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ivfull-option five-star microscope! And, I’ll be not alone, since it seems that little brothersand sisters are on their way. . .pastel-00527388, version 1 - 19 Oct 2010Well, actually things were going better. Now the guy could take the screwdriver andthe wax-solder and calibrate me with no harm; he could even fabricate beautiful, sharpoptical-fiber tips. I was feeling fully functional again and willing to play. So, it wasa pleasure for me to fish out some nice results on the beloved colored glasses. I reallywanted to give them more, but, I must admit, my fragile nature forces me to rest (ok,break down) more often than I would like to. The guy had it very hard to make thosesamp<strong>les</strong>, even under the precious guide of The Eminent Chemists. But in the end itwas a success and I was very pleased to see the young guy and The Two Red-shiftedResearchers so excited, making models and calculations and writing pages and pages. . . Ifonly the young guy had written those chapters and paragraphs in the right order in thefirst place, The Two Red-shifted Researchers could have slept more...Well-well, now that days and weeks have passed I can tell, frankly, that we had a greattime. Sometimes, students come to see me and I’m very proud hearing the guy and TheTwo Red-shifted Researchers telling about my grandiosity. Also, I have heard that mybeauty has been praised in conferences all over the world and rumors report that theywere really fun. Wow, I wish I weighted <strong>les</strong>s, so I could have gone in person. . .Recently, it was very exciting to officially celebrate and discuss the precious results of ourwork. The Illustre Jury was extremely kind and interested and I’ve never felt observedso much, so close, so in detail. I was almost turning red . . . Moreover, it was extremelytouching to see the whole Tribù coming over from so far away, to stay close to the guyand to organize the feast. It was amazing.I’m only a little bit sad that the young guy is about to leave. I think I’m going to misshim. Well, well, maybe if there is time, I think I still have some nice results on thosecolored glasses, left up my sleeve. . .With my greatest thanks to:The Two Red-shifted Researchers:The Stylish Monk:The Illustre Jury:The Illustre Chief:The Questioning Man:Jacques Peretti and Yves LassaillyProf. Salvatore MonacoRenaud Bachelot, Jean-Pierre Boilot,Daniel Courjon, Céline FioriniFrançois OzanamFouad Maroun

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