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Ateneo HumanRights Center inNation BuildingThe Human Rights WeekMirum: Vivamus est ipsum,vehicula nec, feugiat rhoncus,accumsan id, nisl. Loremipsum dolor sit amet,consectetuerMirum: Vivamus est ipsum,vehicula nec, feugiat rhoncus,accumsan id, nisl. Loremipsum dolor sit amet,consectetuerFrom December8 – 12, 2014,the AteneoHuman RightsCenter (AHRC)in partnershipwith FriedrichNaumannFoundation(FNF),celebrated theHuman RightsWeek.This year’s themefocused on therole of the AteneoHuman RightsCenter in nationbuilding.This is inline with thetheme of thecelebration of theAteneoProfessionalSchools (APS) ofits 40 th year.The supposedlyweek-longcelebration wascut short byTyphoon Hagupitwhich caused atwo-day classsuspension in APS.Not even atyphoon, however,can stop thecelebration andcommemoration ofthe human rightsweek.Mirum: Vivamus est ipsum,vehicula nec, feugiat rhoncus,accumsan id, nisl. Loremipsum dolor sit amet,consectetuer3

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