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BAPTIST GROUP 05where union movements have made most progress-centresA list of the union enterprises in which these two missionsare interested may be of value : The West China UnionUniversity, the West China Educational Union which isproviding union examinations and supervision of schools,the University of Nanking, Ginling College (Nanking), theBible Teachers Training School for Women in Nanking, theHangchow Union Girls High School, the Haugchow UnionEvangelistic Committee which is doing union evangelisticwork in the city of Hangchow, the supervision of primaryschools in Northern Chekiang as arranged for by the EastChina Educational Union, a union hospital in Huchow,and the Shanghai Baptist College and Seminary, which isa union institution between the Northern and SouthernBaptists.Four years ago the Northern Baptist boardAdoption of the eci what j s knowii as the Intensiveadopt-lIntensive Policy , _ , ., . ,Policy. Pressure was oemg brought to bearon the board to open work in many new districts in Chinaand in other countries, and also to attempt more work thanthe funds available would warrant. At the same time acareful investigation revealed the fact that the boardwas already attempting more work and work in more placesthan it was able to cany on with anything approachingadequacy. In adopting the Intensive Policy, the boardgave notice that in the near future the emphasis of its workwould be put on developing existing work and on preparingthe local constituency the more readily to undertake aggressive work in the districts not yet reached, but which havebeen claimed as territory of the Society. Only an outlineof the Intensive Policy with a few fundamental principleswas adopted, and each mission was requested to work out anapplication of the Policy for itself. The three missions inChina have been busily engaged in this task during the lastfour years. The East China Mission has spent severalhundred dollars and much time of a special committee inmaking a survey of its field and its methods of work in anendeavour to determine just what the application of theIntensive Policy will mean. The purpose has been, byinvestigation along a number of lines, to find out just how

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