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Batang Halau:A documentary showingToenlighten thestudentry onthe plight ofstatelesschildren andotherchallengesthataccompanythis issue,AHRC has invitedthe director,producer andwriter of BatangHalau (BanishedChildren), Mr.Eleazar DelRasario. Thedocumentarydiscusses theeverydaychallenges ofundocumentedchildren in Sabah,Malaysia. Theshowing was donelast December 12at the BernasSeminar Room ofthe AteneoProfessionalSchoolsThedocumentary wasoriginal shown infree television in2012. It showedhow statelesschildren lived theirday-to-day life,scouring for foodor engaging inchild labor. Itdepicts how thesechildren, becauseof the lack ofmoney andidentificationdocuments, aredeprived of theirbasic rights suchas the right toeducation and theright to health. Theultimate goal ofthe documentary isto inform thesociety of theproblems thesechildren and theirfamily face in thehopes of providinga better life forthem. The first stepfor this better life isthrough providingthem witheducation.Thedocumentary alsoelicited differentreactions andquestions from theaudience. Onestudent has evenexpressed hisgratefulnessbecause they wereable to attend thedocumentaryshowing. It madehim see the realitybeyond the booksand classroom lawstudents areconfined in.The event wasofficiallyconcluded with alegal discussion onstatelessness andthe refugee statusdone by theInternship Directorof AHRC, Atty.Anne MaureenManigbas.7

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