57th Regular Convention News - Central Illinois District - Lutheran ...

57th Regular Convention News - Central Illinois District - Lutheran ... 57th Regular Convention News - Central Illinois District - Lutheran ...


10The GatePost • October 20122012 Christ AcademyOfficial NoticesO R DA I N E DIncoming– Rev. Daniel Eggold, IN to Our Savior, Springfield– Rev. Michael Heidle, F/G to Immanuel, Danville– Rev. Jonathan Huehn, NID to Christ, Normal– Rev. Matthew Synnott, STL Seminary gradto Trinity, PeoriaWithin CID– Rev. Dan Fienen, Immanuel, Danville, to emeritus– Dr. Wayne Hoffman, Our Savior, Springfield,to emeritus– Rev. Stephen Mueller, St. James, Quincy,to Concordia, Geneseo– Dr. Thomas Radtke, Trinity, Springfield,to emeritusTransfer Out– Rev. J. Jeffrey Baxter, candidate to TX– Dr. Joseph Hughes, St. Paul, Sadorus, to KS– Rev. J. Derek Riddle, Christ/St. Luke, Delavan/San Jose to MI– Dr. John Wohlrabe, Concordia, Geneseo,to emeritus to SWCalled to Glory– Rev. David Bessinger, St. Paul, Mattoon,on June 5, 2012Emmett Bartens, a member of Good ShepherdLutheran Church, Newton, IL, was one of theparticipants in Christ Academy High School,which took place on the campus of ConcordiaTheological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN, June 17-June 30, 2012. He is pictured with Rev. AndrewYeager, Director, Christ Academy High School.The two-week academy is an annual event for high-school-aged, young men who would like to learnmore about their Lutheran faith and the pastoral ministry. Highlights of the week included classeswith seminary professors, the opportunity to “shadow” local pastors, daily worship in KramerChapel, TinCaps baseball game and a trip to Cedar Point Amusement Park. For more informationabout Christ Academy High School, visit www.ctsfw.edu/CA or call (260) 452-2155.Lutheran High School, SpringfieldAnyone interested in helping to build a square foot of a Lutheran High School? Lutheran High Schoolin Springfield is offering folks the opportunity to purchase one square foot of their planned additionfor $160. That’s what each square foot of the new computer lab, music complex, additionalclassrooms and creation of office space will cost.“Everything in the old Quad, the temporary structures, needs to be replaced,” said Curt Fischer,Senior Administrator. “That’s what goes into the new building.”Steve Zielke, Principal of the school, agreed, “It’s time for them to go, but we need to replace theoffices and facilities the old buildings house.”Mark Gerberding, Board Vice Chair and Campaign Chairman, is positive about this second phase ofthe fund drive. “We raised a hair under one million dollars in phase one, and if we can raise between$250,000 and $500,000 in phase two, we can begin asking for construction drawings,” he said.Anyone interested in helping with the project, please contact the school at (217) 546-6363 and askfor any of the men mentioned above.Stay Connected with Campus MinistryPlease help the CID serve the spiritual needs of your student who attends the University ofIllinois, Illinois State University, Eastern or Western Illinois University. Share the student’sinformation (student name, address at school, e-mail address at school, home congregation name)directly to the following CID campus ministry:Birthday CelebrationMrs. Madonna Johnson, member of St. Paul,Sadorus, celebrated her 102nd birthday lastspring. On Mother’s Day, she was presentedwith paper flowers made by the children atNoah’s Ark St. Paul preschool.University of IllinoisUniversity Lutheran ChurchRev. Rick Milas604 E. ChalmersChampaign, IL 61820rmilas@uiuc.eduEastern Illinois UniversityImmanuel Lutheran ChurchMr. Greg Witto, gpwitto@eie.eduRev. Kenneth Hoover902 Cleveland Ave.Charleston, IL 61920-3441Illinois State UniversityWittenberg Lutheran CenterRev. William Jensen201 S. MainNormal, IL 61761-2295wittenberg-ISU@juno.comWestern Illinois UniversityImmanuel Lutheran ChurchSt. Timothy Student CenterRev. Michael Burdick303 N. Clay St.Macomb, IL 61455-1348lutheran@macomb.com

Telling The Good News About Jesus11Zion Student, Teacher Win State Historical Society AwardsBoth Anna Sielaff, seventh grader at ZionLutheran School in Lincoln, and her historyteacher, Steve Schumacher, won awards fromthe Illinois State Historical Society at the 2012Illinois History Symposium held at theEmbassy Suites Hotel and Conference Centerin Peoria.Steve Schumacher, history teacher and principal atZion Lutheran School, received the Olive FosterTeacher of the Year award from the Illinois StateHistorical Society, presented by Happy Dean,chairman of the society’s Education AffairsCommittee.Sielaff received the Historical Society’s War of1812 Student Scholarship for her history fairproject entitled “How Did the Edwards TraceInfluence the Eventual Settlement of Central andSouthern Illinois?”“Her exhibit tells a significant story about thesettlement of the Illinois Territory in the yearsbefore statehood and during the Internationalconflict that has come to be known as the Warof 1812,” noted State Senator David Koehler(46th District) in presenting Sielaff her award.Schumacher was presented with the OliveFoster Teacher of the Year Award whichrecognizes teachers for their outstandingcontributions to the study and teaching ofstate and local history. Recipients activelypromote Illinois history in their schools andcommunities, using resources of local historicalsocieties, museums, the historical society andrelated organizations.Anna Sielaff, seventh grader at Zion Lutheran School,received an Illinois State Historical Society awardpresented by State Sen. David Koehler, second fromleft, for her history fair project on Edwards Trace.With Sielaff are her parents, Don and Jan Sielaff.Schumacher has taught history at ZionLutheran School for 21 years, and oversees thebi-annual school history fair. Projects from theschool’s fair often progress to regional andstate competition. Schumacher also serves asthe school’s principal.CENTRAL ILLINOIS DISTRICT CHURCH EXTENSION FUND, INC. INVESTMENT FORM 8/20/121850 North Grand Avenue West, Springfield, IL 62702-1626 • (217) 793-1802 E-mail cef@cidlcms.com • www.cidlcms.orgThe mission of The Church Extension Fund, Inc. is to make funds and services available tocongregations for building efforts in support of The Great Commission (Matthew 28).Enclosed $_________________ investment in CID-CEF should be issued as follows:TERM % RATE* MINIMUM___Flexible 0.50 $25 (Passbook Savings Account)___1 Year___5 Year1.001.85$100$1,000___3 Year___6 Months1.400.75$100$5,000___Interest Check Semi-Annually (if over $25)___Accumulate Interest and Add to Note Balance*RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CALL TO CONFIRM CURRENT INTEREST RATES.__ Individual Ownership - Name (print)__ Joint Ownership - Name _______________________________________________and/or Name _____________________________________________________(As joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common)__ Minor Owner- Adult ______________as custodian for Child __________________(Under the Illinois Uniform Gifts to Minors Act)____________________________________________________________________Address City State Zip____________________________________________________________________PhoneCongregationSocial Security orI.D. Number__________________________________________Signature______________________________________________Apply Investment for Benefit of______________________Lutheran Church towards meeting its supporting investmentrequirement: 25% of loan.CERTIFICATION: Under penalties of perjury, I certify (1) that the number shownon this form is my correct taxpayer identification number and (2) that I am NOTsubject to backup withholding under the provisions of section 3406(a)(1)(C) of theInternal Revenue Code. (Allow two weeks for delivery of note.)USA PATRIOT ACT of October 26, 2001, says we must verify the identity of any person seeking to open an investment account with us. We will follow this law by obtaining pictureidentification of all new investors. Therefore, if you are a new investor, please include a photocopy of your drivers license or other state issued photo identification. The protection ofour customer’s identity and confidentiality is CEF’s pledge to you. We proudly support all efforts to protect and maintain the security of our investors and our country.

10The GatePost • October 20122012 Christ AcademyOfficial NoticesO R DA I N E DIncoming– Rev. Daniel Eggold, IN to Our Savior, Springfield– Rev. Michael Heidle, F/G to Immanuel, Danville– Rev. Jonathan Huehn, NID to Christ, Normal– Rev. Matthew Synnott, STL Seminary gradto Trinity, PeoriaWithin CID– Rev. Dan Fienen, Immanuel, Danville, to emeritus– Dr. Wayne Hoffman, Our Savior, Springfield,to emeritus– Rev. Stephen Mueller, St. James, Quincy,to Concordia, Geneseo– Dr. Thomas Radtke, Trinity, Springfield,to emeritusTransfer Out– Rev. J. Jeffrey Baxter, candidate to TX– Dr. Joseph Hughes, St. Paul, Sadorus, to KS– Rev. J. Derek Riddle, Christ/St. Luke, Delavan/San Jose to MI– Dr. John Wohlrabe, Concordia, Geneseo,to emeritus to SWCalled to Glory– Rev. David Bessinger, St. Paul, Mattoon,on June 5, 2012Emmett Bartens, a member of Good Shepherd<strong>Lutheran</strong> Church, Newton, IL, was one of theparticipants in Christ Academy High School,which took place on the campus of ConcordiaTheological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN, June 17-June 30, 2012. He is pictured with Rev. AndrewYeager, Director, Christ Academy High School.The two-week academy is an annual event for high-school-aged, young men who would like to learnmore about their <strong>Lutheran</strong> faith and the pastoral ministry. Highlights of the week included classeswith seminary professors, the opportunity to “shadow” local pastors, daily worship in KramerChapel, TinCaps baseball game and a trip to Cedar Point Amusement Park. For more informationabout Christ Academy High School, visit www.ctsfw.edu/CA or call (260) 452-2155.<strong>Lutheran</strong> High School, SpringfieldAnyone interested in helping to build a square foot of a <strong>Lutheran</strong> High School? <strong>Lutheran</strong> High Schoolin Springfield is offering folks the opportunity to purchase one square foot of their planned additionfor $160. That’s what each square foot of the new computer lab, music complex, additionalclassrooms and creation of office space will cost.“Everything in the old Quad, the temporary structures, needs to be replaced,” said Curt Fischer,Senior Administrator. “That’s what goes into the new building.”Steve Zielke, Principal of the school, agreed, “It’s time for them to go, but we need to replace theoffices and facilities the old buildings house.”Mark Gerberding, Board Vice Chair and Campaign Chairman, is positive about this second phase ofthe fund drive. “We raised a hair under one million dollars in phase one, and if we can raise between$250,000 and $500,000 in phase two, we can begin asking for construction drawings,” he said.Anyone interested in helping with the project, please contact the school at (217) 546-6363 and askfor any of the men mentioned above.Stay Connected with Campus MinistryPlease help the CID serve the spiritual needs of your student who attends the University of<strong>Illinois</strong>, <strong>Illinois</strong> State University, Eastern or Western <strong>Illinois</strong> University. Share the student’sinformation (student name, address at school, e-mail address at school, home congregation name)directly to the following CID campus ministry:Birthday CelebrationMrs. Madonna Johnson, member of St. Paul,Sadorus, celebrated her 102nd birthday lastspring. On Mother’s Day, she was presentedwith paper flowers made by the children atNoah’s Ark St. Paul preschool.University of <strong>Illinois</strong>University <strong>Lutheran</strong> ChurchRev. Rick Milas604 E. ChalmersChampaign, IL 61820rmilas@uiuc.eduEastern <strong>Illinois</strong> UniversityImmanuel <strong>Lutheran</strong> ChurchMr. Greg Witto, gpwitto@eie.eduRev. Kenneth Hoover902 Cleveland Ave.Charleston, IL 61920-3441<strong>Illinois</strong> State UniversityWittenberg <strong>Lutheran</strong> CenterRev. William Jensen201 S. MainNormal, IL 61761-2295wittenberg-ISU@juno.comWestern <strong>Illinois</strong> UniversityImmanuel <strong>Lutheran</strong> ChurchSt. Timothy Student CenterRev. Michael Burdick303 N. Clay St.Macomb, IL 61455-1348lutheran@macomb.com

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