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Paralegal Talk on Stopping Teen-DateViolence and Sexual HarrassmentLast September 10, 2014, Ateneo Human Rights Center (AHRC)was invited by Soroptimist International of Mandaluyong to givea seminar on Stopping Teen-Date Violence and SexualHarrassment to the students of Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A.Gonzales. The resource speakers were Atty. Nica Yan from theAHRC and Miss Regine Jessica Abuel from the Women's Rights-Urduja Desk. The seminar covered comprehensive talks on theAnti-Violence Against Women and Children Law and the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law. The students, including the teachersand organizers, participated well during the talk and the openforum. Both the resource speakers and the participantslearned a lot from each other.URDUJAGender andDevelopment Seminarat Brgy. St. IgnatiusThe interns of the AteneoHuman Rights Centertogether with Atty. PattySison-Arroyo conducted agender and developmenttraining last October 4, 2014for the leaders of Brgy. St.Ignatius in Whiteplains,Quezon City. The seminardiscussed topics such asgender and sexuality, genderdiscrimination, gender andhow it relates and affects thesociety’s development. Thediscussion also includedrelevant special laws such asthe Violence against Womenand Children Act, the RH Bill,the Sexual Harassment Lawand the Anti-Trafficking Law.The seminar also includedsome group dynamics andactivities to evaluate whatthey have learned from eachsession.The participants were thebarangay officials andmembers of the Gender andDevelopment Council whoactively participated duringthe discussion. They havegiven their inputs, insightsand opinions on the issuesand laws discussed. Uponevaluation of the activity, theissues in the barangayrelating to gender have beenbrought up, in the hopes offinding resolution for thesame.The barangay leaders andthe council members haveexpressed their intention ofhaving similar trainings in thefuture for the members oftheir barangay.13

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