MAUREEN RITCHEY - University of California, Davis

MAUREEN RITCHEY - University of California, Davis

MAUREEN RITCHEY - University of California, Davis


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<strong>MAUREEN</strong> <strong>RITCHEY</strong><strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>, <strong>Davis</strong>1544 Newton Court, <strong>Davis</strong> CA 95618meritchey@ucdavis.eduhttp://dml.ucdavis.edu/mritcheyACADEMIC HISTORY2011 – present <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>, <strong>Davis</strong>Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Neuroscience2011 Duke <strong>University</strong>Ph.D., Psychology & NeuroscienceGraduate Admitting Program in Cognitive NeuroscienceThesis: The influence <strong>of</strong> emotion on the neural correlates <strong>of</strong> episodic memory:Linking encoding, consolidation and retrieval processes2007 Duke <strong>University</strong>M.A., Psychology & Neuroscience2005 <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Notre DameB.S., Mathematics, magna cum laude2005 <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Notre DameB.A., Psychology, magna cum laudePUBLICATIONSYonelinas, A.P. & Ritchey, M. (2015). The slow forgetting <strong>of</strong> emotional episodic memories: An emotionalbinding account. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(5), 259-267.McCullough, A.M. Ritchey, M., Ranganath, C., & Yonelinas, A.P. (2015). Differential effects <strong>of</strong> stress-inducedcortisol responses on recollection and familiarity based recognition memory. Neurobiology <strong>of</strong>Learning and Memory, 123, 1-10.Ritchey, M., Montchal, M.E., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (2015). Delay-dependent contributions <strong>of</strong>medial temporal lobe regions to episodic memory retrieval. eLife, 4:e05025.Wing, E.A., Ritchey, M., & Cabeza, R. (2015). Reinstatement <strong>of</strong> individual past events revealed by thesimilarity <strong>of</strong> distributed activation patterns during encoding and retrieval. Journal <strong>of</strong> CognitiveNeuroscience. 27(4), 679-691.Dew, I.T.Z., Ritchey, M., LaBar, K.S., & Cabeza, R. (2014). Prior perceptual processing enhances the effect<strong>of</strong> emotional arousal on the neural correlates <strong>of</strong> memory retrieval. Neurobiology <strong>of</strong> Learning andMemory. 112, 104-113.Ritchey, M., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (2014). Functional connectivity relationships predictsimilarities in task activation and pattern information during associative memory encoding. Journal <strong>of</strong>Cognitive Neuroscience, 26 (5), 1085-1099.

Ritchey, M., Wing, E.A., LaBar, K.S., & Cabeza, R. (2013). Neural similarity between encoding and retrieval isrelated to memory via hippocampal interactions. Cerebral Cortex, 23(12), 2818-2828.Ranganath, C. & Ritchey, M. (2012). Two cortical systems for memory-guided behavior. Nature ReviewsNeuroscience, 13, 713-726.Ritchey, M., LaBar, K.S., & Cabeza, R. (2011). Level <strong>of</strong> processing modulates the neural correlates <strong>of</strong>emotional memory formation. Journal <strong>of</strong> Cognitive Neuroscience. 23 (4), 757-771.Ritchey, M., Bessette-Symons, B., Hayes, S.M., & Cabeza R. (2011). Emotion processing in the aging brainis modulated by elaboration. Neuropsychologia, 49 (4), 640-650.Ritchey, M.*, Dolcos, F.*, Eddington, K.M.*, Strauman, T., & Cabeza R. (2011). Neural correlates <strong>of</strong>emotional processing in depression: Changes with cognitive behavioral therapy and predictors <strong>of</strong>treatment response. Journal <strong>of</strong> Psychiatric Research, 45 (5), 577-587. *denotes equal contributionsMurty, V.P.*, Ritchey, M.*, Adcock, R.A., & LaBar, K.S. (2010). fMRI studies <strong>of</strong> successful emotional memoryencoding: A quantitative meta-analysis. Neuropsychologia, 48 (12), 3459-3469. *denotes equalcontributionsRitchey, M., Dolcos, F., & Cabeza, R. (2008). Role <strong>of</strong> amygdala connectivity in the persistence <strong>of</strong> emotionalmemories over time: An event-related fMRI investigation. Cerebral Cortex, 18(11), 2494-2504.Dillon, D.G., Ritchey, M., Johnson, B.D., & LaBar, K.S. (2007). Dissociable effects <strong>of</strong> conscious emotionregulation strategies on explicit and implicit memory. Emotion, 7(2), 354-265.Marsolek, C.J., Schnyer, D.M., Deason, R.G., Ritchey, M., & Verfaellie, M. (2006). Visual anti-priming:Evidence for ongoing adjustments <strong>of</strong> superimposed object representations. Cognitive, Affective, &Behavioral Neuroscience, 6(3), 163-174.Siegler, B.A., Ritchey, M., & Rubin, J. (2005). Spike timing dependent plasticity as a mechanism for oculardominance shift. Neurocomputing, 65, 181-188.Book chaptersRitchey, M., Libby, L.A., & Ranganath, C. (2015). Cortico-hippocampal systems involved in memory andcognition: The PMAT framework. In Shane O’Mara & Marian Tsanov (Ed.), The ConnectedHippocampus, Progress in Brain Research, Elsevier.Arzi, A., Banerjee, S., Cox, J.C., … Ritchey, M., … Wood, S. (2014). The significance <strong>of</strong> cognitiveneuroscience: Findings, applications, and challenges. In M.S. Gazzaniga (Ed.), The CognitiveNeurosciences (5 th ed.). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.CommentariesVenkatraman, V., Ritchey, M., & Reeck, C. (2009) Post-choice revaluation <strong>of</strong> hedonic preferences: Insightsfrom functional imaging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: General Commentary, 3(18), 1-3.

FUNDING2015—2017K99MH103401, Pathway to Independence AwardNational Institutes <strong>of</strong> Health/ NIMHTitle: Emotional modulation <strong>of</strong> human memory processes and cortico-hippocampal systemsTotal costs, Years 1 & 2: $167,0922008—2011F31MH085384, Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral National Research Service AwardNational Institutes <strong>of</strong> Health/ NIMHTitle: Neuroimaging <strong>of</strong> emotional association formation and subsequent effect on memoryTotal costs: $104,328AWARDS & HONORSLaird Cermak Award, Memory Disorders Research Society, 2015Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Fellow, Squaw Valley, 2013Annual Neuroscience Poster Contest: First Prize, UC <strong>Davis</strong> Center for Neuroscience, 2012Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Fellow, Santa Barbara, 2012Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics: Mathematics in Brain Imaging Travel Award, UCLA, 2008Health Emotions Research Institute Travel Award, Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, 2008National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2007James B. Duke Fellowship, Duke <strong>University</strong>, 2005–2009National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Summer Fellow, 2003, 2004Glenna R. Joyce Scholarship, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Notre Dame, 2001–2005Notre Dame Scholar, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Notre Dame, 2001National Merit Scholar, 2001TEACHING & MENTORINGGuest Lecturer, fMRI Data Analysis, Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> Cognitive Neuroimaging, UC <strong>Davis</strong>, 2015Co-Organizer & Instructor, MTL Tracing Bootcamp, UC <strong>Davis</strong>, 2013Guest Lecturer, Emotion & Memory, Human Learning & Memory, UC <strong>Davis</strong>, 2013Preparing Future Faculty Program, 2010—2011Guest Lecturer, Memory I, Biological Bases <strong>of</strong> Behavior, Duke <strong>University</strong>, 2008Instructor Assistant, Biological Bases <strong>of</strong> Behavior, Duke <strong>University</strong>, 2008Guest Lecturer, Emotion and the Brain, Biological Bases <strong>of</strong> Behavior, Duke <strong>University</strong>, 2007Instructor Assistant, Biological Bases <strong>of</strong> Behavior, Duke <strong>University</strong>, 2007Instructor Assistant, Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience, Duke <strong>University</strong>, 2007Guest Lecturer, Duke Talent Identification Program Neuroscience Course, 2006Research mentor to UC <strong>Davis</strong> graduate students:Andrew McCullough (2011—present), Halle Zucker (2013—present)Research mentor to UC <strong>Davis</strong> research assistants:Manoj Doss (2011—2013; now at U. Chicago), Shao-Fang Wang (2013—present)Research mentor to UC <strong>Davis</strong> Integrated Studies Honors Program student, 2012—2014The Duke Reader Project (writing mentorship program), 2012, 2013Research mentor to Duke undergraduates seeking Graduation with Distinction, 2006—2008

PROFESSIONAL SERVICEAd hoc reviewingBehavioural Brain ResearchCerebral CortexCognition and EmotionCognitive, Affective, & Behavioral NeuroscienceCognitive NeuroscienceCortexEmotionFrontiers in Integrative NeuroscienceHippocampusHuman Brain MappingJournal <strong>of</strong> Cognitive NeuroscienceJournal <strong>of</strong> Experimental Psychology: GeneralJournal <strong>of</strong> NeuroscienceNature NeuroscienceNeurobiology <strong>of</strong> AgingNeurobiology <strong>of</strong> Learning and MemoryNeuroImageNeuronSocial Cognitive and Affective NeuroscienceQuarterly Journal <strong>of</strong> Experimental PsychologyPanelist, Navigating the job market after graduate school, Association for Psychological Science AnnualConvention, 2014Volunteer Judge, Center for Neuroscience Annual Neuroscience Poster Contest, 2013, 2014Volunteer Judge, Interdisciplinary Graduate and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Student Symposium, 2012, 2013Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Retreat Committee Member, 2006–2010Cognitive Neuroscience Admitting Program Steering Committee Member, 2005–2008Cognitive Neuroscience Student Journal Club Coordinator, 2008CONFERENCE TALKS & INVITED TALKSRitchey, M., McCullough, A.M., Ranganath, C., & Yonelinas, A.P. (August 2014). Medial temporal loberesponses during encoding predict the influence <strong>of</strong> post-encoding stress on memory. Talk presentedat the Bay Area Memory Meeting, Palo Alto, CA.Ritchey, M. (February 2014). Identifying memory systems in the brain: Functional connectivity and patternsimilarity approaches. Invited talk at the UC <strong>Davis</strong> Imaging Research Center, Translational Cognitiveand Affective Neuroscience Lab, Sacramento, CA.Ritchey, M., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (May 2013). Medial temporal lobe subregions interact withfunctionally distinct systems. Talk presented at the Context and Episodic Memory Symposium,Philadelphia, PA.Ritchey, M., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (August 2012). Cortical systems representing context inepisodic memory. Talk presented at the Bay Area Memory Meeting, <strong>Davis</strong>, CA.Ritchey, M. (April 2012). The science <strong>of</strong> human memory. Invited talk at Evernote Corporation, MountainView, CA.POSTERS & OTHER PRESENTATIONSRitchey, M., Wang, S.F., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (June 2015). Disambiguating the neural bases <strong>of</strong>emotional memory with high-resolution imaging. Poster to be presented at the Organization <strong>of</strong>Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.Ritchey, M., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (March 2015). Hippocampal and medial prefrontalcontributions to item and context memory over time. Poster presented at the CognitiveNeuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

McCullough, A.M., Ritchey, M., Ranganath, C., & Yonelinas, A.P. (March 2015). Basal cortisol levels andstress-induced cortisol responses are differentially related to processes underlying recognitionmemory. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco,CA.Wang, S.F., Ritchey, M., Libby, L.A., & Ranganath, C. (March 2015). Functional connectivity-basedparcellation <strong>of</strong> the human medial temporal lobe. Poster presented at the Cognitive NeuroscienceSociety Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Zucker, H., Ritchey, M., Ekstrom, A.D., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (March 2015). How the MTLrepresents spatial and temporal contexts: A high-resolution MRI investigation. Poster presented atthe Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Ritchey, M. (November 2014). Why we remember some things and not others: Cortico-hippocampalsystems involved in memory and emotion. Talk presented at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,Duke <strong>University</strong>, Durham, NC.Yonelinas, A.P., & Ritchey, M. (November 2014). The slow forgetting <strong>of</strong> emotional episodic memories. Talkto be presented by APY at the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.Ritchey, M., McCullough, A.M., Ranganath, C., & Yonelinas, A.P. (November 2014). Medial temporal loberesponses during encoding predict the influence <strong>of</strong> post-encoding stress on memory. Poster to bepresented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.Gruber, M.J., Ritchey, M., Wang, S.F., Doss, M.K., Düzel, E., & Ranganath, C. (November 2014). Rewardmotivation benefits memory via <strong>of</strong>fline post-learning dynamics. Poster to be presented at the Societyfor Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.Ritchey, M., Montchal, M.E., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (November 2013). Delay-dependent changesin reactivation <strong>of</strong> context information during item recognition. Poster presented at the Society forNeuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.Doss, M.K., Ritchey, M., & Ranganath, C. (April 2013). Time-dependent changes in contextual facilitation <strong>of</strong>memory retrieval. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, SanFrancisco, CA.McCullough, A., Ritchey, M., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (April 2013). Neural substrates underlyingeffects <strong>of</strong> post-encoding stress and emotional arousal on recollection and familiarity. Posterpresented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Brashier, N., Dew, I.T.Z., Ritchey, M., LaBar, K.S., & Cabeza, R. (April 2013). Perceptual processingenhances the effect <strong>of</strong> emotion on retrieval: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the CognitiveNeuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Ritchey, M., Yonelinas, A.P., & Ranganath, C. (October 2012). Cortical systems representing context inepisodic memory. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans,LA.Ritchey, M., Wing, E.A., LaBar, K.S., & Cabeza, R. (April 2012). Neural similarity between encoding andretrieval predicts item-specific variation in memory success. Poster presented at the CognitiveNeuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.Wing, E.A., Ritchey, M., Eklund, K., & Cabeza, R. (April 2012). Perceptual reactivation during covert recallpredicts later memory accuracy. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society AnnualMeeting, Chicago, IL.

Ritchey, M., Lorenzo-Lopez, L., Wing, E.A., Daselaar, S.M., LaBar, K.S., & Cabeza, R. (April 2011). Commonand distinct networks supporting emotional modulation <strong>of</strong> successful memory encoding andretrieval. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco,CA.Ritchey, M., Murty, V.P., Adcock, R.A., & LaBar, K.S. (November 2010). A meta-analysis <strong>of</strong> fMRI studies <strong>of</strong>successful emotional memory encoding. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience AnnualMeeting, San Diego, CA.Ritchey, M., Bessette-Symons, B., & Cabeza, R. (April 2010). Age-related neural differences in emotionprocessing are modulated by elaboration. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience SocietyAnnual Meeting, Montreal, QC.Wing, E.A., Hayes, S.M., Ritchey, M., & Cabeza, R. (April 2010). Associative and integrative processingduring memory encoding <strong>of</strong> abstract figures. Poster presented at the Cognitive NeuroscienceSociety Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC.Ritchey, M., Rudisill, S., LaBar, K.S., & Cabeza R. (March 2009). Neural correlates <strong>of</strong> emotional arousal andsemantic processing during memory formation: A levels-<strong>of</strong>-processing approach. Poster presentedat the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.Ritchey, M., Dolcos, F. Eddington, K.M., Strauman, T.J., & Cabeza, R. (November 2008). The influence <strong>of</strong>cognitive therapy on the neural correlates <strong>of</strong> emotion processing in depression: An event-relatedfMRI investigation. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington,D.C.Ritchey, M. (December 2008). Making emotional memories: The convergence <strong>of</strong> encoding and consolidationmechanisms. Talk presented at the Cognitive Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience Brownbag,Department <strong>of</strong> Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke <strong>University</strong>, Durham, NC.Ritchey, M. (December 2007). Emotional memory persistence over time: Role <strong>of</strong> the amygdala and medialtemporal lobes. Talk presented at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Lunchtime PresentationSeries, Duke <strong>University</strong>, Durham, NC.Dolcos, F., Stokes, J., Kragel, J., Ritchey, M., Tsukiura, T., McCarthy, G., & Cabeza, R. (October 2007).Neural correlates <strong>of</strong> opposing modulation <strong>of</strong> emotion on short- and long-term memory processes:An event-related fMRI investigation. Paper presented at the Society for Neuroscience AnnualMeeting, San Diego, CA.Ritchey, M., Dolcos, F., LaBar, K.S., & Cabeza, R. (May 2007). Encoding activity predicting subsequentemotional memory after short and long delays. Poster presented at the Cognitive NeuroscienceSociety Annual Meeting, New York, NY.Ritchey, M., & Radvansky, G.A. (May 2006). Emotional content slows working memory performance whileimproving long-term memory. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science AnnualConvention, New York, NY.Marsolek, C.J., Schnyer, D.M., Deason, R.G., Ritchey, M., & Verfaellie, M.H. (November 2005). Visual antipriming:Neurocomputational models and brain bases. Paper presented at the Society forNeuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.Ritchey, M. (August 2004). Influences on the target P3 and novelty P3 during simulated driving and controlconditions. Paper and poster presented at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Minnesota Summer UndergraduateResearch Program in Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, Minneapolis, MN.

REFERENCESRoberto Cabeza, Ph.D.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Duke <strong>University</strong>Center for Cognitive NeuroscienceBox 90999, Durham, NC 27708cabeza@duke.eduKevin S. LaBar, Ph.D.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Duke <strong>University</strong>Center for Cognitive NeuroscienceBox 90999, Durham, NC 27708klabar@duke.eduCharan Ranganath, Ph.D.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>, <strong>Davis</strong>Center for Neuroscience1544 Newton Court, <strong>Davis</strong>, CA 95618cranganath@ucdavis.eduAndrew P. Yonelinas, Ph.D.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>California</strong>, <strong>Davis</strong>Department <strong>of</strong> PsychologyOne Shields Avenue, <strong>Davis</strong>, CA 95616apyonelinas@ucdavis.edu

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