economic benefit of farmers from small-scale broiler and layer ...

economic benefit of farmers from small-scale broiler and layer ...

economic benefit of farmers from small-scale broiler and layer ...


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BANGLADESH RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS JOURNALISSN: 1998-2003, Volume: 8, Issue: 4, Page: 191-195, July - August, 2013ECONOMIC BENEFIT OF FARMERS FROM SMALL-SCALE BROILER ANDLAYER FARMING OF THAKURGAON DISTRICTMd. Masud <strong>and</strong> Iftekharul Islam Real 1 *Md. Masud <strong>and</strong> Iftekharul Islam Real (2013). Economic Benefit <strong>of</strong> Farmers <strong>from</strong> Small-Scale Broiler <strong>and</strong> LayerFarming. Bangladesh Res. Pub. J. 8(4): 119-195. Retrieve <strong>from</strong>http://www.bdresearchpublications.com/admin/journal/upload/1308402/1308402.pdfAbstractThe study was conducted on the basis <strong>of</strong> field level data <strong>from</strong> <strong>farmers</strong> <strong>of</strong>Thakurgaon district. It revealed that the total fixed cost per <strong>layer</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>layer</strong> farm wasTk. 370.77 that accounted, 19 percent <strong>of</strong> total cost. In case <strong>of</strong> <strong>broiler</strong> farms, thetotal fixed cost per <strong>broiler</strong> was Tk. 1.94 that accounted, 1.38 percent <strong>of</strong> total cost.The total variable cost per <strong>layer</strong> was Tk. 1579.56 that accounted, 81 percent <strong>of</strong> thetotal cost <strong>of</strong> the <strong>layer</strong> farm. The total variable cost per <strong>broiler</strong> was Tk. 138.79 whichaccounted 98.62 percent <strong>of</strong> the total cost. The study showed that total cost per<strong>layer</strong> was Tk. 1950.33. In case <strong>of</strong> <strong>broiler</strong> farms total cost per <strong>broiler</strong> was Tk. 140.73<strong>and</strong> total net return per <strong>layer</strong> was Tk. 263.81. In case <strong>of</strong> <strong>broiler</strong> farms, the net returnwas 13.82. The cost-<strong>benefit</strong> ratio was 1.15 for <strong>layer</strong> <strong>and</strong> 1.10 for <strong>broiler</strong> farms. Theresult showed the <strong>layer</strong> farms were more pr<strong>of</strong>itable than the <strong>broiler</strong> farms in thestudy areas.Key words: Fixed cost, variable cost, net return, <strong>broiler</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>layer</strong>.IntroductionThe contribution <strong>of</strong> livestock <strong>and</strong> poultry to GDP <strong>and</strong> foreign exchange earning wasestimated to be 3.86 <strong>and</strong> 4.31 percent respectively in 1995-96. They jointly provide full timeemployment to about 20 percent <strong>of</strong> the population <strong>and</strong> about 50 present people areassociated with this sub-sector as part-times job (GOB, 1999). Poultry meat alonecontributes 29 percent <strong>of</strong> the total meat production in Bangladesh (BBS, 2001). On theother h<strong>and</strong>, Poultry contribute about 22 to 27 present <strong>of</strong> total animal protein supply inBangladesh (Ahmed <strong>and</strong> Haque, 1990). It is known that the total production <strong>of</strong> meat is0.62 million metric tons <strong>and</strong> total egg production is 3,252 million. The annual deficit <strong>of</strong>meat is about 5.08 million metric tons while the annual deficit <strong>of</strong> egg is 9,997 million (GOB,1999). Therefore the shortage <strong>of</strong> the vital foods clearly indicates the potentiality as well asprospects to increase the production <strong>of</strong> poultry <strong>and</strong> livestock products. The poultryproduction in Bangladesh currently estimated to be 140 million chicks <strong>and</strong> 13 million ducks(FAO, 2003). On the other h<strong>and</strong> more than 130 hatcheries are producing 3.4 millions <strong>of</strong>day-old-chick (DOC) per week. Thirty thous<strong>and</strong> commercial <strong>broiler</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>layer</strong> farmssupplying 0.26 million metric tons <strong>of</strong> poultry meat <strong>and</strong> 5,210 millions table eggs per year(GOB 1999). In view <strong>of</strong> the above scenario in Bangladesh, the poultry farming might playa crucial role. Poultry can efficiently <strong>and</strong> rapidly meet the shortage <strong>of</strong> protein, as theproduction proposition requires lesser time <strong>and</strong> <strong>small</strong> investment. Poultry production hasattained an important place in agricultural-economy <strong>of</strong> Bangladesh, through contributionto Gross Domestic Product (GDP) <strong>and</strong> employment especially in rural <strong>and</strong> urban areas. Itis also contributing highly nutritious protein food at relatively cheaper price for humanpopulation. A tendency to initiate <strong>small</strong>-<strong>scale</strong> commercial poultry farming in rural areas isincreasing to meet the growing dem<strong>and</strong> for poultry products. However, expansion <strong>of</strong>poultry farming in particular locations should be based on financial analysis <strong>of</strong>performance <strong>of</strong> the poultry farms. However, little is known about the comparativeperformance <strong>of</strong> rearing <strong>broiler</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>layer</strong>, particularly in the area selected for the presentstudy. So the present study was undertaken with the following objectives: to determine thecost-<strong>benefit</strong> ratio <strong>of</strong> <strong>small</strong> farms <strong>and</strong> to compare the pr<strong>of</strong>it between <strong>broiler</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>layer</strong>farm.faculty <strong>of</strong> Animal Science <strong>and</strong> Vaterinary Medicine, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science <strong>and</strong> TechnologyUniversity,

Economic Benefit <strong>of</strong> Farmers 193Table-1 Fixed cost, variable cost, total cost, total gross returns <strong>and</strong> net return per <strong>layer</strong> (1.5 year)ParticularsFarm 1(Flock size 250)Farm 2(Flock size 289)Farm 3(Flock size 310)Average costper <strong>layer</strong> (Tk.)(Average flocksize 283)A. Fixed cost1. Depreciation on building (@ 5%) 7.97 (0.41) 7.41 (0.39) 7.85(0.40) 7.76(0.40)2. Depreciation on equipment (@ 10%) 2.57 (0.13) 2.65 (0.14) 2.85 (0.15) 2.69(0.14)3. Interest on fixed capital (@4.5) (As the total capital spent was his own, so 8.6 (0.44) 7.74 (0.40) 7.66 (0.39) 8(0.41)the bank interest rate was included which was 4.5%)4. Cost <strong>of</strong> <strong>layer</strong>s up to laying stage 360 (18.31) 3.37 (17.45) 360 (18.43) 352.33(18.06)Total fixed cost 397.14 (19.28) 354.82 (18.37) 378.36(19.37) 370.77(19)B. Variable cost1. Feed cost 1386 (70.49) 1386 (71.74) 1386(70.97) 1386(71.07)2. Labour cost 80 (4.07) 73.1 (3.81) 72.58(3.72) 75.23(3.87)3. Electricity charges 31.8 (1.62) 29.98 (1.55) 30.38(1.56) 30.72(1.58)4. Medication <strong>and</strong> vaccination cost 16.9 (0.86) 15.38 (0.80) 14.74(0.75) 15.67(.80)5. Miscellaneous charges 4.00 (0.2) 4.07 (0.21) 3.09(0.16) 3.72(0.19)6. Interest on working capital (@4.5 %) (As the total capital spent was his own, 68.35 (3.48) 67.91 (3.51) 67.8(3.47) 62.02(3.49)so the bank interest rate was included to be 4.5%)Total variable cost 1587.05 (80.72) 1577.04 (81.63) 1574.59(80.63) 1579.56(81)Total cost (A+B) 1966.19 (100) 1931.86 ( 100) 1952.95(100) 1950.33(100)c. Gross returns Average returnper <strong>layer</strong>(Tk)1. Return <strong>from</strong> eggs 1965.60 (88.77) 1944 (89.13) 2003.4(89.15) 1971(89.02)2. Other returnsa. Returns <strong>from</strong> old birds or disposal value <strong>of</strong> culled birds 220 (9.94) 210 (9.63) 218(9.70) 216(.76)b. Value <strong>of</strong> manure 19.13 (0.86) 17.85 (0.82) 17.4(0.77) 18.13(0.82)c. Value <strong>of</strong> gunny bags 9.57 (0.43) 9.12 ( 0.42) 8.35(0.37) 9.01(0.41)Total gross returns 2214.30 (100) 2180.97 (100) 2247.15 (100) 2214.14(100)Net returns 248.11 249.11 294.2 263.81* Figures in parenrheses represent percent <strong>of</strong> total costhttp://www.bdresearchpublications.com/journal/

Economic Benefit <strong>of</strong> FarmersSummaryBroiler is one <strong>of</strong> the important food items <strong>of</strong> mankind. In respect <strong>of</strong> nutrition, poultry meat isan excellent source <strong>of</strong> protein <strong>of</strong> high biological value as it contains the most essentialamino acids, fat, minerals <strong>and</strong> vitamins which are the most nutritious for human body. Thepoultry can be raised throughout the year with relatively less capital <strong>and</strong> <strong>small</strong> area <strong>of</strong>l<strong>and</strong>. In a shorter period <strong>of</strong> time it can help to satisfy the multiple <strong>economic</strong> needs <strong>of</strong> thepoultry <strong>farmers</strong>. The average total cost per <strong>layer</strong> for 1.5 year was estimated at Tk. 1950.33<strong>and</strong> <strong>broiler</strong> for 1 year Tk 140.73 respectively. The average gross returns per <strong>layer</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>broiler</strong>estimated at Tk. 2214.14 <strong>and</strong> Tk. 153.5 respectively. However, the average net returns per<strong>layer</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>broiler</strong> were estimated Tk. 263.81 <strong>and</strong> Tk. 13.82 respectively. The average cost<strong>benefit</strong>ratios <strong>of</strong> <strong>layer</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>broiler</strong> farms were 1.15 <strong>and</strong> 1.10 respectively.RecommendationsTo overcome the difficulties <strong>of</strong> poultry farming <strong>and</strong> to make the poultry farming morepr<strong>of</strong>itable, the owners <strong>of</strong> the poultry farms made the following suggestions:• The government <strong>and</strong> non- government organizations should play a vital role inmaking poultry feed easily available in the country.• In order to provide necessary veterinary services to the owners <strong>of</strong> poultry farms, thegovernment should establish new veterinary care centers with adequateveterinary technicians, field assistants <strong>and</strong> modern logistic supports.• For the greater interest <strong>of</strong> the poultry industry, the government should givenincentives to the private pharmaceutical companies to come forward to supplynecessary medicines <strong>and</strong> vaccines <strong>and</strong> vitamin for poultry raising at reasonableprices.• To get rid the problem <strong>of</strong> credit, the provision <strong>of</strong> short-term loan on easy terms forpoultry farming should be made with immediate effect.• Since most <strong>of</strong> the poultry <strong>farmers</strong> did not have formal training on farmmanagement, poultry husb<strong>and</strong>ry <strong>and</strong> poultry diseases <strong>and</strong> its control, short termtraining courses on those topics may be arranged by the Department <strong>of</strong> LivestockServices (DLS) <strong>of</strong> the government <strong>and</strong> NGOs. If these training programs becomeeffective, the pr<strong>of</strong>itability <strong>of</strong> poultry farming is expected to improve.• Poultry farm owners suggested that regular supply <strong>of</strong> electricity should be ensured.ReferencesAhmed, S. <strong>and</strong> Haque, Q. M. E. 1990. Available feed resources for <strong>small</strong> <strong>scale</strong> poultry <strong>and</strong>duck production. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the International Workshop on Crop AnimalFarming System Research, Asian Farming System Net-Work, Dhaka, Bangladesh.BBS, 2001. Statistical Year Book <strong>of</strong> Bangladesh, Bangladesh Bureau <strong>of</strong> Statistics, Ministry <strong>of</strong>Planning, Government <strong>of</strong> the Peoples Republic <strong>of</strong> Bangladesh, Dhaka.Begum, D. 2004. 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