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General"BAPTIST GROUP 71building l>yYen Hsi-san.1The building is providedby the Baptist Missionary Society. There are one foreignand two Chinese secretaries. The work includes Englishclasses, Bible classes, religious and educational lectures andathletics. The membership is already over one hundred.Another interesting development at this centre is the prisonwork. The prison is visited by missionaries two or threetimes a week and addresses given to both male and femaleprisoners. Opportunities also are given for conversationwith the prisoners, and have been found of great value.There are two hospitals at this station, one for men, and onefor women.The Society lias work at three; other centres, Sinehow,Showyang, and Taichow. The. last-named is a new station,and it is too early as yet to speak of its prospects. At thetwo other stations the year lias been full of encouragement,especially at Sinchow where a record number were baptixed.The total membership in connection with the Society s workin this province is 5-17.Shensi FieldIn Shensi the Societv has three stations,..,.Sianhi, banyuan, and Yenantn...,. ..in bianluan important feature of the year s work has been the opening of a Theological School, where twenty students havebeen received for training as evangelists. A branch of theYoung Men s Christian Association also has been started thisyear under the leadership of Mr. Keyte, one of the Society smissionaries. There are two hospitals, one at Hianfu, andthe other at Sanyuanhsien. In women s work a specialfeature of the year has been, a remarkable increase in thenumber of students in the Girls High School under thesuperintendence of Mrs. Sh or rock. The total membershipof the Church in this province is 1,460.

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