57th Regular Convention News - Central Illinois District - Lutheran ...

57th Regular Convention News - Central Illinois District - Lutheran ...

57th Regular Convention News - Central Illinois District - Lutheran ...


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6 The GatePost • October 2012ResolutionsMERCY COMMIT TEE RESOLUTIONSResolution: To amend <strong>District</strong> bylaws VIII and X (R 12-02-05)Summary: The <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church – Missouri Synod adopted changesto its bylaws at the 2010 <strong>Convention</strong>. The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>adjusted its Handbook to reflect these changes.Passed: Yes: 197 No: 4Resolution: To adopt Portions of the CID Handbook (R 12-01-04)Summary: The <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church – Missouri Synod adopted changesto its bylaws at the 2010 <strong>Convention</strong>. The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>adjusted its Handbook to reflect these changes.Passed: Yes: 199 No: 7Resolution: To commend the Roman Catholic Church for its stance onreligious freedoms and defense of the rights of the unbornSummary: That the CID publicly express gratitude to the RomanCatholic Church for defending the religious freedom of God’speople and defending the sanctity of the life. Likewise standingtogether with the <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church Missouri Synod in defending 1stamendment rights in opposition to the HHS mandated.Passed: By verbal consensus.Resolution: To embrace mission and ministry emphasis (R 12-01-03)Summary: That the CID submit the mission and ministry emphasis ofWitness, Mercy, Life Together for consideration as the continuedmission and ministry emphasis for the <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church MissouriSynod for the 2013-2016 Triennium.Passed: Yes: 199 No: 6Motion: Motion made and seconded for the CID <strong>Convention</strong> toconsider Overture 12-01-04, which would be to memorialize Synodto direct Concordia Publishing House to put the 1986 translation ofLuther’s Small Catechism into the public domain.Defeated:Yes: 74 No: 138The <strong>Convention</strong> chose not to consider Overture at this time.Resolution: To amend synod bylaw concerning theCommission on Constitutional matters (R 12-03-01)Summary: The resolution clarified how the commission would examinepreviously submitted amendments and how amendments aresubmitted to the commission for review. See resolution R 12-03-01on page-19 for details.Passed: Yes: 208 No: 7Resolution: To amend the constitution of the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>LCMS (R 12-03-02)Summary: The <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church – Missouri Synod adopted changesto its bylaws at the 2010 <strong>Convention</strong>. The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>adjusted its Handbook to reflect these changes.Passed: Yes: 208 No: 8Resolution: To amend the bylaws of the CID (R 12-03-03)Summary: The <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church – Missouri Synod adopted changesto its bylaws at the 2010 <strong>Convention</strong>. The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>adjusted its Handbook to reflect these changes.Passed: Yes: 208 No: 9Resolution: To set limitation of terms for the Praesidium (R 12-03-04)Summary: That the CID limits the <strong>District</strong> praesidium (<strong>District</strong>President and Vice Presidents) to three (3) three-year terms,totaling 9 years. Likewise, that the term limitations go into effect asof the beginning of the time of service for all officers following the2015 <strong>District</strong> <strong>Convention</strong>.Passed: Yes: 116 No: 113After the vote, questions arose regarding the need for a simplemajority or 2/3 majority in order for this resolution to pass. It wasrevealed that a simple majority was sufficient. The narrow marginbetween the two options then resulted in a motion to rescind thisresolution. The motion to rescind the resolution was defeated andthe resolution remained approved.WITNESS COMMIT TEE RESOLUTIONSResolution: To require uniformity of practice with regard to Word andSacramental ministrySummary: That the CID in convention memorialize the Synod todevelop a plan so that all men who are currently engaged in Wordand Sacrament ministry without being publicly called to or placedin the office of the ministry, be enrolled in the Special MinistryProgram (SMP) or cease from all forms of Word and Sacrament

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