March 2013 End of Term Newsletter - Welwyn St. Mary's School

March 2013 End of Term Newsletter - Welwyn St. Mary's School

March 2013 End of Term Newsletter - Welwyn St. Mary's School


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END OF TERM NEWSLETTER <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Decorated Eggs.Well done to all children who submitted an entry for the decorated egg competition. The standard wasextremely high and some wonderful, imaginative eggs were created. This made the judging especiallydifficult this year as all were so good. After long deliberation the winners were: Khayel Carty, RoseJarrard, Alice Crashaw, Rachel Merry, Jamal Ahmed, Benji <strong>St</strong>ark, Amy Smith, Jasmine Gray, Isobel Brown,Archie Wharton, Ciara Keenan, Lily Grace Allen-Barker, Jamie Frewin, Gili Noy, Scarlett Moate and HugoThorpe. There was also a prize for the overall winners from KS1 and KS2, Oliver Sewell and Georgia Burr.The winners were presented Easter eggs kindly donated by Tesco. Congratulations to you all!Tenterfield Parking.Please can we again ask parents to be considerate when parking both in the morning and afternoon. It hasbeen brought to our attention that parents are using the Tenterfield car park and this has resulted in carsbeing blocked in. There have been three direct complaints from neighbours in the past couple <strong>of</strong> weeksincluding one <strong>of</strong> our parents being verbally abusive towards a resident when they asked them to move theircar which was blocking their driveway. One <strong>of</strong> the main problems is parents parking on the double yellow lineson the corner <strong>of</strong> Becket Gardens which blocks the crossing area and parents have to edge out between thecars. The local police are monitoring the situation and will give tickets to <strong>of</strong>fenders.County Athletics Final.Congratulations to our year 6 athletes who came fourth in the county final at Wodson Park Sports‟ Centre onthe 19 th <strong>March</strong>. The team was Luke Bridgeman, Nathan Kennett, Robert Coates, Gethin Wynne, JamesMabbs, Jack Kendrick, Charlie Hewitt, Owen MacGillivray and Jack <strong>St</strong>ammers. Danielle Thompsett, ErinJones, Hannah Emery, Heidi Skarsten, Khayel Carty, Mollie Reynolds, Rose Jarrard and Zoe Lloyd.<strong>Welwyn</strong> 1 st Rainbows.Could you spare some <strong>of</strong> your time? Both leaders <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Welwyn</strong> 1 st Rainbows group are leaving at the end <strong>of</strong>the summer term. If leaders cannot be found then 1st <strong>Welwyn</strong> Rainbows will sadly have to close. If anyone(minimum <strong>of</strong> two people are required) is interested in running this fun team <strong>of</strong> 5-6 year olds, full training isgiven, please could they contact Pat Morris on 01438715164 or pat.morris@welwyn.org.uk.Festival <strong>of</strong> Words.In November 2012, we held a Key <strong>St</strong>age 2 <strong>Welwyn</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Mary's</strong> Festival <strong>of</strong> Words competition to provide thechildren with an opportunity to develop confidence in public speaking. The winners <strong>of</strong> our competition werethen entered into Hertfordshire's Festival <strong>of</strong> Words on the 16th <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>. We are so proud <strong>of</strong> all thechildren who took part in this event - as reading and speaking in front <strong>of</strong> an audience, at any age, can be avery daunting prospect. They all did exceptionally well in their own category. In first place, Juanita Akins,Mia Nicholson and Finley Dawson. In second place Eleanor Adams and Posy Harris, and in third placeCharlotte Conium and Madeline Teixeira. Sophie Blanch received a commendation for taking part. Well doneto you all.Homework Survey.Please could all completed surveys be returned to the school <strong>of</strong>fice by 19 th April. Thank you.Telephone 01438 714169 E-mail: admin@welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk Website: www.welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk

END OF TERM NEWSLETTER <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>SMART Raffle Ticket.Did you attend the Saturday evening performance <strong>of</strong> Robin Hood? Did you buy a raffle ticket? We aretrying to find the holder <strong>of</strong> a blue raffle ticket number 222. The prize is for an event which is on the 30th<strong>March</strong>, this Saturday. Please contact the school <strong>of</strong>fice if you have this ticket.Lacrosse Tournament.On Thursday 21st <strong>March</strong> <strong>Welwyn</strong> <strong>St</strong> Mary‟s played in the Inter <strong>School</strong> Lacrosse Tournament in Hitchin.There were seven pupils in the team: William, Gethin, Owen, Rachael, Delyth, Matthew and Meredith.Once again it was bitterly cold. We played against lots <strong>of</strong> schools from Hertfordshire including Sandon,William Ransom and Kimpton. We scored 18 points which put us in 2 nd place overall. The children all playedreally well displaying great athleticism and co-ordination, but also great sportsmanship. Coming secondqualifies us to go forward to the regional championships at the University <strong>of</strong> Herts on June 17 th . Wish usluck!Fire <strong>St</strong>ation Visit.Reception children walked to the village Fire <strong>St</strong>ation on Thursday 14 th <strong>March</strong> as part <strong>of</strong> their learning aboutpeople helping in the community. They had a wonderful visit and the children thoroughly enjoyed seeing thefire engines, equipment and hoses!Telephone 01438 714169 E-mail: admin@welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk Website: www.welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk

END OF TERM NEWSLETTER <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Dance Festival.On Monday 18 th <strong>March</strong>, <strong>Welwyn</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Mary‟s took part in the annual Year 5 dance festival at the HawthorneTheatre, Campus West.The dances had been choreographed by Ms McKenna and Mr Anstey and the children had also had theopportunity to contribute their own ideas. The theme for the festival was „Showstoppers‟. A5 danced to„The Lioness Hunt‟ from the Lion King. The girls being lionesses and „hunting‟ the boys, who were antelope.The dance was performed beautifully by all the children who were expressive but also controlled in theirperformance. M5 danced to „Jungle Rhythm‟ from the Jungle Book. Each child was dressed as a jungleanimal and the effect on stage was superb. The children were vivacious and cheeky, but confident when theydanced and the African drumming was the highlight.Huge thanks goes to the year 5 teachers and children for making this the best year to date. Also thank youto parents for helping supply such great costumes and helping with lifts to and from the venue – we couldn‟thave done it without you. I can‟t wait for next year!Jess Tucker.<strong>St</strong>aff Changes.We extend a warm welcome to Mrs Dyer, Mrs Ballantyne and Mrs White who have joined our <strong>of</strong>fice team.Mrs Dyer, Receptionist, worked at the Bridge Cottage Surgery in <strong>Welwyn</strong> village and co-founded theChrysalis <strong>School</strong> for Autism. Mrs Ballantyne, Administrative Assistant, has extensive clerical experienceincluding working at the Hertfordshire Development Centre in Wheathamstead. Mrs White joins us asFinance Officer and brings with her a wealth <strong>of</strong> knowledge both from schools and financial services. Wewish them every success and welcome them to our team.Telephone 01438 714169 E-mail: admin@welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk Website: www.welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk

END OF TERM NEWSLETTER <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>eSafety Awareness.The Spring terms focus for ICT has been raising eSafety awareness across the whole school community.Children from a very early age are accessing the internet, perhaps by using their parent‟s mobile phone or afamily iPad! Sometimes children and young people do not consider the long term implications <strong>of</strong> their onlinebehaviour. We all want them to benefit from the exciting opportunities technology <strong>of</strong>fers but safely! Youwill find some appropriate links on our website and on our new eSafety page.Resources for Parents and CarersVodafone has produced a second edition <strong>of</strong> their excellent magazine called „Digital Parenting'.This magazine has been developed to help parents and carers understand and get involved with theirchildren's digital world. The magazine is very readable, informative and provides advice on a range <strong>of</strong>eSafety issues. To order a copy <strong>of</strong> the magazine, email publications@parentfocus.co.uk or visit theirwebsite: www.vodafone.com/content/index/parents.htmlParenting in the Digital Age„The Parent Zone‟ has developed a video specifically for parents. Find it at the bottom <strong>of</strong> the webpagewww.theparentzone.co.uk.The Parents‟ and Carers‟ Guide to the InternetThis video was launched last year by Thinkuknow and is an excellent 30 minute video that is available on theparents section <strong>of</strong> their website www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/Learning Disabilities, Autism and Internet Safety.This parents‟ guide, produced by Cerebra, Mencap and Ambitious about Autism, identifies a range <strong>of</strong>potential risks that children with a learning disability or autism may face when using the internet. Itprovides parents with advice and resources to help their child safely enjoy and use the internet.www.mencap.org.uk/news/article/keepingsafeonlineOur school eSafety RulesWe have recently been discussing our eSafety rules as a school.Does your child know these rules? Find them on our website. Be nice online ThinkB4Upost, forward or send Keep your personal details private Make sure only your friends can see your pr<strong>of</strong>ile Do not share passwords Make sure your online friends are friends in the real world - You don‟t talk to strangers in the street!Don‟t talk to strangers online!Did you know?Over a third <strong>of</strong> 3–4 year olds are going online using a desktop PC, laptop or netbook, 6% via a tablet computersuch as an iPad, 3% via a mobile phone, 2% using a games console and 2% using a portable media player.30% <strong>of</strong> 8 – 12 year olds who use the internet have a social network account, generally Facebook. Twitter isalso becoming increasingly popular. Facebook requires its users to be at least 13 years old before they cancreate an account. Children aged 8 – 11 have an average <strong>of</strong> 92 online “friends” and have not met around onein eight <strong>of</strong> these! Around one in twenty 8 – 11 year olds who use the internet, say they have had experience<strong>of</strong> being bullied online in the past year.Telephone 01438 714169 E-mail: admin@welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk Website: www.welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk

END OF TERM NEWSLETTER <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>To read the full report visit:www.stakeholders.<strong>of</strong>com.org.uk/binaries/research/medialiteracy/oct2012/main.pdfDid you know?We have a link on our website to the Hertfordshire Grid Facebook information page. You will also find a linkto the PEGI site which gives clear information about age ratings for games. Please also be aware that Appshave age ratings too.We wish you all a very happy and blessed Easter.28 th Mar <strong>Term</strong> ends 2.15pmDiary Dates – <strong>2013</strong>29 th Mar Good Friday – school closed15 th Apr INSET DAY – school closed16 th Apr <strong>Term</strong> commences24 th Apr Year 2 Great Fire <strong>of</strong> London – History Off the Page26 th Apr Year 1 cake sale26 th Apr PTFA Quiz night29 th Apr PTFA Committee meeting, 7.30pm in staff room6 th May BANK HOLIDAY – school closed12 th May Angela Bonner photographs13 th -17 th May KS2 SATs week, including L620 th - 23 rd May Year 6 Bikeability24 th May Year 3 cake sale27th-31st MayHALF TERM Holiday6 th June Maths and Science Day11 th June Reception school trip to <strong>St</strong>andalone Farm, Letchworth12 th June Area Sports @ Gosling Sports Park12 th June Year 3 trip to RSPB Rye Meads13 th June Year 2 Whipsnade Trip13 th June Kwik Cricketw/c 17 th JuneYear 1 phonics screening test20 th June Sports‟ Day22 nd -29 th June <strong>Welwyn</strong> Week26 th June Year 6 Trip to The Imperial War Museum, DuxfordTelephone 01438 714169 E-mail: admin@welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk Website: www.welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk

END OF TERM NEWSLETTER <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>26 th June Rounders at Sir Frederic Osborn27 th June Reserve Sports Day28 th June - 1 st July Year 6 PGL trip5 th July Reports out to parents5 th July Year 1 trip to Paradise Park, Broxbourne9 th July Open evening9 th July KS2 SATs results10 th July Year 4 trip to Cuffley Camp11 th July Budge Up Day12 th July Year 6 cake sale12 th July Family BBQ 6.00pm19 th July <strong>Term</strong> ends 2.15pm22 nd July INSET DAY – school closed23 rd July INSET DAY – school closed24 th July OCCASIONAL DAY – school closed2 nd Sept INSET Day – school closedAutumn <strong>Term</strong> <strong>2013</strong>3 rd Sept <strong>Term</strong> commences28 th Oct – 1 st Nov HALF TERM Holiday22 nd Nov Occasional Day – school closed17 th Dec Whole school pantomime at Gordon Craig Theatre, <strong>St</strong>evenage.20 th Dec <strong>Term</strong> ends 2.15pm6 th Jan INSET Day – school closedSpring <strong>Term</strong> 20147 th Jan <strong>Term</strong> commences17 th – 21 st Feb HALF TERM Holiday4 th Apr <strong>Term</strong> ends 2.15pm22 nd Apr <strong>Term</strong> commencesSummer <strong>Term</strong> 20145 th May Bank Holiday – school closed26 th – 30 th May HALF TERM Holiday18 th July <strong>Term</strong> ends 2.15pm8 th June Circus at <strong>Welwyn</strong> <strong>St</strong> Mary‟s21-23 rd July INSET Days – school closedTelephone 01438 714169 E-mail: admin@welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk Website: www.welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk

END OF TERM NEWSLETTER <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>This 10 week course with 2 units <strong>of</strong> study will help you support your child in reading and numeracy and is suited toparents <strong>of</strong> children in nursery, reception and years 1 and 2. There will be lots <strong>of</strong> informal discussion, some practicalactivities and a small amount <strong>of</strong> course work to be done at home. You will complete a portfolio <strong>of</strong> work which will beassessed for the OCN level 1 progression award.Informal learning in a friendly group led by 2Experienced adult education tutors.The only experience you need is being a parent or carer.Fridays19 th April to 28 th June (excluding 24 th and 31 st May)9:30am to 2:15pmThe Orchard Room, Peartree Primary <strong>School</strong>,Peartree Lane, WGC, AL7 3XW£50 (support available for low income)To book your place please call: Sarah Cafferty 01707 880382or email wgcschools@peartreejmi.herts.sch.ukwww.wgcschoolspartnership.co.ukA very happy Easter from AshtonsTo celebrate the launch <strong>of</strong> their innovative new Connect QR boards, Ashtons have a very special promotionrunning from Monday 18 <strong>March</strong> through to Easter Sunday. During that period, they will be giving away over 200fabulous Lessiter's Swiss chocolate eggs.Karl Judd <strong>of</strong> Ashtons commented, “We launched our new Connect QR boards, which attach to all <strong>of</strong> our For Saleand To Let signs in January <strong>2013</strong>, and we are delighted by the positive comments we’ve received from both ourclients and customers alike. QR boards are a really simple yet effective way <strong>of</strong> finding out more information abouta property immediately. If you see a board and wonder whether the property might interest you, you can simplyscan the board with your smartphone (using a downloadable app such as RedLaser or i-nigma) and instantly findout the price, accommodation, what the property looks like on the inside and all other relevant information. Thisis all available through our ground-breaking technology at m.ashtons.co.uk.“We thought it would be a fun idea with Easter coming up, to have our own form <strong>of</strong> an Easter egg hunt, using ourConnect boards to orchestrate this”.If you are a smartphone user, all you have to do is scan an Ashtons Connect board and see if you are one <strong>of</strong> thelucky winners <strong>of</strong> a fabulous chocolate egg. The more you scan, the more likely you are to win. Need a clue –Apparently there are winning locations in <strong>St</strong> Albans, Harpenden, <strong>Welwyn</strong> Garden City and their surroundingvillages. Happy hunting! <strong>Term</strong>s and conditions apply. Available on request.Telephone 01438 714169 E-mail: admin@welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk Website: www.welwynst-marys.herts.sch.uk

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