUTH END KENSINGTON W.6

Puris stages fi,ne show,-T-rIJE 25th International Cham-I oionshio Shorv held at the H,)tc.^ Cont<strong>in</strong>ental, Paris, <strong>in</strong> Decemherprovided a u,onderful picture <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tness,sumptuuusness and bea uty(u'rites N{iss Kathleen Yorke).Ethere.rl ( h<strong>in</strong>chillas, <strong>Blues</strong>, Creams,Blue-Creams, all <strong>in</strong> their f<strong>in</strong>est coats.magnificent Whites, Blue-eyed andOrange-eyed, and Blacks just madeyou s.ant to possess them. Shorthairsalso rnade a brave sholv, althoughSiamese were not as good zrs one rvouldu'ish to see. There u'ere two exceptions:Raard Blue Revel, a Blue Po<strong>in</strong>tsired I,y Champion Blue Seagull, andRaard Radiant, a Seal Po<strong>in</strong>t slred 1,1'Petit Gitto.Kittens rvere rea11y beauti{u1 andthe Best <strong>in</strong> Shorv rras N{lle. Posthuma'sBentveld Rosemary, sired lryInt. Ch. Southrvay Wizard. liissRod,1a judg"d rll th. Longheir kittensand {ound Rosemary rvorthy tohead the parade <strong>of</strong> bets'een 50 and (i0.Other judges Nere IIr. BrianStirl<strong>in</strong>g-Webb and myself. It rias amost <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g experience lor all <strong>of</strong>us. Exhibits \\'ere penne(l <strong>in</strong> the hug"Lraliroom ancl judg<strong>in</strong>g took place <strong>in</strong> anadjo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g salon. Cagcs rvere lavishlydecoratecl rvith flolers, pa.le sat<strong>in</strong>s andvelr'ets and mirrors. Exhibits arriveclfrom Italy, Srvitzerland, Belgium andHolland. Unfortunateiy, the Scand<strong>in</strong>aviancountries \\rere preventeclfrom shon'<strong>in</strong>g because <strong>of</strong> outbreaks <strong>of</strong>foot and mouth clisease.Best Charnpion and Best Exhibit <strong>in</strong>Shorv rvas Madame Gibbon's Int. Uh.Southrvay Nicholas, sirerl by Dickon<strong>of</strong> Al)<strong>in</strong>gton and bred by l{r. J. H. A.llart<strong>in</strong>. A lovely younger brother oINicholas l as second <strong>in</strong> open BlueIlale class, Southu,ay Rasc:rl, orvncdby trIac1;rme Sar-raz<strong>in</strong>. W<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>in</strong> thatclass rvas Dutch bred Wasjka van]-ri.ia ct:r" cired hr- Inr. Ch. Southrvay Wizard, bred bv llme. Kroon butorvned by J{aclame Coget, <strong>of</strong> Belgiurn.A sister rvon <strong>in</strong> the Blue Female openclass, lovelv Laska van Frisi:r State,shou.n by l,lnrc. Kroon. I {orgot tomention u.hen speak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the kittensthat Signora Pagan<strong>in</strong>i's Werviiiierv<strong>in</strong>kie<strong>of</strong> Dunesk (sired by Clh. Bara-Ian Boy Blue and bred by llrs.Brunton) s.as Best f{ale I(itten.In Whites, Nllle. Perr<strong>in</strong> u'on rvithher :Lttractive Int. Ch. \Vhite I.ilou'erdu Lcman. The magnificent Whitemale, Djangher \\rang Fou (bled byl*,ffiThese lovely entries were shown by Mrne. Gibbon at the paris Show-(left)XEROS DE LA MASCOTTE, (CCMtfC) ROMANCE DE LA MASCOTTE ANd(right) FARQUHAR AIGLON.31

DIRECTORY OFFOR RELIABLE STUDSTONGHATR BREEDERSAND STOCK (Arranged alphabetically)GORDON B. ALLT, F.Z.S.DANEHURST CATTERYDANEHURST, OLD LANEsT. JOHNS, CROvl/BOROUGHCrowborough 407Enquiries <strong>in</strong>vited for the popularDanehurst Longhairs -- BluePerriano, Creams and Ch<strong>in</strong>chillasSee displayed and Stud advertisemenrs <strong>in</strong> this issueI SELL BY GOI{PARISONwHtTE PERSIANS, CREAM& BLUE.CREAM PERSIANSOnly Champions for ExportNone for resaleBILLIE BANCROFT, "CLOUD TOP,"8OX 240, ROCKAWAY I, NEWU.S.A.'ERSEY,BAYHORNE KITTENSBLUES AND CREAMSBred <strong>in</strong> ideal surround<strong>in</strong>gsMRS. DULCIE BENBOW,WESTBROOK, LITTLE HEREFORD,LUDLOW, SALOP lel: Brimfield263DEEBABIK BLUE & GREAMpERstANs f;."l?i,",1',:liff3l.,il:AtStud MALMARY TAFETEACE I D,..^-SNAB HORNBWALVERDENE MAJOR I.-.-_..DEEBANK TOBY - iLTEAMSQucens met at Liverpool or BirkenheodEnquiries to MISS BULL, ELM COTTAGETHORNTON HOUGH, CHESHTREPRIORY BLUE & GREAMPERSIANSNoted for type,lovelyeale coatsgorgeous eye-cotour 4 slamtnaBreeder <strong>of</strong> the Int. Ch. PRIORY BLUE WISHEooutiful Kitters for sole. Satisfoction guoronteedAt Studr GEM OF PENSFORDFirst Prize W<strong>in</strong>ner and Sire <strong>of</strong> First Prize W<strong>in</strong>nersat Championship ShowsMRS. L. DAVIES, " THE JOLLY FARMER.''GOLD HILL, CHALFONT ST. PETER, BUCKS.Getrords Cross 2464TRENTON BLUE PERSIANSAt Stud: CH. OXLEYS PETER JOHNSire <strong>of</strong> Trenton Sugar Plum, Best L.H. KittenCrystal Show, I 95 | , and numerous otherPrizew<strong>in</strong>ners. Strong healthy Kittens usually forsale, palest coats <strong>of</strong> lovely texture, superb type.Enquiries to: MRS. HARRINGTON - HARVARDBracondale, Chase Road, Brocton. StaffordAll Queens met at Stafford Stotion. Euston-Stdfordunder 3 hours-no change. Tel. : Milford. 35 IBARALAN PERSIANSAI Stud-Ch, BARALAN BOY BLUESire <strong>of</strong> many w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g Kittens borh at home andaDroao.Ch. BARALAN SAMSON (Black)Both young sons <strong>of</strong> Ch. DEEBANK MICHAELMRS. E. L. HENN, SEVERN HOUSEEARDINGTON, BRIDGNORTH, SALOP .Tel. Bridgnorth 2285TI{E ALTINGTON BI.UEPERSIANS & €I{INGHILLASRenowned throughout the world lor type,colour, coat and wide-awakc cyerEnquiries for 6AfS AT SIUD orYOUNG SIOCK FOR SAIE toMISS EVELYN LANGSTON8 CRAUFURD RISE, MAIDENHEAD, BERKSTel. Maidenheod 813POTDENFNI!.LSG}IING}IILLASPRIZE W'NNERSAt stud' p<strong>of</strong>oEIEJIfd-HypERloN(Proved Sire)MRS. CHAS. POLDENMARKET HOTEL REIGATEKittenr may be booked <strong>in</strong> advanca toapproved homes onlyMRS. JOAN THOMPSON'SPENSFORD B!.UES, GREAHSAND BTUE.CREAMSBreeder <strong>of</strong> Ch. ASTRA OF PENSFORD, Ch.DANDY OF PENSFORD (Denmrrk), ACE,ADRIAN end FAY OF FENSFORD. all thrccparenrs <strong>of</strong> post-war Bluo Champions, and GEMOF PENSFORD, sire <strong>of</strong> many first-prize w<strong>in</strong>nerrI3O WICKHAM WAY, BECKENHAM, KENTBeckenhom 6904PEDIGREE FORMS at 2s. pet dozefl(post free) ale obta<strong>in</strong>able from " Our<strong>Cats</strong> " Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, 4, Carlton Man.sions, Clapham Road, London, S.W.9.L,atget quantities available at prorata fates.Please mention Oun Cets wken reply<strong>in</strong>g to edvertisetmemts

1\,1me, Puibl- but noq' on'neci by lLme.(iibbon), t'as zr iragnificent cirt, llutunfortunately an accident to his eyespoilt h:s chance lor Best Exhibit <strong>in</strong>Shorv. A verv 1ove11' Ch<strong>in</strong>chill:ryoungster came out for the lirst timcas an adult and rvon wel1, Rom:rncecle la Jlascotte. I'Iis brother l'as alsili.n the runn<strong>in</strong>g u'ith Farquhar '\iglonancl Rentveid Roger. The Iemales'vorc head*'l I'J' Int. { lr. [-rr,luharTati:rna, a queen <strong>of</strong> the l<strong>in</strong>est c1uality.Trro loleliy Black Jcmales shoNecl uprvel1. \\r<strong>in</strong>ner- rvas Jlilout du Santafiora,belong<strong>in</strong>g to \'I11e. Cacciavill,and Chadhulst Suzette, s']ro ran hervery close, belonged to lladameX,lariani.I need not tell 1'ou that this I'erYl<strong>in</strong>e shos, l'as presided over lly th:rtrvonclerful shorv manager and organiser,I{adame Ravel, nho excelsiritlr thc plann<strong>in</strong>g r.f lhese artislir'shorvs from everv po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>of</strong> vierv.\Vhen the <strong>in</strong>que.'t u':rs he1cl on an81-ye:rr-old resjdent <strong>of</strong> Stratford-on-Ar,on rvho l'as found clead <strong>in</strong> a gasfilledroom, the theory rvas put forrvarclthat the gas tap rras turnccl ortbv one <strong>of</strong> thc seven cats <strong>in</strong> the room.Another elderlr. ladv l'ho nas <strong>in</strong> theroom at the time recovered aftertreatment.Iient Jireman Ken llarveY \\'aslouerecl rlou'n an l8 {1. s'all to thesurface <strong>of</strong> C:rnterbury's River StourIo rescue iI cat s'hich 1'rad beentrapped <strong>in</strong> a clra<strong>in</strong>pipe for severa"ldavs. \Vhen reieased the animaljumped .lnto the Livet, su'am dot'rtstreamto the opposite ba<strong>in</strong>k, and disappeared.GAYDENE CHERUBBlue Longhair male at 4j months bred by Mrs. L. McVady, <strong>of</strong> Edgware'Middlesex.o9

DIRECTORY OFFOR RELIABLE STUDSPRESTWICKSIAMESE CATTERIESNoted for type andr brilliant eye colourBreeder<strong>of</strong> Ch. Prestwick Mata-Biru, Ch. PrestwickPerrana,Ch.Prestwick Perak, Ch.Prestwick Perl<strong>in</strong>q.Ch. Prestwick Pengtima-Perrama and many otheri.MRS. DUNCAN HINDLEYHIGH PRESTWICK, CHIDDINGFOLD, SURREYChidd<strong>in</strong>gfold 60Stdtion - Hds,emseSHORTHATR BREEDERSAND STOCK (Arranged alphabetically)MORRIS SIAMESEAt StUd: MORRIS PADISF{AHBest Exhibit K.K.N.C.C; 1950- _ -Best Shorthair Kitten, Olympia, 1950W<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> l4 Firsts and many other awardsMRS. M. \M. RICHA;DSON,GRINSTEAD, OTTWAYS AVENUE. ASHTEAD.Ashtead 3S2tSURREYTHE TAI.LAND CATSAtStUd: CHAMPION TAI-LAND OBERON(Fee 2 gns.)(8.P.)Brood queens <strong>in</strong>clude TAI-!-AND RANAT(Best Seal Po<strong>in</strong>t Olympia 1950),PAI-PITAPAT (Dam to Ch. Tai-land Oberonand other prize w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g Siamese).MISS CALVERT JONESSPREADEAGLES, BURES, SUFFOLKTel. Bures 241PINGOPSIAMESEAt Stud (to approved queens)cH. PINCOP AZURE KYM (B.P.)W<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> 7 Challenge Certificates and BestExh:bit Siamese C.C. Ch. Show 1948. Sire <strong>of</strong>CH. PINCOP AZURE ZELDAW<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> 6 Challenge CertificatesSeal Po<strong>in</strong>ted Studs <strong>in</strong>cludeCH. MORRIS TUDORW<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> 6 Challenge Certificates, Best S.H.National C.C. Ch. Show 1948, and Birm<strong>in</strong>ghamC.C. Ch. Show 1950, Sire <strong>of</strong> " Maiz-Mor-Marq u is."Porticulars from l',lRS. O. M. LAMB..TWYLANDS," GRANGE HILL, HALESOWEN,NR. BIRMINGHAMTel. Holesowen 1226PETROZANNE GATTERYAbyss<strong>in</strong>ian & Seal and BluePo<strong>in</strong>t SiameseAt Stud: PADAUK NIGELKittens usuol/y for soleMRS. C. J. ROBERTS, LtPP|TTS HILL,HIGH BEECH, LOUGHTON, ESSEXTelephone : Loughton 301 3/t4RS. L. K. SAyERSSOUTHWOOD GATTERIESWell-known B.P. and S.P.SIAMESE at Stud"AIl big w<strong>in</strong>ners- sir<strong>in</strong>g big w<strong>in</strong>ners"RYDES HILL LODGE, ALDERSHOT ROADcUILDFORD, SURREY fel. : Worplesdon 3l I IMOWHAY STAMESES.P. AT STUDAll prizew<strong>in</strong>ner: and sir<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>nersMISS D. L. M. THOMASPRIMROSES, SANDHURST, KENTSondhurst 324DEVORAN STAMESE CATSEXCEL IN TYPEAt SIud-PRESTWICK PRITHIE pALFee t2 -2 - 0DEVORAT{ DONALDree LZ - tl - 6Kittens usually for saleParticulors ' from - MRS. PRICE, THE GABLESHEATHFIELD ROAD. BUSHEY, HERTSPhone - Wotford 5624THE MTSSELFORE STRAINOF BLUE POINTSAt Stud to app*red Queens ..MISSELFORE ZEPHYR PRINTMAIOR & MRS. J. C-. S. RENDALLYEW COTTAGE, ABBOTS LANGLEY. HERTS,K<strong>in</strong>gs Longley 2975HILLCROSS SIAI{ESEAt Stud HILLCROSS SHENGSON andHILLCROSS FICOT (Sire <strong>of</strong> H. Topaz,lst & Ch. S.C.C.S., l95l).Hillcross Stock have won over 300awards, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g many Firsts andSpecials 1945-51. Kittens noted for type,eye colour & light coats.M RS. E. TOWE (Breeder <strong>of</strong> Ch. Hillcross Song)239 HILLCROSS AVENUE. MORDEN. SURREYTel. Liberty 6014WYI{SWYGK SI AMESEExceptional for their sweet temperamentand eye colour.WYNSWYCK POMSAI at StudKittens for sale.MRS. F. WATERTON, THE VICARAGE, SEERGREEN, BEACONSFIELD, BUCKSlordons 2201Please went'ion Oun Cers uhen yeply<strong>in</strong>g to ad,uertisernents

DONERAILE SIAIIESEAt Stud: DONERAILE DEKHOSALWHEEL SIMKIN(Agho Khon's son\Noted for eye_ coloirr, type and gencletemperament. Glueens met London Term<strong>in</strong>ilnquiies for Studs ond Kitteru to :MRS. KATHLEEN R, WILLIAMS92 CHILTERN ROAD, SUTTON, SURREYPhone: Vigilont l3B9'VEGTENSIAN RED TABBIESHealthy and very <strong>in</strong>telligent Kittensmay be booked fromC H. VECTENSIAN COPPER EYESCH. VECTENSIAN RIO TINTODeep Reds with €lear mark<strong>in</strong>gs,glorious €opper eyes, short coatsMISS PAT TUCKERI9 TUMBLEWOOD RD., BANSTEAD, SURREYB,est Exhibit, Kens<strong>in</strong>gton 1949. Best S.H. Kitten,Croydon 1949. Eest S.H. Cot, Notional 1950.A reBular newy Jeaturewith a selection oJ the bestitems from home and overseasHE Annual Report <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Cats</strong>'Protection League (published <strong>in</strong>the January issue oI their Maga.z<strong>in</strong>e) c"ntu<strong>in</strong>s the Iollou<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>gfigures: Tn-patients, 1,015 : outnatienis.1,021 cats and kittens rc.ceived, {ound, 509 ; homes found,351 ; road accidents attended, 74 ;cats collected, 806 ; ambulance mileage,2,840 ; humane destruction,1.605. Dur<strong>in</strong>g t95 t the League'schief benefactor \vas I{ortimer, X{issRudcl's f:rmous cat, an ex-stray rvhocollects nonies on behalf <strong>of</strong> his lessfortunate l)rothers and sisters. X,Iortimeris probably the only cat <strong>in</strong> the*-or1d rvho has his own bank account.Well done, C.P.L.-and Mortimer!The follou,<strong>in</strong>g story (sent to me by:r Yorkshire rcader) recently appearecl<strong>in</strong> the " Yorkshire Even<strong>in</strong>g Post." Itrvon a half-gu<strong>in</strong>ea prize Ior the narrator:When liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> South Africa Ihad a cat called Thomas, rvho becamevery ill. I had decided to have himdestroyed the {ollorv<strong>in</strong>g day, but rvhenthe time came I relented and nurseclhim back to health. Some weeksa.fterrvards I rvas sitt<strong>in</strong>g alone <strong>in</strong> thehouse, serv<strong>in</strong>g, rvhen I heard a noise.Gett<strong>in</strong>g up, I {ound that the {rontdoor, previously closed, rvas open, andThomas l'as v'alk<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>. " Is thai;vou, Thomas? " I called. " I thoughtyou lvere outside." At the sound oimy voice there rvas a. mad scramble <strong>in</strong>an adjo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g room, and I was just <strong>in</strong>time to see a big man tak<strong>in</strong>g to hisheels. In the room, to which I wentimmediately, drarvers had been rans:rcked.The thief, hear<strong>in</strong>g my remarksto Thomas, evidently thoughtmy husband rvas return<strong>in</strong>g. So sav<strong>in</strong>gthe life <strong>of</strong> lfhomas most certa<strong>in</strong>ly,saved mahy <strong>of</strong> my possessions frombe<strong>in</strong>g stolen.I am <strong>in</strong>debted to one oI ourreaders, NIrs. Joseph \{arshall, <strong>of</strong> SanAntonio, Texas, U.S.A., for a sight o{the <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g little newsletter whichshe sends out each month under thetitle <strong>of</strong> " Cat Tips from Texas.,'Pached r,vith <strong>in</strong>timate snippets aboutpeople and cats. I rvas specially <strong>in</strong>terestedto read thzrt our AmericanAssociate Editor, Mrs. Biilie Bancro{t,has been made an honorary member<strong>of</strong> the Alamo City Cat Club, Inc., andfurther it is suggested that popularBillie B. might be nom<strong>in</strong>ated lor theNation:l Anrrd " for th- person, <strong>in</strong>stitutionor organisation l ho has contributedmost dur<strong>in</strong>g the past tr,velvemonths for the advanccment zr.nd we1-fare <strong>of</strong> the cat."NIICKE,Y

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSThe rate for prepaid advertisements under this head<strong>in</strong>g is 3d. per word per<strong>in</strong>sertion (m<strong>in</strong>imum ru words) and <strong>in</strong>structions must be received by not later thanthe 1sth oJ the month preced<strong>in</strong>g the month <strong>of</strong> issue. Please write .,'copy " clearlyand post with appropriate remittance to Oun Cers MecazrNe, 4 Carlton Mansions,Clapham Road, London, S.W.S. . Use <strong>of</strong> Box No. costs r/- extra.At StudSCO-RUSTON RAVISANT (Blue Persian), sireInt. Ch. Southway Nicholas, dam Sco-RustonKalisa.REDIVALLS JACK FROST (Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla), sireCh. Foxburrow Tilli-Wiltri, dam RedwallsSnowstotm. prizew<strong>in</strong>ner every time shown1948 / 51.MOLESEY ALI BABA (Cream Persian), sireTweedledum <strong>of</strong> Dunesk, dam Molesey Mischief-Fee for each stud t2 2s. and cartiage 1o registeredqueens only.-Gordon B. Allt, F,Z.S.,Danehurst Cattery, Old Lane, St. Johns, Crowborough.Tel.: Crowborough 407.NOUMENA SIAMESE (Seal Po<strong>in</strong>t) At Stud.PIKHA SHAH JEHAN, Site Mystic Dteamer,Dam Ctawstone Bel<strong>in</strong>da, Champion ancestors,exceptionally good eye colour- Fee f,2 2s. pluscatriage. Excellent tra<strong>in</strong>s to Wok<strong>in</strong>g.-V<strong>in</strong>cent,76 Patk Road, $(/ok<strong>in</strong>g. Te[.: 1140.BOURNESIDE CATTERY, Aitken, 2 CommonfieldRoad, Banstead, Sqrrey. Tel., ButghHeath 2754. PELHAM PUFFBALL, CreamL.H., sire Ch. Vidd<strong>in</strong>gton Warden, damPelham Haze!. Sir<strong>in</strong>g w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g Creams andBlue Creams. Fee f2 2s. and carriage.MISSELFORE ZEPI{YR PRINT (B{ue Po<strong>in</strong>tSiamese). Sire Misselfore Autumn Pr<strong>in</strong>t, dam,Misselfore Ya-Ra<strong>in</strong>, at stud to tegistered queens.Fee 52 2s. and teturn carriage.-Richards,Hendelayk, Roughdown, Boxhoot, Herts.For SaleS.P, SIAMESE Kittens, teady Feb- Sire Done"raile Dekho, dam Martial Sab<strong>in</strong>a, from f5 5s.-Marshall, Rosebank, Brockenhutst (2217),SIAMESE B.P. Male, five months, registered,pick <strong>of</strong> prizew<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g litter (National), outstand<strong>in</strong>g,8l gns. Sisters B.P. 5l gns., S.P-4f gns.-Cous<strong>in</strong>s, Catatan, Stanks Hitl, Birm<strong>in</strong>ghamRoad, Warwick.SILVER TABBY Kitten (Male), born 1st Dec.,1951, by Champion Hillcross Silver Flute exrydonoTil'FINE BLUE PERSIAN Male, born 16.6.51, Resetveat Olympia, makc good stud ot lovelypet.-Enquiries to Box 28, OUR CATS Magaz<strong>in</strong>e.4 Carlton Mansions, Clapham Road, S.\V-.Q.WantedV/ANTED. Seal Po<strong>in</strong>ted SIAMESE Queen onbteed<strong>in</strong>g terms, guatanteed best <strong>of</strong> homes.-Frost, Buttons Farm, Cross-<strong>in</strong>-Hand, TunbridgeWells-V/ANTED DURING 1s52, 500 new Subscribersto this Magaz<strong>in</strong>e. Readers can help <strong>in</strong> thecirculation drive by supply<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>in</strong> confidence)names and addresses <strong>of</strong> catJov<strong>in</strong>g friends andbuyers o{ kitrens. to whom specimen copy maybe se,nt free <strong>of</strong> charge.-Details please to OL'RCATS Magaz<strong>in</strong>e,4 Carlron Mansions, ClaohamRoad, London, S.W.9.ooMiscellaneousSIMpSON'S BOOK OF THE CAT. many illustrations,Cassell tqOl, good condition, 45;.-BoxNo. 29, OUR CATS Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, 4 Carlton Mansions,Clapham Road, London, S.W,9.ALL ELASTIC HARNESS-COLLAR-LEADSETS for <strong>Cats</strong>. Standard model 10/-. elasticnylon 12i 6, featherweight kitten 10/-, Siamesecoats 12l6, all colours, C.P.L. recommended.-Collier & Collier,78 Upper Shaftesbury Avenue,JoutnamDton.WARNING TO OV/NERS. Never disoose <strong>of</strong>cats unless you are certa<strong>in</strong> they are go<strong>in</strong>g toa good honre. There is a big demand for catsby the vivisectors and also by the fur ttade. Inboth, cases_they. are liable. to suffer revolt<strong>in</strong>gcruelty. For lunher <strong>in</strong>fornration apply :-National Anti-Vivisection Society, 92 VictoriaStreet, London, S.V.1.THE TAIL-VAGGER MAGAZINE. th€monthly Briti:h Dog Magaz<strong>in</strong>e for dog ownersand dog lovers. everywhere. Fully illustratedand complete with <strong>in</strong>formative features and<strong>in</strong>structive articles. Annual subscription 11s.(<strong>in</strong>c. postage) for twelve issues.-The Tail-Wagger Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, 356-i60, Grays Inn Road,London. W.C.l.PEDIGREE FORMS <strong>of</strong> excellent quality canbe supplied at the rate o{ 2s. per dozenpost free. Larger supplies at pro rata rates.Send order and remittance to OUR CATSMagaz<strong>in</strong>e, 4 Carlton Mansions, Clapham Road,s.w.9.Board<strong>in</strong>gFOR SIAMESE ONLY. A comfottable andwell-run .BOARDING HOME where cate areloved and cated for as <strong>in</strong>dividuals and thespecial needs <strong>of</strong> Siamese are fu[[y underetood.We have been privileged to look after manybeautiful cats for well-known <strong>Breeders</strong> andS.C.C. members, to whom refetence may bemade. .Nqmbers ate strictly limited and itr<strong>in</strong>gentprecautions taken aga<strong>in</strong>st the possible <strong>in</strong>.troduction <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>fectious diseases. No cat canbe accepted without our own Certificate <strong>of</strong>Health signed by the owner.-Detailed prospectusfrom Dr. and Mrs. Francis. Low Knap.Halsrock, Yeovil, Somerset. Telephone Coiscombe250. Through tra<strong>in</strong>s from London andBirm<strong>in</strong>gham.A BOARDING HOME for <strong>Cats</strong> and Does whcreevery care and attention is given to y;rrr pets'<strong>in</strong>dividuat requilehents. 6ur Certificate olHealth, signed by the owner, essential be{oteacceptaflce. Inspection <strong>in</strong>vited.-Miss K. M.Bradley, " Old Beams," Holypon, Berks. Tel.Maidenhead I8t2.

MISS DOROTHY J. RUXTON, <strong>of</strong>-'- Mart<strong>in</strong> Lodge, Mayfield, TunbridgcVells, writes:-" You must horc received d great many leLtets<strong>in</strong> prcise <strong>of</strong> Kit-zyme, buL I should jike to dddone m<strong>of</strong>a,Seventeen months ogo I had my little cat, Isis,spayed. She was at the t<strong>in</strong>e six vears old and hadproduced sixty-t||o kittens. LJDL|I the opetdtion, shehad always been lively and playtul and enjoyedeverv moment <strong>of</strong> mothethood fromthe birth ol het kittens to the lastfnish<strong>in</strong>g touch <strong>of</strong> tbetu educdtion.Het husband, to whom she wasverv faithful, contjnued to visit hetdnd each time she hoped (<strong>in</strong> va<strong>in</strong>,<strong>of</strong> course) fot the jov <strong>of</strong> anotherfami lv. After each bittet disappo<strong>in</strong>tmentshe bccame more anal moredepressed dnd !istless ; all <strong>in</strong>tercst<strong>in</strong> life had gone ; bored and ftuttrated she wondered about the house or srept the hurs awoy and evenlood had lott its attrcction. It was Ditifui to see her.Then one daf I had a brc<strong>in</strong>wave, f{y KIT-ZyME! . . . . and with<strong>in</strong> ten days thete was amatked improvement. She toak to go<strong>in</strong>g out aga<strong>in</strong>, explar<strong>in</strong>g hedgerows and day by day grcw<strong>in</strong>g morclikeheroldhappycarefreeserf. oncenoreshewasthtiile(lbytiesneil<strong>of</strong>tood,ateie<strong>in</strong>ily,<strong>in</strong>joyedgames and lately has tahen to shoot<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to my room <strong>in</strong> the middle o{ the night, a cross' bet*een ahurrican. and dn earthquake, to hold a . Witch's Sabbath,' tear<strong>in</strong>g madlr, rcund the room andsend<strong>in</strong>g mats and rugs <strong>in</strong> all.lirections.But this is not all. H t son, Hotus, {or two yeors runn<strong>in</strong>g hdd developed sk<strong>in</strong> trouble <strong>in</strong> the eorlyspr<strong>in</strong>g and lost his pants- He rooked teribre and was pai<strong>of</strong>iily serf-conscious uaort ti, opp"oro*:"';he also had scabs on his heod and neck. I had tried one or two , cutes' but it was not unt'ii I put h<strong>in</strong>on to Kit-zyme regulatlv that he recovered his good tooks and high spirits"I shall never be without Kit'zyme <strong>in</strong> the house, with gratefur thanks rrcm Isis, Horus ancr myser,..,,KIT.ZYME WILL BENEFTT YOUR CAT TOO . ..It is a natural Tonic and Conditioner_NOT a purgativeaf9 tnruzymeVITAMIN - RICH YEASTPromotes resirrlnce to: LISTLESSN ESS, FALLI NGCOAT, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN TROUBLES50 (7; gr.) Tablets alfi, 2SO ior 4l-, 750 for e-KIT-ZYME is sold by Chemists and most pet StorcrLiteroture Free on ReouestREFERENCE NO" ,t'lf any difficulty <strong>in</strong> obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g write to :PHILLIPS YEAST PRODUCTS LTD., park Royal Road, London, H.W.t0

L'ou eun presor.ue 21 eopies <strong>of</strong>OUn CATS <strong>in</strong> these speeiul ealsesArrangements have been made with the makers <strong>of</strong>the well.known EASIBINDER to supply readers <strong>of</strong>OUR CATS with their self-b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g cases and accessories.Each EASIBINDER-see illustration belowwillhold 24 copies <strong>of</strong> this Magaz<strong>in</strong>e. lt enabtessubscribers to keep their copies clean and undamaged.The issues can be <strong>in</strong>serted or removed at will rviththe aid <strong>of</strong> steel rods supplied with each B<strong>in</strong>der. Bymeans <strong>of</strong> a special device, the EASIBINDER is just asuseful when only partly filled and the pages will 'always open flat. Full <strong>in</strong>structions for use aresupplied with each B<strong>in</strong>der.EAS I Bl N D ERS are rupplicdwith the titte (oUR CATS)pr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> gilt on the sp<strong>in</strong>c.They are stoutly made rndneatly f<strong>in</strong>ished <strong>in</strong> green b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gcloth.Price I3l5 eochu.s.A. $2.001P rices <strong>in</strong>clude postdge)Orders ond remittonces should be sent to OUR CATS Mogoz<strong>in</strong>e,4 CorltonMons.ions, Claphom Rood, London, S.W. g. Remittoncei"sh ould be modepoyoDle to ,, Qur cots Mogoz<strong>in</strong>e."Prihled rk, a'real .Bliro<strong>in</strong> by F. J, Milner & soAS Lrtl.. comryetre Road, Bt.ntfotd. Middlcs&.Jo/ '4et'ubtt'hct' anct ProPltdot\ha"o"fo,'tlr;3r: €:tr,.:i!"r'I cqilton Mansians'

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