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eGovernment in the European Union May 2015Name:Website:Description:ECI - European citizens' initiativehttp://ec.europa.eu/citizens-initiative/public/welcomeA European citizens' initiative is an invitation to the EuropeanCommission to propose legislation on matters where the EU hascompetence to legislate. A citizens' initiative has to be backed by atleast one million EU citizens, coming from at least 7 out of the 28member states. A minimum number of signatories is required ineach of those 7 member states.The rules and procedures governing the citizens' initiative are setout in an EU Regulation No 211/2011 adopted by the EuropeanParliament and the Council of the European Union in February 2011.Name:Website:Enterprise Europe Networkhttp://een.ec.europa.eu/Description: Established as part of the Competitiveness and InnovationFramework Programme (CIP), the network includes approx. 600partner organisations in more than 40 countries. It offerscomprehensive support and practical advice on EU legislation, andon finding business and funding opportunities. Main target is tosupport small and medium enterprises (SMEs), even thoughavailability extends to all businesses, research centres anduniversities across Europe.The network also supports development of the research andinnovation capacities of SMEs via its business and technologycooperation database, which provides information on tenderopportunities, international networking, and partners' searchfacilities.Name:Furtherinformation:Description:NCTS New Computerised Transit systemhttp://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customsThe New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) supports customstransit operations among the Member States. It is an IT tool tomanage and control the transit system by enabling traders tosubmit electronically what is known as 'Community/Common Transitdeclarations'.The system is based on advanced IT systems and electronicprocessing of data. It aims to increase the efficiency and theeffectiveness of transit procedures, to improve prevention anddetection of fraud, and to accelerate transactions carried out under atransit procedure, while offering the necessary security.[55]

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