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IN SOLIDUM:THE AHRC EXHIBIT(December 10 – December 12)The exhibit features the different desks and projects the AHRC utilizesin order to do its part in nation building and forwarding human rightsand their respective activities.The celebration of theHuman Rights Week kickedoff through the opening ofthis year's Human RightsExhibit last December 10.The opening was held atthe Octagonal in Basement1 of the Ateneo LawSchool and was graced bystudents and lawyers fromthe Ateneo Human RightsCenter.The opening of the exhibit beganwith an opening prayer and wasimmediately followed by the speech ofthe AHRC Executive Director, Atty. RayPaolo Santiago. In his speech, Atty.Santiago talked about the two themesaround which the Human Rights Weekrevolves. First, in compliance with theinternational celebration of humanrights, he stressed the statement"Human Rights 365," saying that it wasimportant to make human rights amainstream issue 365 days a year tofully support this advocacy. Second, insolidarity with the celebration of the40th Anniversary of the APS, he alsoreminded the guests of Ateneo's thrustfor nation-building and the enormity ofthe role human rights, particularly theadvocacies of the AHRC, play. Inessence, he implored the guests to dotheir part in order to advance humanrights as an issue that concerns not onlyother students in the Ateneo LawSchool but also the entire APSCommunity.Atty. Santiago, along with theDirector of the Institute for GraduateLegal Studies, Atty. Amparita Sta.Maria, officially opened the exhibitthrough a ceremonial cutting of theribbon.lorem ipsum dolor met setquam nunc parumThe Human Rights Exhibit is entitled In Solidum and gives its viewers a glimpse intothe different advocacies it has. The exhibit features the different desks and projectsthe AHRC utilizes in order to do its part in nation building and forwarding humanrights and their respective activities. These desks include the Katutubo (IndigenousPeople's Desk), Adhikain para sa Karapatang Pambata or AKAP (Children's RightsDesk), Urduja (Women's Rights Desk), the United Nations High Commissioner forRefugees (UNHCR) Project, the Working Group for an ASEAN Human RightsMechanism and the Internship Program.4

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