User Guide - PregSafe

User Guide - PregSafe User Guide - PregSafe


3 Navigating in PregSafeThis section describes the menus, screens and pop-up windows in PregSafe and howto interact with them.3.1 THE MAIN SCREENABThe Main screen is divided into six main areas:.CDFE3.1.1 The Status Bar (A)The screen header or Status Bar displays the name of the program, the softwareversion, the database name and the name of the working screen currently in use.3.1.2 The Menu Bar (B)PregSafe has five pull down menus.The Patient MenuThe Screening MenuThe Tools MenuThe Reports MenuThe Help Menu.5

Whenever a pull down menu is selected (either by pointing and clicking or by pressing+ first letter of the menu item), the menu options will appear.A specific menu item can now be selected by clicking the item with the mouse or byusing the ↑ and ↓ keys to scroll through the items and by pressing to choosethe item. A quicker way to access the menu items is to press the key which correspondsto the underlined letter for each selection.Once a menu is selected, you can also use the → and ←keys to move between menus.3.1.3 The Screen Sensitive Shortcut Bar (C)At all times this shortcut bar displays shortcut buttons to the Medians menu, the SiteOptions Screen and the Conditions Screen. When the Patient Add/View Screen is open,more buttons are added to enable actions associated with the Add/View Screen:Interpret Current Report, View interpretation, Suspend/Unsuspend sample, ViewProvisional Report, View Risk Screen, Display database records for this sample.3.1.4 The Patient Search Bar (D)To use the Patient Search Bar, type information in one or more of the fields and click theFind button. See the Searches section in Chapter 3 for complete information onperforming searches.3.1.5 The Shortcut Bar (E)The window at the left side of the screen replaces the screen sensitive tool bar. Thepush-buttons on this toolbar perform the same functions as are accessible through thedrop-down menu items. Any time you want to see any one of the four shortcut bars –Patient Entry, Screening, Tools, or Reports – simply move the cursor over its title withthe mouse and the shortcut bar will appear. The Patient Entry Shortcut bar is visibleupon opening the program.6

Whenever a pull down menu is selected (either by pointing and clicking or by pressing+ first letter of the menu item), the menu options will appear.A specific menu item can now be selected by clicking the item with the mouse or byusing the ↑ and ↓ keys to scroll through the items and by pressing to choosethe item. A quicker way to access the menu items is to press the key which correspondsto the underlined letter for each selection.Once a menu is selected, you can also use the → and ←keys to move between menus.3.1.3 The Screen Sensitive Shortcut Bar (C)At all times this shortcut bar displays shortcut buttons to the Medians menu, the SiteOptions Screen and the Conditions Screen. When the Patient Add/View Screen is open,more buttons are added to enable actions associated with the Add/View Screen:Interpret Current Report, View interpretation, Suspend/Unsuspend sample, ViewProvisional Report, View Risk Screen, Display database records for this sample.3.1.4 The Patient Search Bar (D)To use the Patient Search Bar, type information in one or more of the fields and click theFind button. See the Searches section in Chapter 3 for complete information onperforming searches.3.1.5 The Shortcut Bar (E)The window at the left side of the screen replaces the screen sensitive tool bar. Thepush-buttons on this toolbar perform the same functions as are accessible through thedrop-down menu items. Any time you want to see any one of the four shortcut bars –Patient Entry, Screening, Tools, or Reports – simply move the cursor over its title withthe mouse and the shortcut bar will appear. The Patient Entry Shortcut bar is visibleupon opening the program.6

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