User Guide - PregSafe

User Guide - PregSafe User Guide - PregSafe


Choose either the Requisition,Specimen or Receive date andthe associated field will beenabled. Specify how manymonths back from the presentyou wish to search, and click OKto start the search.The Advance Patient Search alsoallows you to choose the samplestatus for the search. The defaultis all statuses. Uncheck theappropriate check-boxes (usingthe mouse or and) to eliminate thosestatuses you don’t want to seeIf you• leave all the search fields blank and click the Find button,• click the Search button on the Patient Entry Toolbar,• or select Search Existing Patient Data from the Patient drop-down menu,the record set produced by the search will include all the patient records in the database.Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down and see all the records. When the recordset first appears, it is sorted by Patient Code. You can click on the column headers tosort the records by Last Name, First name, Birth date, LMP , Requisition date orassaying lab specimen number.24

Note that there may be duplicate records in the list. For example, Eliza Alonzo (patientcode ALIELI) appears three times because she has three specimen records. Choosingany one of the lines for her will open the same patient record, with all specimensdisplayed, and the specimen from the record selected in the search screen will beselected.Use the mouse to select and open the record you want, or use the ↑ and ↓ keys toselect and to open it.When opened from a record set produced by a search, the Add/View screen will includenavigation buttons. The navigation buttons on this screen allow you to move among therecords in the record set.Takes you to the first record in the record set ()Takes you back one record in the record set ()Takes you forward one record in the record set ()Takes you to the last record in the record set()25

Choose either the Requisition,Specimen or Receive date andthe associated field will beenabled. Specify how manymonths back from the presentyou wish to search, and click OKto start the search.The Advance Patient Search alsoallows you to choose the samplestatus for the search. The defaultis all statuses. Uncheck theappropriate check-boxes (usingthe mouse or and) to eliminate thosestatuses you don’t want to seeIf you• leave all the search fields blank and click the Find button,• click the Search button on the Patient Entry Toolbar,• or select Search Existing Patient Data from the Patient drop-down menu,the record set produced by the search will include all the patient records in the database.Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down and see all the records. When the recordset first appears, it is sorted by Patient Code. You can click on the column headers tosort the records by Last Name, First name, Birth date, LMP , Requisition date orassaying lab specimen number.24

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