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ImprovementsLatest news on <strong>Colines</strong>® technological developments+/&%.0 1 *!,"),'( ! 1 --%-.( ! 1 ,!&%%&%.0 1 .! $()&)#0 1 -.0&!() 0!, 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 41 1 1 2

ear Customers,Our sector had placed great hopes in the positive effects ofthe last edition of the K exhibition.Unfortunately these hopes were partially dashed and themarket has created a harsh selection in the meantime.The most dynamic, creative and strong companies got out ofthis situation strengthened and ready to take advantage nowof the upturn that seems to be timidly ongoing.Our company is one of these. Favoured by our strong capitalstructure, we made extensive investments in countertrend,strengthening ourselves in all sectors, with the goal of beingready for the longed-for recovery.We have therefore improved the performances of our CPP and barrier film lines, furtherwidening the technological gap versus our competitors. We have expanded the applicationsof BUBBLE GUARD® BOARD, our patented process, with the immediate response of various linessold in several geographic areas.We have definitively launched the revolutionary series of the HANDROLLEX® lines for stretchfilm, receiving the Customers’ appreciation and selling a number of machines in the fivecontinents.We have carried on perfecting and upgrading the quality of our lines, entirely designed inhouse and strictly made in Italy; at the same time we have rationalized our technical solutionsin order to reduce power consumption.We have boosted our after sales service activating in essence a coverage seven days a weekall year round. We have reinforced our technical department and our workshop, investing inspecific machine tools for the most sensitive parts of our lines. We have involved our subsuppliersin a special effort to be up to the expectations of an increasingly competitive market.We have tried out the progresses of our know-how by testing the new technical solutions inthe lines in operation in the firms of our sister company B-PACK Holding.…..finally we do hope that all of this can be appreciated by our Customers and that the marketwill reward our efforts responding to our expectation.Enjoy the exhibition!Eraldo PeccettiCEO & Partner

#"# &" ") # %#"!# &# !$# $! !#! # $! $"#!"ear Sirs,As I believe that this piece of news is significant for our commercial relations, I would like to inform you about thetransfer of B-PACK DUE® SpA to AMCOR - No. 1 converter in the world - as per following official press release.I apologise in advance for the time I am taking from you and I would like to emphasize that it was a strategic andweighed choice, basically due to three reasons:a) the strong impact on the market of the growing volumes of B-PACK DUE® (more than 30,000 metric tons/year ofthe best cast polypropylene film for high performance applications) with the potential risk of creating problems tothe future activity of COLINES® (sale of extrusion lines);b) the awareness that AMCOR, specially after the merger with ALCAN, represents by far the biggest customer for B-PACK DUE®.c) the consciousness that COLINES® has established since some time its market leadership for the CPP extrusionlines with speeds up to 400 m/min and width over 5 metres. Recognizing the supremacy of the COLINES® knowhowversus any other competitor, AMCOR actually has subordinated the conclusion of the B-PACK DUE® purchaseto the signature of the commercial collaboration agreement with COLINES®.As usual in these cases, there is a mixture of satisfaction and regret left, but also the consciousness that the sale ofB-PACK DUE® is the result of a correct and unavoidable business evolution.Best regards,COLINES® SpA - Eraldo Peccetti - Partner & Managing Director!"" "he Italian company B-PACK HOLDING, based in Novara, informs the market about the transfer of B-PACK DUE®, as pointof arrival of a precise strategy planned in 2006 with the entry of the private equity 21 INVESTIMENTI (BENETTON group) inthe share capital of B-PACK DUE® itself. B-PACK DUE®, with operation headquarters in Venturina (LI), unquestioned leaderin the international market of polypropylene films for applications in sectors such as food, medical and textile packaging,has been sold on September 30, 2010 to the Italian branch of the Australian multinational AMCOR LIMITED, its chiefcustomer.AMCOR LIMITED expressed its intent to further develop the activity of B-PACK DUE® through a strategic agreementof commercial cooperation signed in parallel with COLINES® SpA, the manufacturer, based in Novara, of B-PACKDUE® production lines, rated as the top in the world market.As confirmed by its president and managing director Eraldo Peccetti, this operation will allow B-PACK HOLDING tofocus its future efforts and its resources on the development of the future production activity of B-PACK® SpA (barrierfilm for food packaging) with operation headquarters in San Pietro Mosezzo – Nibbia – Novara, and IMBALLAGGIPROTETTIVI (alveolar sheets in polypropylene) with premises in Massalengo (LO).“Thanks to the synergies developed over the years between the line manufacturer COLINES® and the user B-PACKDUE® and to the strategic partnership with 21 INVESTIMENTI – comments Eraldo Peccetti, managing director ofCOLINES® – we have realized an extraordinary project that has strengthened the presence of B-PACK DUE® in theEuropean market to the extent of making it attractive for a worldwide leader like AMCOR”.'!# ! # &" " $"# $) ( !s part of the acquisition of B-Pack Due, Amcor has alsoentered into an exclusive supply agreement with <strong>Colines</strong>S.p.A, a world leading manufacturer of extrusion lines, andsupplier to B-Pack Due. The exclusivity agreement, whichcovers large capacity lines, provides Amcor with protectedaccess to a world leading CPP manufacturing technologythat will serve as a platform for anticipated furtherexpansion in CPP films.Amcor’s Managing Director and CEO, Ken MacKenzie said:“This acquisition is an important step in the overall filmstrategy for the flexibles business.“B-Pack Due is a global leader in the production of castpolypropylene film and has a number of specialisedproducts and unique process know-how.

n important milestone in the COLINES® range of manufactureis a new AIRCAST® line for the production of breathable film,boasting innovative outstanding engineering achievements anddesign. This line has been installed at a Chinese customer, leaderin the production of breathable film.AIRCAST® is the first line for breathable film in operation in Chinasupplied by a Western Country manufacturer. This peculiarity isreally of top importance as this line has reached a highly growingand challenging market, characterized by an extreme competition.The choice of a COLINES® equipment for a niche product on amarket where competition is highly selective, is of majorimportance and finally establishes the quality, reliability andperformance of the COLINES® lines.On the occasion of the open house, dedicated to the presentationof this AIRCAST® line in Italy, many customers in the field couldappreciate the quality and performance of the line and in fact, inconfirmation of the effectiveness of the project, a new line is nowunder construction and is expected to be delivered in the first halfof 2011 to an European producer who has chosen the COLINES®engineering capabilities with respect to other Europeancompetitors. quipment for the production ofpatented “MyCore” cores made ofplastic or recycled material, which areeco-friendly, very light, highly resistantand cost-effective.For further information apply to booth16/A39

ince 2006 to this day COLINES® has sold over 35 lines in differentversions: HANDrollEX® 1000 MM, HANDrollEX® TRIPLE andHANDrollEX® COMBI.This outstanding success is mainly due to their peculiarities, such as:easy to install, user-friendly, versatile, quick delivery time, costeffectiveand impressive hourly production.As a result of the many requests, especially from emerging markets,demanding less specific materials and a diversified production tosatisfy a wider range of products, other versions such as TRIPLE andCOMBI have been developed, thus completing the basic HANDrollEX®range and already achieving a positive reaction of the market.HANDrollEX® 1000 mm is able to produce stretch film rolls for manualand automatic use.The HANDrollEX® TRIPLE version (premièred at K 2010) is equippedwith an additional winder to produce even the stretch film Jumborolls with diameter up to 500 mm and net hourly outputs up to 750 kg/h.The latest evolution is the HANDrollEX® Combi line, which offers thepossibility to produce with the same machine stretch film, the flexiblepackaging solution par excellence, and CPP, always exploiting thetwo separate winding stations:- the Handspeedy® patented turret winder of the HANDrollEX®, withmodules of 1000 mm dedicated to stretch film reels for manual andautomatic use;- the Combiwind® winding unit dedicated to CPP reels. This stationcan produce jumbo reels of stretch film with a diameter of 500 mmand a total width of 1000 mm (2 x 500 mm) and CPP film with a bigdiameter (up to 600 mm) and a total width up to 1500 mm.It gives the possibility of working in three different modes: contact,with gap and in combined mode.COLINES® PRESENTS ITSNEW EXTRUSION LINE AT K2010OLINES® shows at the K Exhibition thelatest novelty in its portfolio of cast filmlines: the HANDrollEX® TRIPLE will be infunction at the stand 16A39. This linewidens still further the range of sizesoffered by the HANDrollEX® 1000 mmrevelation line, since it produces, inaddition to the stretch film rolls formanual and automatic use with in-linecutting, also jumbo rolls up to a diameterof 500 mm.Some specific features of the new linehave been developed towards the costeffectivenessof the line and theoptimisation of the production costswithout influencing functionality andquality:- the re-feeding cold system instead of thelateral extruder or pelletizing system,whose consumption in terms of kW/h ishigher;- the optimized energy consumptionthanks to a targeted engineering of all theelectric and electronic parts (extrudermotors, extrusion screws, motors of theline);Thanks to various options, the finishedfilm produced by HANDrollEX® TRIPLE hasa great flexibility that is able to satisfy allthe requests you may receive by yourcustomer with multiple in-line slitting andthe production of mini-rolls down to 100mm each.Tests on the pre-stretch are currentlybeing made and the coreless option is ina developing stage. All these possibilitieswill be offered by a single line only.

! " OLINES® has received orders for two extremely hiperformancecast lines for stretch film with a web widthof 2000 mm.The JUMBOROLLEX® extrusion line can produce reelsfor automatic use and jumbo reels, and theHANDrollEX® can produce reels for manual andautomatic use.At the production speed of over 700 m/min, the linescan reach a maximum net production over 1500 kg/h.JUMBOROLLEX® & HANDrollEX® lines are engineeredfor the production of multilayer stretch film up to 50layers thanks to two feed-blocks and a layermultiplication system.Furthermore, the following main technical featuresdistinguish these hi-performance cast lines for stretch film:• an innovative in-line trims regrinding system withoutrepelletizing. This system provides for two independentrecoveries for the trims produced by both edges of thefilm that refeed the extrusion compartment.• the equipment is completely automated through a softwarethat manages the die profile and the other components, suchas the dosing group and the profile control.JUMBOROLLEX® & HANDrollEX® lines are guaranteedwith the habitual reliability that distinguishes allCOLINES® lines, characterized by a user-friendlymanagement thanks to the use of state-of-the-artSiemens touch-screen operator panels and very easy-tounderstanddiagnostics. OLINES® intervened in November on a line sold in2003 to one of the most important converters and filmproducers in the world, headquartered in India, withoffices in UAE, North America and a presence on themarket in 80 Countries.The Polycast® line was originally designed to have aproduction speed of 220 m/min at a mechanical speedof 250 m/min. The line, since its commissioning,received an ordinary maintenance which was barelyenough if compared to what recommended by themanufacturer. Thanks to specific targeted interventionscarried out by the technical team of COLINES® it hasbeen even possible to increase the speed up to 300m/min.Among the main improvements:1) general check of the line and replacement of theworn parts;2) upgrade of the cooling unit and of the positioning ofthe chill-roll;3) upgrade of the re-feeding management.Besides what above, COLINES® technicians haveinstructed the personnel and fine-tuned standardformulations for CPP in a thickness range from 20 to 25µm for food lamination, which represent widely usedproducts for the local market.Today, following the intervention of COLINES®, the linenot only functions as new but it offers better solutionsthan those guaranteed at the time of commissioning.

he demand for BUBBLE GUARD® Board is becoming moreand more sizeable in the whole world.In the years 2010 and 2011 five lines will increase theproduction of BUBBLE GUARD® Board both in Europe and inother continents: two lines havebeen commissioned this year andother three will be started up in2011. This is clear evidence thatinnovation in lines introducing newtechnologies for new applications orenhancing the existing ones arerewarded by the market.BUBBLE GUARD® Board is now awell-tried product and is becoming areference material all over the world.A new line, with a productioncapacity that is more than double,has been recently commissioned inthe plant of IMBALLAGGIPROTETTIVI, which has developedand keeps on perfecting new fieldsof application for BUBBLE GUARD®Board.The development process of thisproduct at Imballaggi Protettivi isessential, as it allows the Customersof COLINES® to propose an alreadyindustrialized item.

RD INTERNATIONAL DUBAI have stronglybelieved in the product BUBBLE GUARD® BOARD,studying with COLINES® SpA and IMBALLAGGIPROTETTIVi products dedicated to newapplications and new markets.The localization of the new factory of JRDINTERNATIONAL in Dubai permits the customer aneasy marketing of the final products, especially inthe building sector, where BUBBLEGUARD® BOARDis a perfect answer to the requirements of thissector (shuttering, wall panelling, false ceilings),besides the field of packaging, in which JRDINTERNATIONAL is well-established, as well as theadvertising sector.The geographic position favours JRDINTERNATIONAL in the exportation to Middle Eastcountries, Africa, India and Iran.The project with JRD is quite outstanding, as amatter of fact, once completed, the productioncapacity will exceed 50,000 tons/year of BOARD,making the JRD site the biggest BUBBLEGUARD®board production pole in the world.The Customer’s ambitions, constantly supportedby COLINES® SpA and IMBALLAGGI PROTETTIVI, goeven beyond this first project, which has beenalready triggered with the test-run of the first twolines.

! ! # % ! "! $# OLINES® has recently completed a new 7-layerBARRIERBLOWN® line for the production ofmultilayer barrier film.The line is equipped with all the state-of-the-artinnovations in terms of thickness measuring andwinding. It performs an air inductive plus anoptical thickness measurement and avails itself ofa high performance winder. In addition the line hasbeen designed with a new type of splitting cutwhich will allow for reduction of the trims also incase of barrier film. % olines has recently delivered an innovative and hiperformanceAIR BUBBLE® coextrusion (3 + 3 layers)film line to a western Europe customer.This line features all the latest developments ofCOLINES® in the field of air bubble film.With the use of special blends dedicated to specificproductions, the line reaches a mechanical speedhigher than 80 m/min. It is possible to obtain lowgrammage products (lower than 30 gr/m2) and tolaminate in-line materials as paper, foam and highdensity PE.Besides proposing a leading edge extrusion line,COLINES® can provide its Customers with acomplete package including the production knowhow.Moreover, the company policy plans for a firstacceptance test in its own factory and a final testat the Customer’s plant.The line can be seen in operation at any time at oursister company B-PACK®. ! hese days when the most hackneyed phrase isglobal crisis, COLINES® is very proud to receive in2010 new orders from Customers who purchasedand started our lines in the last 18 months.The fact that this has occurred with three differentcustomers this year is a meaningful sign for us.It is the demonstration that the products made bythe COLINES® lines are appreciated by the market,and also that the performances of our lines assurecompetitiveness to our customers, and finally thatour effort to be always in the forefront in terms ofproducts and performances is a winning attitude inthe market.

uring the K Exhibition COLINES® continues itscooperation with the Middle East raw material supplierSABIC, which started some months ago: research and trialshave been carried out jointly by the two companiesbringing, among other results, to the processing ofextremely low thicknesses (8 to 12 µm) and to the finetuningof the cling behaviour.The attention to quality, product consistency and focus oninnovation make SABIC and COLINES® a natural match andallow them, by sharing their expertise in film machineryand raw materials, to stay as front runners in the currentmarket. OLINES® has recently realized through Elav the LIVE project forthe monitoring of the data relative to the new generationextrusion lines. It’s a report system that will put at disposal of thecustomer the consumption data (energy and raw material),various trends (consumption, machine data), recipes,management of the production orders, ordinary and preventivemaintenance, diagnostics.The acquisition and processing of the data are directlyincorporated in the automation system; then the data aretransferred to a computer that can be situated far from the line.This aspect is particularly important in the case of companies withmore than one plant or with offices separated from theproduction site, since it allows a clear and immediate reportsystem. The transfer takes place at the end of each singleproduction cycle and the data are shown and filed by theprogram.LIVE is a product with very good flexibility, it adapts very well tothe different needs of the production lines and can be installedon all COLINES® lines.Customers will have the opportunity to appreciate this innovativesystem more in detail on the occasion of the K exhibition, as ELAVwill be showing it in the COLINES® booth. e are pleased to introduceto your attention thecompanies that started recentlyto represent COLINES®respectively in Australia, Peruand Singapore/Malaysia.AUSTRALIACSNI PTY LTDMr. Ian DobiePh. +61 8 9448-8211Mobile: +61 (0) 407-991-504csniperth@yahoo.com.auGH TRADING SACPerúMr. Giorgio HuguetPh. +51 1446-9967Mobile: +511 992714008info@ghtrading.com.peSINGAPORE/MALAYSIAGlobal Systech Pte LtdMr Joseph ChanPh. +65 6376 2522Mobile: +65 9046 1273jc@globalsystech.com.sgThey are at your full disposal forany technical or commercialrequest you may have aboutnew and used machines,accessories, technical assistanceand full electronic partscomponents.

ARGENTINA - URUGUAYCOMERCIO DIGITALMr. Juan Krukjuan.kruk@comerciodigital.us; juan@kruk.usAUSTRALIACSNI PTY LTDMR. IAN DOBIEcsniperth@yahoo.com.auBRASILMULTICHEM REPRESENTACOES LTDA.Mr. Carlos Brancoc.branco@multichem.com.brCHILEPLASTIMAC CHILE LTDA.Mr. Ronald Becker Vpmchile@entelchile.netCHINAUPOWER INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITEDMR LARRY SHENGlarrysheng@126.comCROATIA - SERBIA - SLOVENIAMAZEDONIASELECT D.O.O.Mr. Milenko Šukaloselect@siol.netECUADOR - COLOMBIARAVARCO Cía. Ltda.Mr. Raúl Varasravarco@gye.satnet.netFINLANDCUPTON OYMr. Tomi LappalainenTomi.lappalainen@cupton.fiFRANCEEXTRUDEXMr. Frédéric Nilssonextruchim@wanadoo.frGREECEPARASCHOS AGENCIESMr. Sotiris S. Paraschosinfo@paraschosagencies.grGUATEMALA - EL SALVADORPANAMA - COSTARICAHONDURAS - NICARAGUAITALFLEX AMERICA INC.Eng. Enrique Edgardo Naviaitalflexamerica@myacc.netHUNGARYEUROTECHNIKA 2000Dr. Eng. Andreas Agostoneurotechnika@vnet.huINDIAHI-TECH INTERNATIONALMr. Himanshu C. Engineerinfo@hi-techi.comINDONESIAPT. BATUMASINDAH SUKSESMAKMURMR. DUKI A. LEEbmi@pacific.net.idIRANCONTINENTAL S.P.A.(only for refrigerators field equipment)Dr. Younes Zareipouryz.continental@iol.itIRANSADID AFZAR INC.Mr. Bahman Borhanborhan@sadidafzar.comMÉXICOPOLMAQ S.A. DE C.V.Mr. José De León A.jleon@polmaq.com.mxPAKISTANAL-ABD CORPORATIONMr. Tanveer Ahmedalabd@cyber.net.pkPERUG H TRADING SACMR. GIORGIO HUGUETinfo@ghtrading.com.pePOLANDITALEXPOLMr. Jaroslaw Matlegaitalex@plocman.plROMANIAEXTRUSION SERVICE SRLMrs Luminita Sirbuluminita.sirbu@extrusionservice.roRUSSIA - BIELORUSSIA - UKRAINAACCEPT TECHNOLOGIESMr. Arkady A. Pikmanarpi@mail.ruSAUDI ARABIAORION CO.Mr. Mohannad Naqqashamohannad@orionco.orgSINGAPORE/MALAYSIAGlobal Systech Pte LtdMr Joseph Chanjc@globalsystech.com.sgSPAINPLASTIMAC IBERICA S.ASr. Diego Giordanipmiberica@plastimac.comSWEDENBOXLINE PACK-&LAMINERINGSUTRUSTNINGARMr. Rolf Lygårdrolf@boxline.seSYRIAORION CO.Mr. Hamdi Jzayrlyhamdi@orionco.comTHAILANDGRAFLEX CO.Mr. Chaiyudh Sripraipranchaiyudh@graflex.co.thTUNISIECOLORPACK INTERNATIONALMr. Abed Rafikamor.cp@gnet.tnTURKEYEKSIM PLASTIK MAKINA SANAYIMr. Mehmet Varaninfo@eksimplastic.comVENEZUELASOFLEX SOLUCIONES FLEXIBLES C.AEng. Javier Ricardo Gómezjgomez.soflex@gmail.com www.colines.itwww.colines-stretch.itwww.polycast.itwww.barriercast.itwww.air-bubble.comwww.bubbleguard.comwww.weldingmachinery.itwww.elav.it <strong>Colines</strong>® news is a free monthly newsletter having the intent ofkeeping you constantly updated on innovations and technologicaldevelopments of the companies belonging to GRUPPO COLINESHOLDING. The target of our newsletter is to inform without causingany “inconvenience” and without invading your mailbox.Accordingly, this newsletter will be issued every month, easy andquick to download and providing immediate understanding.Register now at http://www.colines.it/colines/newsletter.aspx

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