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Employed.(,72 MISSIONS AN D CIIUftCHESFOREIGN CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY(Disciples of Christ) (J886)^Stations with dates of occupation: .[iihu-i i: Cliucliou (ISS7),4<>.Liicho\\t ii(IS{7), Will m (1SS9). Winvcichow (19.1 ">):A"/V/ ////*// :Nanking (ISS6). Shanghai (1890). Tunurliow (I *.).">):M*w//"n//.:Bat an^ (li)o;;).Missionaries CoiinnunieantsChinese Stall 1 .I,3(H) (It) 1 4).>Frank Garrettin 1!M4 a commission representing the.hom( board Uud th( llom( f<llu ( ll s " fa>Aour missions in the Orient, -including Chiim.After their return to America our board issued its recommendations based on their report. Therein emphasis waslaid upon the need of a better understanding between homeand field, a more carefully worked-out policy for the entiremission, greater centralization with a view to increasedthoroughness in work done, more attention to primaryeducation and a more vital evangelism.The board in order to bring the work of the field andthe home, base into a closer nnd more intelligent relationshipare appointing an Oriental secretary who will spend a largepart of his time on the mission field.Changes andDevelopmentsDuring the 1 191")year the mission has triedto con for]n j ts po licv and work to these re-. ..commendations..,Shanghai,Deiug the .onlyone of our stations outside the Mandarin-speaking district,we have with the1 , approval of the home board, taken stepsto withdraw from that city in order to consolidate our work.Wuweichow, which had been worked as an ontstationfrom Wuhu, has now been made a resident station. Thisthe work between Wuhu andwill aid in consolidatingLuchowfu.The residence property on the hills by Wuhu has beensold with a view to having our workers live nearer theirwork, thus adding greatly to their efficiency. Funds arebeing provided with fair liberality for the development of astrong and varied work there.During the year the largest church-building in ourmission was dedicated in Luchowfu. Jt seats some eight

BAPTIST (ihundred and has proved very useful. Plans are now madefor the opening of four sub-centres in the eity with a viewthe field.to thoroughly occupyingBetween Luchowfu and ( <huehow and in the surrounding territory is a large field in which we have many out--stations. Thedevelopment of this work is one of our chiefambitions. No other missions are working there.In Tungchow Ku we have another verylarge and promising field left almost entirelyfor our mission to occupy. As this does noi.join directly with our other fields, we are planning to makeTungchow a strong centre for that field. With this in viewan older worker is being transferred there. New workerswill be added for the various departments of the workplanned. A large tract of land, about five acres, is beingprovided by the city for our boys school. With Tungchowas a centre we hope to occupy in the near future the entirepeninsula from the river to the sea.Education R The mission has been called upon this year,L. .1 , . .,again to consider the relative emphasis to beplaced upon elementary and higher educational work. Wehave, concluded that we have given an undue proportionof:our strength to higher schools, and must in the future givemore attention to elementary work. There is no desire,however, to decrease our support of the higher work nowdone in union institutions.Moreg ^tself-support is manifest in churchesand schools. We now have five of ourchurches supporting their pastors and bearing their incidental expenses, while other churches bear a large part oftheir support, This year the Chinese church erected at HsiaGwan, Nanking, without the aid of mission funds, a thousanddollarschool-building on their own land. The socialservice work of the Chuchow church, though not all wedesire, has yet in a very satisfactory way emphasized rightideals.The loss by death of Rev. F. E. Meigs and Dr. JamesButchart is very keenly felt by the mission. These menwere experienced and able, wise in counsel, and will begreatly missed in the years to come.A 9

BAPTIST (ihundred and has proved very useful. Plans are now madefor the opening of four sub-centres in the eity with a viewthe field.to thoroughly occupyingBetween Luchowfu and ( <huehow and in the surrounding territory is a large field in which we have many out--stations. Thedevelopment of this work is one of our chiefambitions. No other missions are working there.In Tungchow Ku we have another verylarge and promising field left almost entirelyfor our mission to occupy. As this does noi.join directly with our other fields, we are planning to makeTungchow a strong centre for that field. With this in viewan older worker is being transferred there. New workerswill be added for the various departments of the workplanned. A large tract of land, about five acres, is beingprovided by the city for our boys school. With Tungchowas a centre we hope to occupy in the near future the entirepeninsula from the river to the sea.Education R The mission has been called upon this year,L. .1 , . .,again to consider the relative emphasis to beplaced upon elementary and higher educational work. Wehave, concluded that we have given an undue proportionof:our strength to higher schools, and must in the future givemore attention to elementary work. There is no desire,however, to decrease our support of the higher work nowdone in union institutions.Moreg ^tself-support is manifest in churchesand schools. We now have five of ourchurches supporting their pastors and bearing their incidental expenses, while other churches bear a large part oftheir support, This year the Chinese church erected at HsiaGwan, Nanking, without the aid of mission funds, a thousanddollarschool-building on their own land. The socialservice work of the Chuchow church, though not all wedesire, has yet in a very satisfactory way emphasized rightideals.The loss by death of Rev. F. E. Meigs and Dr. JamesButchart is very keenly felt by the mission. These menwere experienced and able, wise in counsel, and will begreatly missed in the years to come.A 9

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