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eGovernment in the European Union May 2015The MSP is composed of representatives of national authorities from EU Member States &EFTA countries, by the European and international ICT standardisation bodies, and bystakeholder organisations that represent industry, small and medium-sized enterprises andconsumers. It is co-chaired by the European Commission Directorates General GROWTH,and CONNECT. It meets four times per year.e-Procurement strategyE-procurement refers to the use of electronic communications by public sectororganisations when buying supplies and services or tendering public works.Increasing the use of e-procurement in Europe can generate significant savings forEuropean taxpayers. These savings would maximise the efficiency of public spending in thecurrent context of fiscal constraints. E-procurement can also provide a new source ofeconomic growth and jobs, including by facilitating access to public procurement contractsby SMEs.On April 2012 the European Commission adopted a Communication setting out a strategyto make the use of e-procurement the rule in the EU by mid-2016.European Cloud Computing StrategyIn September 2012, the European Commission adopted a strategy for ”Unleashing thePotential of Cloud Computing in Europe”. The strategy outlines actions to deliver a net gainof 2.5 million new European jobs, and an annual boost of €160 billion to the EuropeanUnion GDP (around 1%), by 2020. The strategy is designed to speed up and increase theuse of cloud computing across all economic sectors. This strategy is the result of ananalysis of the overall policy, regulatory and technology landscapes and of a wideconsultation with stakeholders, to identify ways to maximise the potential offered by thecloud. This document sets out the most important and urgent additional actions. Itrepresents a political commitment of the Commission and serves as a call on allstakeholders to participate in implementing these actions. Working groups are alreadyengaged on this.On December 27th 2014, the European Commission has published its first Call for Tenderfor Cloud Service.Cloud services offer benefits in terms of infrastructure elasticity and scalability whilefavouring the pay-per-use model against upfront capital investments. The Cloud will enablethe Commission to follow the ceaseless pace of today's technological race amonginfrastructure providers where costs of storage, bandwidth and computing power aredecreasing day by day while enabling at the same time innovative solutions for newchallenges such as Big Data.Depending on their security and data qualification, information systems can be deployedeither in a Private Cloud operated for the Commission and EU Institutions only, or in thePublic Cloud operated for external customers too. This hybrid approach allows theCommission to get the most effective solution under different circumstances to meet ourchanging needs.[19]

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