The Houghtonian Magazine Vol 2 Issue 1 - Houghton-le-Spring

The Houghtonian Magazine Vol 2 Issue 1 - Houghton-le-Spring

The Houghtonian Magazine Vol 2 Issue 1 - Houghton-le-Spring


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PAUL LANAGAN REPLIED:Dear MichaelThank you for your emailregarding the old clinic onTHE HOUGHTONIAN | MAR 2012 | VOL 2 ISSUE 1 | ISSN 1757-3890WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?Can you help solve theseGenealogical & Heritage Quests?THE OLD CLINICDear Paul, I have just recentlyfound the <strong>Houghton</strong> Heritage siteand found it most interesting andwondered, if you had time,whether you could c<strong>le</strong>ar up acoup<strong>le</strong> of points for me. I’moriginally from South Shields butin the early to mid sixties I workedwith what was then DurhamCouncil’s Health & WelfareDepartment and for about two orthree years I was based in<strong>Houghton</strong>: I was certainly workingthere during the big freeze-up in1963 when getting into <strong>Houghton</strong>was difficult - and getting outalmost impossib<strong>le</strong>. What puzz<strong>le</strong>sme is just where our office wassituated and I cannot find anytrace of it on any map, old or new.My now hazy recol<strong>le</strong>ction is thatthe building was probably an oldclinic and it was down a short laneon the <strong>le</strong>ft hand side of the roadas one headed north towardsNewbott<strong>le</strong>. My hazy recol<strong>le</strong>ctionalso summons up the name‘Gasworks Lane’ but I could wellbe wrong there and guilty ofmixing it up with something out ofCoronation Street! I have had ago on Goog<strong>le</strong> Earth but what I seebears hardly any relationship tothe <strong>Houghton</strong> I can vaguelyremember from forty-five yearsago. I can recall one local name:the nurse or health assistant wascal<strong>le</strong>d Mrs Parsons and I think herfather was a local councillor. Mypurpose in getting in touch is justto try to find out some basicdetails which I hope to include in awrite-up I am doing for the family.Was the clinic where I think Iremember it to have been and wasit really cal<strong>le</strong>d Gasworks Lane? Isit still there masquerading assomething else or did it go a longtime ago? I hope this isn’t toomuch troub<strong>le</strong>. I gather that I reallycouldn't have chosen a busier intime in <strong>Houghton</strong> to send in myquery! I have lived in a village inScotland for forty-odd years andknow how these fetes can takeover one's life but I'm glad to knowthat my memory is still more or<strong>le</strong>ss intact. I shall look forward togetting the images. Meanwhi<strong>le</strong>,enjoy the <strong>Houghton</strong> Feast. Bestwishes.Michael LawrensonScotlandPAUL LANAGAN REPLIED:Dear Michael, Thank you for youremail regarding the old clinic onGasworks Lane, also known asSunrise Lane on modern maps.This road was an offshoot at thenorthern end of Newbott<strong>le</strong> Streetand ran west down to thegasworks. <strong>The</strong> clinic, which was asquare-shaped J, and can still beseen on Goog<strong>le</strong> Maps. Indeed, itis listed as Sunrise House, SunriseLane, <strong>Houghton</strong>-<strong>le</strong>-<strong>Spring</strong>, DH45AL. Most peop<strong>le</strong>'s recol<strong>le</strong>ctionsof the building have negativeconnotations - teeth extractionand sunlight treatment - have alook at the postings in the HHFacebook group! I have attacheda photograph which was taken inSeptember 2011. <strong>The</strong> buildingnow appears to be in use ascommercial premises. I hope thisinformation of interest to you. Iwould be interested to hear of yourrecol<strong>le</strong>ctions of working in thebuilding, such as the snow in1963, as I will then be ab<strong>le</strong> to addthem, with the recent photos, tothe HH website.BEADLE ABOUTDear <strong>Houghton</strong> Heritage Society,My grandfather John WilliamBead<strong>le</strong>, I believe was interred atHillside Cemetery September1919. Born 21 st March 1880married 7th may 1906. Anyinformation you can supply wouldbe gratefully received. His wifewas Elizabeth Ann bead<strong>le</strong>, NeeLeckenby. Looking forward toyour contact.John W. Bead<strong>le</strong>Victoria, AustraliaTHE KEPIER 1927Hi all, just found your siteresearching the family tree. Mymother, Elsie Spearman, was bornin St Michael’s Kepier in 1927.Daughter of Ada and JimSpearman. Ada's mother, MaryWatson nee Father<strong>le</strong>y washousekeeper at the Kepier. Iunderstand if I go back ageneration Michael Father<strong>le</strong>y waspublican at the Black Boy Inn inNewbott<strong>le</strong>. Does anyone have anyinfo?Richard CravenMR THOMAS HUSBANDHello Paul, Whi<strong>le</strong> looking throughthe <strong>Houghton</strong> Colliery Bannerspage on the <strong>Houghton</strong> Heritagesite, I came across the name"Thomas Husband". This mademe remember a Thomas HusbandStreet in <strong>Houghton</strong>, but for the lifeof me I can't think where it was. AGoog<strong>le</strong> search has thrown upnothing, except for references to adevelopment there, which makesme think that the original streetmay no longer exist. It may havebeen near a North Street and aSouth Street - Goog<strong>le</strong> searchesshow p<strong>le</strong>nty of these (in EastRainton, West Rainton andNewbott<strong>le</strong>, for the former at <strong>le</strong>ast),but none in <strong>Houghton</strong>.With thanks to LenaScarborough,Inch forN.Yorkshiresharing these Quests photographs only in the and <strong><strong>Houghton</strong>ian</strong> many more.Havethese been redeveloped, too?Best regards.Steve HowarthPAUL LANAGAN REPLIED:Dear Steve, Thank you for youremail. Thomas Husband Streetwas located between SeahamRoad and Kirk<strong>le</strong>a Road, next toRyhope Street and Earsdon Road.You can see the modern locationon Goog<strong>le</strong> Maps. You may haveread my recent artic<strong>le</strong> about<strong>Houghton</strong>'s seven colliery banners,where I mentioned the 1923banner had Thomas Husband'sportrait on. What I hadn't linkedin, until I read your email andchecked my <strong>Houghton</strong> CollieryTime Line, was the 1921 incidentin which Thomas Husband waskil<strong>le</strong>d at <strong>Houghton</strong> Colliery. WhenI get time during the week I wil<strong>le</strong>nsure this reference is added tothe Banners artic<strong>le</strong>. Thank youonce again for mentioning this.BURIED AT HILLSIDELooking for information relatingto: John Atkinson; GeorgeAtkinson; Ernest Lawson; RalphLawson; and Samuel Pais<strong>le</strong>y, allpossibly buried at <strong>Houghton</strong>Hillside Cemetery.Mr Geoffrey Atkinson<strong>Houghton</strong>-<strong>le</strong>-<strong>Spring</strong>QUEST FEEDBACKHello Paul, I trust that you are well. Ihave found the latest '<strong><strong>Houghton</strong>ian</strong>'and there are a few points that I canmake that may help you. <strong>The</strong>Lindens - when I remember it MrPatterson (of Patterson Lamps atTeam Val<strong>le</strong>y Trading Estate, makersof miners safety lamps) lived there.<strong>Houghton</strong> Miners Project - you willneed to remember that, followingnationalisation, <strong>Houghton</strong> Collierywas also the location of a MiningTraining Centre for which therewere classrooms on the surface anda mining training gal<strong>le</strong>ryunderground in the Main Coal andFive Quarter seams. I spent threemonths there in 1950, I think thatthere were 20 or 24 of us there intwo groups at that time. Adultsspent one month there. <strong>The</strong>training centre closed at the end of1964. Ho<strong>le</strong> Lot of Troub<strong>le</strong> - I am abit puzz<strong>le</strong>d by this. <strong>The</strong> informationthat I was given three weeks agowas that the houses concernedwere in Station Avenue South, yourartic<strong>le</strong> says Station Avenue North, Iam wondering which is correct.<strong>The</strong> artic<strong>le</strong> also says that theprob<strong>le</strong>m has been caused byLambton D pit Shaft No 4. Iworked at Lambton D in 1955 andthere was no shaft No 4 and there isno such shaft shown on the miningplans. Can you enlighten me anyfurther p<strong>le</strong>ase? Do you know thenumbers of the houses that areaffected by any chance? JunctionRow - the houses are no longerthere however the name lives on. Itwas the location of three roadsalthough the name is taken fromthe 'Junction engine'. It is at thejunction of the road <strong>le</strong>ading fromthe Bee Hive PH at Fence Housesthat <strong>le</strong>ads towards Herrington Burnand Shiney Row. A road then <strong>le</strong>adsoff from this and goes throughSuccess and then on passing theCity of Sunderland Col<strong>le</strong>ge and toHerrington Burn.Another road<strong>le</strong>ads away from Junction Row andcomes out on the A183 road thatruns from Bournmoor to ShineyRow. Regards.Alan VickersSunderlandKeep reading for more Family Tree

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