Curriculum Vitae Formato Europeo

Curriculum Vitae Formato Europeo

Curriculum Vitae Formato Europeo


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C U R R I C U L U M V I T A EEUROPASSPERSONALINFORMATIONName /SurnameAddress(s)Phone(s)E-mail (s)SPASICI CAMELIAav_cameliastanciulescu@yahoo.comNationalityRomanianDate of birth 27.12.1981SexFemalePROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE• Period• Occupation or position held• Main activities andresponsabilities• Name and address ofemployer• Type of business or sector2011 2008 – present – prezentPh.D. Asistent Lecturer, Universitar Department Doctor, - Civil Disciplina Law, – Constitutional Drept civil; Drept Law ConstituţionalandPolitical şi Instituţii Institutions PoliticeCourse Titular and de workshop curs şi seminar Civil, Constitutional Law seminar Holderand Political InstitutionsUniversity of Bucharest, Faculty of Business and AdministrationUniversitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Administraţie şi AfaceriTitular de curs şi seminar• Period 2008 – 2011• Occupation or position held Assistant Professor Ph.D., Department - Civil, Constitutional Law andPolitical Institutions• Main activities and Course and Seminarresponsabilities• Name and address ofemployer• Type of activities or sector University of Bucharest, Faculty of Business and Administration• Occupatin or position held• Main activities andresponsabilities• Period 2005 - 2008Assistant Professor, Department - Administrative Law I, ConstitutionalLaw and Political InstitutionsHolder seminar

• Name and address ofemployer• Type of activities or sectorUniversity of Bucharest, Faculty of Business and Administration• Period• Occupation or positionheld• Main activities andresponsabilities• Name and surname ofemployer• Type of activities or sector2005 - prezentLawyerConsulting and legal assistanceBucharest BarActivities of consulting and legal assistance• Occupation or positionheld• Main activities andresponsabilities• Name and surname ofemployer• Type of activities or sector• Period 2003– 2004ReferendDrafting and signing contractsS.C. Romtelenet SRLLegalEDUCATION AND TRAINING• Period December 2008• Qoalification/Diploma Doctor– expert in Civil Law• Name and type ofeducation / training providerUniversity " NicolaeTitulescu", Faculty of Law• Period 2004 - 2005• Qualification/Diploma Master’s degree• Principal subjects /occupational skills• Name and type ofeducation/training providerBusiness LawUniversity " NicolaeTitulescu", Faculty of Law• Period 2000 - 2004• Qualification/Diploma Licence diploma• Principal subjects/ Lawoccupational skills• Name and type of University " NicolaeTitulescu", Faculty of Laweducation/ training provider• Level in national or University with high trustinternational

• Period 2007• Qualification/Diploma Master Course European Integration and International Relations• Principal subjects/occupational skills• Name and type of Romanian Diplomatic Instituteeducation/ training provider•Level in national orinternational• Period 2006• Qualification/ Diploma Psycho-pedagogical module• Principal subjects/occupational skills• Name and type of University of Bucharest - Faculty of Psychologyeducation/ training provider• Period July 2009• Qualification/ Diploma English Language Course - Ariel• Principal subjects/occupational skills• Name and type of University of Bucharest - Faculty of Foreign Languageseducation/ training provider•Level in national orinternationalPersonal skills andcompetencesConstant concern for strengthening the theoretical knowledge acquiredduring their studies and to gain new knowledge, both in law and in thepsychological and pedagogical. During my career I have held academicteaching and professional quality with ongoing concerns psycho-pedagogicaltraining and methodical, will steadily and continuously improving techniquesand methods of teaching students to pass basic theoretical concepts andpractical aspects of specific criminal lawNATIVE LANGUAGEFOREIGN LANGUAGESRomanianEnglish, French

• European Level (*)Understanding Speaking WritingListening Reading Participation inconversationOraldiscourseWritten expressionC2C2EnglishC2 English C2 English C2 English C2 EnglishFrench C2 French C2French C2 French C2 FrenchC2 EnglishC2 FrenchSocial skills and competenceAbility to work with others, in different environments, ability to interactand collaborate in various situations.Skills and computer useUser level: Windows, Microsoft Office, Acrobat ReaderDRIVING LICENCEParticipation as a member ofProjects / GrantsYes2009-2010, the ERDF program "Improving the Conditions forinvestements in order to foster polycentric development by leveraginglocal Public Administrations unexploited real estate" - Polyinvest2010, Lifelong Learning Programme "Creating a business in the digitalage + Developing entrepreneurship competencies for young Europeansthrough eMemtorship - CReBUS"511822-LLP-1-2010-1-EN-KA3-KA3MP28 mai 2012

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