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eGovernment in the European Union May 2015Name:Website:SIMAP - Information system for European publicprocurementhttp://simap.europa.eu/Description: The SIMAP portal contains EU-wide information on publicprocurement opportunities, including a collection of standard forms,access to national procurement databases, sections coveringrelevant legislation and useful links, as well as information onrelevant codes and nomenclatures.These include the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV), a singleclassification system for public procurement aimed at standardisingall references used by contracting authorities and entities to describethe subject of procurement contracts.Moreover, the eNotices section of the portal includes an online toolfor preparing public procurement notices and publishing them in theSupplement to the Official Journal of the European Union. The portalis managed by the Publications Office of the European Union.Name:Policy area:Website:Description:Internal Market Information System (IMI)EU Single Markethttp://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/imi-net/The IMI system is an electronic tool for multilingual, fast and secureexchange of information to enable day-to-day cooperation in theimplementation of the internal market among the Member States.Relevant legislation includes the revised Professional QualificationsDirective (2005/36/EC) and the Services Directive (2006/123/EC).IMI comprises a number of horizontal applications to support arange of internal market legislation and vertical applications tosupport specific pieces of legislation. The other main component ofIMI is a database of pre-translated question sets, related to mutualassistance provisions of the relevant legislation.[44]

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