Inter-lInkages between PoPulatIon DynamIcs anD DeveloPment In ...

Inter-lInkages between PoPulatIon DynamIcs anD DeveloPment In ...

Inter-lInkages between PoPulatIon DynamIcs anD DeveloPment In ...


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Figure 1. Illustrative of the NRHM service delivery structureBlocklevelhospitalPrimary Health Centre Level: 30-40 villages with about 30,000population, Doctor, nurses, roundthe clock servicesSub-centre level: 5-6 villages, 2 Auxiliary Nurse-Midwives, skillsup gradation of registered medical practitioners (RMPs), 1 malemulti-purpose worker, MCH/immunisation days, drugs, MCHclinic, telephone linkVillage level: one ASHA as a volunteer, one Anganwadi worker(nutrition and pre-school education), village health day, drugkit, referral chainsThe review as well as State Service Statistics show that far more institutional deliveries are taking place thanbefore because of JSY. Nearly 13 million institutional deliveries were reported (about 50% of the total) in2007-2008 and a third of those were attributed to JSY. However, the follow-up system on post-delivery forthe continued health and well-being of mother and child still needs to be strengthened.MalaysiaThe Ninth Plan has adopted two innovative practices that reflect inter-linkages <strong>between</strong> population dynamicsand development:1. Poverty reduction2. Women’s empowerment1. Poverty Reduction<strong>In</strong> general, the incidence of poverty and hardcore poverty continue to decline through the years. The incidenceof poverty is “much more severe” in the rural areas compared to the urban areas as 70.6% of the poor livedin the former areas. Between 1999 and 2007, the rate declined markedly in the rural areas, that is from14.8% to 7.1% (see Table 2). For regions, Sabah showed a distinct drop from 23% to 16% <strong>between</strong> 2004and 2007, just within a three-year period. These results show Malaysia’s commitment to poverty reductionboth in planning and implementation to ensure a more equitable distribution of the benefits of economicdevelopment for all Malaysians.The Department of Statistics is responsible for carrying out the Household <strong>In</strong>come Survey and the EPU is thecustodian of the data. For the 2006-2010 medium-term planning period, two surveys were conducted. Thefirst survey in year 2004 acts as a benchmark, and the second survey in year 2007 as a mid-term review forthe five-year plan. The information collected consists of the socio-demographic characteristics of the householdas well as its household income, which include cash and non-cash items.28

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