57th Regular Convention News - Central Illinois District - Lutheran ...

57th Regular Convention News - Central Illinois District - Lutheran ... 57th Regular Convention News - Central Illinois District - Lutheran ...


The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod www.cidlcms.orgOctober 201257th Regular Convention NewsIn ThisIssue...From the President’s DeskPage 2CID Convention CoveragePages 3 – 7Lutheran Older Adult RetreatPage 8Parish Nurses NetworkPage 9Official NoticesPage 10Church Extension FundPage 11Engaging Rural CommunitiesPage 12The 57th Regular Convention of theCentral Illinois District, LutheranChurch Missouri Synod opened Sundayevening, July 8, 2012, with a powerful worshipservice hosted by Good Shepherd LutheranChurch of Sherman. The opening choiranthem, accompanied by trumpet, boldlyproclaimed that God is Our Refuge andStrength. Over 300 voices then joined togetherto praise and acknowledge our God as Lordeverlasting. Throughout the Worship Service,during hymns, liturgy, and prayer, thesanctuary was filled with a unified chorus thatresounded with the heavy bass which reflectedthe large number of male voices present.LCMS PresidentRev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrisongives communion to Pastorsand lay persons at GoodShepherd Lutheran Church inSherman, Illinois.The message was delivered by the SynodicalPresident, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.He preached on the Convention’s theme of,“Scripture Alone, Grace Alone, and FaithAlone”. More specifically, he reminded allpresent of the importance of ‘Pointing toChrist’. Through scripture alone, the lawpoints for the need for Christ and the gospelpoints to what Christ has done for us. TheRev. Dr. Harrison pointed to Ephesians 2:8 andthe fact that by grace alone, we have been savedthrough faith—none of it our own doing.Likewise, by faith alone we grab onto Christ’swork and his gifts. He concluded by urging allto continue to point to Christ with the Gospelfor all in this world to see.Learn more about the Convention on Pages 3 – 7.

The <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church—Missouri Synod www.cidlcms.orgOctober 2012<strong>57th</strong> <strong>Regular</strong> <strong>Convention</strong> <strong>News</strong>In ThisIssue...From the President’s DeskPage 2CID <strong>Convention</strong> CoveragePages 3 – 7<strong>Lutheran</strong> Older Adult RetreatPage 8Parish Nurses NetworkPage 9Official NoticesPage 10Church Extension FundPage 11Engaging Rural CommunitiesPage 12The <strong>57th</strong> <strong>Regular</strong> <strong>Convention</strong> of the<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>, <strong>Lutheran</strong>Church Missouri Synod opened Sundayevening, July 8, 2012, with a powerful worshipservice hosted by Good Shepherd <strong>Lutheran</strong>Church of Sherman. The opening choiranthem, accompanied by trumpet, boldlyproclaimed that God is Our Refuge andStrength. Over 300 voices then joined togetherto praise and acknowledge our God as Lordeverlasting. Throughout the Worship Service,during hymns, liturgy, and prayer, thesanctuary was filled with a unified chorus thatresounded with the heavy bass which reflectedthe large number of male voices present.LCMS PresidentRev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrisongives communion to Pastorsand lay persons at GoodShepherd <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church inSherman, <strong>Illinois</strong>.The message was delivered by the SynodicalPresident, the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.He preached on the <strong>Convention</strong>’s theme of,“Scripture Alone, Grace Alone, and FaithAlone”. More specifically, he reminded allpresent of the importance of ‘Pointing toChrist’. Through scripture alone, the lawpoints for the need for Christ and the gospelpoints to what Christ has done for us. TheRev. Dr. Harrison pointed to Ephesians 2:8 andthe fact that by grace alone, we have been savedthrough faith—none of it our own doing.Likewise, by faith alone we grab onto Christ’swork and his gifts. He concluded by urging allto continue to point to Christ with the Gospelfor all in this world to see.Learn more about the <strong>Convention</strong> on Pages 3 – 7.

4 The GatePost • October 2012<strong>News</strong><strong>Convention</strong> <strong>News</strong>Opening DevotionsThe Rev. Larry D. Troxel started the<strong>Convention</strong>’s first full day with an openingdevotion. The theme was based on1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5 and was entitled,“The Wonder of God’s Grace,Demonstrated in His Church”.Then Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison (SynodicalPresident) welcomed and blessed those whohave newly entered into the ministry.Rev. Troxel opened the second day, with adevotion based on Hebrews 13:7-8. He spoke to the message,“Remember Those Who Spoke God’s Word to Us,” and reminded the<strong>Convention</strong> to imitate the faith of those who led us and came beforeus, for their faith points to Jesus.Witness, Mercy, Life Together Video PresentationRev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, Synodical President, gave a videopresentation outlining the Synodical emphasis of “Witness, Mercy,and Life Together”. Topics within the video included:Witness: Emphasis on missions and evangelism both within theUnited States and globally.Mercy: Emphasis on disaster response and showing care and concernfor God’s people within the United States and globally.Life Together: Emphasis on living the Christian life together,including emphasis on ethnic outreach, servant events, youthministry, campus ministry, and school ministry.Question & Answer SessionRev. Dr. Harrison conducted a question and answer session with thedelegates present at the <strong>Convention</strong>. Among the topics discussed:Synodical restructuring, HHS mandate, Specific Ministry Pastorprogram, stewardship, <strong>Lutheran</strong> Malaria Initiative, Evangelism, andthe Pastoral office.CID President David Bueltmannopens <strong>Convention</strong>.<strong>Convention</strong> ExpressesThanksgiving to Mrs. CharlotteBueltmannA request came from the floor torecognize Mrs. Charlotte Bueltmann forthe years of support for her husbandduring his presidency as well as supportand service to the CID. Mrs. Bueltmannreceived a standing ovation.Electronic GatePost OptionRev. Dr. Rodger Abatie, pastor at Trinity,Pekin, addressed the <strong>Convention</strong> on behalf of the Communication’sCommittee asking both pastors and lay delegates to communicatewith their home congregation members about utilizing theavailability of the Electronic GatePost. He urged people to receive the<strong>District</strong>’s newsletter through their email by visiting the CID Web siteat www.cidlcms.org to sign up to receive The E-GatePost.PresentationsThe <strong>Convention</strong> also received presentations from:– Dr. Cameron MacKenzie presentation of <strong>Convention</strong> Essay– Enoch Peterson on Turkey– Dian Jones, <strong>Lutheran</strong> Malaria Initiative Representative– Rev. David Mahsman, Wittenberg Project– Pam Spilker, <strong>District</strong> LWML Representative– Roger Garlisch, <strong>District</strong> LLL Representative– Todd Burmeister, CPH RepresentativeReport from Credential’sCommittee124 Pastoral Delegates present128 Lay Delegates present33 Advisory Delegates present18 Staff present25 Guests present

6 The GatePost • October 2012ResolutionsMERCY COMMIT TEE RESOLUTIONSResolution: To amend <strong>District</strong> bylaws VIII and X (R 12-02-05)Summary: The <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church – Missouri Synod adopted changesto its bylaws at the 2010 <strong>Convention</strong>. The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>adjusted its Handbook to reflect these changes.Passed: Yes: 197 No: 4Resolution: To adopt Portions of the CID Handbook (R 12-01-04)Summary: The <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church – Missouri Synod adopted changesto its bylaws at the 2010 <strong>Convention</strong>. The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>adjusted its Handbook to reflect these changes.Passed: Yes: 199 No: 7Resolution: To commend the Roman Catholic Church for its stance onreligious freedoms and defense of the rights of the unbornSummary: That the CID publicly express gratitude to the RomanCatholic Church for defending the religious freedom of God’speople and defending the sanctity of the life. Likewise standingtogether with the <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church Missouri Synod in defending 1stamendment rights in opposition to the HHS mandated.Passed: By verbal consensus.Resolution: To embrace mission and ministry emphasis (R 12-01-03)Summary: That the CID submit the mission and ministry emphasis ofWitness, Mercy, Life Together for consideration as the continuedmission and ministry emphasis for the <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church MissouriSynod for the 2013-2016 Triennium.Passed: Yes: 199 No: 6Motion: Motion made and seconded for the CID <strong>Convention</strong> toconsider Overture 12-01-04, which would be to memorialize Synodto direct Concordia Publishing House to put the 1986 translation ofLuther’s Small Catechism into the public domain.Defeated:Yes: 74 No: 138The <strong>Convention</strong> chose not to consider Overture at this time.Resolution: To amend synod bylaw concerning theCommission on Constitutional matters (R 12-03-01)Summary: The resolution clarified how the commission would examinepreviously submitted amendments and how amendments aresubmitted to the commission for review. See resolution R 12-03-01on page-19 for details.Passed: Yes: 208 No: 7Resolution: To amend the constitution of the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>LCMS (R 12-03-02)Summary: The <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church – Missouri Synod adopted changesto its bylaws at the 2010 <strong>Convention</strong>. The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>adjusted its Handbook to reflect these changes.Passed: Yes: 208 No: 8Resolution: To amend the bylaws of the CID (R 12-03-03)Summary: The <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church – Missouri Synod adopted changesto its bylaws at the 2010 <strong>Convention</strong>. The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>adjusted its Handbook to reflect these changes.Passed: Yes: 208 No: 9Resolution: To set limitation of terms for the Praesidium (R 12-03-04)Summary: That the CID limits the <strong>District</strong> praesidium (<strong>District</strong>President and Vice Presidents) to three (3) three-year terms,totaling 9 years. Likewise, that the term limitations go into effect asof the beginning of the time of service for all officers following the2015 <strong>District</strong> <strong>Convention</strong>.Passed: Yes: 116 No: 113After the vote, questions arose regarding the need for a simplemajority or 2/3 majority in order for this resolution to pass. It wasrevealed that a simple majority was sufficient. The narrow marginbetween the two options then resulted in a motion to rescind thisresolution. The motion to rescind the resolution was defeated andthe resolution remained approved.WITNESS COMMIT TEE RESOLUTIONSResolution: To require uniformity of practice with regard to Word andSacramental ministrySummary: That the CID in convention memorialize the Synod todevelop a plan so that all men who are currently engaged in Wordand Sacrament ministry without being publicly called to or placedin the office of the ministry, be enrolled in the Special MinistryProgram (SMP) or cease from all forms of Word and Sacrament

ResolutionsTelling The Good <strong>News</strong> About Jesus 7ministry by the end of 2019. Likewise that the men enrolled in theSMP be called “deacons”, not pastors, until they fully complete theSMP program.Passed: Yes: 199 No: 22Resolution: To affirm the God-given Form of MarriageSummary: That the CID affirms all that God’s Word says aboutmarriage, sexual activity, and child rearing. Further, that it isresolved that CID commend Catholic Charities of <strong>Illinois</strong> forrefusing to certify couples who are “living in sin” to be fosterparents and encourage other Christian agencies to do the same thatchildren can be raised in the type of family which God created andcondones. Likewise, that this resolution be forwarded to theGovernor of <strong>Illinois</strong>, the Legislature, administrators of the socialservice agencies, and the President of the United States.Passed: Yes: 223 No: 2Resolution: To oppose HHS mandateSummary: That the CID in convention express its opposition to theHHS mandate and petition the United States Senators from <strong>Illinois</strong>to oppose the HHS mandate and introduce/support legislationprohibiting it. Likewise, that the laity and church workers of CIDalso be encouraged to oppose the HHS mandate and communicatetheir opposition to their congressional representatives.Passed: Yes: 212 No: 1Resolution: To encourage all CID congregations to receive the <strong>District</strong>visitors for the fall 2012 through 2013 Every Congregation VisitSummary: That the congregations of CID be encouraged to set asidetime allowing representatives of the <strong>District</strong> to visit.Passed: Yes: 183 No: 20Resolution: To promote Biblical stewardship and resources throughoutthe CID.Summary: The CID identify programs which promote ChristianStewardship, encourage and educate congregation members, andencourage CID members to give of their time, talents and treasures.Passed: Yes: 191 No: 13Resolution: To adopt campus ministry as a mission and ministryemphasis.Summary: That the Synod adopt Campus Ministry as one of its Missionand Ministry Emphases for the next triennium.Passed: Yes: 200 No: 10LIFE TOGETHER COMMITTEERESOLUTIONSResolution: To Restore balance to the composition of the LCMS Boardof Directors. (R 12-03-05)Summary: That the CID memorialize the <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church-MissouriSynod in convention to amend bylaws so that themembership to the Board of Directors would be changed infollowing ways: four minister of religion (instead of 2)-ordainedelected at-large by the Synod in convention. Also that twolaypersons elected at large by the Synod be deleted.Passed: Yes: 153 No: 43Resolution: To give thanks for Family Life Committee (R 12-03-07)Summary: That the CID give thanks to God for the work of the FamilyLife Committee in fulfilling the directive of the 2009 <strong>District</strong><strong>Convention</strong> as well as thanks to the Family Life Committee fortheir work. Moreover, that the congregations are encouraged tomake use of the resources gathered by this Committee.Passed: Yes: 190 No: 7Resolution: To rescind Synodical resolution 3-08A (2004 <strong>Convention</strong>)Summary: That the congregations of CID reject the teaching/doctrine/practice of women exercising authority over man asexpressed in Res. 3-08A (The Affirmation of the Conclusions of the1994 CTCR Report: The Service of Women in Congregation andSynodical Offices), which communicates permission for women toserve in the roles of elder, chairman, and vice-chairman of acongregation. Likewise, that the CID urge the 2013 <strong>Convention</strong> ofthe <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church to rescind Resolution 3-08A of the 2004<strong>Convention</strong>.Passed: Yes: 163 No: 36Rev. Harrison interviewed by WCIS-TV Springfield.

8The GatePost • October 2012Did You Know?Did you know 80% of all ourchurches in the <strong>Lutheran</strong>Church–Missouri Synod havetheir membership and worshipattendance plateaued or declining?Our <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong> wants tohelp our plateaued and declining churchesto move forward in serving Christ’s peoplein their congregation and the peopleof their community.A <strong>District</strong> Revitalization Process(Refreshing congregations) providesRev. Joel Cluver of our <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong><strong>District</strong> office to assist your congregationmonthly for up to two years. This serviceis provided to our <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong><strong>District</strong> congregations at no cost!For more information, contact Rev. JoelCluver, Mission, Evangelism andStewardship Executive at (217) 793-1802or jcluver@cidlcms.org or contactRev. Mark Miller, CID President,at (217) 793-1802.<strong>Lutheran</strong> Older Adult RetreatLOAR, <strong>Lutheran</strong> Senior Services of Missouriand the Southern <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong> will holdthe biennial <strong>Lutheran</strong> Older Adult Retreat onApril 24 & 25, 2013, at Pere Marquette Lodgenear Grafton, IL.The keynote speaker for the 24th will be theReverend Doctor John Nunes, CEO & Presidentsince 2007, of <strong>Lutheran</strong> World Relief. He leadsstaff in seventeen countries in working to endpoverty, injustice and human suffering. Whileworking on his doctorate at <strong>Lutheran</strong> School ofTheology in Chicago, John served as Pastor ofBethany <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church in Oak Park, IL, andserved as Professor of Theology at ConcordiaUniversity, Chicago. Dr. Nunes is the author ofVoices from the City: Issues and Images of UrbanPreaching. He was born in Jamaica, grew up inHamilton, Ontario, Canada, and currently livesin Baltimore, Maryland, with his wife Moniqueand their youngest son, John Jr. Monique is anadministrator for Baltimore <strong>Lutheran</strong> School.John will speak on the retreat theme: “ShiningWhere God Leads You.”The Bible Study leader on Thursday afternoonwill be the Reverend Gregory P. Seltz, speaker ofthe <strong>Lutheran</strong> Hour since February 2011. The<strong>Lutheran</strong> Hour, the flagship ministry forSt. Louis-based <strong>Lutheran</strong> Hour Ministries, isthe world’s longest-running Christian radiobroadcast and currently airs on more than1,400 traditional radio stations across NorthAmerica, as well as online and over theAmerican Forces Network. Prior to joining<strong>Lutheran</strong> Hour Ministries, Pastor Seltz wasDirector of Cross-Cultural Ministry Center andProfessor of Theology at Concordia University,in Irvine, CA. He previously served as ExecutiveDirector of Life’s Journey Ministry inManhattan, NY. Seltz was founding pastor ofthe first new <strong>Lutheran</strong> mission start in NewYork City in more than 40 years (Church ForAll Nations-LCMS). He started a missionchurch in Dallas, TX, and served as pastor of alarge congregation in Tampa, FL. He and hiswife, Marie Yvette, have one daughter, Devin.Workshops will be held on Wednesdayafternoon and Thursday morning by guestworkshop leaders. During the two days, 16workshops will be held and the participantsmay attend four of them.For more information, call Mary Preuss at(618) 288-9525 or visit http://lssliving.org.InstallationsRev. Stephen Mueller (left) was installedas pastor of Concordia <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church,Geneseo, on June 17, 2012.Rev. Michael Heidle (right) was installedas pastor of Immanuel <strong>Lutheran</strong> Church,Danville, on August 4, 2012.

10The GatePost • October 20122012 Christ AcademyOfficial NoticesO R DA I N E DIncoming– Rev. Daniel Eggold, IN to Our Savior, Springfield– Rev. Michael Heidle, F/G to Immanuel, Danville– Rev. Jonathan Huehn, NID to Christ, Normal– Rev. Matthew Synnott, STL Seminary gradto Trinity, PeoriaWithin CID– Rev. Dan Fienen, Immanuel, Danville, to emeritus– Dr. Wayne Hoffman, Our Savior, Springfield,to emeritus– Rev. Stephen Mueller, St. James, Quincy,to Concordia, Geneseo– Dr. Thomas Radtke, Trinity, Springfield,to emeritusTransfer Out– Rev. J. Jeffrey Baxter, candidate to TX– Dr. Joseph Hughes, St. Paul, Sadorus, to KS– Rev. J. Derek Riddle, Christ/St. Luke, Delavan/San Jose to MI– Dr. John Wohlrabe, Concordia, Geneseo,to emeritus to SWCalled to Glory– Rev. David Bessinger, St. Paul, Mattoon,on June 5, 2012Emmett Bartens, a member of Good Shepherd<strong>Lutheran</strong> Church, Newton, IL, was one of theparticipants in Christ Academy High School,which took place on the campus of ConcordiaTheological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN, June 17-June 30, 2012. He is pictured with Rev. AndrewYeager, Director, Christ Academy High School.The two-week academy is an annual event for high-school-aged, young men who would like to learnmore about their <strong>Lutheran</strong> faith and the pastoral ministry. Highlights of the week included classeswith seminary professors, the opportunity to “shadow” local pastors, daily worship in KramerChapel, TinCaps baseball game and a trip to Cedar Point Amusement Park. For more informationabout Christ Academy High School, visit www.ctsfw.edu/CA or call (260) 452-2155.<strong>Lutheran</strong> High School, SpringfieldAnyone interested in helping to build a square foot of a <strong>Lutheran</strong> High School? <strong>Lutheran</strong> High Schoolin Springfield is offering folks the opportunity to purchase one square foot of their planned additionfor $160. That’s what each square foot of the new computer lab, music complex, additionalclassrooms and creation of office space will cost.“Everything in the old Quad, the temporary structures, needs to be replaced,” said Curt Fischer,Senior Administrator. “That’s what goes into the new building.”Steve Zielke, Principal of the school, agreed, “It’s time for them to go, but we need to replace theoffices and facilities the old buildings house.”Mark Gerberding, Board Vice Chair and Campaign Chairman, is positive about this second phase ofthe fund drive. “We raised a hair under one million dollars in phase one, and if we can raise between$250,000 and $500,000 in phase two, we can begin asking for construction drawings,” he said.Anyone interested in helping with the project, please contact the school at (217) 546-6363 and askfor any of the men mentioned above.Stay Connected with Campus MinistryPlease help the CID serve the spiritual needs of your student who attends the University of<strong>Illinois</strong>, <strong>Illinois</strong> State University, Eastern or Western <strong>Illinois</strong> University. Share the student’sinformation (student name, address at school, e-mail address at school, home congregation name)directly to the following CID campus ministry:Birthday CelebrationMrs. Madonna Johnson, member of St. Paul,Sadorus, celebrated her 102nd birthday lastspring. On Mother’s Day, she was presentedwith paper flowers made by the children atNoah’s Ark St. Paul preschool.University of <strong>Illinois</strong>University <strong>Lutheran</strong> ChurchRev. Rick Milas604 E. ChalmersChampaign, IL 61820rmilas@uiuc.eduEastern <strong>Illinois</strong> UniversityImmanuel <strong>Lutheran</strong> ChurchMr. Greg Witto, gpwitto@eie.eduRev. Kenneth Hoover902 Cleveland Ave.Charleston, IL 61920-3441<strong>Illinois</strong> State UniversityWittenberg <strong>Lutheran</strong> CenterRev. William Jensen201 S. MainNormal, IL 61761-2295wittenberg-ISU@juno.comWestern <strong>Illinois</strong> UniversityImmanuel <strong>Lutheran</strong> ChurchSt. Timothy Student CenterRev. Michael Burdick303 N. Clay St.Macomb, IL 61455-1348lutheran@macomb.com

Telling The Good <strong>News</strong> About Jesus11Zion Student, Teacher Win State Historical Society AwardsBoth Anna Sielaff, seventh grader at Zion<strong>Lutheran</strong> School in Lincoln, and her historyteacher, Steve Schumacher, won awards fromthe <strong>Illinois</strong> State Historical Society at the 2012<strong>Illinois</strong> History Symposium held at theEmbassy Suites Hotel and Conference Centerin Peoria.Steve Schumacher, history teacher and principal atZion <strong>Lutheran</strong> School, received the Olive FosterTeacher of the Year award from the <strong>Illinois</strong> StateHistorical Society, presented by Happy Dean,chairman of the society’s Education AffairsCommittee.Sielaff received the Historical Society’s War of1812 Student Scholarship for her history fairproject entitled “How Did the Edwards TraceInfluence the Eventual Settlement of <strong>Central</strong> andSouthern <strong>Illinois</strong>?”“Her exhibit tells a significant story about thesettlement of the <strong>Illinois</strong> Territory in the yearsbefore statehood and during the Internationalconflict that has come to be known as the Warof 1812,” noted State Senator David Koehler(46th <strong>District</strong>) in presenting Sielaff her award.Schumacher was presented with the OliveFoster Teacher of the Year Award whichrecognizes teachers for their outstandingcontributions to the study and teaching ofstate and local history. Recipients activelypromote <strong>Illinois</strong> history in their schools andcommunities, using resources of local historicalsocieties, museums, the historical society andrelated organizations.Anna Sielaff, seventh grader at Zion <strong>Lutheran</strong> School,received an <strong>Illinois</strong> State Historical Society awardpresented by State Sen. David Koehler, second fromleft, for her history fair project on Edwards Trace.With Sielaff are her parents, Don and Jan Sielaff.Schumacher has taught history at Zion<strong>Lutheran</strong> School for 21 years, and oversees thebi-annual school history fair. Projects from theschool’s fair often progress to regional andstate competition. Schumacher also serves asthe school’s principal.CENTRAL ILLINOIS DISTRICT CHURCH EXTENSION FUND, INC. INVESTMENT FORM 8/20/121850 North Grand Avenue West, Springfield, IL 62702-1626 • (217) 793-1802 E-mail cef@cidlcms.com • www.cidlcms.orgThe mission of The Church Extension Fund, Inc. is to make funds and services available tocongregations for building efforts in support of The Great Commission (Matthew 28).Enclosed $_________________ investment in CID-CEF should be issued as follows:TERM % RATE* MINIMUM___Flexible 0.50 $25 (Passbook Savings Account)___1 Year___5 Year1.001.85$100$1,000___3 Year___6 Months1.400.75$100$5,000___Interest Check Semi-Annually (if over $25)___Accumulate Interest and Add to Note Balance*RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CALL TO CONFIRM CURRENT INTEREST RATES.__ Individual Ownership - Name (print)__ Joint Ownership - Name _______________________________________________and/or Name _____________________________________________________(As joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common)__ Minor Owner- Adult ______________as custodian for Child __________________(Under the <strong>Illinois</strong> Uniform Gifts to Minors Act)____________________________________________________________________Address City State Zip____________________________________________________________________PhoneCongregationSocial Security orI.D. Number__________________________________________Signature______________________________________________Apply Investment for Benefit of______________________<strong>Lutheran</strong> Church towards meeting its supporting investmentrequirement: 25% of loan.CERTIFICATION: Under penalties of perjury, I certify (1) that the number shownon this form is my correct taxpayer identification number and (2) that I am NOTsubject to backup withholding under the provisions of section 3406(a)(1)(C) of theInternal Revenue Code. (Allow two weeks for delivery of note.)USA PATRIOT ACT of October 26, 2001, says we must verify the identity of any person seeking to open an investment account with us. We will follow this law by obtaining pictureidentification of all new investors. Therefore, if you are a new investor, please include a photocopy of your drivers license or other state issued photo identification. The protection ofour customer’s identity and confidentiality is CEF’s pledge to you. We proudly support all efforts to protect and maintain the security of our investors and our country.

CENTRAL ILLINOIS DISTRICT1850 North Grand Avenue WestSpringfield, IL 62702-1626Engaging Rural Communities EventReaching Rural America for Christ —Let us go to the small towns… Mark 1:38Engaging Rural Communities events aregeared for single and dual parishes in ruraland small town settings. Ideally, a pastor andthree to four lay leaders will examine theircommunities and consider ways in whichthey can serve those unique needs.Participants will identify personal andcongregational assets they have in place andmake plans for utilizing resources to engagetheir respective communities.Many congregations today are concernedabout shrinking membership and fewerchildren and families in worship. There isno “one size fits all” solution. Howevercongregational leaders will be encouraged asthey see new opportunities for engaging theircommunities and are filled with hope forthe future.As a participant you will:• Learn about your community (your church will receive free demographics study)• Identify congregational assets• Consider new ways to engage your community• See how rural congregations have hope for the future• Develop action plans for community engagement• Identify challenges and opportunities facing your congregation.$25 registration fee per person (limit of 50 participants).Saturday, October 6, 20128 a.m. – 3 p.m.St. Luke <strong>Lutheran</strong> ChurchSan JosePresenter: Rev. Dr. Lee HagenInterim Director, LCMS Rural andSmall Town Mission, Concordia, MORegister with Amy Gerdts by email at amy.gerdts@lcms.org or call (888) 463-5127 or(660) 463-9400. Visit www.lcms.org/rstown for more information.The GatePost for The <strong>Central</strong><strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong> of the<strong>Lutheran</strong> Church—Missouri Synodis published 3 times per year.It is a supplementto congregational newsletters.Submit all articles to the Editor:Glenn Goeres1850 North Grand Avenue WestSpringfield, IL 62702-1626Email: ggoeres@cidlcms.orgLayout and Design by:Deverman AdvertisingPekin, <strong>Illinois</strong>Printing and Distribution by:Martin GraphicsChampaign, <strong>Illinois</strong>Deadline forJanuary 2013 Issue:November 20, 2012Communications CommitteeRev. Dr. Rodger Abatie, ChairmanRev. David Bueltmann, AdvisorGlenn Goeres, EditorJim DevermanShawn HoffmannRev. Dr. Wayne HoffmanBarry Locher

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