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<toe5bMISSIONS AND CHURCHEStrade owing to the silting up of the Grand Canal, it is themost important city in the northwest of the province. Anew departure has also been made in dividing off fromTsiarifu centre an already existing country work, and placing it under the charge of a Chinese clergyman resident at^intaihsien, and thus making that city into the fifth missioncentre in the interior, with its own educational and evangelistiework hut entirely under Chinese supervision.of-j. j dn the outstanding features ol; the{Othedral work of the past year has been the completionJiiid. consecration of tin- athedral at Taianl ( u,where the Bishop resides for the greater part of the year. Itwas built from plans furnished bya, well-known Liverpoolarchitect, the cost of building being provided mainly byspecial contribiition from KngJand, and the work beingcarried out by an architect who came out from England forthat purpose. As a building it is excellent in every way,and as a factor in mission work it is invaluable, week byweek attracting large numbers of people, and itself givinga strong witness to the dignity and permanence of Christianteaching.MISSIONARY WORK OF THE CHUNG HUA SHENGKUNG HUI(The Anglican Communion in China)S. C* HuangThe name, Chung Una Sheng Kung Hui, dates from1912, when the eleven dioceses of the English, American andCanadian branches of the Anglican Communion in Chinawere organized and became a Chinese Church.These elevendioceses still exist, each with its bishop and diocesan Synodfor the management of diocesan affairs ;and every threeyears, each diocese, in accordance with the canons of theChurch, sends to the General Synod, besides its bishop, fourclergymen and four laymen (Chinese or foreign) to considermatters affecting the progress and unity of the wholeChurch. These facts indicate in outline the parts of theChung Hua Sheng Kung Hui and the whole which theyconstitute.

eginSynodANGLICAN GROUP 59Now if the Chung HUH Sheng Kimg ILuiStarting a Mis- jiac[ no org ail to express its missionary life,and failed to take up its missionary responsibilities, it would belie its name, and could beof no help in setting forward the Christian Church inChina. Happily, the Genera at its first Imeetingbore this subject in mind, and appointed a committee toprepare a canon providing for a Board of ^Missions, and !otake steps to begin missionary work. In April, 19.1."),at thesecond meeting of the General Synod, the committee presented a draft, canon and a proposal for Hie election of aChinese bishop, and reported a small sum of money alreadyl<>contributed, work ; whereupon, after deliberateconsideration and as we believe under the guidance of thegracious Spirit of God, the proposals of the committee,with some modifications, were adopted. The Board of Missions was then elected in accordance with the canon, threebishops, three presbyters, six laymen, besides the president,general secretary, and treasurer of the .Board ; and eachof the eleven dioceses has at least one representative on theBoard. The Board is TO meet annually, and has chosen anExecutive Committee of five members which meets quarterlyto transact its ad interim business. Organization havingbeen thus completed, plans were at once considered forbeginning work, and progress has already been made determining the following points (1) Location of work (2):Workers (3) Kind of work to be undertaken (4) Finances(5) Temporary Episcopal supervision (6) Permanent Episcopal supervision.~< .Choice ot FieldAs to the first point, the Bishop of llonan-, ... ->f^ Land the General Secretary were sent at onceto Shensi, in accordance with the expressed desire of theGeneral Synod, and they made a detailed report of theirinvestigations, from which itappeared that(1) the province of Shensi is most favourablefor undertaking the proposed missionary work ; (2)from the missionary point of view man}^ parts of theprovince are as yet not fully occupied; (3) the meansof communication are even now fairly convenient,and that these will be greatly improved when the

<toe5bMISSIONS AND CHURCHEStrade owing to the silting up of the Grand Canal, it is themost important city in the northwest of the province. Anew departure has also been made in dividing off fromTsiarifu centre an already existing country work, and placing it under the charge of a Chinese clergyman resident at^intaihsien, and thus making that city into the fifth missioncentre in the interior, with its own educational and evangelistiework hut entirely under Chinese supervision.of-j. j dn the outstanding features ol; the{Othedral work of the past year has been the completionJiiid. consecration of tin- athedral at Taianl ( u,where the Bishop resides for the greater part of the year. Itwas built from plans furnished bya, well-known Liverpoolarchitect, the cost of building being provided mainly byspecial contribiition from KngJand, and the work beingcarried out by an architect who came out from England forthat purpose. As a building it is excellent in every way,and as a factor in mission work it is invaluable, week byweek attracting large numbers of people, and itself givinga strong witness to the dignity and permanence of Christianteaching.MISSIONARY WORK OF THE CHUNG HUA SHENGKUNG HUI(The Anglican Communion in China)S. C* HuangThe name, Chung Una Sheng Kung Hui, dates from1912, when the eleven dioceses of the English, American andCanadian branches of the Anglican Communion in Chinawere organized and became a Chinese Church.These elevendioceses still exist, each with its bishop and diocesan Synodfor the management of diocesan affairs ;and every threeyears, each diocese, in accordance with the canons of theChurch, sends to the General Synod, besides its bishop, fourclergymen and four laymen (Chinese or foreign) to considermatters affecting the progress and unity of the wholeChurch. These facts indicate in outline the parts of theChung Hua Sheng Kung Hui and the whole which theyconstitute.

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