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<strong>CLINICAL</strong> <strong>EEG</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>NEUROSCIENCE</strong> ©2007 VOL. 38 NO. 16. Craik FI. Levels of processing: past, present <strong>and</strong> future?<strong>Memory</strong> 2002; 10: 305-318.7. Paller KA, Wagner AD. Transforming experience into memory:observations of mind <strong>and</strong> brain. Trends Cogn Sci 2002; 6:93-102.8. Sanquist TF, Rohrbaugh JW, Syndulko K, Lindsley DB.Electrocortical signs of levels of processing: perceptualanalysis <strong>and</strong> recognition memory. Psychophysiology 1980;17: 568-576.9. Paller KA, Kutas M, Mayes AR. Neural correlates of encodingin an incidental learning paradigm. ElectroencephalogrClin Neurophysiol 1987; 67: 360-371.10. Tulving E. <strong>Memory</strong> <strong>and</strong> consciousness. Can Psychologist1985; 26: 1-12.11. Friedman D, Trott C. An event-related potential study ofencoding in young <strong>and</strong> older adults. Neuropsychologia 2000;38: 542-557.12. 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