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ChristiansANGLICAN GROUP 01The principle of diocesan apportionmenthaving been adopted by the General Synodfor the support of the work undertaken by the Board ofMissions, the following apportionment table for the firstthreo years was approved:Total apportionment Total number Averageper memberMex.<>fShanghai .$1100.00 2711 $0.40Victoria 600.00 2982 0.20Chekiang 750.00 5208 0.14Xorth China 350.00 1163 0.30We*t China G50.00 3641 0.17Hankow 1500.00 5560 0.30Shantung 360.00 1429 0.25Fukien. 1000.00 10092 0.10Kwangsi-JIiinan, 100.00 341 0.30Honan 100.00 167 0.60ArtMn$ 440.00 14(52 0.30Total $6950.00 34756 0.20Besides this, special funds from individuals for thepurchase of property will be welcomed, care being taken,however, that such contributions should not interfere withmeeting of the apportionment.Leadershiimmediate leader of the mission inSlieusi would be, in the first place, the Chineseclergyman appointed by the Board of Missions, but thepolicy of the mission would be determined by the bishop incharge of the work in consultation with him and the Boardof Missions. Until the time when a Chinese bishop hasbeen duly elected and consecrated for this work, its episcopaloversight will be entrusted to one of the neighboringbishops arid is at present in the hands ofHonan.Bishop White ofThe above paragraphs describe the main features ofthe corporate missionary life which the General Synod representing the eleven dioceses of the Chung Hua Sheng KungHni has proposed to undertake. In addition, however, tothis common work each separate congregation in each

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