Download KnowHow 1-2012 - Südmo

Download KnowHow 1-2012 - Südmo Download KnowHow 1-2012 - Südmo

Pentair is truly in the process of anincredible transformation. First, in Marchof this year, we announced a mergeragreement with Tyco’s Flow Controlbusiness, a global leader in industrial valvesand controls, water and environmentalsystems and thermal control solutions.This pending merger, when completed,will help solidify Pentair as a global leaderin water, fluid process, and equipmentprotection solutions. In addition, the newPentair will have a heightened presencein the ever-increasing oil and gas andenergy markets, allowing us to reach newcustomers and better serve our currentbase.We expect that this powerful combinationwill provide substantial benefits for you, ourvalued customers.Pentair continues to grow stronger in otherways, too. We recently launched a newbranding initiative aimed at strengtheningour position as a leader in the sectors inwhich we operate, while aligning our brandportfolio to better serve our customers.We hope to continue to serve your needs byleveraging our knowledge and expertiseacross a broader spectrum of products,solutions and applications. Our productlines going forward will be more clearlysupported and aligned through the strengthof the Pentair brand. Over the next severalmonths, you will begin to see an updated,more modern Pentair logo that reflects astronger presence and brand, all over theworld.In this issue of <strong>KnowHow</strong>, we are proud tobring you updates on new products anddevelopments from around the company.Some of these solutions are designedto serve the growing opportunities inindustrial infrastructure developmentacross the world. For example, inequipment protection, we introduced thePentair McLean Cooling V-Series controlpanel that improves industrial processcooling for manufacturing automationequipment. Also highlighted, serving theglobal need for safe, clean water, PentairX-Flow will supply its Seaflex ultrafiltrationmembranes to the Al Zawrah seawaterreverse osmosis plant in Ajman, UnitedArab Emirates.Finally, we’ll showcase some of oursustainable solutions that were developedto deliver high efficiency while protectingthe environment. Pentair’s stance as aleader in pool equipment has been elevatedwith the introduction of our IntelliPoolautomation system that helps homeownersmaintain and manage their pools withincredible energy savings. In addition,serving the need for efficient point-of-entrywater purification systems for homesand businesses, our new Hybrid DI waterconditioning unit is a water filtration systemand water softener in one. The Hybrid DIis designed to deliver bottled water qualitydrinking water and eliminate the needfor salt in the softening stage, making itenvironmentally friendly.I hope that you enjoy this issue. As ourcompany continues to grow and develop, weare committed to bringing you news on thelatest developments across Pentair.Michael V. SchrockPresident and Chief Operating OfficerPentair, Inc.02 k now how <strong>2012</strong>

w a t e r p u r i f i c a t i o nHomespring OffersCrystal Clear Water for Every Tapby HEATHER KOEHNheather.koehn@pentair.comFew countries offerits citizens clean,clear drinking waterthat does not raiseconcerns for diseaseor sickness. Those withhave consistent accessto fresh drinking water,must be truly thankful.In March <strong>2012</strong>, Pentair Water Purificationannounced the launch of Homespring,a system that removes bacteria, virusand cysts from source water to provideultra-filtered water to populationswithout access to clean, clearand safe water. Homespring alsouniquely allows natural saltsand essential minerals to remainpresent in the water, while providingbottled water taste to every tap inthe home.Homespring systems succeedacross the world in offeringpotable water to the entire homefor drinking, cooking and bathing.Customers facing problems—suchas E.Coli, turbidity, giardia orcryptosporidium—use Homespringto create a dependable flow of clean,safe water for consumption that waspreviously unavailable. Customersalso benefit from reduced dry skinand allergic reactions originallycaused by chlorinated water.Homespring currently toucheslives across the globe byproviding clean water to remotelocations, residential andcommercial applications, andeven zones traumatized bynatural disasters. The systemrequires minimal power tofilter water, which is idealfor installation in developingnations. It has been installed inin various locations throughoutChina, New Zealand, Pakistan,Pentair’s Homespring provides safe water throughout the worldKazakhstan, India, Sri Lanka, US GulfCoast and Guatemala. Whether used foremergencies or for everyday use, theHomespring has met and surpassedexpectations in rigorous applications allover the world.When designing for commercial andresidential applications worldwide,Pentair Water Purification’s engineeringteam works to ensure a robust design.The Homespring promises to improvethe health of many across the globe byoffering a whole-house solution thatprovides peace of mind, healthy living andhope to those facing disaster.k now how <strong>2012</strong> 03

p e n t a i r f o u n d a t i o nPENTAIR FOUNDATION PROVIDES$1 MILLION GRANT TO WATERMISSIONS INTERNATIONAL TOFUND SAFE DRINKING WATERPROJECTS WORLDWIDEby BETSY DAY than one billion people worldwide – roughly one out of every seven –have no choice but to use unsafe, contaminated water. To help solve this issue,the Pentair Foundation is providing a five-year grant totaling $1 million tothe non-profit Water Missions International (WMI). The multi-year grant willfund the implementation of clean water and sanitation projects in developingcountries, further building on the work of Pentair’s Project Safewater initiativewith WMI.04 k now how <strong>2012</strong>

p r o c e s s t e c h n o l o g i e sPentair X-Flow secured three major desalinationprojects in seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plantsin the Middle East where X-Flow’s ultrafiltration (UF)membranes will provide optimum pre-treatment tothe reverse osmosis (RO) system. The three projectsadd more than 1,200 MLD (295 MGD) to X-Flow’sinstalled base securing X-Flow’s leading position inthe desalination pre-treatment market.Ultrafiltration ProvidesProtection and EfficiencyGood pre-treatment is very importantfor SWRO plants to operate successfully.X-Flow’s horizontal and vertical hollowfiber ultrafiltration membranes—Seaguard and Seaflex—provide optimumpre-treatment for the RO membranes.Pre-treatment with UF raises RO fluxes,creates more consistent quality of theRO feed water, improves performance,reduces capital expenditure (CAPEX) andsignificantly decreases plant design. Inessence, this treatment positively impactsall SWRO plant functions.fresh water forby JANNA DIRKS jannProject I: Jubail phase 2 SWRO plantProject II: Al Zawrah SWRO plaX-Flow received an order from Al FatahWater and Power to supply its Seaguardultrafiltration (UF) membranes and skidsto the Jubail phase 2 project in Al Jubail,Saudi Arabia. Once commissioned in<strong>2012</strong>, this dual membrane plant with UFfollowed by reverse osmosis (RO), willbe the largest UF-RO desalination plantin Saudi Arabia. With a UF productioncapacity of 177 MLD (47 MGD), the SWROfacility will produce fresh water for thecity’s industry. Al Fatah Water and Powerselected Pentair after an eight-monthpilot with two other UF membranesuppliers and producers of conventionaldual media filtration. During the pilotperiod, X-Flow’s membranes excelled.This, combined with the track record andproject management capabilities, led AlFatah Water and Power to select X-Flowover the competing companies.X-Flow has been selected to supply itsSeaflex ultrafiltration (UF) membranesto the Al Zawrah SWRO plant in Ajman,United Arab Emirates. The UF systemin the new Al Zawrahdesalination plantwill produce 115 MLD(30 MGD) pretreatedseawater to feed thereverse osmosis (RO)membrane system.The end user, FederalElectricity and WaterAuthority (FEWA),provides utilities forthe Emirates of Ajman,Ras Al Khaima, UmmAl Quwain and Fujairah.FEWA owns andoperates severalseawater desalinationplants to supplypotable water toits consumers andmainly employsRO technology. It08 k now how <strong>2012</strong>

LebanonSyriaIsraelx JordanIraqIranKuwaitxBahrainSaudi ArabiaQatarxUAEYemenOmanPentair secured important projects inSaudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Israel.the middLE easta.dirks@pentair.comntProject III: Ashdod SWRO plantis the first time, however, that FEWAwill implement UF technology as apre-treatment step. The EPC contractwas won by a consortium made up ofthe Spanish companyCadagua, S.A. andlocal Ajman companyEssa Engineering &Marine Services LLC.Scheduled to be builtand commissioned in<strong>2012</strong>, the Al ZawrahSWRO plant willproduce desalinatedwater for potablepurposes.X-Flow signed an agreement with IVMMinrav Sadyt to supply its Seaguardultrafiltration (UF) membranes and skidsto the Ashdod SWRO plant in Israel. Witha UF permeate capacity of 930 MLD (245MGD), the plant will supply 100 millioncubic meters of desalinated water a yearto become the first potable water plantbuilt under the government’s emergencyplan for the water economy in Israel.Once completed, Ashdod will be oneof the largest SWRO plant with UF aspre-treatment in operation worldwide.In November 2009, the IVM consortium,comprised of Israel’s Minrav Holding Ltd.and Spain’s SADYT, won the internationaltender from Mekorot Development andEnterprise Ltd. to build the seawaterdesalination plant at Ashdod. IVM willdesign, build, commission and operatethe plant for two years. Scheduled to runat full production by December, 2013, theAshdod plant will produce desalinatedwater amounting to 15 percent of Israel’sdomestic water consumption. Once theAshdod plant is completed, the five largestdesalination plants in Israel combinedwill supply around 85 percent of Israel’sdomestic water consumption.k now how <strong>2012</strong> 09

p r o c e s s t e c h n o l o g i e sAdvanced Valve technologyfor Unilever’s Ice CreamPlant with Pentair Südmoby MARCELO RAMPAZZO marcelo.rampazzo@pentair.comUnilever—one of theworld’s largest ice-creamproducers—placesthe highest value onpremium productquality. To achieve themost advanced processautomation Unileverchose Südmo’s valvemanifolds to expand itsice cream productionplant in Valinhos, Brazil.The project involved automating all fluidhandling in Unilever’s new aging room withsix aging tanks and three re-work tanks.The latter connect the aging room with twopasteurizers, three filling lines and onefruit dosing line. In addition, there are fourmixing tanks and cleaning in place (CIP)lines.Südmo provided four valve manifoldsfeaturing the company’s proven mixproof valve technology that eliminatescross-contamination between differentproducts and cleaning fluids. Thevalve arrangement permits total plantflexibility, allowing the operator to fill eachtank separately with product from thepasteurization line or send product to thefilling line. In addition, every tank can becleaned separately through the existing CIPsystem, reducing cleaning downtime andincreasing operating efficiency.Südmo’s IntelliTop ® 2.0 decentralizedcontrol units enable communicationbetween the valve manifolds and Unilever’scontrol system. Specifically designedto increase the plant’s efficiency, theIntelliTop 2.0 controls, monitors andreports all valve functions in the processplant. Installed on the valve’s pneumaticactuators, the units shorten start-up,monitor plant functions, and quickly identifya component or communication issue.In addition to the valve manifolds, Südmosupplied the pumps, piping and connectionswith the goal of minimizing product lossesduring transfers and reducing operatingcosts through state-of-the-art engineeringand piping optimization. Moreover, thesupply scope includes the mechanicalassembly, documentation and valvemaintenance training.“We are very satisfied with this investment,”said Carlos Derbona, Unilever’s projectmanager. “The Südmo system enablesimproved process quality against reducedoperating costs. Moreover, the fast deliverytime and the competitive prices had usconvinced.”Pentair’s state-of-the-art engineering and pipingorganization minimizes product lossesMarcelo Rampazzo, Pentair Water do Brasilsales manager added: “We are very pleasedto be part of this project and contribute toone of the most modern Unilever ice creamaging rooms in the world.”Pentair helps Unilever expand its ice creamproduction plant in Valinhos, Brazil.10 k now how <strong>2012</strong>

BreakthroughSystemfor Mid-SizeBreweriesby JANNA DIRKS janna.dirks@pentair.comAs demand for beer grows, small and mid-sizedbrewers must make fast-paced decisions, expandand maintain consistent quality.Sustainable growth opens a variety ofoptions to keep up with smart competitorsand evolving customer demands. Investingin a high-quality and innovative brewingsystem, like the Beer Membrane Filtration(BMF), offers attractive financial benefits.Investing in SustainabilityTraditionally, BMF systems have beendesigned for larger breweries thatproduce more than one million hectoliteroutput. To meet the specific demands ofmid-size breweries, Pentair now offers apre-assembled, stand-alone BMF system—the BMF-18 Compact—that has the sameadvantages and benefits as a BMF forlarge breweries with a significantly lowerinvestment cost. In addition to achievingbrewery goals, the BMF-18 Compacthelps small and mid-sized brewers meetsustainability goals, such as the efficientuse of water, energy and chemicals, and thereduction of throwaway and non-recyclablematerials.Flexibility and Turnkey DeliveryThe BMF-18 Compact turnkey solutionoffers fast implementation, reliableoperation and excellent beer qualityfor breweries with an annual capacityof approximately 100,000 hl to 500,000hl, and even up to 1,000,000 hl with highgravity and 24/7 operation. With a capacityof 100-150 hl/h, the BMF-18 Compactincorporates smart design principlesand high quality components. Its robustdesign makes it possible to assemble theentire BMF system prior to transportation.After the order is placed, the brewery canprepare the necessary piping while Pentairbuilds and tests the BMF-18 Compact. Then,the system is installed at the brewery asa plug-and-play system, and tailored tothe brewery’s specific conditions. Thissmart concept drastically shortens thecommissioning period and makes itpossible to filter the first hectoliters of beerone week after arrival at the brewery.Ganter—a German brewery based inFreiburg since 1865—chose the BMF-18Compact as part of its brewery upgrade.Detlef Frankenberger, Managing Directorat Ganter, explains, “Higher processautomation, filtrating different types ofbeer more flexibly, and with less impact onthe environment and our employees, areessential advantages of the next generationmembrane filtration technology. For us,as a mid-sized brewery, Pentair’s BMF-18Compact offers the ideal, ready-to-installsolution.”Unequalled PerformanceJust like the BMF for large-size breweries,the BMF-18 Compact delivers high-qualitybeer consistently during a run cycle, with along shelf life and excellent taste stability,while eliminating the health and safetyrisks of diatomaceous earth. The BMF-18Compact minimizes beer and time lossduring product switchover,improving flexibility. Moreover,only limited manual work isrequired as the main processsteps are fully automated; thebrewer merely has to manuallyswitch from filtration to CIP—and vice versa—typically aboutonce a day.These advantages make theBMF-18 Compact the perfectsolution for small and mid-sizebreweries to filter the bestbeer with the lowest financialand environmental impact.k now how <strong>2012</strong> 11

p r o c e s s t e c h n o l o g i e sPENTAIR HAFFMANS’CO 2RECOVERY SYSTEMA Durable Sustainable Solutionby ERNST AALBERS & RICHARD dioxide (CO 2 ) is a vital ingredient forproducing quality beer that customers enjoy.Pentair Haffmans’ CO 2 system allows breweries torecover the CO 2 produced as a by-product duringfermentation for reuse in the beer productionprocess. One of the United Kingdom’s largest andmost modern CO 2 recovery plants at a brewery, witha 24/7 capacity of 2,000 kg/h CO 2 , is at the MolsonCoors facility in Burton on Trent.Molson Coors Brewing Company brews,markets and sells a portfolio of leadingbrands—including Carling, Coors Light,Grolsch, Worthington’s, Caffrey’s, Corona,Cobra, and a range of speciality beers—across North America, Europe and Asia.It operates in Canada through MolsonCoors Canada and in the U.S. throughMillerCoors. In the UK, Molson Coors(UK & Ireland) employs more than 2,000people and operates breweries in Burtonon Trent, Alton and Tadcaster.The Burton Brewery—a fusion of twoneighboring breweries—has a capacityof five million UK barrels per year. Eventoday, the tradition of two breweriesin the same town remains as MolsonCoors continues to brew beer in separateproduction sites, now called North andSouth.CO 2 – An Essential BrewingElementAfter entering the UK brewing market in2002, Molson Coors continued to purchaseCO 2, which was mainly derived fromnon-natural and old chemical productionprocesses. In 2005, Molson Coors lookedinto a CO 2 recovery system, but becauseCO 2 price, quality and availability wereacceptable in the UK at that time, theinvestment was postponed.In 2008, several major CO 2 productionfacilities closed and, as a result, manybeverage producers faced bottlenecks.Due to the shortage, CO 2 became veryexpensive. In 2009, Molson Coorsrestarted the CO 2 recovery system projectwith clear goals.First, the brewer wanted to be CO 2self-sufficient. Carbon dioxide is essentialfor beer production. Molson Coors did notwant to risk running out of CO 2, a lesson12 k now how <strong>2012</strong>

p r o c e s s t e c h n o l o g i e sPentair HaffmansLaunches In-LineCO 2Meter AuCoMet-i:Modular Design,Maximum Flexibilityby SJOERD VAN DER STERREN sjoerd.vandersterren@pentair.comPentair Haffmans’ In-line CO2 Meter AuCoMet-ihelps breweries and soft drink manufacturersproduce a consistently high-quality product.Pentair Haffmans launched a solution that will,once again, set the standard for quality, handlingand ease of maintenance for CO 2 quality controlequipment with the In-line CO 2 Meter AuCoMet-i.In the beer and beverage industries,the content of dissolved carbon dioxide(CO 2) is significantly important for theproduct’s quality, taste and flavor stability.To produce the best possible product,breweries and soft drink manufacturersmust continuously control and measurethe CO 2 content during production.Haffmans’ In-line CO 2 Meter AuCoMet-ienables fast and accurate determinationof the CO 2 content in beer and carbonatedbeverages based on the internationallystandardizedmethod of Henry’s Law. Itcan be built into the production line atany location where the determination ofdissolved CO 2 is required—typically afterfiltration, carbonation or blending, andbefore filling. It also stores up to 500measurements in the internal memory.The AuCoMet-i has a separate controlunit that can be field or panel mounted,offering the operator maximum flexibilityto position the control unit at any location,allowing optimal access to the operatingpanel and the display. In addition, due toits modular design, the system can easilybe extended with an oxygen (O 2) sensor;one CO 2 sensor and one O 2 sensor can beconnected to each control unit.The CO 2 sensor’s careful design ismaintenance-friendly, as the In-lineCO 2 Meter’s extended service intervalsimproves the wear parts’ lifetime.Moreover, the new CO 2 sensor designallows service to be executed in lessthan 30 minutes. All in all, the AuCoMet-ioffers maximum availability for the lowesttotal cost of ownership.When used in combination withHaffmans’ CO 2 dosing unit, the AuCoMet-idetermines the content of CO 2 and adjustsit, if necessary, with the embeddedsoftware’s direct communication. Alongwith CO 2 dosing unit and static mixers,the AuCoMet-i is part of Haffmans‘Carbo Controller’, a fully automatedplug-and-play unit that allows accurateCO 2 injection, ‘bubble free’ CO 2 dissolvingand, thus, perfect total CO 2 processcontrol.These innovations and applicationsmake the new Haffmans’ In-line CO 2Meter AuCoMet-i a sophisticated productthat meets the ever-increasing andever-changing requirements of today’sbrewing and beverage industries.14 k now how <strong>2012</strong>

f l o w t e c h n o l o g i e sApp for Remote Monitoring ofJung PUMPEN pumping stationsby ANDREAS KÄMPF andreas.kaempf@pentair.comRemote monitoring of one or more pumpingstations used to be possible only with infrastructure,hardware and software, costing considerable effortand expense. With the new iPhone “PumpRemoter”application from Pentair Jung Pumpen, the pumpstatus can be polled and fault messages can bereceived anywhere and at any time.The new Jung Pumpen ‘Hebefixplus’ ensures safe transportationof wastewater to the next downpipecombined with attractive design andadvanced technology.The new app allows wastewater treatmentplants and local authorities to trackpumping and lifting stations’ statusdata at any time. It provides accessto all operating parameters such aspump flow, tank or sump water levels,pump operating mode, switching cyclesper pump, and other parameters. Thecurrent tank water level is displayed asan animation. Any faults are displayedimmediately in the form of a textmessage or email to a mobile iPhone,smartphone or computer. App users canview data archived from past hours anddays as a graph on their iPhone, iPodor iPad in landscape mode. Thanks tothe new app, unnecessary inspectiontrips can be avoided and in the event ofa fault, such as a high-water alarm asthe pumping stations concerned can bedirectly alerted. At IFAT <strong>2012</strong>, expertswill demonstrate the new Jung Pumpen’scapabilities, including its monitoring ofdifferent pumping stations.Hebefix plus:An ElegantCompactLiftingStationby ANDREAS KÄMPFandreas.kaempf@pentair.comMonitoring of pumping stationsrevolutionized by the JungPumpen “PumpRemoter” app.The “PumpRemoter” visualizesthe current operating status of apumping station or lifting stationanywhere and at any time.A user-friendly animation onthe “PumpRemoter” displays thecurrent operating parameters ofa pumping or lifting station.At the SHK trade fairin Essen, Germany,drainage specialistPentair Jung Pumpenpresented a remarkablesuccessor model tothe Hebefix V compactdrainage disposal unit.16 kK now how How <strong>2012</strong>

With its attractive looks, the newJung Pumpen ‘Hebefix plus’ canalso be installed within the room.The design and function of the newHebefix plus allows use in all customarypre-wall systems and directly atthe drainage source within a room.Produced in Steinhagen, Germany, thishigh performance pump’s intelligentinstallation, maintenance technologyand elegant design sets a new standardsfor compact lifting stations. Plumbersand clients will certainly appreciate thechoice of Hebefix plus for installation andmaintenance.Until now, modern and sophisticatedbathroom design was narrowly limitedby wastewater drainage problems,particularly for renovation projects orwhen fitting additional bathrooms inbasements or attics. In these cases, theshower and bath needed to be connectedwith sufficient gradient to the centralwastewater pipe and had to be positionedaccordingly, preventing many design ideas.The new Hebefix plus system eliminatesobstacles so clients can arrange theshower, bath and basin anywhere theyplease.This new compact drainage disposalunit ensures wastewater free of sewagedrains reliably downpipe. Thanks tothe small tank depth, the Hebefix plusdisappears into any pre-wall installation,small built-ins or base cabinets. Theattractive design blends well with modernbathroom fittings, giving designers andhome owners the option of installing thesystem openly.The pressure outlet can be fitted on theright or left of the unit and the five inletoptions (two on the right, two on the leftand one from above) offer the greatestpossible flexibility during installation.Hebefix plus system also providesprotection from backflow when fittedbelow the backflow level. These features,along with the robust ABS containercasing and smooth surface, ensure theapparatus’ long and hygienic lifespan.Suitable for Flat Shower TraysVery flat shower trays, especially inrooms with low ceiling heights includingbasement bathrooms, pose problemswhen drained using a compact liftingstation. The Hebefix plus reliably drainsgrey water from very flat shower traysand the necessary installation height of ashower tray is only 4.3 inches (110 mm).Strong and safeThe Jung Pumpen submersible pump,version U 3 K S, is fitted in the Hebefixplus to guarantee reliable drainage of allwastewater with a delivery height of 22feet (7 m) and a maximum flow volume of1,717 gal/h (6.5 m 3 /h). An activated carbonfilter that is integrated in the casingcover ensures odourless operation. Forpre-wall installation, the ventilation insertin the delivery scope ensures odourlessand reliable ventilation.The Hebefix plus contains an alarmcontrol for safe operation that warns theoperator of high water level in the tank. Adry contact allows control of a visual oraudible signal.The fully-wired, pre-assembled apparatusis delivered complete with the necessarypressure connections, the ventilationsystem with an activated carbon filter,a check valve, and rubber collars. TheHebefix plus is ‘type approved’ by thestate testing authority in Germany inaccordance with DIN EN 12050-2. In themid-term, this upgraded system willreplace the Hebefix V drainage disposalunit, which was designed exclusively forpre-wall installation.k now how <strong>2012</strong> 17

p r o c e s s t e c h n o l o g i e sPolarex ®the future of liquid-liquid amine contactingby CARL HAHN, PH.D. carl.hahn@pentair.comAbstractHistorically, amine treatment of naturalgas liquids (NGL) has no alternativemethod other than contracting theproduct with amine to remove carbondioxide (CO 2) and hydrogen sulfide (H 2S).These traditional techniques involvecontractor columns that use randompacking, sieve trays or structured packing.This conventional contractor towermethod has a high cost, and may resultin amine carryover, in amine carryover,ineffective contaminant removal andplugging/fouling of columns anddistributors/redistributors. Repairs insidecontactor columns can be difficult andexpensive, particularly when including thecost of downtime.To address the challenges associatedwith conventional amine contractorequipment, Pentair Porous Media alongwith Enterprise Products Partners L.P.worked together to implement a Polarex ®Extrative Separation system, in lieu of acontactor tower, for amine treating of NGLstreams.The deployment of the Polarex System ina LPG/NGL treatment process createsseveral benefits and savings for theprocess:u A Polarex System can provide anear-immediate solutionu Significant reduction in size and costversus the traditional sweeteningmethodu A Polarex System can be easilyrelocated when necessaryu Provides significant operationalstability without the issues associatedwith conventional contactingtechnology.This technology succeeded in severalNGL treatment applications, includinginstallations in facilities operated byEnterprise at the Mont Belvieu complex.IntroductionShale gas plays an important role in thenatural gas liquids industry. Over the pastdecade, the combination of horizontaldrilling and hydraulic fracturing hasallowed access to large volumes of shalegas that were previously uneconomicalto produce, and rejuvenated the naturalgas industry in the U.S. Shale explorationand development has increased availablereserves from 150 trillion cubic feet tomore than 250 trillion cubic feet of naturalgas.Many shale gas discoveries providehydrocarbon liquids that are lighterin specific gravity than crude oil and,therefore, are categorized as NGL.The demand for liquid-rich shale hascaused production booms in certainregions of the U.S. These productionincreases created significant growthin the liquids that feed chemicalfeedstocks and fractionation facilities.This increase in NGL made it profitablefor chemical companies to once againproduct chemicals in the U.S. due to theprice decrease of NGL feedstocks. Thisincreased demand from factionatorsacross the nation to supply chemicalfeedstocks with necessary liquidhydrocarbons.NGL products—ethane, propane, normalbutane, isobutene and natural gasoline—provide many uses as materials for thepetrochemical industry: feedstocks forrefiners producing motor gasoline andfuel for industrial and residential users.u The petrochemical industry usesethane primarily as a feedstock forethylene production, one of the basicbuilding blocks for a wide range ofplastics and other productsu Propane is used as a petrochemicalfeedstock when in producing ethyleneand propylene, and as a heating,engine and industrial fuelu Normal butane is used as apetrochemical feedstock in theproduction of ethylene and butadiene(a key ingredient of synthetic rubber),a blendstock for motor gasoline and toderive isobutene through isomerizationu Isobutane is fractionated frommixed butane (a mix stream of normalbutane and isobutene) or producedfrom normal butane through theprocess of isomerization, and inrefinery alkylation to enhance theoctane content of motor gasoline, inthe production of isooctane and otheroctane additives and in the productionof propylene oxideu Natural gasoline, a mixture of pentanesand heavier hydrocarbons, is primarilyused s a blendstock for motor gasolineor as a petrochemical feedstock.NGL FractionationNGL fractionation facilities are designedto separate the NGL feed stream into itsindividual product components. Mostfractionation plants consist of three steps(refer to Figure 1):1. Raw NGL treatment filters feeds,separates water and removes CO 22. Dehydration removes soluble water inthe NGL streamFigure 1: NGL fractionation process flow diagram18 k now how <strong>2012</strong>

3. Fractionation—carried out through aseries of distillation towers—separatesthe NGL feed stream into commerciallydesirable products: ethane, propane,normal butane, isobutene and naturalgasoline.Conventional NGL TreatingEquipmentOperators traditionally utilizedconventional sock fillers, string wounds,mesh pads or vane pack type housingsto remove particulates and/or water onthe front-end of fractionation plants.Conventional contactor columns havetraditionally been used to remove CO 2from the NGL. This treatment equipment,used for more than 50 years, yieldsvarying degrees of success, and frequentlyrequires considerable costs and attentionto operational problems.The common issues associated with theseconventional devices include:u High capital costsu Amine losses and make upu Ineffective contamination removalu Plugging and fouling of columnsu Costly repairs and production loss dueto downtimeInstalling liquid-liquid pressure vesselsdownstream of the amine columns isthe conventional method to capture theamine carryover. These devices, however,have proven ineffective at recapturing asignificant amount of amine losses. Theyalso negatively impact the process with:u Residence time vesselsu Hay bale vesselsu Mesh pad/ vane packsu Coalescing-type vessels with elements.Polarex Extractive SeparationSystemAs an alternative to conventional treatingmethods and amine contactor towers,Enterprise Products chose to implementPolarex Extractive Separation Systemsat its premier NGL fractionation facilitiesin Mont Belvieu and Gaines County,Texas. Polarex technology dramaticallyimproves separation of entrained anddissolved contaminants relative to whatcan be achieved through implementationof conventional water wash or solventscrubbing towers. The Polarex technologyhas the capabilities to remove contaminants(e.g., caustic, dissolved acids, salts, acidgasses or reaction by-products) and recovervaluable products or solvents (e.g., recoversoluble amines from treated LPG).Figure 3 depicts a simplified flowdiagram of the Polarex systems installedin Enterprise Products facilities. ThePolarex Solvent Injection System injectslean amine into the NGL upstream of thePolarex contactor. The emulsified amineexiting the injection system is a 50 microndroplet, or smaller. This droplet sizedistribution creates an intimate contactbetween the amine and the sour NGL forthe removal of CO 2. This intimate contactallows the mass transfer to occur onthe micro-structured extraction media.This level of contact allows the masstransfer to occur on the micro-structuredextraction media. This level of contact isthen immediately followed by the effectivemeans of capturing the dispersed phaseand effectively separating it out of theNGL stream. This high specific contactarea in a Polarex system may be an orderof magnitude larger than that possible inconventional extraction systems.Using Polarex technology, EnterpriseProducts experiences the followingprocess benefits compared to conventionalsolvent contacting towers:u Outstanding performance in removingcontaminants, such as caustic,dissolved acids, salts, acid gases, orreaction by-productsu Significant reduction in size (vesseldiameter and footprint)u Significant reduction in capital andoperational costsu Shorter lead times for anear-immediate solution (due to thereduced size)u Relative east to relocate if necessaryu Stable operations without the commonissues associated with towers.ConclusionPolarex Extractive Separation Systemprovides an alternative to traditionalmethods for contacting NGL products withamine for CO 2 and H 2S removal. EnterpriseProducts initially installed PolarexTechnology at their Hobbs FractionationFacility in Gaines, Texas, in 2008.Enterprise Products found this technologyprovides optimum performance, atlower costs, a smaller footprint, and thesystem was easier to operate. As a result,Enterprise Products has a since installedseveral Polarex systems in Mont Belvieu,Texas NGL Fractionation facility.A special thank you to contributing authorsand companies: Jonathan Gonzalez & SharonMaydak – Pentair Porous Media; MichaelMcDowell – Aiken Engineering; Mark Gregory& Chris Hjorth – Enterprise Products;S&B Engineers and Constructors, Ltd.Figure 2: Conventional contacting process flow diagramFigure 3: Polarex ® process flow diagramk now how <strong>2012</strong> 19

t e c h n i c a l p r o d u c t sImproving Industrial Process CoolingReliability in Fast Growth RegionsFast-growthregions PAUL LANDGRAF paul.landgraf@pentair.comAs the world’s fast-growth regions develop and the middle-classdemands improved standards of living, the need for industrialautomation—including machine tools, factory robotics and canmakingequipment—has increased dramatically to maintain andimprove reliable and consistent operations. Pentair TechnicalProducts’ McLean TM brand new V-Series control panel air conditioneris well-positioned to provide solutions for this growing need.Pentair’s new V-Series control panel airconditional provides needed cooling forthis automation.Global OEM equipment-makers serve themany needs of the fast-growth markets,such as greater mobility, increased accessto information, and reliable food supply.They do not, however, have many optionsto prevent their electronic controls inproduction processes from over-heatingwith reliable air conditioning. While manylocal suppliers of industrial processcooling boast competitive prices, their airconditioners may break down and couldbe troublesome to maintain. High-qualitycontrol panel air conditioners from theU.S. or Western Europe provide usefulalternatives, but the increased cost detersmany potential customers.The new McLean brand V-Series controlpanel air conditioner from Pentair offersindustrial automation manufacturersthe best of both worlds. Featuring allthe reliability and easy maintenancefrom America’s leading brand, McLeanCooling Technology, it’s also available atan exceptional value thanks to localizedmanufacturing in China, India and Brazil.The V-Series air conditioner delivers morecooling at higher temperatures than typicalcompetitive offerings, which is especiallyimportant given that many of these factoriesare located in tropic or near-tropic regions.The V-Series air conditioners’ coatedcondenser coil enables the unit to operatewithout a filter in most manufacturingenvironments, thereby reducing the needfor time-consuming and costly maintenance,and providing more efficient operation thanGerman-engineered panel coolers.“We are excited about the prospects forgrowth that the V-Series air conditionerscreate for us in the fast-growth regionsof the world with market appropriateprice value,” said Deba Sen, Global VP ofMarketing at Pentair Technical Products. “Itpositions us well to penetrate the marketopportunity by delivering exceptionalcustomer reliability, convenience andvalue. With continued success, we plan onexpanding our V-Series product family withother forms of electronics cooling to extendour business franchise and maximizeour sales opportunities among industrialautomation equipment builders.”The V-Series air conditioner is engineeredto operate in Asia, Latin America andEurope, using 230 volt 50 Hz electricalcurrent. Models offer a popular range oftemperature control that come in 300, 600,1200, 1500 and 2000 watts of cooling. TheV-Series is CE-certified—an electricalcertification accepted in most parts ofthe world—as well as GOST-certified forthe Russian market. The air conditioner’sthoughtfully engineered design willmaintain smooth factory processes invirtually any light industrial environmentaround the world.20 k now how <strong>2012</strong>

Design Your Standardby DOUG FRANZ doug.franz@pentair.comElectrical and electronic equipment can break downor become damaged from environmental conditions,costing businesses. From auto plants to oil refineries,water treatment facilities to data centers, Pentair’sTechnical Products’ Hoffman TM brand productsprotect business’ vital equipment and employees.Excelerate provides the rightenclosure at the right time.The Hoffman product portfolioencompasses more than 14,000 catalogitems. Since customers need a broadrange of products, we offer variationsin size—from smaller than a shoebox tolarger than a commercial refrigerator—and many different materials, includingsteel, stainless steel, plastic, fiberglassand aluminum, and the accessoriesrequired for customers to mount theirequipment inside.Despite the large productportfolio, many customersstill need changes to suittheir specific application.Design engineers oftenrequest a unique size to suitthe available space and aspecial paint color to matchtheir machine or brandidentity, or they may wantprefabricated holes andcutouts on the enclosure toreduce their time and laborcosts.The variety ofcustomer-requestedmodifications and enclosureoptions poses a challengefor manufacturers to meetcustomer needs in a timelyfashion. In such a highlycompetitive market, lackof speed can limit salesgrowth. Customers expectstandard items to ship immediately frominventory and customized items to ship intwo to three weeks, if not sooner. Combinethe customer’s need for speed with thebusiness’ need to manage inventories,engineering resources, and productionschedules, and the challenges quicklymultiply.To respond to this need, more than300 employees from all organizationalfunctions participated in multiple processimprovement events (Kaizens) to establishnew internal processes that drive thelead-time performance commitment to thecustomer.Effective April 25, the Hoffman brandlaunched the EXCELERATE initiativeto improve lead-time performance andmeet our customers’ needs. This programimplements:1. Stocked Standard Items: Items availablefrom inventory or, in the event of a stockoutage, have a rapid replenishment plan(product ships in three days).2. Non-Stocked Standards: Items ready tobe built but not carried in finished goodsinventory (product ships in 10 days).3. Design–Your-Standard: Standard itemsthat customers have modified within aset of established guidelines allow themto create their own unique standardproduct, such as size, paint color, installaccessories, cutouts and holes in theenclosure body or door (product ships in15 days).4. Engineered Solutions: Items thatrequire modifications outsidethe established guidelines of theDesign-Your-Standard scope or arebased completely on the customer’sunique design (lead-time based on thespecific customer requirements).Excelerate’s new Design Your Standardoption aligns with customer insightsand empowers our customer, the designengineer, to select products that best meettheir design and delivery needs. To expandon that offering even further, when acustomer creates a Design-Your-Standardsolution, that product is eligible to becomea Non-Stocked Standard and will bedelivered 33 precent faster on subsequentorders. Design Engineers now choose thespeed that they need: the right enclosuredelivered at the right time.With Excelerate, you Design-Your-Standardand lead the way!kK now How how <strong>2012</strong> 21

a q u a t i c s y s t e m sby JOSÉ GUILLEN jose.guillen@pentair.comWith the market for new pool construction significantlydown, Pentair Aquatic Systems currently focusesits energies on growing the replacement market,specifically the “Green” Eco Select TM products.Seeking New Opportunitiesin a Challenging Marketa personalized summary of installationcosts, savings and the ROI. A graph depictsthe pool owners’ electrical costs to runexisting equipment over a five-year period,contrasted with the savings after making aninvestment in the IntelliFlo pump.LearningsSurprisingly, the most successful piece ofliterature didn’t come from our marketingdepartment, but a personal letter fromthe service company. Dealers sent a letterto each of their customers interested inIntelliFlo, its savings, features and benefits.This effective letter, combined withface-to-face presentations of audit resultswith the pool owner, resulted in highestclosing ratio.These products, including the IntelliFlo ®variable speed pumps, provide hugeenergy savings to existing pool owners.Their relatively fast payback compelexisting in-ground swimming poolowners, approximately five million in theU.S. market, to take advantage of theseproducts.When a pool pump needs to be repaired orreplaced, pool owners first call the servicecompany. This previously undiscoveredchannel offers the most cost-effective andefficient path for reaching pool owners andcommunicating IntelliFlo pumps’ potentialsavings.Field testPentair Rapid Growth Process’ newinitiative for organic growth created analpha test, Consumer IntelliFlo via ServiceCompany, that delivered important results.Developing the new service companychannel required convincing endconsumers of Pentair’s Eco Select products’Pentair helps pool owners—and their children—enjoytheir pool while saving money and savings and short payback. As partof the first field test, the North AmericaPool team trained service companies andprovided them with the tools to performon-site energy audits and successfullypresent the energy savings to consumers ina clear, concise way.Participants used the Energy AuditCalculator—an Excel spreadsheet whereauditors enter homeowners’ data to receiveResultsThe program has yielded exceptionalresults. More than 500 companies havebeen trained and countless pool customershave received the tools needed to saveenergy. The sales force is excited, and theyare not only running with the program, butusing it as a differentiator for why poolprofessionals should choose Pentair overcompetitors. During the field test, IntelliFlopump sales were exceptional and led tocross-sales, such as one remodeler’s salesof six IntelliFlo pumps, along with sixLED lights IntelliBrite ® and twoEasy Touch ® Automationupgrades.We are now teaching participantsto look for other possible backyardupgrades, which excites powercompanies. Gulf Power offereda pump rebate for one of ourtest markets—the mostsuccessful rebate programever run—promptingother utility companies toconsider similar rebates.IntelliFlo ® VariableSpeed Pool Pump22 k now how <strong>2012</strong>

A green stepin pool automationby JOSÉ GUILLENjose.guillen@pentair.comPentair has beena leader in poolautomation for manyyears and now—with theintroduction of the newIntelliPool TM automationsystem—has set a newstandard for sustainablehome pools.This intelligent pool system helpshomeowners maintain and manage theirpools so they can sit back and relax whilebeing ‘green’!IntelliPool TM automation system.and warnings. This technology also allowsautomated control of filter backwash usingpowered push-pull valves and PentairIntelliBrite ® LED changing color lights.BenefitsThe pump always runs at the perfect speed,offering many benefits including energysavings, improved filtration, decreasedbackwash frequency, better chlorination,and less disposal of chemicals to the drain.Control of salt electrolysis optimizes thelifetime of the IntelliChlor cells since itonly works when it has to do it.Select TM brand which identifies greenestPentair pool products.Technical trainingIntelliPool automation premiered at theBarcelona Pool show in Spain in October,2011. Afterwards, the Pentair IncentiveProgram held several technical trainingswith dealers at Pentair’s plant in Belgium.More than 150 dealers were trained infour days, resulting in 50 companiesplacing orders for the <strong>2012</strong> season. The“pull-through” approach for working closelywith dealers generated successful resultsand product acceptance. The demand forIntelliPool automation technology alsoincreased cross-sales of other ‘Intelli’products, including IntelliFlo, IntelliChlorand IntelliBrite.Anywhere, AnytimeDesigned to maximize the IntelliFlo ®variable speed pump, the IntelliPoolautomation system remotely managesPentair pool equipment with any smartphone or internet connection. A uniqueradio code connects all IntelliPoolelements wirelessly to reduce anyinterference, allowing existing poolsto be upgraded with this automationsystem without difficult and expensivereconstruction work. The IntelliPool alsocontrols the Pentair IntelliFlo pump andIntelliChlor ® salt chlorinator with 2-waycommunication, allowing the pool ownerto control pump speed and chlorinationlevels and receives status informationPool professionals can monitor multiplepools without visiting the technical roomsince the IntelliPool provides real-timeremote access to the pool parameters, candistribute alert emails when a specificparameter exceeds the set value, andemail the pool parameters report for study.With IntelliPool, the professional cancontrol the water better—in more pools—with less on-site interventions.Pool owners and professionals savemoney and resources because IntelliPoolimproves the control and treatment ofthe pool’s different elements by ‘talking’to them. For this reason, this intelligentautomation system is part of the EcoIntelliPool TM readings on an iPad.kK now How how <strong>2012</strong> 23

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