Regimental Policy Letter - 1st Marine Division - Marine Corps

Regimental Policy Letter - 1st Marine Division - Marine Corps

Regimental Policy Letter - 1st Marine Division - Marine Corps


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-------·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subj :ENGAGED DECISIVE LEADERSHIP AND THE 7TH MARINES MENTORINGPROGRAMMentoring Program (MCMP) provides the tools to enhance thecounseling program to include all aspects of a <strong>Marine</strong>'s life.2. Mission. Commanders and leaders at all levels willimplement the MCMP in order to preserve and protect the force,support readiness, and develop <strong>Marine</strong>s to their full potential.3. Execution.a. Commander's Intent. General Lejeune's guidance anddirection has never been more relevant and important than it isin the 7th <strong>Marine</strong>s today. The Regiment continues to deploy tocombat on a regular basis. The 7th <strong>Marine</strong>s have deployednumerous times since this War on Terror began and fought in manyof the toughest battles in Iraq and Afghanistan.At the same time, our proud image is tarnished too often bydrug use, hazing, and domestic violence. We have separatedentirely too many <strong>Marine</strong>s for using controlled substances.<strong>Marine</strong>s have died in drug-related incidents or have eitherattempted or have been successful in committing suicide. Toomany young <strong>Marine</strong>s we profess to care deeply about are ruiningtheir careers and placing their lives at risk. Our strongesttool in battling these challenges is getting to know our <strong>Marine</strong>sand sailors and guiding their actions through a strong mentoringprogram.The importance of mentoring and counseling has beencontinually emphasized by the leadership of the Regiment and thebattalions. Fundamentally, I believe our junior leaders atevery level certainly understand the importance of getting toknow their <strong>Marine</strong>s and sailors. Despite this acknowledgementhowever, the challenge remains finding the time to prioritizecounseling and mentoring of our men. Often, one on one timewith them is the first thing to fall out when schedules get verybusy, as they almost always are in 7th <strong>Marine</strong>s. Understandingthe competing challenges, I intend to be very directive inestablishing a system to ensure spending time with our <strong>Marine</strong>sand sailors, and getting to know them, remains one of thehighest and most closely supervised priorities. This policyletter outlines that plan.My and atata is every lfarina and sailor in the RegiJMDt iscounaaled monthly in order to preserve and protect th .. as ourmast t.portant asset.2

Subj:ENGAGED DECISIVE LEADERSHIP AND THE 7TH MARINES MENTORINGPROGRAMb. Concept of Qperations. Commanders will embrace theMCMP, ensuring that all <strong>Marine</strong>s and sailors are mentored andcounseled. Commanders will develop 10 day <strong>1st</strong>, 2d, 3d phaselines to spread load counseling thought the month.c. Tasks. Battalion, and Headquarter Company Commanders.(l) NLT 30 June, ensure Lt/SNCO teams review theSRB's and LES's of their <strong>Marine</strong>s. After that date, ensure thatSRB'S of every new join are reviewed within 30 days of hisarrival.(2) Lt/SNOO teams will counsel each individual <strong>Marine</strong>monthly. Counseling sessions should focus on the <strong>Marine</strong>'sbackground, his goals, work performance, and particular personalor professional concerns. At a minimum, discussions shouldinclude: Where did he come from? How was he raised? Who werehis parents? Where are they now? Who had the most significantinfluence in his life? Does the <strong>Marine</strong> personally know anyonethat ever committed suicide? How does he view suicide? Wheredoes he want to be in five years? Is the <strong>Marine</strong> in arelationship? What is the status of the relationship? How isthe <strong>Marine</strong>'s family doing?(3) NLT 30 June, Lt/SNCO teams will make appointmentswith their married personnel to conduct home visits as acourtesy to introduce themselves to the <strong>Marine</strong>'s family. Afterthis initial visit, home visits will be conducted every sixmonths. Ensure your leaders use this opportunity to highlightthe command's family readiness program. Identify the unit'sFamily Readiness Officer and designated Family ReadinessAdvisors and Assistants. Encourage the spouse to participate inthe LINKS program as a means of sharing her experience andknowledge (experienced spouses) or to learn about the supportnetwork that is available to them aboard 29 Palms {new spouses) .Every effort will be made to ensure these visits are viewed ashelpful and supportive vice intrusive.(4) Lt/SNCO teams will ensure each <strong>Marine</strong> and sailorcompletes the Family Readiness contact sheet in order to supportthe commander's ability to open lines of communication betweenthe command and the families, friends and loved ones of their<strong>Marine</strong>s and sailors. <strong>Marine</strong>s and sailors will be encouraged tolist contact information for their girlfriends or fianc6es aswell.3

Subj:ENGAGED DECISIVE LEADERSHIP AND THE 7TH MARINES MENTORINGPROGRAM(5) NLT 25th of each month, platoon and companycommanders will provide letters certifying the above listedactions have been completed. <strong>Letter</strong>s will be addressed to theirrespective commander (reference Encl (2)).(6) NLT the 30th of each month, battalion, andHeadquarters Company commanders will provide a letter addressedto the <strong>Regimental</strong> Commander certifying that <strong>Marine</strong>s and sailorshave been counseled and updated the MCT contact sheet. Thisletter will be provided on naval letterhead. Email is not anacceptable option for passing compliance.d. Coordinating Instructions.(1) Each commander will provide a class to theLt/SNCO teams on how to read an SRB with emphasis on identifyingany associated waivers and what they mean.(2) Each commander will provide a class to unitleaders on counseling <strong>Marine</strong>s and sailors. Emphasis will beplaced on relaxed, informal counseling that gets the <strong>Marine</strong>s andsailors talking.(3) While commanders will ensure that white space isprovided in weekly schedules for counseling, they will alsodrive home a min~set that counseling can be done at anytime,anywhere.(4) To ensure that counseling is not pushed to theend of the month, units will develop 10 day <strong>1st</strong>, 2d, 3d phaselines to spread load counseling throughout the month.4. Administration and Logistics. MCMP materials are availablefrom the CG Training and Education Command, website athttp://www.tecom.usmc.mil/.5. Command and Signal.a. Command. This policy letter is applicable to the<strong>Marine</strong>s and Sailors of the 7th <strong>Marine</strong> Regiment (REIN)b. Signal. This policy letter is effective on the datesigned.4

COONSBLING WORKSHBBTName: Grade: Billet:PHYSICALLY/VISUALLY VERIFY THE FOLLOWING ITEMSID Card Serviceable:Driver's License:Rifle/Optics Card:Room Xey:Yea I NoYes I NoYes I NoYes I No I NAMotorcycle License: Yes I NoMotorcycle Safety Training conducted:Recall Phone Number:Address/Rm #: ------------0Review SRB and LES for waivers and/or inconsistencies. Date COnducted:Dcounsel the <strong>Marine</strong>:o Where are you from?o How were you raised?o Where is your family now?o How often do you contact them?o Who had the most significant influence on your life?o Do you personally know anyone who committed suicide?o Where do you want to be five years from today?o What is your plan to get there?o How can the chain of command help?ooDo you understand the <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> and <strong>Regimental</strong> zero tolerance drug policy?Are you currently in a relationship?o Do you have any children and how are you supporting them?o What is the status of that relationship?o How is your family doing?D[.JDNOTBS:Has the <strong>Marine</strong> submitted the Family Readiness contact sheet to the FRO?Is the <strong>Marine</strong> married: Yes I No Is the spouse at 29 Palms: Yes I No I NAConduct a home visit as a courtesy to introduce yourself and check on the <strong>Marine</strong>'sfamily.o Date conducted:<strong>Marine</strong> performing counseling:Date counseled:Em:los~(l)

UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS_ IIATTAUON7114 -IIIGIIefi',ISFHAIINIDMSION(aal)IIWINI ElG'iDIIlONAaY F0AaI'WIINl CCIUS All GIOUND C0111AT aNliR IIOX-1'I\'INT'ININE -CAU-m,._...,.,_YIII'III.TO3000co6 May 11From:To:Subj:Commanding OfficerCommanding Officer, 7th <strong>Marine</strong> RegimentMONTHLY COUNSELING CERTIFICATION LETTERRef: (a) NAVMC 2795, USMC User's Guide to Counseling{b) NAVMC Directive 1500, <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> Mentoring ProgramGuidebook(c) MCO 1500.58, <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> Mentoring Program (MCMP)(d) 7TH <strong>Marine</strong>'s <strong>Regimental</strong> <strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> X-111. I certify that ____ Battalion has completed monthlycounseling sessions for [insert month] 2011. Specifically:a. My Lt/SNCO teams have conducted monthly counselingsessions with each individual <strong>Marine</strong>.b. My Lt/SNCO teams have ensured that each marine hasupdated his Family Readiness Contact Sheet.F. I. LASTEnclosure (2)

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