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Motorolaconductsfirst demo ofpublic safetyLTE technologypage 4Degrees gettingmore importantin homelandsecurity fieldpage 25Dr. Jibey AsthappanJuly/August, 2015 Vol. 13 Issue 4 The News Leader in Physical, IT and Homeland Security World Business Media, LLCMotorola conducts firstdemo of public safety LTETechnologypage 4Peter Neffenger takesoath as administratorof criticized TSApage 4Georgia PortsAuthority sets all-timegrowth record in Maypage 6Eaton introducesTOLBrace software updatesfor increased reliabilitypage 6American ImmigrationCouncil rates candidateJim Webb’s recordpage 8American Immigrationasks if Chris Christie will tellit like it ispage 8Data Conversion Labdigitizes global content forFortune 500 giantpage 10CINCH Systemsintroduces CeLANDoor-EZ Gate Controlpage 11Sutherland GovernmentSolutions taps ChuckBrooks as VP GovernmentRelations and Marketingpage 12New DHS Centers of Excellence to focus on coastalresilience, infrastructure and bordersThe Department of Homeland Security,working with universities andcorporations, is establishing threenew Centers of Excellence (COE) tomore effectively turn academic researchinto practical security applications.The centers are:Coastal Resilience COE at the Universityof North Carolina, ChapelHill, supported by a five-year, $30million grant from the DHS Scienceand Technology Directorate (S&T).Besides UNC, the center will involvemore than a dozen partner universitiesin addressing the challenges facingcommunities that are vulnerableto coastal hazards.Launched on June 23, the centerwill receive an initial $3 million grantfor its first operating year. Topics inresearch and education that it willtackle include:Develop more accurate storm surgemodels and timely delivery of accuratepredictions of storm surge priorto storm land-fall.• Assist the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency (FEMA), statesand local governments in developingbetter predictions of coastal hazardsand pre-disaster plans.• Improve understanding aboutwhy individuals choose to (or not to)implement risk-reduction measuresat the household level and what theyare doing• Improve the ability to communicaterisk to different audiences andtake action based on that understanding.• Educate the next generation ofUniversity of Phoenix offers newdegree in security management,plans cyber security degreeBy Karen Ferrick-RomanThe University of Phoenix, one ofthe leaders in online learning for thesecurity sector, has established newdegree tracks in responseto changesin the industry—and is developing a new bachelor’s,on top of the bachelor’s degree it relaunchedin April.The online institution, which hasstudents training as hazards researchersand practitioners, emphasizingthe development of certificate anddegree programs in minority-servingeducational institutions.Partners include institutions on theeast and west coasts, from the Gulf ofMexico to the Great Lakes, said Dr.Rick Luettich, principal investigatorat UNC-Chapel Hill. “This is like ahub here in North Carolina, and thespokes go out from here to coastal locationsacross the U.S.”Another critical goal of the COE iseducating young scholars and profes-More on page 29offered a bachelor’s degree in organizationalsecurity and managementsince 2004, re-launched a Bachelorof Science in security managementin April. But student interest is leadingthe Universityof Phoenix to beginprogram andcourse development for a new program,a bachelor’s degree in cyber security,says Garland Williams, deanMore on page 29Post Your Video onthe Busiest Websitein Homeland Security!See page 19

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CONTENTSSpecial Feature:Law Enforcement/Public SafetyAtHoc introduces AtHocConnect for interoperablecrisis communicationspage 15Avwatch MANET surveillancesolution allows law enforcementair and ground vehicles to viewfelon capture 40 miles awaypage 16Securitech classroom deadboltvoids barricade dangers, maintainsofficials accesspage 17Louisville fire officials use SCIO7 robot to find cause of blazepage 18Taser announces 2nd qtr ordersof Axon body-worn cameraspage 20Convy on Netcentric Security:Cloud-enabled video emerges aseffective virtual assistantpage 28Special Feature:Education/TrainingBattelle exec Mike Janus callsfor active shooter response inpublic buildingspage 23Allied Barton training based oncontinuous learning culturepage 24Degrees getting more importantas universities merge HS disciplinespage 25Aviation security workersto get training at symposium byCREATE & TSApage 26MacDonnell Certificate PortExecutive program to be held inBSIpage 26Motorola conducts first demonstrationof public safety LTE TechnologyBOGOTA, COLOMBIA - June 18, 2015 – For the firsttime ever in Colombia, Motorola Solutions (NYSE:MSI) will conduct a demonstration of the solutionsand devices designed specifically for mission criticalcommunications on public safety LTE networks.The demonstration will feature different situationsthat first responders may face to illustrate the benefitsthat public safety LTE technology offers to improveprevention, management and resolution of crime andemergency events. For example,the demonstration will illustratehow:• A missing child can befound more quickly by immediatelydistributing photos tomobile phones or to screens inpatrol cars• Public safety commandcenters can access video fromsecurity cameras and vehiclesin an area and distribute thatvideo to officers assigned to theevent• Information sent in advancefrom a command center to officersen route can help themrespond to crime and save lives• Images can be sent from the scene to assigned unitsso they have more information and can better prepareBy Steve Bittenbenderbefore they arriveIn the case of natural disasters – which often requirethe support of national and provincial security forces,armed forces, fire-fighters, medical first respondersand civil defense organizations – the combination ofinteroperable solutions and public safety LTE technologymake it possible for many different agencies tocommunicate, even if they use different communicationstechnology. And, public safety LTE technologywill enable public safety agencies that regularlyuse cellular devices to have access to coordinatedradio communications through an application.With Public Safety LTE technology, informationcan be turned into life-saving mission-criticalintelligence in real time through the high-speedtransmission of data, images and video, improvingthe effectiveness of preventive measures andactions taken by security and emergency agencies.These solutions provide first responderswith a purpose-built network that meets theirneeds for reliability, quality and security.The demonstration will also include:• The Motorola Solutions LEX L10 MissionCritical handheld smart computer, which providespersonnel with information when andwhere they need it, with the security and control ofits own network, guaranteeing the confidentiality ofMore on page 31Neffenger, new TSA administrator, sworn;takes over as head of criticized agencyPeter NeffengerA former high ranking U.S. Coast Guard vice admiralbecame the sixth person to lead the U.S. TransportationSecurity Administration over the weekend,and his arrival comes at a time of greatscrutiny against the agency responsible forensuring passenger and cargo safety againstterrorism and other threats.Peter Neffenger took the oath of officeon Saturday and was formally welcomed atTSA’s Arlington, VA headquarters Mondayby Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.“TSA’s mission is critical to the safety and security ofour nation. I am deeply honored to continue servingour country, particularly alongside the dedicated menand women of TSA,” Neffenger said. “I look forwardto applying my years of leadership experience, law enforcementbackground and security skills to protectingour nation’s transportation systems.”Neffenger officially takes over for John Pistole, whoofficially retired from the agency at the end of lastyear. Melvin Carraway had been assigned toserve as acting administrator for the agency,but he was relieved of his duties last monthafter an internal audit showed TSA guardsat airports were unable to detect weapons orexplosive materials in 67 of 70 tests.Days later, the agency drew more criticismafter another report indicated TSA officialscleared 73 people to work as agents insecured areas of airports despite the fact theirnames were listed on a national database of potentialterrorists.Neffenger, who was confirmed in the Senate by an81-1 vote on June 22, served 34 years in the CoastMore on page 94 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

GOVERNMENT/INDUSTRIAL SECURITYCONCENTRATIONB.A. IN SECURITY MANAGEMENTDeveloped in partnership with security industry leaders,American Military University offers:• 100% online convenience• 8-week courses that start monthly• Undergraduate costs roughly 20% lower than average in-state rates at public universities*• E-books and other required course reading materials at no cost for undergraduate-levelcourses for credit**TAKE THE NEXT STEP TOWARD YOUR LEADERSHIP GOALS.LEARN MORE TODAY AT AMUONLINE.COM/GSNAmericanMilitaryAMU UniversityLearn from the leader.*Based on published rates provided by College Board: Trends in College Pricing, 2013.**Print textbooks may require additional costs. If an e-book version is unavailable, textbooks may be included as part of the grant coverage.We want you to make an informed decision about the university that’s right for you. For more about the graduation rate and median debt of students who completed eachprogram, as well as other important information—visit www.APUS.edu/disclosure.AMU is part of the accredited American Public University System and certified to operate by SCHEV.Government Security News.indd 12/12/15 2:55 PM

GPA sets all-time growth record in May:containers up 16.4%, total tonnage up 9.6%SAVANNAh, Ga, June 29, 2015 -The Georgia Ports Authority setall-time records for both containervolumes and total tonnage in Maywith strong growth across severalkey business sectors.“Strong performances at GPA’sfive deep water terminals, includingbulk cargoes and containerizedfreight, contributed to the growth,”said GPA Executive Director CurtisFoltz.During his report at its Junemeeting, Foltz told GPA’s Board ofDirectors that the Authority hadmoved more than 338,000 twentyfoot equivalent unit containers(TEUs), a 16.4 percent increase,and 2.9 million tons of freight, a 9.6percent jump.“Superior service and unmatchedconnectivity to inland marketsare driving growth at Georgia’sdeepwater ports,” said GPA BoardChairman James Walters. “Ourability to handle expanding cargovolumes - without congestion delays- has set GPA apart in supportof farming, retail and manufacturingcustomers.”Other notable developments includedgrowth at GPA’s East RiverTerminal in Brunswick. Focusedexclusively on bulk cargoes, EastRiver Terminal, operated by Logistec,experienced a 44.2 percentincrease (41,168 tons), for a totalof 134,277 tons of commoditiesmoved.Foltz attributed that growth, inpart, to strong biofuel exports toNorthern Europe.“Our ports are a vital link toglobal markets for Georgia exports,with forest products playing an importantrole in the state’s economy,”said GPA Vice Chairman JamesAllgood. “In addition to wood pelletsused as renewable fuel, the GPAhandles forest-derived exports includingwood pulp, paper, lumberand cellulose fibers.”Growing nearly as fast as EastRiver, Colonel’s Island Terminal inBrunswick improved by 40.2 percent(49,575 tons), largely on expansionin soybean meal. A total of172,825 tons of bulk and breakbulkcargo moved across Colonel’s Islanddocks in May.Across all terminals, bulk cargogrew by 60 percent (105,820 tons)in May, to reach 282,613 tons.For more information, contact GPA’sSenior Director of Corporate CommunicationsRobert Morris at (912)964-3855 or rmorris@gaports.com.Visit the GPA web site at www.gaports.com.Eaton introduces TOLBrace software updates for increasedreliability and efficiencyHIGHLAND, IL - Power managementcompany Eaton today announcedit is offering updated B-Line® series TOLBrace seismicbracing software for engineeredfire sprinkler applications. With anew English and Spanish languageselection tool, TOLBrace 8.0 offersa step-by-step approach to seismicbracing, including a project bill ofmaterials generator and many othervaluable features for fire sprinklersystems.“The latest update to our TOL-Brace software helps customerssave time and money,” said GregShaughnessy, product line manager,TOLCO Seismic Bracing,Eaton. “This solution provides agreater amount of design flexibility,identifying the component with thelowest load capacity.”Available for engineers, designers,plan reviewers and AuthoritiesHaving Jurisdiction (AHJs),the TOLBrace 8.0 software versionhelps to quickly and easily performzone of influence calculations accordingto the National Fire ProtectionAssociation (NFPA) 13guidelines, Uniform Building Code(UBC) and International BuildingCode (IBC). It also contains the latestCalifornia Office of StatewideHealth Planning and Development(OSHPD)-approved loads, forboth the Preapproval of Anchorage(OPA) 0030-10 and Preapproval ofManufacturer (OPM) 0052-13.TOLBrace 8.0 software also includesa space calculation feature,allowing users to calculate the maximumallowable spacing with analert when there is an improperlyspaced sway brace assemblies dueto load capacity or allowable pipedeflection per NFPA 13.For more information, visit www.cooperbline.com/tolbrace.Eaton offers a broad range of datacenter enclosures, airflow managementsolutions and B-Line seriessupport systems, seismic bracingsolutions, electrical enclosures andwireways designed to save time anddeliver a lower total installed cost.The products offered serve customersin commercial construction, oiland gas, mining, solar, communicationsand data centers, and othermarkets.Eaton’s electrical business is aglobal leader with expertise inpower distribution and circuit protection;backup power protection;control and automation; lightingand security; structural solutionsand wiring devices; solutions forharsh and hazardous environments;and engineering services. Eaton ispositioned through its global solutionsto answer today’s most criticalelectrical power management challenges.Eaton is a power managementcompany with 2014 sales of $22.6billion. Eaton provides energyefficientsolutions that help ourcustomers effectively manage electrical,hydraulic and mechanicalpower more efficiently, safely andsustainably. Eaton has approximately102,000 employees and sellsproducts to customers in morethan 175 countries. For more information,visit www.eaton.com.6 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Is Your Security System Secure?IT IS… IF IT’S FROM CINCH systems.When it comes to physical security there is no in between – it’s either 100% secure or it’s not. Make sure your system issecure with CINCH - the industry’s high-security expert.Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)The Protector IDS with patented, fullyEncrypted “End-To-End” communication forhigh-security applications in new andexisting installations.• FIPS 197 Certification• ICS-705 Compliant• UL 2050 Compliant• UL 1076 and UL 691 ListedVehicle Barrier Control Systems (VBS)Control and monitor vehicle entry withthe industry’s first AES Encrypted VBSmicroprocessor controller. Discrete metricstracking for barrier movement, loopactivations, traffic light control and more.• Stand-alone or networked• Integrates into any vehicle barrier systemDoor and Gate ControlsDoor and gate control is serious business,make sure your systems is up to it with theDoor-EZ controller. Controls movement forstand-alone and multi-door/gate systems.Fully AES encrypted.• Integrates into any vehicle barrier system• UL 1076, UL 325 and UL 991ProtectorpY GiNCM S Y:tem.Inter per. ,c Vlci t%y11 u1E IIIbli x , H=I --Ambs.-Y. a.EmuswruL1SG IM o n,' i ll II.... Nil_sliOWNellCINCH system sSimple -op. Secure .4w State of the Artwww.cinchsystems.com/gsn12075 43RD ST. NE | ST MICHAEL, MN 55376877-70-CINCHGSA# GS07F0234W CAGE 4VTQ2SCIF | ICON SITES | EMBASSIES | COMMAND CENTERS | GOVERNMENT AGENCIES | CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE | CAMPUS | PHARMACEUTICALCRITICAL INDUSTRIAL | FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS | TRANSPORTATION | EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES | ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE

Jim Webb’srecord on immigrationBy Wendy FelixFormer Virginia Senator Jim Webb isnow the fifth Democrat to enter the2016 presidential campaign. He hasbeen more conservative than mostDemocrats on the issue of immigrationpolicy while in the Senate, and asa Presidential candidate remains fairlyvague about what he would do to reformour immigration system.When he ran for the Senate in 2006,Webb stated on his campaign websitethat it was “necessary” to fix our outdatedimmigrationsystem butfocused on anenforcementfirststrategycalling for securingtheborder beforeworking on anyother aspectsof the outdatedsystem. As aSenator he helped block the 2007 Mc-Cain-Kennedy immigration reformbill by voting no on a procedural motionthat would have brought the billto a full vote. However, by 2010 he hadloosened up some by supporting theDREAM Act when it came up for avote in the Senate.Since the end of Webb’s Senate career,the immigration debate hasshifted, and seemingly so has Webb’srhetoric on immigration. Lately hediscussed backing a more comprehensiveapproach to immigration reformhowever, but remains skeptical anduncommitted to the executive actionsPresident Obama took on immigrationlast November.In December, the Washington PostFormer Virginia Senator Jim Webbreported his slightly progressing viewnoting:“…he also said the nation needs acomprehensive strategy to address illegalimmigration…Not simply thingslike putting up a fence, but really whatshould our policies be?”Yet he remained cynical on presidentialexecutive action on immigration.In December 2014, according tothe MSNBC:“…he told reporters that he believedObama’sactions were‘legal,’ Webbwould not committo continuingthem if hewere president.‘I would look atthem,’ he said.In his remarks,Webb said thatin general, he’s‘not a believer in executive orders” andworries about ‘the abuse of executiveorders.”Webb’s genuine views on immigrationare hard to truly detect or decipheras he has said very little on thetopic lately and, so far, has failed to addresswhat his policies would be in anycampaign materials. At the start of hiscampaign he stands out as one of theleast thoughtful or progressive candidateson immigration policy in theDemocratic race for President. This isa position unlikely to get him far in therace for the White House in 2016.Photo by Rob Shenk.Editor’s Note:These articles about former Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) and GovernorChris Christie (R-NJ) are the latest in a series of articles written by staffmembers of the non-profit, non-partisan American Immigration Councildescribing the records of actions and stated views regarding immigrationof the respective candidates. They are published by Government SecurityNews with permission of the American Immigration Council.Will Governor Christie “Tellit like it is” on immigration?By Elijah LevineRepublican Gov. Chris Christie ofNew Jersey became the 14th candidateto announce his candidacy forthe GOP presidential nomination.He’s highlighting his reputation as astraight-talking Governor by makinghis campaign motto “telling it like it is.”Yet, despite that slogan his campaignlaunch and official campaign websitedo not makeclear his viewon immigrationpolicy.However, if wereach back a bitand review pastlegislative actionsand commentsmade onthe campaigntrail we canlearn a bit about what U.S. immigrationpolicy might look like under aChristie Administration.In 2014, Christie signed a bill allowingyoung undocumented immigrantsto access in-state tuition. He expressedboth the economic and moral imperativeof providing undocumented immigrantsequal access to education inorder to maximize their contributionsto not only New Jersey, but the countryas well:“We have already invested in theseyoung men and women and they deservethe same opportunity to harnesstheir talents and reach their fullpotential as anybody else who grew upand attended school in New Jersey…Ibelieve every child should be given theopportunity to reach their God-givepotential…that’s a moral requirement.”However, in 2015, he was less progressiveon granting driver’s licenses toundocumented immigrants, Christiesaid, “I cannot give drivers licenses topeople who I cannot be sure who theyare and it’s that simple. I’m not doingit. And I’ve had that position rightfrom the beginning.”But with respect to federal reformsto immigration, he described how toachieve consensus in a 2013 interview:“…listen, everybody has got to sitat a table, everyone is going to have aGovernor Chris Christiepoint of view on immigration, and amyriad of other issues. Well, let’s haveour argument out publicly, then let’sget to the table, come to a consensusand then move on.”More recently in New Hampshirehe discussed moving beyond an enforcement-onlyto a more comprehensiveapproach to shaping immigrationpolicy:“Walls can begotten over. Thereason peoplecome here is towork. So if weclamp down onfolks who arehiring peoplein this manner,once we set upa fair systemthat everybody is signed on to, then Ithink we’ll really decrease” the amountof new illegal immigrants.”Yet, despite his consensus approachhe has set himself firmly against thePresident’s use of executive action onimmigration , publicly condemningthe President’s deferred action initiativesand joining the lawsuit challengingthe measures that would grant deportationrelief for up to 4-5 millionundocumented immigrants currentlyliving in the U.S.Governor Christie has shown himselfto be fairly practical on some stateimmigration issues, however he is stillpoorly informed on how driver’s licensingand deferred action initiativesfor the undocumented actually helpmake our nation more secure as webetter track who is here by providingthem documentation and the ability toparticipate in the formal U.S. economy.He is still a ways from telling it like itis on immigration, but we’ll continuewatching.Photo by Michael Vadon8 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Neffenger, new TSA administratorContinued from page 4Guard, finishing as the vice commandant, towhich he was assigned in May 2014. Previouspositons include working as the deputycommandant for operations and thedeputy national incident commanderfor the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill.Proponents of his appointment sayNeffenger brings expertise in port securityand crisis management.“Admiral Neffenger understands thechallenges we face, and I know he isready to take them on at TSA,” SecretaryJohnson said after the Senate confirmation.“During his 30-year careerin the Coast Guard, Admiral Neffengerproved himself to be an effective operatorand commander. I have utmostfaith in Pete Neffenger, and I am confidenthe will be a strong leader of TSA.”Sen. Tom Carper, the ranking Democraton the Senate Committee onHomeland Security and GovernmentalAffairs, said the Senate worked quicklyin a bipartisan manner to confirm Neffenger,who was nominated by PresidentObama in late April.The senator from Delaware said theagency has a “thankless” job to ensurethe safety of nearly 2 million passengersa day by making sure no weaponsor explosive items sneak through whilealso ensuring passengers are not delayedand have their belongings withthem when they arrive at their destination.“Adm. Neffenger has a clear vision forTSA,” Carper said. “He said the agencymust strive to be an intelligence driven,risk-based, counterterrorism agency,(and) …he has acknowledged the difficultchallenges facing TSA today. Butmore importantly, he is committed toaddressing them head-on and strivingfor perfection. Finally, I learned thathe is committed to working with Congress,the Inspector General, GAO, andstakeholders to improve TSA.”The head of the TransportationTrades Department, AFL-CIO, whichconsists of 32 public- and private-sectorunions covering the transportationindustry, and the president of the U.S.Travel Association (UTSA) said theyboth look forward to working withrNeffenger to ensure TSA agents are properlytrained and to improve the security and experiencefor travelers.“Travel is crucial to both America’s economyand way of life, but this country’s ability to travelbegins and ends with security,” USTA PresidentGallagher education securityWorld leading facilities management andstudent safety solutions; with a brilliantlysimple, end-to-end security system.°jmac,security.gallagher.comy, i',114 .Roger Dow said. “No one was ever under the illusionthat TSA’s job was going to be easy, butunder Mr. Neffenger’s leadership I expect thatthe agency will emerge from its recent challengesevery bit as capable and effective as we need it tobe.”.,:: .`ziV- Vi a:. ' . . ° f r f . '_ . .LT ms.c `, v.a .' . e ,t,..i'. , ;. : . nuu, . lf :a < C '"j Yh y`,i . p X y 4e9 1F t'X35 w .l.:t . 7" .. °., r . !L+^"if a : .;^ - f v x 1 r 1"cirk'ay `i "{ _ r me.t1 ar , . - t,+ ... 6swhtḷ 'y'F:5: nt. ` .. » X t i . 4'`: ..'`A4 .. rG ALLA GHERkJuly/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 9

Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL) digitizesglobal content for Fortune 500 technologygiant in record timeWhen the content managers of aglobal technology company witha sterling reputation for deliveringoutstanding products and serviceslearned that the corporate focuswas shiftingto becoming green, inpart through making content mobile,they quickly realized that adigitization strategy that scales toa global level would be an imperative.In the case of a Fortune 500technology company, global contentmanagement processes accommodatedhundreds of new productintroductions scheduled for releaseeach year, with each requiring atleast six months to create customer-friendlytraining and documentation.The source content, from internaldocuments used by trainersand other personnel wascreated byengineers from around the world.At the same time, the company’scertification program was expanding,using a traditional instructor-led,document-based trainingapproach. Implementing anenterprise learning managementsystem(LMS) would reduce theprinted materials involved in thecertification program. But startingfrom zero digitized learning contentmeant reviewing and revisingthe entire approach to developingthat content in the traditional printcentricmodel. Because that couldprovide huge costs savings fromproduction, as well as shipping andcustoms costs, a strategy for gettingto green and mobile started to takeform.Getting from zero digitalcontent to global and mobileThe company’s content architectureteam performed a test run ona subset of its existing content. Indoing so, the team discovered thatthe effort to digitize the contentfor a single new product introductionwas so complex that outsideexpertise was the only feasible alternativeto thousands of hours ofexperimenting, testing and reworking.They turned to DCL to helpanalyze their content environment,normalize the mountains of data,and automate conversion and qualitycontrol processes to handle thescale of activity they required.Global quality calls for the rightcombination of automation andprocess improvementsDCL worked with the company’scontent teams to examine thesource materials for new productcontent--PowerPoint files and accompanyingaudio recordings, createdby the engineering teams thatwork on the products. They determinedthat the best way to normalizethis material was to provideconsistent, high-quality contentwhich could be converted to XMLand so be made available for a varietyof outputs. DCL built out a sophisticatedquality assurance (QA)software tool and processes thatleverages the business rules of anenterprise style guide to transcribeand move the content into a structuredconsistent format.As the new product content productionprocesses ramped up, DCLturned to the challenge of digitizingthe company’s learning content.DCL analyzed the company’s implementationof the Learning ContentManagement System (LCMS)solutionand provided the meansto integrate the QA software toolwith manual copy editing. DCLthen consulted with the contentcreation teams to support the moveto XML-based authoring, ensuringconsistency of structure going forward.This whole-system approachto content means looking at the client’sentire system, to anticipate issuesand develop workarounds thatwould have hobbled the company’sprogress had they been left on theirown.Six-fold increase in throughputand zero to 50 online coursesin 16 monthsThe initial results of the ongoingcollaboration between this globalleader and DCL spoke for themselves:• Improved time to market fornew product introductions by 66%and increased the throughput sosignificantly that, rather than preparingbetween 12 and 20 eachyear, their capacity increased to 78introductions in the first year.• Streamlined both the conversionof learning content to XML and theupload process to the LCMS, allowingthe company to move 50 coursesto the LMS in just 16 months. Andthat offers a larger global audienceto access the certification materialeven in more remote locations withpoor infrastructure.The company’s content architectin charge of the digitization initiativescommented, “With DCL’s helpwe have successfully moved a varietyof materials to the digital realm,so that we offer the right content tothe right device at the right time forour customers. DCL has helped usbecome more efficient at leveragingnew product information and gettingthat to our customers.”About Data ConversionLaboratory (DCL)DCL (http://www.dclab.com)works with organizations of allsizes across numerous industries todigitize complex content so that itcan be leveraged to support businessobjectives. Legacy content variestremendously in structure andformat, and organizations need efficientways to normalize this data.At the same time, DCL offers morethan high-quality data conversion.DCL engages with clients as partnersto create tools and processesthat transform, futurize and monetizecontent creation and managementand maximize the value ofcontent as an asset.Contact us todayto find out how we can help youunlock the value of your content.About Mark Gross,President and CEOMark Gross, President & CEO –founder of Data Conversion Laboratory,is a recognized authority onXML implementation and documentconversion. President andCEO of DCL, Mark also serves asProject Executive, with overall responsibilityfor resource managementand planning.Prior to founding DCL in 1981,Mark was with the consulting practiceof Arthur Young & Co. Markhas a BS in Engineering from ColumbiaUniversity and an MBAfrom New York University. He hasalso taught at the New York UniversityGraduate School of Business,the New School, and Pace University.He is a frequent speaker on thetopic of automated conversions toXML and SGML.Post your video onthe busiest website inHomeland SecuritySee page 1910 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

CINCH systems, Inc. Introduces CeLAN Door-EZ— Door and Gate Control for Entry Management.ST. MICHAEL, MN, July 7, 2015 – CINCHsystems, Inc. is pleased to announce the expansionof its line of high security products with theintroduction of the CeLAN Door-EZ — Doorand Gate Control for responsivefacility entry and exit management.The CeLAN Door-EZ is a microprocessorbased control systemthat can be used as a standalonedoor/gate controller or inmulti-door/gate system with aCINCH control panel. This providesdoor and gate control thatis fast and flexible to meet currentneeds and scalable for futureexpansion.“The CeLAN Door-EZ is a powerful door andgate control system that is easy to configure andoperate with much more processing power thanaccess control systems,” says Joel Christianson,CEO of CINCH systems. “If you have an existingdoor and gate system, the modular design of theDoor-EZ easily integrates with simplified set-up,wiring and rapid change out,” adds Christianson.CeLAN Door-EZ Features:• Controls movement forstand-alone and multi-door/gate systems.• 128 bit, patented End-To-End AES Encryption for securesystem data reporting.• On-board SD card for metrictracking of all control operations.• Optional 5.7” LCD color displaywith simplified instructionsfor: operations, programing,maintenance and diagnostics.• Six programmable safety inputs, complieswith UL 325 — 2016 requirement.• Data driven motor and manual button controlboards to minimize wiring and installationtime.• UL 991, UL 325 and UL 1076.About CINCH systems, Inc.www.cinchsystems.comCINCH systems, Inc. is a leading supplier ofhigh security and life safety technologies withoffices based in St. Michael, Minnesota. CINCHsystems manufactures high security productportfolios, including Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) for US Government SCIFs (SensitiveCompartmented Information Facility), VehicleBarrier Controllers (VBS) and Door – GateControls Systems. CINCH systems’ productsfeature patented End-To-End AES (AdvancedEncryption Standard) Encryption, secure fiberconversion and the industry’s easiest to usetouch screen interface. Products are used to protectpeople and property across a wide-range ofindustries including government and military,law enforcement and nuclear safety.For more information; call toll free:1-877-70-CINCH or email: info@cinchsystems.comPOWER UTILITYSECURITY SOLUTIONSE`4_. , 111-LIMjm_1bJ 71),-i 'III lllllllliii uili 'tr yIiIIIFENCE IGATES I BARRIERSBOOTHS eoo xsFW'AMERISTARSECURITY.COM | 866-467-2773ASSA ABLOY, the global leader in door opening solutionsJuly/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 11

Tech/Thought Leader Chuck Brooks named VP GovernmentRelations and Marketing at Sutherland Government SolutionsCharles (Chuck) Brooks, a prominentfigure in Homeland Security and governmentcircles, has joined SutherlandGovernment Solutions as VicePresident for Government Relations& Marketing. He comes from Xerox,where he served as Client Executiveand Vice President for Homeland Security.Established in 1986, SutherlandGlobal Services is a global BPO andtechnology-enabled services companyoffering an integrated set of back-officeand customer facing front- officeservices that support the entire customerlifecycle. It is one of the largest,independent BPO companies inthe world serving marquee clients inmajor industry verticals. Headquarteredin Rochester, New York, UnitedStates, Sutherland employs over 36,000professionals and has nearly 60 globaldelivery centers. Sutherland GlobalServices’ long and successful historyin business process outsourcing (BPO)makes Sutherland Government Solutions(SGS) an ideal partner for publicsector organizations looking toenhance constituent experience andmake smart, strategic investments.Brooks will lead the Federal andState & Local Government relationsactivities for Sutherland GovernmentSolutions. He will also be responsiblefor leading the Marketing portfolio including:Media, PR, Digital Outreach,Thought Leadership, Strategic Partnering,and Branding for the Federaland State & Local markets. He is alsoassisting in finding prospects for thegrowing M & A activities in the Federalspace for the company.With an extensive record of servicein Senior Executive Management,Marketing, Government Relations,and Business Development, both inthe public and private sectors, ChuckBrooks has served in leadership rolesfor three large public corporations,including Xerox and SRA. He is wellknown for his “influencer” writingsand speeches on issues such as emergingtechnologies, innovation, physicaland cybersecurity, The Internet ofThings, Digitizing Government, resiliency,and Business Process Outsourcing.He has been published in ExecutiveMosaic FORBES, Huffington Post,InformationWeek, MIT Sloan Blog,Federal Times, Government SecurityCBP advisory panel recommends reviewof use of force and adding investigatorsLast week, the U.S. Customs andBorder Protection (CBP) IntegrityAdvisory Panel, whose creationwas directed by the Secretary ofHomeland Security in December2014, released a report recommendingspecific steps CBP shouldtake in order to increase transparency,assure integrity, and ensurecompliance with use of force policy.The recommendations includeboth staffing and policy changesand would require the allocation ofadequate resources to attain the establishedgoals.Since its creation in 2003, CBPhas been notorious for its lack ofaccountability and transparency.A growing body of evidence hasshown that Border Patrol agentsregularly overstep the boundariesof their authority by using excessiveforce, engaging in unlawful searches,making racially motivated arrests,and detaining people underinhumane conditions.Last year, in response to the growingevidence and widespread criticismof CBP’s lack of accountability,the agency’s leadership made publicnew measures designed to increasethe agency’s openness and transparency.One of those measures resultedin the creation of an IntegrityAdvisory Panel, which would be incharge of assessing CBP’s progressin attaining those goals.A key recommendation in thePanel’s report involves adequatelystaffing CBP’s Office of Internal Affairs(IA), the unit with oversightauthority for all aspects of CBPoperations, personnel, and facilities,which is also responsible forcompliance with policies relating tomisconduct, corruption, and mismanagement.Specifically,the Panel recommendedhiring 350 experiencedfull-time criminal investigators“to timely andeffectively investigate allegationsof corruptionand use of excessive forceinvolving CBP personnel.”These new hires would be“special agents” who would holdthe job classification GS-1811 and,therefore, would have both arrestand investigative powers.Last year, Secretary of HomelandSecurity Jeh Johnson delegated toCBP the authority to investigate itsemployees for alleged criminal misconduct,converting qualified internalaffairsemployeesfrom generalinvestigatorsJeh Johnsonto criminalinvestigators.The Panel’s recommendationto add new investigators in orderto strengthen the capacity of IAseems to be in line with CBP CommissionerGil Kerlikowske’s proclaimedgoal of making the agencymore transparent and accountable.Another set of recommendationsinvolves revising policy guidelinesto ensure CBP’s overarching responsibilityfor preserving humanlife. To that end, the Panel proposesimplementing “specific restrictionson the use of firearms involving amoving vehicle and individualsthrowing rocks.” In addition, thereport proposes identifying metricsto assess the effectiveness of bodyworncameras and consulting withstakeholders on the issue—but doesnot yet recommend a body-worncamera policy.The report also proposes specificmeasures to facilitate the implementationof CBP’s transparencypolicy. Some of these measuresinclude designating a high-leadership-level-pointperson to overseethe implementation of such policy,posting on the internet high-profilepolicies and guidelines, and increasingoutreach efforts to engagestakeholders and community partners.Acknowledging the problemand the need for concrete policychanges is a good first step. Thisinterim report by the CBP IntegrityAdvisory Panel is further proofthat CBP falls short when it comesto law enforcement best practices,but provides concrete measuresto start tackling some of the welldocumentedproblems that are soprevalent in the agency. It remainsto be seen whether and how theserecommendations will be implemented.See more at: http://immigrationimpact.com/2015/07/10/cbp-advisory-panel-recommendsrevising-use-of-force-policies-andadding-investigators/#sthash.YbN-PJCQH.dpufPhoto by Maryland National Guard.12 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Chuck BrooksNews, Cygnus SecurityMedia, HomelandSecurity Today,The Hill, BiometricUpdate, and GovernmentExecutive.He is a Columnistand Featured Contributor;Bizcatalyst360,Blogger forComputerworldMagazine — “GovernmentTech Viewpoint”.Chuck serves on many not-for-profit Boards includingas an Advisor to the Bill and Melinda GatesFoundation Technology Partner Network, TheFranklin Foundation for Innovation, Safe AmericaFoundation, IJIS Institute, and CyberTECH.He also has one of the most extensive social mediafollowings on Facebook, Twitter, and especiallyLinkedin where he is in the Top 1% of all profilesviewed. He also operates several LinkedIn groups,including two of the most influential in homelandsecurity; “HomelandSecurity”, and “U.S. Departmentof Homeland Security,DHS”. Many of us around theBeltway know Chuck from his other prominentLinkedIn Group, “DC Foodies”.In government, Chuck was appointed by PresidentsRonald Reagan and George W. Bush to executiveroles in the federal government. Chuck served at theDepartment of Homeland Security as the first Directorof Legislative Affairs for the Science & TechnologyDirectorate. He also spent six years on Capitol Hillas a Senior Advisor to the late Senator Arlen Specterwhere he covered foreign affairs, business, and technologyissues. In academia, Chuck was an AdjunctFaculty Member at Johns Hopkins University wherehe taught graduate level students about homelandsecurity and Congress. His academic backgroundincludes an MA in International relations from theUniversity of Chicago, and a BA in Political Sciencefrom DePauw University, and a Certificate in InternationalLaw from The Hague.Chuck has received many accoladesduring his career:• Simon Szykman, Chief Technology Officer, FederalServices at Attain: Chuck and I were colleagueswhen we were both serving at the Department ofHomeland Security. Chuck was a pleasure to workwith and is a consummate professional with executivemanagement and substantive issue expertise,particularly in technologies relating to DHS. Chuckalso brings a special blend of experience to the table,having successfully served in leadership roles in industry,as well as executive and legislative branchesof government. Chuck is a relationship builder, a“connector” of both opportunities and people.• Hon. Jay M Cohen (Rear Admiral, US Navy,ret.) stated ”From my Senate confirmation hearings,through two years of re-inventing the Department ofHomeland Security Science & Technology Directorate(which was described by the Congress in 2006as a “rudderless ship with no one at the helm” andin danger of the Congress rescinding $200M in FY07), Chuck Brooks as Director of Legislative Affairsat DHS was INVALUABLE to me, the DHS S&T Directorate,DHS, the Nation AND Congress in makingthe “reformation” of DHS S&T a complete success.His Hill/DC acumen, insight, reliability, abilityto develop highly effective congressional interaction/communications is WITHOUT PEER in my nearly16 years dealing with senior executive branch officials,industry, academia and the Congress.”• Dr. Thomas A. Cellucci Chairman & ChiefExecutive Officer at Ecrypt Technologies Inc. and aformer DHS colleague of Chuck’s stated “Chuck possessesboth the strategic vision and tactical disciplineto get results—period. Having said that, his keen intellectis only matched by his genuine good natureand helpful attitude towards others.”Chuck can be reached at: Charles.brooks@Sutherlandglobal.com and on Twitter: @ChuckDBrooksor on LinkedIn at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/chuckbrooksDATA CENTERSECURITY SOLUTIONSrep '16- MONO ;1 1 1hiuliu al. 11.iIJII' 11111 1Illlili.I-I I'-- IIIIUlmV!Iludll lFENCE GATES BARRIER S aoo BOOTHS xsAMERISTARSECURITY.COM | 866-467-2773ASSAABLOY, the global leader in door opening solutionsV0 IPJ 74AJuly/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 13

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Law Enforcement/Public SafetyAtHoc introduces AtHoc Connect for interoperablecrisis communication with and across organizationsSAN MATEO, CA, July 8, 2015 –AtHoc, Inc., today announced thelaunch and immediate availabilityof AtHoc Connect, designed to facilitatecommunication and collaborationwithin and across organizationsduring a crisis.The company created AtHocConnect to allow organizationsto build and participate in securenetworks that effectively bring togetherpeople, organizations anddevices to improve interagencycommunication and collaborationduring crises and critical businesssituations. Such information sharingincludes cross-agency exchangeof messaging, multi-media contentand geographical information, resultingin improved shared situationalawareness and rapid coordinatedresponse.The requirement for organizationsto communicate and collaboratewith other organizationsduring a crisis situation is welldocumented. From Hurricane Katrina,the LAX shooting and theWashington Navy Yard shooting,major incidents have shown thatemergencies do not occur in silosand that interoperable communicationbetween agencies is essentialfor rapid event resolution.Congress has recently acted aswell. With the signing of H.R.615:Department of Homeland Security(DHS) Interoperable CommunicationsAct on July 6, 2015, DHS isnow mandated to “…achieve andmaintain interoperable communicationsamong the componentsof DHS, including for daily operations,planned events, and emergencies.”Congress recognizes thatdespite effective communicationwithin specific Homeland Securityagencies, interagency communicationstill remains a challenge, andthe new law calls for explicit solutionsto address this.Recent trends in technology andinnovation in networked-basedcommunication models, includingthe maturity of social networks aswell as the evolution of the Internet-of-Things,make solving thislong time challenge viable. It isnow possible to achieve interoperablecommunicationwithrelative easeand modestinvestment.AtHoc, alreadyservingthe vast majorityof theU.S. Federalgovernmentwith its alerting platform, tacklesthe challenge of interagency communicationwith the introductionof AtHoc Connect.How AtHoc Connect Works –Building Cross-OrganizationalNetworksAtHoc Connect enables organizationsto communicate and collaboratewith other organizationsduring a crisis situation. An organizationcan “invite” others to joinits “network”, similar to the wayconnect invitations occur on socialnetworks such as Facebook orLinkedIn. Invitations to “connect”can be sent to any organization,whether they are an existing AtHoccustomer or not. All connectedmembers can securely use theAtHoc platform to exchange alerts,share multi-media content, andgeographical based informationwith any other connected member.The result – a secure network of organizationsthat can communicateand collaborate with each otherduring a crisis.AtHoc Connect is available nowto all AtHoc customers without additionallicensing costs. CustomersView the video at www.athoc.comcan also expand their crisis communicationsnetwork to include organizationsthat don’t currently useAtHoc for crisis communications.Every member of the networkcan establish their own policiesfor sending and receiving informationwithin and outside of theirorganization.This flexibilityprovidesa seamlessmeans to rapidlydevelop abroad-basedcollaborative,secure,interoperablenetwork. Furthermore,every member organizationcontrols its own personnelinformation and is not required toshare it with external organizationsto achieve such interoperable communication.This approach enablesorganizations to maintain the securityand self-management capabilityrequired by many participatingagencies as well as prevents theneed to update contact informationof external contacts.The result – AtHoc Connect improvessituational awareness, reducesresponse times and providesend-to-end control of emergencycommunications for all networkorganizations – resulting in trueinteroperable communications andcollaboration when every secondcounts.AtHoc Connect meets themost demanding standards ofprivacy and securitySuch innovative collaboration requiresthe highest levels of policycontrol and security. AtHoc exceedsSSAE-16 certification and is one offew vendors providing a hosted crisiscommunication service certifiedas compliant with government andDepartment of Defense securitymandates such as NIST SP 800-53Rev4 at FIPS 199 Moderate classification.Additionally, AtHoc Connecthas received Authority-to-Operate(ATO) from the both the U.S.Department of Energy and the U.S.Department of the Treasury.“Our mission is simply to makethe world safer. We are looking forwardto seeing the positive impactAtHoc Connect will have on the securityof our communities and ourcountry,” said Guy Miasnik, Presidentand CEO. “We are pleased toshare our innovation with our customersas well as our nation’s leaderswho have recognized the needfor interoperable crisis communication.”About AtHocAtHoc is the pioneer and recognizedleader in networked crisiscommunication, protecting millionsof people around the world.AtHoc provides a seamless andreliable exchange of critical informationamong organizations, theirpeople, devices and external entities.A trusted partner to the world’smost demanding customers, AtHocis the #1 provider to the US Departmentsof Defense and HomelandSecurity, and safeguards numerousother government agencies andleading commercial enterprises.Headquartered in Silicon Valley,the company operates around theglobe. For more information aboutAtHoc, please visit www.athoc.com.July/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 15

Law Enforcement/Public SafetyAvwatch MANET surveillance solution allowslaw enforcement air and ground vehicles to viewcapture of felon from 40 miles awayPLYMOUTH, MA, Issued July17, 2015 – Avwatch, Inc.’s (www.avwatch.us) proven network communicationstechnology, which hassupported the efforts of firefightersin the West for the past six years,was recently deployed by a Westernstate law enforcement agency, allowinglaw enforcement officials toview, remotely and in real-time, thecapture of a felon from as far as 40miles away.By utilizing the Avwatch MobileAd Hoc Network (MANET) technologywithin the agency’s air andground vehicles, the agency wasable to, from the air, show the captureof a felon in a moving vehicle,and then share the video in realtimevia a data link 40 miles acrosstheir tactical network. Law enforcementofficials had the ability toview the incident remotely on theirsmart phones, tablets and computers.The real-time viewing and collaborationthis technology providesenhances situational awareness andSECURE Yourrfacility withra m i x 0 wo - Wfacilitates operational coordination.The Mobile Ad Hoc Network(MANET) technology in Avwatch’scommunications platform allowsusers to send and receive largeamounts of data instantaneously,and represents a generational advancementover the oneway downlinkcapability legacysystemscurrentlyprovide. Thecompany’sMANET platformis secure,scalable,and adaptablein diversegeographical environments andweather conditions.On this particular project,Avwatch worked with Air BearTactical Aircraft, the organizationthat served as the primary contrac-Irms TTI LTtor for the Western law enforcementagency.John Nielsen, VP of AirborneLaw Enforcement Operations adds,“MANET architecture is the wave ofthe future for airborne law enforcementcommunications. Airbornesurveillance is all about bringingcrime into thecockpit andthen disseminatinginformationin atimely fashionto respondingground units.Avwatch’s implementationis a major stepforward inairborne surveillancecommunications.”Chris Kluckhuhn, CEO ofAvwatch, Inc., noted that the MA-NET technology’s support of wildfireresponse and the viewing capabilitiesthat the system provides7 7MPW PAWA800-523-3888BILLINGS, MONTANA www.tiltawa .com daveh@idealmfginc.com1for the firefighters is what led thelaw enforcement agency to adoptit. “It offers significant advantages,”he said, adding, “It allows viewingof video, remote control ofaircraft cameras and secure voicecommunication with the ability toscale coverage across thousands ofsquare miles.”About Air Bear Tactical AircraftAir Bear Tactical Aircraft, LLC(www.airbear.aero) provides complete,mission ready airborne lawenforcement solutions, custom designedfor specific agency missionrequirements. Air Bear has a staffof experienced airborne law enforcementand expert aircraft acquisitionpersonnel. Tactical FlightOfficer and Pilot tactical training,operational consulting and customintegration and municipal financingare all part of the services AirBear provides.About Avwatch, Inc.Avwatch, Inc., a Service-DisabledVeteran Owned Small Business(SDVOSB), employs aerial Intelligence,Surveillance, and Reconnaissancecommunication technologiesto support, enhance, and trainFederal, state, and local governmentagencies in support of varioushomeland security missions. Thecompany’s unique aerial communicationnetwork permits homelandsecurity professionals the freedomto interact directly between air andground assets, including generatingflight routes, specifying intelligencerequirements, controlling onboardcamera sensors, and sending andreceiving audio, video, and textover a distributed, interactive network.Communications betweenground users, vehicles, dismountedindividuals, and aircraft are internet-supported,allowing users andaircraft to communicate in realtime, anywhere in the world.Please visit www.avwatch.us formore information.M-30 M-40 M-50 CRASH GATE16 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Law Enforcement/Public SafetySecuritech classroom deadbolt avoidsbarricade dangers, maintains responder accessMaspeth, NY (July 9, 2015) –Securitech, the industry leader forinnovative, purpose-driven lockingdevices, is promoting safe classroomsecurity and warning of thedangers of door-blocking devicesthat cannot be opened from theoutside by first responders.According to the National Associationof State Fire Marshals, someof the proposed solutions for securingclassroom doors in the event ofa threatening situation “may compromiseaspects of life safety.” Theorganization released a guidancedocument and safety checklist inMarch of 2015 with clear recommendationsbased on a variety ofsources, including building safetyand fire codes, the School Safety InfrastructureCouncil, U.S. Departmentof Justice ADA Standards,Chief Product Officer, Securitech. outside. This critically importantand the Sandy Hook Advisory“But it was also designed to maintainlife safety, so anyone can exit sponders or other authorized staffoutside key access enables First Re-Commission. Specific reference ismade to devices which prevent unlockingand opening fromthe classroom quickly and school to enter the room quickly, if neededpersonnel, law enforcement and – something which classroom doorthe outside, saying such devices“may place the inhab-first responders can quickly enter blocking products do not allow.by key.”Additionally, virtually no trainingitants of the room in peril.”The unique deadbolt locking is required to activate the QID lock.In sharp contrast to doorblockingdevices, the Secu-mechanism in the QID is activated Experts have made recommendationsabout how to increase theby simply pushing the red button.ritech QID (Quick IntruderDeadbolt) classroom lockWith one press, the person closest safety and security of our schools.to the door can instantly activate Of these recommended actions,was designed to provide aboth the deadbolt and the lever those regarding physical doorfast, strong safe-haven solutionwhile maintaining ac-handle lock. A visual indicator lets locks are an immediate and effectivesolution and one of the sim-the teacher know that the door iscess for first responders andsecured by the QID deadbolt. It is plest to implement. For example,other authorized personnel.the only solution that combines the the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) includes specific rec-QID locksets also exceedlocking lever handle with the deadboltin a single action for the highommendationsfor classroom doorsafe school governmentstandards (FEMA-428/est strength and security.locks in its primer for safe schoolBIPS-07) and comply withThe Securitech QID lock is 100% design (FEMA-428/BIPS-07/Janall building and fire safetycode compliant and presents a 2012). Their first guidance on thiscodes.number of advantages over other topic states that doors should “have“Schools shouldn’t haveclassroom locks. It combines the a simple locking mechanism, suchto choose between safety and security.Our new QID lock is designedfast locking of a one inch deadbolt as a button to push in, which cannotbe locked to prevent egresswith the single-action egress requiredfor occupant safety. Just as from the classroom.” The Securi-to instantly secure a classroom withthe strongest deadbolt protection,”important, the door is always able tech QID locks are in full complisaidMark Berger, President andto be unlocked by key from theMore on page 18CHERRY INNOVATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPSSECURE CARD READERSFOR ANY NEEDThe CHERRY line of secure keyboards and card readersoffers a broad selection to suit your exact needs!SMART CARD READERSContact (FIPS 201), contactlessand combination optionsagiWL, - A4ft4BASIC USEUSB SMART CARD READERSFIPS 201 certified; standaloneunit with weighted base.soloHEAVY USEoSMART CARD KEYBOARDSFIPS 210 certified, PC/SC smartcard reader and secure PIN entry.[-Bill111 11 IFU u.w u w u, u iuMAXIMUM USELmldi]EffiFREEWHITEPAPERCHERRY 1THE TRENDS ANDBENEFITS OF SMART CARDAND BIOMETRIC DEVICES.http://bit.ly/1C1pnlY1-800-844-0797www.cherrycorp.com/cid© 2015 ZF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS PLEASANT PRAIRIE, LLCCID 215905 GSN_Any Need Ad_9.75x3-F.indd 17/7/15 3:38 PMJuly/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 17

Law Enforcement/Public SafetyLouisville fire officials use SCIO 7 robot toidentify cause of blaze in historic WhiskeyRow districtBy Steve BittenbenderWhen Louisville Fire officialssought to determine the cause ofa three-alarm blaze that heavilydamaged three historic buildingsearlier this month, they didn’t haveto go very far to find help.Locally based Donan Solutions,LLC offers conclusive and accurateinvestigation services with promptturnaround times and quality customerservice. The company offeredits Scio Surveyor 7 robot tothe department so it could findwhat caused the fire in Louisville’sfamed Whiskey Row district.Officials needed the help becausethe structures, which are listed onthe National Registry of HistoricPlaces, were undergoing renovationsas part of a constructionproject bringing new apartments,retail and restaurants to the downtowndistrict. A side of one of thebuildings collapsed during the fire,which happened during even rushhour traffic, and officials were warythat an additional collapse couldinjure or kill investigators.That’s what Scio – pronouncedSKEE-oh – came into the picture.It’s a military level robotthat Donan claims is thefirst unmanned groundvehicle that can be usedin forensic investigations.“Handled by an expertoperator, Scio is ideal forinspecting: structurallyunsound buildings, confinedspaces (and) hazardousenvironments,”according to the company’sWeb site. “Scio isa powerful tool that canmitigate safety risks, increasespeed of service and provideconclusive answers.”The robot includes two camerasplaced on its gripper arm allowing itto offer depth perception to the operator,so they can positon it appropriatelyto grab or move items, andother viewers. The arm is extendableand can carry up to 30 poundsdepending on how far it is extended.The arm also is agile enough toopen doors. To collect evidence, therobot comes equipped with scoopsand shovels, as well as a one galloncontainer to hold the payload.Aside from the two gripper cameras,the robot has other camerasavailable as well. A GoPro cameraprovides a high definition streamingcapabilities and the abilityto shoot digital photographs.Four othercameras are usedto help guide therobots movementswithinthe investigationarea. Some camerasalso infraredcapabilities fornighttime usesand white lightfor darkened spaces.As Scio made its way through thebuilding, the robot was able to findthe source of the fire: a blowtorchused to cut metal piping caused aspark that led to the blaze.As the name implies, WhiskeyRow is a series of buildings thatwere built between 1852 and 1905.For years, the buildings, which includedcast iron facades, served ashome to bourbon distilleries, butas the distilleries folded or moved,the buildings became vacant.Four years ago, the buildings werescheduled to be razed, but city officialsand developers worked withpreservationists to devise a redevelopmentplan.Part of that plan included a newdistillery and visitors center for OldForester bourbon. Developers rightnow are focusing on stabilizing theexisting structures and said it willlikely take several months beforegetting back on track.“From most indications, wewill be able to save the facades ofWhiskey Row, a victory thanks tofirefighters,” Louisville Mayor GregFischer said.Securitech classroomdeadboltContinued from page 17ance with the DHS guidance.About Securitech:Established in New York City in1983, Securitech® is an independentmanufacturer of high-security doorlocks, and is recognized as an industryleader in the development ofinnovative solutions for emergingneeds, including multi-point doorlocks, automatic deadbolt lockingand electric locking solutions. Securitechis the first company to produceexit devices and locks to meetrigorous FEMA Windstorm testingstandards. All Securitech productdesigns are driven by the needs ofthe end-user, security director andarchitect, and the company can delivercustomized solutions on anindividual facility basis. Securitechworks closely with fire and life-safetyofficials to ensure that all productsrespect code requirementswhile providing the desired level ofprotection against forced entry andvandalism. Securitech products exceedUL and other standard - theyhave earned the hard-to-achieve“SB Tested” label; field-tested inthe South Bronx to withstand thetoughest levels of abuse.For more information visit www.securitech.com,email gheppes@securitech.comor call 718-392-9000.Post your video onthe busiest website inHomeland SecuritySee page 1918 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

New from Government Security News:Post Your Video on the Busiest Websitein Homeland Security!lIVAMiraculously, the sailor sustained only minorinjuries, and was back on the USS New Yorkminutes after rescueCheck out this new video about Telephonics’ critical role during a successful search and rescue mission:http://gsnmagazine.com/node/44610?c=access_control_identificationSelections from 20 Targeted Categories including Home PageTechnology SectorsAccess Control/IdentificationCBRNE/Detection CommunicationsCyber SecurityDisaster Preparedness/Emergency ResponseEducation/TrainingIT SecurityPerimeter ProtectionVideo Surveillance/AnalyticsMarket SectorsAirport AviationBorder SecurityFederal Agencies & LegislativeInfrastructure ProtectionLaw Enforcement/First RespondersMaritime/Port Security Military/Force ProtectionState & Local SecuritySecurity ServicesYour Video Posting includes:• Posting of your Video(s) on GSN website channel(s) for one month• Headline and 100 word description of each Video, created by your team• Notice of your videos on home page, sector channels of GSN website and in GSN’s Daily Insidernewsletter, Digital and Print editionsTo Place Your Order or Get Further Information, Contact: Mike Madsen, Publisher, at732-233-8119, or mmadsen@gsnmagazine.comVideo Pricing Per Month:Home Page of GSN website – $300 per month; $100 each additional channelTechnology/Market Channels – $200 first channel; $75 each additional ChannelJuly/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 19

Law Enforcement/Public SafetyTASER announces 2nd quarter orders of Axon body-wornvideo cameras and Evidence.com digital management systemSEATTLE, July 22 - TASER International todayannounced large orders of its Axon body-wornvideo cameras and Evidence.com solution, aback-end digital evidence management system.These orders were received in the second quarterof 2015 and shipped in the second quarter orare expected to ship in the third quarter of 2015.“We’re continuing to see accelerated adoptionof our Axon platform as more police forceschoose our best-in-class body cameras and digitalevidence management solution, Evidence.com,” says Rick Smith, CEO and Founder ofTASER. “We’re honored to have the opportunityto work with members of the Major CitiesChiefs Association, like Montgomery County,who are thought leaders in public safety anddriving positive change for safer communities.”Large orders were received from the followingdomestic agencies:• Portsmouth Police Department (VA): 220Axon Flex cameras with five years of Evidence.com• Montgomery County Police Department(MD): 160 Axon Flex and Body cameras withfive years of Evidence.com and TASER AssurancePlan (TAP)• Ventura Police Department (CA): 90 AxonBody cameras with five years of Evidence.comand TAP• Kauai Police Department (HI): 105 AxonFlex cameras with five years of Evidence.comon the Officer Safety Plan• Rochester Police Department (MN): 100Axon Body cameras with three years of Evidence.com• Gardena Police Department (CA): 100 AxonFlex cameras with five years of Evidence.comand TAP• Pleasanton Police Department (CA): 86Axon Flex cameras with five years of Evidence.com and TAP• Ithaca Police Department (NY): 70 AxonBody cameras with five years of Evidence.comand TAP• University of Arizona Police Department(AZ): 58 Axon Flex cameras with five years ofEvidence.com on the Officer Safety Plan• Staunton Police Department (VA): 50 AxonFlex cameras with five years of Evidence.comand TAP• Anaheim Police Department (CA): 50 AxonBody cameras with five years of Evidence.comand TAP, add-on order• University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill(NC): 50 Axon Flex cameras with five years ofEvidence.com and TAP• Norfolk Police Department (VA): 30 AxonFlex cameras with five years of Evidence.comand TAPTASER’s Axon cameras are small, yet highlyvisible, and can be attached securely to sunglasses,a cap, a shirt collar, or a head mount. They arepowered by a pocket-sized battery pack, whichensures recording capability during an entireAvon body-worn video camerashift. When recording, the cameras capture awide-angle, full-color view of what an officeris facing. The video automatically uploads via adocking station to Evidence.com, a cloud-basedstorage and management system, where it can beeasily accessed for review. The video files storedonline or on the Axon video camera are secureand cannot be tampered with.Evidence.com helps law enforcement capture,manage, and share their digital evidence withoutthe complexity or cost of installing in-houseservers. It enables greater transparency throughseamless integration with the industry-leadingAxon body-worn video cameras. Evidence.comis the most secure, scalable, and cost-effective solutionfor managing all types of digital evidence.Evidence.com automates the upload process toensure security and integrity while keeping officersin the field rather than sitting at computers.There have been several studies conducted recentlyon the positive effects body-worn camerascan have on a police force and community. Thesestudies include a year-long Cambridge Universitystudy conducted at the Rialto, CA PoliceDepartment that showed an 88% reduction incitizen complaints and a 60% reduction in usesof force after implementation of TASER’s Axonflex cameras. The San Diego Police Departmentalso released a report showing the use of Axonbody-worn cameras resulted in a 41% drop incomplaints, 60% drop in total allegations and a47% decline in “personal body” force by officers.The use of pepper spray was also reduced by31%. In a study by Arizona State University, theMesa Police Department’s use of Axon camerasrevealed a 48% reduction in citizen complaintsagainst camera officers for misconduct duringthe study period, and a 75% decline in use offorce complaints.TASER International makes communitiessafer with innovative public safety technologies.Founded in 1993, TASER first transformed lawenforcement with its electrical weapons. TAS-ER continues to define smarter policing withits Axon brand which includes a growing suiteof connected products and services from bodycameras and digital evidence management toolsto mobile apps. More than 152,000 lives andcountless dollars have been saved with TASER’sproducts and services. Learn more at www.TASER.com and www.Evidence.com or by calling(800) 978-2737.Post your video onthe busiest website inHomeland SecuritySee page 1920 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Coast Guard needs new Cuttersto help enforce maritime securityBy Steve BittenbenderOfficials from the Department of Homeland Securitytestified before a Senate panel last week thatwhile its agencies and other countries are cooperatingto ensure the safety of the United States’maritime border, more work and equipment areessential to maintaining that security in the yearsto come.America has more than 95,000 miles of shoreline,which includes land adjacent to oceans, lakesand rivers. In addition, U.S. Coast Guard officialsmust patrol the waters up to 200 miles beyondthe shores and sometimes even further than thatdepending on the agreements the U.S. has inplace with other countries and organizations. Thevastness of the shores presents opportunities forhuman trafficking, smuggling narcotics and otherorganized criminal activities in almost any part ofthe country.“Securing our maritime borders requires alayered, multi-faceted approach of authorities,capabilities, competencies and partnerships,”Coast Guard RearAdm. Peter J. Browntold the Senate HomelandSecurity andGovernment AffairsCommittee on July 15.“The Coast Guard isuniquely positioned tocover this broad rangeof maritime bordersecurity requirements.”One area whereBrown said the CoastGuard needed additionalhelp was inreplacing its fleet ofships, better knownas cutters, that patrolthe country’s waterways.In some cases,Coast Guard crews aremanning boats thatare up to 50 years old,well beyond the normfor operating vessels.Brown said the CoastGuard is working toreplace 110-foot patrolboats with faster,modern boats, with anorder of eight cutterscurrently being filled.Those eight ships costGSA Schedules, j cUAL Affi&AhiLxlirabout $640 million each.But, the Coast Guard’s “highest priority,” Brownsaid, was its need for 25 cutters that can workin offshore areas more effectively than the olderboats in the fleet.“These assets are essential to interdicting drugsmugglers and undocumented migrants at sea,as well as rescuing mariners, enforcing fisherieslaws, responding to disasters, and protecting ourports,” he added.Because of its limited resources, the CoastGuard can only respond to roughly a third of thethreats of which it’s aware. That means, CoastGuard ships may only be stopping about 10 percentof the illegal drugs shipped on open waters,Sen. Ron Johnson, the committee chairman said.However, that haul has still been substantial asCoast Guard cutters and aircraft have seized morethan 450 metric tons of cocaine, worth an estimated$15 billion, since 2010.One area that may need special emphasis is thearea around the Great Lakes. While the Caribbeanand the Mexican land border are known betterhOur services include:y.R .GSA ContrapIillrrrriSubmiseionbmh '-.L* GSA Contract GSA Schedules, IncMaintenance &AdministrationGSA CompliantAssessment &Su pp ortTraining for Staff& DealersnrrI IKallThe GSA Experts to theSecurity Industry"Celebrating over30 yearsof service!, g,e .a ,u om- schedules.comlynn@gsaLaw Enforcement/Public SafetyCall and ask theexperts about:* ComplimentaryMarket Assessment* Requirements forSubmitting a GSAContract* New Certificationsfor 70 & 84Integrators andSuppliersState ContractsGSA Schedules, Inc1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway, Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 2140 1meetings@gsa-schedules.com 301-805-1300 www.gsa-schedules.comas hotspots for drug traffic, the upper Midwesthas its fair share of problems, too, the Wisconsinsenator added.“In particular, the ability of small vessels totraverse the Great Lakes and blend in with commercialtrade and recreational boaters creates achallenging enforcement environment,” Johnsonsaid in his opening remarks. “As a Wisconsinite, Ican attest to this observation firsthand.”Delaware Sen. Tom Carper, the committee’sranking Democrat, added another concern is theflow of immigrants who try to enter the countrythrough boats – either real or makeshift –through the Gulf of Mexico. Carper, who spenttime with Coast Guard officials in his home stateprior to the hearing, said he supported PresidentObama’s call for $1billion in aid packagesto Central Americancountries as a way tostem the tide of refugeesseeking to cometo the country.Carper also addedthat Homeland Securityorganizations notonly need to keep upthe interdepartmentalcooperation but thatagencies need to befunded appropriatelyas well.“Those officialsalso called on thoseof us in Congress toensure that our maritimesecurity agencieshave the resourcesthey need to bolstertheir capabilities tostay ahead of currentand evolving threats,”Carper said in a statement.July/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 21

L -1 J!SecurityCareer Option#47:lasriAw l-L!I 'CriticalInfrastructureProtectionOJ T-ANO.P`A °101Y !I4 s 4Ju ityofP oeCollege of Secai in iA degree in security can open up a wide, wide worldof career possibilities for you.In today’s world, security is more important than ever. Which means there isan immense range of opportunities in the security profession. With a degree inSecurity Management from University of Phoenix, you can reach new heightsin this growing field. We offer a Bachelor of Science in Security Management,an Associate of Arts in Security Management and certificate programs that arealigned to the Security Competency Model, written by University of Phoenix andrecently validated and published by the U.S. Department of Labor.To learn more, visit phoenix.edu/security.For more information about each of these programs, including on-time completion rates, the median debt incurred by students who completed the program and other important information,please visit phoenix.edu/programs/gainful-employment.While widely available, not all programs are available in all locations or in both online and on-campus formats.Please check with a University Enrollment Representative. The University’s CentralAdministration is located at 1625 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Tempe, AZ 85282. Online Campus: 3157 E. Elwood St., Phoenix, AZ 85034. © 2015 University of Phoenix, Inc. All rights reserved. | CJS-415622 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Education/TrainingBattelle exec Mike Janus calls for active shooterresponse technology in public buildingsBy Mike Janus, Battelle General Manager,Critical InfrastructureAs incidences ofmass shootingscontinue increasingat an alarming rate,security and law enforcementpersonnelare faced witha number of questions:Can anythingmore be done tosave lives when theunthinkable happens?Do we rely tooMike Janusmuch on the victimsto detect and locate gunfire, find safety and call911? Will any amount of additional planningand training fully equip occupants and buildingsecurity to better implement lockdown, evacuationor shelter-in-place procedures under suchchaotic circumstances? Will any of this get policeto the shooter faster and end the shootingwith fewer lives lost? Or is all of this activity themodern equivalent of teaching children in the1970s to hide under desks for protection in theevent of a nuclear war?It is time we invest in building safety. RecentlyThe U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S.Senate have both begun to recognize the valueof technology in active shootings, urging theDepartments of Justice, Homeland Security andThe General Services Administration to take ahard look at using integrated gunshot detectiontechnology to improve the security of federalbuildings and further the security of our homeland.The idea is not as far-fetched as it seems. Justas every building has smoke detectors designedto quickly detect the first indications of a firehazard, automated active shooter response systemscan do the same. Recognizing the similaritiesto fire safety systems, it may not be longbefore public buildings are also equipped withadvanced gunshot detection and response systems.Like smoke detectors, sprinklers and other firesafety systems, effective active shooter responsetechnologies automate and accelerate 911 callsand mass notifications, and begin predeterminedand dynamic actions to protect buildingoccupants. Through integration with buildingsecurity systems, active shooter technologiesprovide access to information and automated responsesthat are vital to occupant safety and optimizedpolice response. These features includeturning cameras, triggering building lockdownor evacuation procedures, and enabling policeto communicate in real-time with the shooterand building occupants from a remote location.These systems will change how security andlaw officers respond. Currently, officers almostexclusively rely on victims themselves to knowthat an actual gun has been fired and that anactive shooter is on the premises. But, sadly,people in the midst of a chaotic active shootersituation must first protect themselves understressful conditions. History has shown thatthose outside of line-of-sight from the gunshotsoften doubt or deny that the sounds heard couldbe gunshots. Those in line of sight from theshooter must first seek safety and avoid immediatedanger before even attempting to call 911.When the two groups do reach 911, they oftenprovide conflicting and inaccurate informationto authorities. Evenhighly trained securitypersonnel and lawenforcement are oftenunable to immediatelyconfirm the presenceof a shooter, let alonethe precise location offirst and subsequentgunshots. New technologiesare bridgingthese gaps by providingthis informationquickly and safely.Detection systems,such as Battelle’s SiteGuard®Active Shooter Response (ASR), are currentlybeing piloted in schools; some federalgovernment agencies are already planning installationsin their buildings. Using sensors, thesystems can detect, verify and locate the originof a gunshot or explosion while simultaneouslyalerting 911.Simply alerting police to the presence of gunshotsmay not be enough to save many lives. Innearly 60 percent of the last 160 active shootings,police arrived to the scene after the shooting wasover. Police response capacity also highlightscritical need to protect the building occupantsbefore police arrive and neutralize the shooter.SiteGuard ASR integrates building systems likesecurity cameras, mass notification systems, doorlocks and other building safety and security systemsin ways that can limit a shooter’s potentialdamage in pivotal minutes before security andfirst responders arrive. Whether automaticallyinitiated by the system, or controlled remotelyby an operator, these life-saving responses canbegin long before police first arrive on the scene.These tragic, but understandable scenarioshelp explain why law enforcement officers considerthe active shooter to be one of the most difficultand complex threats they face. However,emerging technology reducing the complexitieswill make them more manageable – empoweringauthorities with the right, real-time tools andinformation to support quicker and more effectiveresponses while also protecting building occupantsuntil they arrive.Until recently, few experts would have consideredthese futuristic safety systems possible,let alone necessary.Shootings in publicsettings used to beextremely rare. Sincethen, shootings inthe U.S. have tripled.As a result, securityexperts and policymakers have begunto recognize patternsand improve preparedness.So whilewe all hope it’s neverneeded in our buildingor on our campus,the technology islikely coming to your agency – and soon. Willyou be ready to implement it?Battelle SiteGuard® Active Shooter ResponseJuly/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 23

Education/TrainingAlliedBarton training basedon continuous learning anddevelopment cultureBy Brent O’Bryan, SPHRThe security officer sector isgrowing exponentially andthe need for our country’ssecurity officers to be comprehensivelytrained is vital.The Freedonia Group, an internationalbusiness researchcompany, reports that US demandfor private contractedsecurity services is projected Brent O’Bryanto expand 4.2 percent peryear through 2019 to $66.9 billion.How can we keep the flourishing physical securityworkforce ready and able to take on the dailychallenges they face in divergent sectors acrossmultiple industries?The heart and soul of the physical security businessare the nation’s contract security officers whoassume leadership roles – sometimes with lifesavingramifications – at facilities across the country.“I could point to many product and service companiesthat have built world-renowned leadershipbrands, but I don’t believe developing leaders ismore critical in any industry than the physicalsecurity sector with its primary focus on protectingpeople and assets,” said Bill Whitmore, Chairman& CEO of AlliedBarton Security Services.“A physical security services company that failsto embrace a leadership culture, with a definitivemandate on what defines leadership for each andevery employee, will not achieve greatness.”“Our country’s growing number of security professionalsact as the first line of defense againstcivil unrest, violence and terrorist attacks,” saysWhitmore. “We must provide continual trainingand learning.”The security services industry has advancedgreatly thanks to the recognition that training andleadership are crucial to executing often complexmissions at diverse job sites. Security professionalsare leaders who are a vital part of a facility orcommunity’s safety and security – working in conjunctionwith local law enforcement, fire companiesand emergency medical responders. The nextlevel of growth in the security sector demands thedevelopment of ‘ready now’ leaders who are preparedto occupy the next rung on the leadershipladder.As the Vice President of Learning andDevelopment for AlliedBarton, which employsmore than 60,000 men and womenin a wide variety of positions includingSecurity Officer, Supervisor, Manager,Business Development and Executives, Iam challenged with ensuring that all ouremployees are fully supported with the optimallearning tools and guidance requiredto be successful in their current and futureroles. Our learning culture has developedwithin the framework of leadership support;the creation of programs aligned tosupport client objectives; and the deployment oflearning technology designed to make learningopportunities flexible and accessible to all.The role and responsibilities of each security officervary enormously. While classroom learningis a crucial component of security officer training,technology tools dramatically expand the horizonfor each security officer. Education beyond thetraditional classroom has been transformed withweb-based tutoring, access to real-time evaluations,and security officer access to courseworkfrom multiple locations. Security officer trainingneeds to be an artful blend of eLearning, live virtualsessions, video-based scenarios and instructor-ledtraining. Coaching and training which encouragesecurity officers to learn real world skillsthat enable them to lead people and pursue a progressivecareer path, are best delivered by one-ononementoring programs and small workshops.Online learning is convenient and flexible. Studentsreceive faster feedback on assignments andhave more control over their learning experiences.Online learning also enhances information technologyskills and fosters efficient ways of attainingknowledge. This also encourages continued learningand is especially helpful for voluntary programs.Many security officers do not keep typical9 to 5 work days and are better able to participatein additional training that is flexible and availablewhen their schedules permit.At AlliedBarton, there are many avenues forlearning within the AlliedBarton|AcademySMwhere employees at all levels participate in alearning experience that encourages personal andprofessional development. One of those is theAlliedBarton|EDGE® (www.AlliedBartonEDGE.com) which is a professionally designed and ex-ecuted online learning management system offeringdistinctive learning opportunities for securityofficers through senior executives; and enhancedconvenience and accessibility supported by criticalcompliance tracking and reporting.Our virtual and classroom training curriculumare continually updated and enhanced to accommodatethe evolving need for industry-specifictraining including chemical and petrochemical,higher education, commercial real estate, financialinstitutions, government services, healthcare,manufacturing and industrial, residential communitiesand shopping centers. This continual focuson the need for specialized knowledge helps ensurethat employees are prepared to meet changingsecurity requirements and challenges.The AlliedBarton|Academy provides a vastnumber and wide range of pertinent and timelycourses and programs that create knowledgeableand highly motivated security officers and managers,while preparing them for future roles. Thereare learning paths to accommodate every job level,time frame and learning preference. Course workintensity ranges from rigorous advanced MasterSecurity Officer Courses and Executive Leadershiponline modules, to videos and podcasts. Securityofficers, and all employees, have access to expertisethrough eLearning, classroom instruction and onthe-jobpractical application—which creates welltrainedsecurity officers and managers educated inbest practices.Since the inception of the AlliedBarton|EDGEin 2009, more than two million courses have beentaken. Security professionals embrace the opportunityto learn, advance their skills, and explorethe security requirements of different industries.Training is an essential component of the securityindustry and the daily delivery of high quality securityservices.A learning culture where security professionalsnever stop discovering and have access to theresources they need to develop leadership skills,requires excellent training tools and employeeswho are committed to personal and professionaldevelopment are needed. The successful executionof a learning culture demands a constant commitmentto excellence. Training and learning are onlyfully realized when the expectation – and reality –is that learning is continuous. There is no denyingthe importance of new employee onboarding andtraining. But if the learning ends there, the prospectsfor employee success and career developmentquickly diminish. However, learning that isongoing, regardless of tenure with an organizationor industry, creates an environment where skillsare developed and refined, best practices are readilyimplemented and satisfaction is gained in theapplication of knowledge.24 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Studies in security are trending to mimic real life,with homeland security and emergency managementincreasingly intertwined, according to twoacademic leaders. At the same time, as the firstgeneration of post-9/11 security workers headstoward retirement, educational expectations arerising for the field.Currently, the Naval Postgraduate School,which coordinates the Center for Homeland Defenseand Security’s University and Agency PartnershipInitiative, lists 441 homeland securityprograms—112 certificates, 57 associate degrees,97 bachelor degrees, 29 master’s degrees and ninedoctoral degree programs (https://www.uapi.us/programs/category/programs).But just as government agencies are unitingareas of specialty, so too, is the academic world.The University of Maryland University College(UMUC) has proposed to the Maryland HigherEducation Commission that it combine two specializations—emergencymanagement and homelandsecurity—into one stand-alone program,says Dr. Irmak Renda-Tanali, professor and programchair of the Homeland Security& EmergencyManagement, and Information & TechnologySystems Department in the UMUC graduateschool.“These strategic missions overlap with the overallmission of emergency management; FEMA,the federal agency tasked with emergency managementand disaster response, is strategicallysituated within the Department of Homeland Security(DHS).“We see similar arrangements at the state andlocal level,” Renda-Tanali continues. “We see ‘theOffice of Homeland Security and EmergencyManagement’ in several counties and cities withinthe state of Maryland.”Overlapping duties and striving for effective, efficientuse of resources may make the single umbrellaa practicality. “Combining the two areas ofspecialization would give a greater control overthe core learning areas that are shared across bothfields, a greater control of program integrity, a betteralignment of competencies across the industrycore job competencies, and future accreditation ofthe program,” says Renda-Tanali,who serves as executive editor ofthe academic “Journal of HomelandSecurity and Emergency Management,”which also bridges bothfields.“Homeland security, nationalsecurity or intelligence, and emergencymanagement are not synonymousbut they are all not mutuallyexclusive,” says Dr. Jibey Asthappan,director of the national securityprogram at the University of NewHaven. The University of New Haven pioneered agraduate program in national security in 2001 andnow offers the Master of Science at New Haven aswell as at the Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque,New Mexico. The program added an undergraduatedegree in 2013—so is about to graduateits first class among the 140 students enrolled inthe undergraduate program.Homeland security studies have a wide varietyof classes, with skills spanning anti-terrorism activities,politics, psychology, crime analysis, explosives,software development and computersecurity, as well as the more physical aspects ofintelligence.Certificates (four to six classes, 12 to 18 credits)Education/TrainingDegrees getting more important as universitiesmerge homeland security disciplinesWhen this is the standard and foundation of allsecurity operations, leaders flourish. Whether anindividual’s responsibilities are to oversee an entireorganization, conduct security patrols at a hospitalor produce accurate payroll and billing, the needfor leadership is the always present. Leaders takepride in their work, strive to exceed expectationsand support those around them. Those attributesare necessary in every aspect of a security operationand learning provides the knowledge andconfidence to succeed.Engagement in this type of culture promotesconstant development, results in service excellenceand encourages employees who may start standingpost at an entry level position to work their wayup through the company with the support of theorganization.About the Author:Brent O’Bryan is Vice President, Learning & Developmentfor AlliedBarton Security Services, www.alliedbarton.com,a premier provider of highly trainedsecurity personnel.Dr. Jibey Asthappanare perfect for developing specific skills, Asthappansays. Degree programs provide a wider rangeof topics, from terrorism to legal framework, managerialskills, foreign languages and more. Degreedemployees will be more in demand in the future,both Renda-Tanali and Asthappan agree.“In emergency management, national andhomeland security (after 9/11), most jobs wereheld by individuals with no degrees in the areaof study,” Asthappan says. Instead,people who held related jobs wereessentially pushed into the careerfield from law enforcement and themilitary; Asthappan himself was anexplosive ordnance disposal (EOD)technician.“There’s been a massive swing ineducation,” Asthappan says. “It’s away to keep up with the changes. …Over the next 10 years, you’ll needdegrees to take these jobs—which,by the way, will be a huge benefit tothe public.”While past careers leaned heavily on governmentjobs, the private sector is now seeing a hugeneed for security professionals, Asthappan says.For instance, a global pharmaceutical manufacturermight need to protect again drug shipmentsfrom being hijacked and to assure the safety of itsemployees. So companies like this might start theirown security departments.An ongoing trend is for private security contractorsto work with the government. For instance,Asthappan notes, the process of deploying 100,000military personnel would be more politically intricatethan deploying the same number of privatecontractors. So, at this point, Asthappan says,“DHS has 250,000 employees and 250,000 contractors;just as many people work for DHS as contractorsthat work with them.”With complexities increasing, he says, “There’sa push for professionalism in the field. Now youneed a degree in order to do this job adequately.”As the post-9/11 employees prepare to retire, thenew, college-educated generation of security employeesbrings groomed skills to the table.“It’s a wonderful time in the field,” Asthappansays, “not just for students, but for the public.”July/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 25

Education/TrainingAviation security workers to get training at symposiumheld by CREATE Center and TSAA special center at the University of SouthernCalifornia in Los Angeles, the first Center of Excellenceestablished by the Department of HomelandSecurity, has been looking at ways that DHSemployees can make better decisions in the fieldand analyzes economic impacts of security-relateddecision making.The latest initiative is a two-day, invitationonlysymposium jointly held by CREATE, theCenter for Risk and Economic Analysis for TerrorismEvents at the University of Southern California, and the Transportation Security Administration.The event on July 20 and 21 at USC isdedicated to better aligning research of aviationsecurity challenges anticipated in the next decade.The symposium will address topics such asscreening speed, international and interagencyperspectives, decision support applications, andrisk management and operations research applications.The point of CREATE, operating in its fifthyear as a DHS Center of Excellence, is to bringthe latest advances in decision making and riskassessment research into field operations.Since last year, CREATE has been directed byDr. Ali Abbas, who holds a Stanford UniversityPh.D. in management scienceand engineering. His expertiseincludes Bayesian analysis andmulti-attribute utility, the kindof research that has won severalawards from the National ScienceFoundation. But Abbas’ work atCREATE is to turn research intotools that support people makingbetter decisions, even in adrenalin-filledmoments, and to understandthe economic impacts ofsecurity decisions.“We’ve built models that help tochange the way business is donein the department,” Abbas says.“On a higher level, we’re helping to improvehomeland security through research—on decisionmaking, risk, economic analysis, game theoryand others—and working on transitioningdeployment of that research to end users.”CREATE’s past accomplishments include providingCongressional testimonyabout the economic of securityscreening wait time at Los AngelesInternational Airport and developinga randomized model formaking security rounds, a strategyadopted by several law enforcementagencies to thwart thosewith malicious intent, said DHSspokesman John Verrico.These models are based upondecision making, and decisionmaking is fraught with trade-offs,whether for airport security, customs,border protection, the U.S.Dr. Ali AbbasCoast Guard, Federal EmergencyManagement Agency or other DHS components.“It’s always a trade-off between security and safe-MacDonnell CPE Certified Port Executive Program to be held in BVI in February 2016HALIFAX, June 29, 2015 Nova Scotia – RalstonMacDonnell announced today the CPE CertifiedPort Executive Program will be available to portand terminal managers and executives outsideof North America for the first time. The trainingprogram will be held at the British Virgin IslandsPorts Authority, February 22-26, 2016.The President of MacDonnell Group commented“The original goals for this program includedmaking a contribution to the competitivenessof port and terminal operationsfor those organizations that wishto invest in their management” saysMacDonnell. “Upwards of 400 industryleaders who have joined the program todate seem to agree. At a time of considerablechange with the opening of theexpanded Panama Canal this an opportunetime to host the program in the region.”The CPE Certified Port Executive Program isproving to be an attractive option in providingprofessional education in the areas of marine terminals,port operations, transportation systemsand vessels in cities across Canada and the UnitedStates, and will make its debut on the global scenenext February.Mr. Alfred Henley, CPE, Deputy Managing Directorof the BVI Ports Authority, also has highexpectations for the upcoming training program.“We are very pleased to be the first location outsideof North America to host such atop-notch program, in addition to showcasingour new facility,” says Mr. Henley.“Not only is it an excellent opportunityto host the program here and welcomeparticipants from outside, but it alsoprovides some wonderful developmentopportunities from the British Virgin Islandsand surrounding areas for professionalsin the field.”Mr. Henley added, “Having the program herein the BVI brings us closer to the goal of havinga cadre of trained port professionals in the CaribbeanRegion.”Captain Jeffrey Monroe, CPE, Master Mariner,Master-Transportation Management, is the seminarleader for next year’s program. “I look forwardto offering this seminar to the many port professionalsin the Caribbean,” said Captain Monroe.“This program provides a means by which portprofessionals can see the big picture and hone theirskills regarding how to effectively manage theirport and to plan and develop business.” Seminarparticipants have included senior port officialsfrom ports throughout North America. “Thisstate of the art advanced program provides a portexecutive with a comprehensive understanding ofthe role of ports in the rapidly changing transportationindustry. It also provides for an exchange ofideas and a broad perspective on how to plan anddevelop successful port business,” Capt. Monroeconcluded.The program will be held at Tortola Pier Park, anew development of the British Virgin Islands PortAuthority.26 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Education/Trainingty versus the convenience of having to go fasteror slower,” he says.CREATE’s models, Abbas says, take into accounteconomic consequences, psychology andthe field of operations research, and have hadwide-reaching impact. “Some of the models thatwe built are used in patrols, by air marshals andcanines, in railroads and in scheduling,” he says,noting that researchers also learnfrom practitioners in the field howto make the models more relevant.Skill-building, an ongoing responsibilityfor CREATE, occurs invarious forms. For instance, Abbasrecently finished teaching a twoand-a-halfday course for DHS onhomeland security and decisionmakingfundamentals in Washington,D.C. Other training opportunitiesCREATE offers could rangefrom a brown bag session that lastsonly a lunchtime, to a webinar, researchseminar or this full-blownsymposium.“The theme is basically everybodymakes decisions and everybodyneeds to make decisions. There is acoherent methodology for decisionmaking,” Abbas says.In the next 10 years, decisionmaking will only get more challenging,Abbas says—particularly as thedata grows and cuts across sectors.“Think of all the entries into U.S.ports, the amount of customs andgoods that people bring,” Abbas says.“How do we first capture this data,utilizing it to the fullest, and how dowe mix data with expertise to makegood decisions? How do you makethe right trade-off between the departmentand money, between moneyspent and lives saved? How do wemaximize these objectives?”New technologies worked out byuniversity-based Centers of Excellencecan generate new skills, hesays. Even so, the public needs tounderstand the difference between adecision and an outcome. “It’s a fundamentaltheory in decision making,”Abbas says. “You can make agood decision under situations ofuncertainty and have bad outcomes.”Public understanding also needsto recognize that that risk never isentirely eradicated; the process, Abbassays, just wouldn’t be practical. “We are nevergoing to be able to eliminate anything 100 percent.If we do that, it might come at additionalsacrifices for the nation,” he says.“There is always risk. The question is, how doyou balance the risks appropriately so they don’taffect your life? What is the right level of securityyou have, given the other things you have toWaterloo, Ontario, July 22 – BlackBerry Limited, aglobal leader in secure mobile communications, todayannounced that it has entered into a definitive agreementto acquire AtHoc. Terms of thetransaction were not disclosed.AtHoc is a leading provider of secure,networked crisis communications. Itssoftware platform enables people, devicesand organizations to exchange criticalinformation in real time during business continuityand life safety operations. The AtHoc platform will integratewith BlackBerry’s enterprise portfolio and trustedglobal network to offer customers new capabilities forsafety, security and mission-critical business communication.The acquisition will enable AtHoc to expandglobally and increase scale, as well as deliver new applicationson a secure platform for mass communication.For example, new applications may include integratingAtHoc solutions with BBM Meetings during an alert toenable live video feeds or transmit messages to providereal-time collaboration by leaders and decision makers.AtHoc’s networked crisis communications platformalerts any device – including iOS, Android, PC andMac desktops, digital displays, radios, IP phones, andendpoints such as sirens, fire panels and speakers –helping organizations and people to connect and shareinformation in times of crisis. The leading provider tothe U.S. Departments of Defense (DoD) and HomelandSecurity, AtHoc also supports public and private enterprisesacross the world, including healthcare providersand industrial facilities.“BlackBerry is making strategic investments in security,privacy and the Internet of Things, and acquiringAtHoc will enable us to provide a holistic, end-to-endapproach to communications,” said John Chen, Black-Berry Executive Chairman and CEO. “We have a proudhistory of securing mission-critical communicationsfor the public sector as well as enterprises operating inthe most highly regulated industries. AtHoc’s technologyand expertise will play a key role as BlackBerry worksto connect and secure a broad range of endpoints.”“AtHoc and BlackBerry share a common vision of aLate News/Press Timedo in your life? That is ultimately the tradeoff wehave to balance.”To learn more about CREATE, visit https://create.hsuniversityprograms.org/centers-of-excellence/create/.Blackberry acquiring AtHoc to enable securemass communication and collaborationsecurely connected world,” said Guy Miasnik, Presidentand CEO, AtHoc. “Federal departments, state and localagencies, and commercial enterprises alike depend onAtHoc to communicate reliably duringtheir most critical moments. Becomingpart of BlackBerry will give us the abilityto scale more quickly to expand our globalreach and introduce new applications forthe AtHoc platform, while continuing toserve our government and enterprise customers.”The transaction is expected to be completed in Black-Berry’s 2016 fiscal third quarter and is subject to customaryclosing conditions.About BlackBerryA global leader in secure mobile communications, Black-Berry® revolutionized the mobile industry when it wasintroduced in 1999. Today, BlackBerry aims to inspire thesuccess of our millions of customers around the world bycontinuously pushing the boundaries of mobile experiences.Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario,BlackBerry operates offices in North America, Europe,Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America.The Company trades under the ticker symbols “BB” onthe Toronto Stock Exchange and “BBRY” on the NAS-DAQ. For more information, visit www.BlackBerry.com.About AtHocAtHoc is the pioneer and recognized leader in networkedcrisis communication, protecting millions of people andthousands of organizations around the world. AtHoc providesa secure and reliable exchange of critical informationamong organizations, their people and devices. Atrusted partner to the world’s most demanding customers,AtHoc is the #1 provider to the U.S. Departments ofDefense and Homeland Security, and safeguards numerousother government agencies and leading commercialenterprises. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, the companyoperates around the globe. Lead investors in AtHocinclude Greylock Partners and Intel Capital. For more informationabout AtHoc, please visit www.athoc.com.July/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 27

Convy on Netcentric SecurityCloud-enabled video emerges as security director’sinexpensive, effective, virtual assistantBy John Convy, Convy Associates, Washington, DCImagine you are responsible for the security ofvaluable or sensitive assets at a range of geographicallydistributed sites,some of which might be hardto access.What if you could get a realtimealert on an incident inprogress, remotely connect tothe site using a mobile application,make an instant visualassessment of what was goingon using both thermal andvisual cameras, and immediatelycall in the appropriateresponse – all without ever setting foot on thesite in question?Using the new generation of cloud-enabledvideo security surveillance, all of this is withinthe realm of possibility.At the ISC WEST conference a few months ago,I had a chance to visitwith Dwight Dumpertof FLIR Securityand talk about somenew cloud technologydevelopments. FLIRhas been deliveringmobile thermal imaging products, radiometrics,and thermography solutions for years. There isnow a new generation of compact, efficient, digitalrecorders that leverage FLIR’s technologies tomake it easier and less expensive to deploy a surveillancesystem.“In the video security space, we have visiblecamera technology and recorders, and we’re enablingthese with the addition of low-cost thermaland cloud capabilities,” explained Dumpert,Director of Product Management for FLIR’s SecurityProducts.What I found most interesting about FLIR isthat in a saturated video security market withtoo many solutions to count, very few competedirectly with their combination of cutting-edgemobile technology and simplified installation.“Our products deliver an all new way to consumevideo,” Dumpert emphasized. “We can enablethe deployment of visible cameras equippedwith our ‘RapidRecap’ feature alongside thermaltechnology integration in the same environment,providing users an unprecedentedlevel of intrusiondetection – communicatedvia cloud connected devices– and supporting a high levelof performance in many moreplaces than was previouslypossible.”Dumpert underscored thebenefits of cloud connectivityin video surveillance.“Our cloud solution givesusers rich technical capabilities that make it easierto provide video access to law enforcementor remote monitoring entities, if they want to dothat. This translates to an unprecedented level offunctionality and flexibility for state, municipal,and local government entities.”In the case of an active threat to a state or federalbuilding, authorized security responders can haveremote, real-time access to the live video feed...Think about how useful this technology couldbe for government campuses and schools, whichare typically unmanned on evenings and weekends.The ability to police nighttime vandalismor theft is enhanced when authorized users areable to connect remotely to these systems, viewthe video stream, and receive alerts when thereis suspicious activity. The newest video synopsistechnology compiles cloud-recorded events,and allows users to scan through an entire day’sworth of video in just a few minutes.In the case of an active threat to a state or federalbuilding, authorized security responderscan have remote, real-time access to the live videofeed, informing and directing a more efficientresponse to potentially dangerous situations.Software and technologies like RapidRecap fromFLIR and cloud-enabled, real-time access helpsecurity organizations save hours of personnelcosts monitoring active threat situations.“With FLIR’s technologies installed in a rangeof installations from airports to border facilitiesto federal, state, and variety of local governmentstructures, everything from Departmentsof Transportation to water treatment plants canhave the equipment that they need to monitor,survey, and detect intrusions,” Dumpert noted.The new cloud components coming on themarket allow for remote access via mobile devicesor PC apps, and can be installed and activatedwith relative ease. In a time of constrainedbudgets and smaller staffs, they may extend anagency’s capabilities and provide more visibilityand flexibility.A continued proliferation of thermal camerassuitable for more and more uses, and now withcloud capability and remote access, has the industrypoised, I believe, to deliver intrusion detectionwith 24/7 video in a broader spectrum ofapplications than we have seen prior to this year.I expect this market segment to explode overthe next few years, and FLIR seems to be positionedas one of the leaders of the industry withcloud-enabled technology for security.John Convy and Convy Associates provide strategicalliance, A&E consultant, technology ecosystem,and lead generation programs to monetizerelationships and accelerate demand for leadingsecurity industry manufacturers. John is theFounder and Managing Director of the OpenStandards Security Alliance and the IP Video SecurityAcademy, and is a speaker at many globalindustry events. Email: John@ConvyAssociates.comPost your video onthe busiest website inHomeland SecuritySee page 1928 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Education/TrainingDHS Centers of ExcellenceContinued from page 1sionals working on the ever changingsubject of coastal hazards.“The research that we’re getting andsome of the knowledge that we’re developingis translating itself into undergraduateand graduate courses,”said Dr. Gavin Smith, director of theCOE at UNC-Chapel Hill. “We are educatinganother generation of studentsand future scholars that come throughthe program, preparingthem for various careersin the field.”The work of this centerbuilds upon previouswork of the DHS CoastalHazards Center, co-ledby UNC and JacksonState University, whichstarted in 2008. The center’swork has informedthe U.S. Coast Guard andFEMA on operationaldecisions during natural disasters,including Hurricane Sandy, by developinga storm surge and flood modelthat helped indicate precisely where tostage resources ahead of the storm.Critical Infrastructure ResilienceCenter of Excellence at the Universityof Illinois at Urbana-Champaignsupported by a $3.4 million grant fromS&T for its first year of operations.The new center, established aftera competitive call for proposals, willprovide the homeland security communitya better understanding ofthe complex issue of managing catastrophicrisks to critical infrastructure.S&T will provide a $3.4 million grantfor this COE’s first operating year.Working with public and privatepartners, the center will focus on challengesfor the businesses and publicentities that own and operate criticalassets and systems. Collaborators, besidesS&T and DHS operational components,will include state and localgovernment agencies, private sectorpartners, first responder agencies andother COEs. The goal is to strengthenthe resiliency of the nation’s critical infrastructures.In keeping with the missionof all COEs, this center also willalso contribute toward education ofprofessionals and university students.COE for Borders, Trade and ImmigrationResearch at the Universityof Houston, has received an initial $3.4million grant from S&T for its first operatingyear.Addressing challenges related toborder security, trade and immigrationmission goals, this new COE alsowill work with DHS S&T, DHS operationalcomponents, other governmentagencies, private sector partners, firstresponder agencies and other centers.The award was decided on the basis ofcompetitive proposals.The new award will expand effortsinitiated in 2008 through the NationalCenter for Border Security and Immigration,co-led by the University ofArizona and University of Texas at ElPaso. Both institutions will continue aspartners in this COE.The DHS COEs were established bythe Homeland Security Act of 2002to be a “coordinated, university-basedsystem to enhance the Nation’s homelandsecurity.”Through the COEs, an integratednetwork of researchers focus on specifichigh-priority homeland securitychallenges and work directly withDHS operational components. Part ofthe COE mission is to education professionalsworking in the field and universitystudents who will soon join theprofessions.“Our nation’s university system isa constant source of innovation andfresh ideas where many of the bestand brightest minds reside,” said Dr.Robert Griffin, DHS deputy undersecretaryfor S&T, who spoke at theCRC launch press conference. “DHSCenters of Excellence are vital partnersin our mission to develop solutions tosome of the most complex and dangerousnatural disasters that we face.”For more information visitwww.dhs.gov/st-oup.University of Phoenix offers new degree in securitymanagement Continued from page 1of academics. “We are experiencing a large increase in student interest in a cybersecurity degree, primarily in response to the recent hacking incidents in largecorporations,” says Williams.When launched, this will be in addition to the existing bachelor’s degree,which has certificate options in critical incident response and cyber security, andan associate degree in security management, which offers an embedded certificatein asset protection/loss prevention.“There also seems to be an increased interest in private security versus publicsecurity due to the increased terror alerts that the U.S. has been experiencingsince 9/11,” says Williams. “We have placed a renewed emphasis on critical thinkingand business acumen into our security degrees based on feedback we havereceived from some of our corporate partnerships.”The University of Phoenix sees its programs as different from those offeredby other institutions because of its collaboration with ASIS International, oneof the leading security professional organizations worldwide. “We worked withASIS International to create a competency model for enterprise security management,”says Williams. “ASIS International adopted the model as the industrystandard; the Department of Labor, using third-party verification, has adoptedthe model as the industry standard nationwide. Second, we have partnered withASIS international to offer degrees and certificates that line up with the currentemployment opportunities in the security management sector.“And third, we have deliberately aligned all of our security courses with competenciesin the enterprise security model to ensure our graduates have masteredthe competencies that are being required in the security management industry,”continues Williams. “To date, we are the only university that has done this.”Enterprise security management, Williams notes, is a growing field that theUniversity of Phoenix is addressing with degrees and certificates—and it is beingviewed more as a profession than merely a job. “We have an obligation to helpacademically prepare practitioners in the industry to meet the growing expertiserequirement,” Williams says. “We will continue to partner with ASIS Internationaland others in the security management industry to make sure our programsare directly linked with industry requirements and that our graduates are wellpreparedto enter the industry.”The cost of the academic degree and preparation time varies at the Universityof Phoenix because of the flexibility allowed by online capabilities and becausestudents’ circumstances differ. Completion times for degrees vary based uponthe application of prior credits from previous college attendance, experientiallearning or industry-provided academics that are awarded credit in line with theAmerican Council on Education.Students attend class part-time or full-time. For instance, University of Phoenixundergraduate students take one five-week course at a time. The associatedegree comprises 60 credits (20 three-hour courses), while the bachelor’s degreeencompasses 120 credits (40 three-hour courses).“Online learning seems to appeal to adult learners, given that they have to fitin their higher education around their jobs and families,” says Williams. “Nontraditionalstudents, those who do not attend college full-time straight out of highschool, are now the majority of college students in the United States. Over 75percent of college students in the U.S. fit the category of what we could consideras adult learners, and online education seems to be a strong fit for this type ofstudent.”Tuition costs also vary, depending on whether a student is eligible for corporateor military discounts. The standard rate, without discounts and for a studentwith no existing college credits, is $410 per credit for lower division and $610 forupper division courses, as well as fees, amounting to $65,000 for the total cost ofbachelor degree.To learn more about University of Phoenix security programs, visit www.phoenix.edu/security.July/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 29

The News Leader in Physical, ITand Homeland SecurityCEO/Editorial Director:Adrian Courtenay(O) 212-344-0759, X3(C) 917-696-5782acourtenay@gsnmagazine.comPublisher:Michael Madsen(O) 212-344-0759, X1(C) 732-233-8119mmadsen@gsnmagazine.comSenior Writer:Steve Bittenbender(C) 502-552-1450sbittenbender@gsnmagazine.comSenior Writer:Lorrie Barclay(O) 212-344-0759, X5(C) 508-685-0652lorriebarclay@gmail.comColumnist:John ConvyConvy on Netcentric Securityjohn@convyassociates.comColumnist:John RomanowichRomanowich on Video Surveillancejromanowich@sightloxic.comGuest Expert Contributor:Denise Rucker Krepp(C) 202-546-2533kdrkrepp@hotmail.comArt Director:Gerry O’HaraOHDesign3(C) 203-249-0626gerry@ohd3.comProduction Director:Tammy Waitt(O) 732-233-0245twaitt@gsnmagazine.comMailing Address:Government Security NewsP.O. Box 7608Greenwich, CT 06836Government Security News (ISSN 1548-940X and UPS 022-845)is published in six print editions (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov) andsix digital editions (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) per year by WorldBusiness Media, LLC, P.O. Box 7608, Greenwich, CT 06836. Telephone(212) 344-0759. Periodicals postage paid at New York,NY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send addresschanges to GSN: Government Security News, Subscription Department,P.O. Box 316, Congers, NY 10920-0316. For Governmentdecision makers and business executives involved with security products,systems and series. Qualified U.S. subscribers received GSN:Government Security News at no charge. Non-qualified subscribers inthe U.S. are charged $75.00 per year. Canadian and foreign subscribersare charged $140 International Airmail. Copyright 2015 by GSN:Government Security News. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.GSN: Government Security News assumes resonsibility for validity ofclaims in items reported.All proposals adopted by Implant Sciences board,Michael C. Turmelle elected Board ChairmanWILMINGTON, Mass., July 7, 2015 /PRNewswire/-- Implant Sciences Corporation (OTCQB:IMSC),a leading manufacturer of explosives trace detection(ETD) and drugs trace detection solutions for homelandsecurity applications, announced today that itheld its annual shareholders meeting on July 1, 2015 atits headquarters in Wilmington, MA. Atthis meeting, the company’s shareholdersapproved each proposal presented, includingthe election of the Director nomineesto the Board of Directors. The Board andImplant Sciences’ management believesthis outcome conveys investor confidencein the current direction of the company.James M. Simon, Jr. has been elected asan independent member of the ImplantSciences Board of Directors and MichaelC. Turmelle, an existing independent director,has been elected as Chairman ofthe Board of Directors. Dr. Bill McGannand Robert Liscouski, Implant Sciences’ Chief ExecutiveOfficer and Executive Vice President, BusinessDevelopment, respectively, were also elected and willcontinue to serve on the Board. The final voting resultsof the Annual Meeting will be made available publiclyin a Form 8-K to be filed with the Securities and ExchangeCommission.“We are very pleased with the outcome of the shareholdersmeeting,” stated Michael Turmelle, ImplantSciences’ Chairman of the Board. “We believe thatour significant progress in the marketplace, as demonstratedby the numerous ECAC wins over the competition,continues to bolster our confidence, which isshared by our shareholders and investors, that ImplantSciences is now a major force in the marketplace.”“During the shareholders meeting, managementwas pleased to convey to our shareholders our confidencein our manufacturing capacity and in the deliveryschedules set forth in contracts with the TSA andEU airports. Our production team has been planningfor our success in the marketplace and we are pleasedto be able to deliver on the growing demand for ourproducts,” stated Dr. McGann.James M. Simon, Jr., has served as CEO of IntelligenceEnterprises LLC since January 2003, specializingin advising companies and governmentsworldwide on a variety of matters, including businessdevelopment, contract capture, and strategic programinitiatives. Mr. Simon has a breadth of professionalexperience, including serving as Assistant Director ofCentral Intelligence for Administration, Microsoft’sChief Strategist for its worldwide public and its executivesponsor for the State of Alabama, founding Microsoft’sInstitute for Advanced Technology in Governments,teaching Cyber Security at the University ofAlabama, and serving in the US Army. Mr. Simon hasalso served on a number of corporate boards, includingGeoEye, Inc. Mr. Simon holds a B.A. degree in PoliticalScience from The University of Alabama and anM.A. in International Relations from the University ofSouthern California.Michael Turmelle was first confirmed as a directorof the Company in December 2005. Michael hasMichael C. Turmellehad a successful consulting business since 2009. FromSeptember 2007 to December of 2009, he was ChiefFinancial Officer of Premium Power Corporation, aventure capital backed large format electrical energystorage company. Prior to Premium Power, Mr. Turmelleheld several management positions with Sat-Con Technology Corporation, includinga director, Vice President, Chief FinancialOfficer and Treasurer, Chief OperatingOfficer and President of SatCon PowerSystems. Prior to SatCon he worked forHADCO Corporation in various financialand operating assignments. Mr. Turmellegraduated from the General Electric FinancialManagement Training program(FMP) in 1984. He holds a B.A. degree inEconomics from Amherst College.Also approved at the annual meetingwere proposals to increase the number ofImplant Sciences’ authorized shares andto approve the company’s stock option plans. Concurrentlywith the annual meeting, as previously announced,the terms of Howard Safir, John A. Keatingand John J. Hassett as members of the Board ended,following their April 2015 decisions to not stand forreelection to the Board.About the QS-B220 DesktopExplosives Trace DetectorThe QS-B220 uses Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS)to rapidly detect and identify trace amounts of a widevariety of military, commercial, and homemade explosives.With significantly lower maintenance requirementsthan competing systems, the QS-B220 canbe deployed for a much lower total cost of ownershipthan other approved products. Featuring a radioactivematerial-free design, push-button maintenance anddiagnostics, and a patented inCal internal automaticcalibration system, the QS-B220 brings new levels ofperformance and convenience to desktop trace detectionusers with unsurpassed ease of use.About Implant SciencesImplant Sciences is a leader in developing and manufacturingadvanced detection capabilities to counterand eliminate the ever-evolving threats from explosivesand drugs. The Company’s team of dedicatedtrace detection experts has developed proprietarytechnologies used in its commercial products, thousandsof which have been sold across more than 60countries worldwide. The Company’s ETDs have receivedapprovals and certifications from several internationalregulatory agencies including the TSA inthe U.S., ECAC in Europe, CAAC and the Ministry ofPublic Safety in China, Russia FSB, STAC in France,and the German Ministry of the Interior. It has alsoreceived the 2015 GSN Airport/Seaport/Border SecurityAward for “Best Security Checkpoint”. All ImplantSciences products are recognized as QualifiedAnti-Terrorism Technologies by the Department ofHomeland Security. For further details on the Companyand its products, please visit the Company’s websiteat www.implantsciences.com.30 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com July/August, 2015

Lockheed purchaseof Sikorsky Aircraftmay lead to spin offor sale of IT servicesBy Steve BittenbenderPrimed by its $9 billion purchase of Sikorsky Aircraftfrom United Technologies Corp., LockheedMartin announced Monday it also would begin astrategic review of its information technology solutionsofferings, saying it could break off the part ofthe company that handles IT for the civilian governmentsectors.“As global security market dynamics shift, thisreview will strengthen our competitive posture,enabling sustained, profitable growth and positioningLockheed Martin to deliver value for customers,shareholders and employees,” Lockheed Chairman,President and CEOMarillyn Hewsonsaid in a press release.Analysts on WallStreet weren’t surprisedby the announcement,addingthat Lockheed is justthe latest companyto do this. SeveralChairman/CEO Marilyn Hewsonmajor defense andgovernment contractors,including SAIC and General Dynamics, havealready announced plans to split their companies orsell operations. Fears of additional rounds of sequestrationas well as likely changes in defense budgetingtriggered the buy, they said.Lockheed is the top Department of Defensecontractor, based on the amount of prime contractsit holds with the Pentagon. In Fiscal Year 2014, thecompany based in Bethesda, MD, held $25.31 billionin award from the DoD, good enough for nearlya nine percent share of the market. United Technologieswas the sixth largest, with $6.17 billion or justover two percent of the department’s purchases.Sikorsky is a major provider of helicopters to theDoD and to other militaries across the world. Someof its products include the MH-60 Black Hawk, theS-76 the MH-60R Seahawk. One of the world’s leadingproviders of military aircraft, Lockheed’s currentofferings include: the F-16 Fighting Falcon, the F-2and the C-130J Super Hercules.Lockheed “is also registering higher foreign salesthat will likely offset a lower defense budget scenarioat home,” Zacks Investment Research said Monday.“Again, the takeover of Sikorsky is a strategic fit forLockheed Martin. The move could prove to be arevenue booster for the prime defense contractoras its top line was thwarted by a shrinking defensebudget.”In addition to its stature as a defense contractor,Lockheed also provides IT services to other govern-Motorola conducts first demonstrationof public safety LTE TechnologyContinued from page 4the information. It also features the Real TimeVideo Intelligence (RTVI) application, which allowsusers to view live video broadcasts on LTEdevices and, when integrated with a mobile solution,allows officers to broadcast live video fromtheir vehicles to other users connected to thesame application.• Motorola Solutions’ WAVE Push-To-TalkSolution (interoperability and secure communications)which allows users to easily select aconversation group, push a button and talk tousers of other LTE devices or devices with othercommunication standards. This solution enablesthe establishment of quick and safe communicationsbetween the different systems, frequenciesand devices used by different security forces andemergency agencies.“Public safety forces need to capture and processlarge volumes of data every day and convertthis data into intelligence to quickly solve or evenprevent incidents,” said Fernando Bonilla, countrymanager for Motorola Solutions in Colombia.“They also need to be sure that their communicationswill not fail in critical moments.Motorola Solutions LTE technology dedicatedto public protection and disaster relief was preciselydesigned to meet their needs.”About Motorola SolutionsMotorola Solutions creates innovative, missioncriticalcommunication solutions and servicesthat help public safety and commercial customersbuild safer cities and thriving communities.For ongoing news, visit www.motorolasolutions.com/newsroom or subscribe to a news feed.ment agencies as well as in other countries aroundthe world. The IT services that do not fall underdefense and intelligence auspices – such as cyberterrorism– will be part of the strategic review.In its press release, Lockheed mentioned thoseoperations likely would be spun off or sold, likelyleaving Lockheed as still a gigantic, but leaner, governmentcontractor. Those operations representedabout $6 billion of the company’s projected 2015sales (overall sales in 2014 was $45.6 billion), butthose areas also employ about 17,000 of its 112,000employees.Now all analysts were bullish on the acquisition.Fitch Ratings noted that the Sikorsky sale was a substantialdeparture from Lockheed’s recent behavior,as it had made just under $1.5 billion in purchasessince 2012. Fitch also noted concerns about budgetcuts at home, but also mentioned the helicoptercompany could help Lockheed meet its goal of improvingforeign sales.Company officials said they expect the Sikorskydeal to close by early next year.Coming UpIn Future IssuesAugust Digital Edition:Technology Focus:Cybersecurity & ConvergenceMarket Focus:Emergency Preparedness/Disaster ResponseSeptember Print Edition:Technology Focus:Mass Notification/Interoperable EmergencyCommunicationsALSO IN SEPTEMBER:EXTRA DISTRIBUTIONAt ASIS InternationalSeminar and ExhibitsSept 28-Oct 1,Anaheim, CAOctober Digital Edition:Technology Focus:Intelligent Video SurveillanceMarket Focus:Building/Faciltiy/InfrastructureProtectionNovember Print Edition:Technology Focus:Intrusion Detection/Perimeter ProtectionMarket Focus:Airport/Aviation SecurityDecember Digital Edition:Technology Focus:Access Control/ID andInsider ThreatsMarket Focus:Digital Yearbook of 2015Homeland Security AwardsWinnersFor GSN Media Kitor Advertising RatesContact PublisherMike Madsen at732-233-8119or by email atmmadsen@gsnmagazine.comJuly/August, 2015 GSN: Government Security News www.gsnmagazine.com 31

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