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Dr. Francisco Magno was thefirst to discuss the concept ofgood governance through howthe late Department of InteriorLocal Government (DILG)Secretary Jesse Robredo saw it.Good governance is where thelocal government units canprovide access for the basicnecessities of the people. It is acollective action of both thegovernment and the citizens. Dr.Magno emphasized four keywords: Matino (decent) andMahusay (exemplary), Integritywith Competence. He said that,“Competence is misguidedwithout integrity. Integrity is futilewithout competence and the skilland ability to carry out goodwork.”The second speaker, Atty.Gascon from the HRVCB, focusedon the normative aspect of goodgovernance as a human right. Hestated that good governance, likeany human right, must bestruggled for. Good governanceand democracy can only beachieved if justice is pursued. Hestated that, “Justice deliveryequals notion of human right asgood governance becomes morereal.”The third speaker is theCommissioner of the Commissionon Elections (COMELEC). Atty.Luie Guia. Commissioner Guiamainly emphasized that humanrights and good governance areinseparable, they are mutualbecause good governanceprotects human rights. He furtheradded that working for thegovernment is working for humanrights and encouraged thestudents and audience to work forthe government. He emphasizedthat working the government isserving the people and there is asense of satisfaction serving thegovernment.Mr. Vince Lazatin was the lastspeaker and his discussion wasnot from the perspective of alawyer but from a point of view ofsomeone who wants to fightcorruption. Mr. Lazatin explainedthat corruption exists because ofthe people’s inability to holdpublic officials accountable. Heencouraged the audience to joinMirum: Vivamus est ipsum, vehicula nec,feugiat rhoncus, accumsan id, nisl. Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuerthe public sector and considerserving the country thrugovernment or alternativelawyering practice.The four speakers gave abirds’ eye view of the conceptand status of good governance inthe Philippines. There were also apanel of reactors who gave theircomments and insights on whatthey heard that morning. Thesereactors include Ms. Salve Suplitofrom the ABS-CBN News Channel(ANC) as a reactor for the media,Atty. Ray Paolo Santiago as aprofessor from the academe andMr. Muhammad Muktadir Estrellaas the law student reactor.Ms. Suplito has focused moreon the perspective of the mediaand communication. She has givenemphasis that the technicalities ofhow to evaluate good governancehamper its growth throughscorecards. Atty. Santiagomeanwhile stated that to be anactivist is not just about knowing theblacks and the whites, but alsoworking in the gray area andharmonizing different concepts.Lastly, Mr. Mudir Estrella hasemphasized that it should be everystudent should “take it personal”whenever any human right violationhappens, especially that whichrelates to corruption and goodgovernance.The forum ended with the givingof the certificates and the closingremarks led by Atty. AnneMaureen Manigbas, the InternshipDirector of AHRC.6

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