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eGovernment in the European Union May 2015Name:Objective:Furtherinformation:Description:STESTA: Trans European Services for Telematics betweenAdministrationsBasic Infrastructurehttp://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/2097/5644.htmlSTESTA is the European Community's own private, IP-basednetwork. It offers a telecommunications interconnection platformthat responds to the growing need for secure information exchangebetween European Public Administrations, allowing officials fromdifferent Ministries to communicate at a trans-European level, ina safe and prompt manner.The STESTA network service is the continuation of the TESTAnetwork which began in 1996 and entered its second phase in early2000. It now connects almost all EU Institutions, EU agencies andMember States, while Initiatives to connect further administrationsare currently ongoing, including those of Candidate Countries.Name:Objective:Website:Description:EUSurveyOnline Questionnaire Management Systemhttps://joinup.ec.europa.eu/software/eusurvey/homeEUSurvey, the new version of IPM, is a multilingual online surveymanagement system built for the creation and publication of surveysand public consultations.It covers all steps of a survey life cycle, from the design to thelaunch of the survey to the analysis and publication of results. Itoffers different types of questions, from simple text and multiplechoicequestions to spreadsheet questions or multi-media surveyelements. Results can be displayed as histograms, percentages or infull detail and can be exported to different formats and publishedautomatically on a dedicated webpage within the application. It iswidely accessible and provides support for either identification oranonymity, depending on survey requirements.While EUSurvey covers the functionalities of the IPM system, it alsooffers additional features and enhancements to improve the usabilityand attractivity of the application.Administrations, businesses and private associations are given theopportunity to use the EUSurvey Open Source release for their ownneeds.[35]

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