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ANGLICAN GROUP 57this station may be partly due to this fact ;but it is undoubtedly partly due also to the absence of an old tradition andunregenerate Christians, and the presence of an exceptionallyearnest Chinese priest.Diocese of ShantungGeoffrey D. IliffThe progress of the work during the past year has beenvery much the same as most j^ears, slow but steady.The staff ofsforeign workers has beenconsiderably reduced for out of a total oftwenty-eight workers (including wives) on the field at theopening of the year, no less than eight had left the diocesefor one reason or another when the year closed. It is hopedthat at least half this number will return eventually, butsome leave vacancies which cause serious hindrance to thework for the time being. There is, however, a credit side tothe account. The Australian Board of Missions has sent tothe diocese a valuable worker in the person of NurseLawrence, for whom they guarantee the entire cost of hersupport. Also Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Shepherd have been lentto Weihaiwei during the absence of Rev. and Mrs. Burnett,now home on furlough.The Chinese staff has been increased by the addition ofthree of our former students who have graduated at theChristian University at Weihsien; all three of whom are ofgreat assistance in the educational work .enera] nature of the work in the^eNature of g"Workdiocese consists in establishing mission centres, under the supervision (generally) of foreign missionaries, with their schools for both boys and girls, preachingwork, and if possible medical work also. From each centreeducational and evangelistic work is extended into the surrounding district. During the past year a fresh mission centrewas Pened ilt Tungchangf u, a city which wasformerly of very considerable importance, bothas a business centre and as a Government prefecture.Even now, when it retains only about one-tenth of its formerA 7

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