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Chine"IVimportant it may be, but ratner to select sufficient examples togive the reader an idea of the extent and nature of the work.Many illustrations of other work have been chosen, especially ofthose which show new lines of activity that are becoming influential. Thus in Part IF. on "The Missions and the Churchesreports are given of only thirty-six out of over one hundred andtwenty different Societies. To have included all would haveoccupied an undue amount of space and these thirty-six represent eighty-four per cent of the missionaries and ninety-six percent of the communicant membership of tho entire number ofsocieties. Those selected should be sufficient to give some idea ofthe magnitude of the work, of the way in which these societiesdistribute their forces, and the extent to which they have in recentyears been opening new stations, and of those developments whichthe several writers regard as of chief interest and importance.Some reports and documents which have- already appeared inprint elsewhere are given here again. This has been done onlywhere it was thought that they would help furnish a correctunderstanding of the year s work, or where they are not readilyaccessible elsewhere. Fewer reports of the Special Committees ofthe China Continuation Committee are given than last year, as allthese reports are printed in full in the Proceedings of (]\c FourthAnnual Meeting of the Committee and have been widely circulatedamongst missionaries in China, and the Secretaries of the Missionary Societies in Europe and America.*The policy of previous issues has been followed in not attempting to report, on the work of the missions of the Eoman Catholicand Greek Churches, beyond merely giving the statistics of thework of the Koinan Catholic Missions, which are available inprinted form. Those who desire fuller information regarding thepresent work of the Roman Catholic Church in China are referredto a book which lias recently been published in French by theImprimerie des Lazaristed* in Peking. The title of the book isLe Christianisme <le ct (Ju Japon and is the first of a series ofEoman Catholic Church Year Books to be published in China.Several changes have been made in this volume, the mostnoticeable of these is the omission of the Directories. They hadgrown in recent years to occupy a large part of the book, addinggreatly to its cost and preventing many from it.purchasing TheDirectories have been prepared by the China Continuation Committee under the supervision of Rev. C.L. Boynton, and will appearsimultaneously with this YEAR BOOK in a separate volume. Theyhave been brought up to date and a number of important changeshave been made which should add to their usefulness. The bookis also sold at the Christian Literature Society Book Depot.*A limited number of copies of the Procefdinys are still available and maybe had ly applying to the China Continuation Committee, 5 Quinsan Gardens.Shanghai.

Sec,AIncreased attention has been given to the statistics and totheir graphic presentation. This is due to no desire to assignundue importance to numbers nor to measure the progress ofmissionary work largely by them; but only in order to reveal, Inso far as this can be done by figures, the vitality of the work andhealthfnlness of its growth. No Church or Society is likely tounderstand hon: its own work is developing, nor to adopt andfollow, during a period of years, a wise and consistent policy, without a careful study of the numerical growth of its several departments. The figures given at the back of the book have beenkindly furnished by the missions in China. If studied along withthe histories of these societies the statistics and charts will raisumany questions, the correct answers to which are of the utmostimportance to the progress of the Kingdom of (!od in China.The Editor desires to express his thanks to all those who haveassisted in making this book possible. The response to requests tosupply articles was so cordial and general as to make it evidentthat the value of such a yearly review of the work is being recognized by an increasingly large number of people. His specialthanks are due to the writers of the articles which appear in .PartI., Rev. A. H. Smith, D.D., Rev. D. MacOillivray, D.D., JuleanArnold, Esq., and F. Lionel Pratt, Esq. The latter verv kindly"consented at the last moment to write the article on Constitutional Development" which Prof. L. E. 0. Bevan was prevented byillnessfrom writing. Other articles such as those furnished by Rev.C. Y. Cheng, Dr. 1<\Pong Rev. F.L. Hawks Pott, D.D., and Itev.W. II. Gleysteen have involved a considerable amount of investigation and should prove of "special value. The article on BriefSurvey of Church Activities as seen in Christian Periodicals" isbased on records kept throughout the year of some thirty ChineseChristian periodicals.The Editor will greatly value any suggestions as to how thenext issue may be made more useful.Ruling, July 14, 1916.E. C. LOBEXSTINE.

Sec,AIncreased attention has been given to the statistics and totheir graphic presentation. This is due to no desire to assignundue importance to numbers nor to measure the progress ofmissionary work largely by them; but only in order to reveal, Inso far as this can be done by figures, the vitality of the work andhealthfnlness of its growth. No Church or Society is likely tounderstand hon: its own work is developing, nor to adopt andfollow, during a period of years, a wise and consistent policy, without a careful study of the numerical growth of its several departments. The figures given at the back of the book have beenkindly furnished by the missions in China. If studied along withthe histories of these societies the statistics and charts will raisumany questions, the correct answers to which are of the utmostimportance to the progress of the Kingdom of (!od in China.The Editor desires to express his thanks to all those who haveassisted in making this book possible. The response to requests tosupply articles was so cordial and general as to make it evidentthat the value of such a yearly review of the work is being recognized by an increasingly large number of people. His specialthanks are due to the writers of the articles which appear in .PartI., Rev. A. H. Smith, D.D., Rev. D. MacOillivray, D.D., JuleanArnold, Esq., and F. Lionel Pratt, Esq. The latter verv kindly"consented at the last moment to write the article on Constitutional Development" which Prof. L. E. 0. Bevan was prevented byillnessfrom writing. Other articles such as those furnished by Rev.C. Y. Cheng, Dr. 1<\Pong Rev. F.L. Hawks Pott, D.D., and Itev.W. II. Gleysteen have involved a considerable amount of investigation and should prove of "special value. The article on BriefSurvey of Church Activities as seen in Christian Periodicals" isbased on records kept throughout the year of some thirty ChineseChristian periodicals.The Editor will greatly value any suggestions as to how thenext issue may be made more useful.Ruling, July 14, 1916.E. C. LOBEXSTINE.

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