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Diocesan54 MISSIONS AND CHUKC1J.KSby the American home base of approximately Gold $110,000,and Chinese contributions of about Mex. $8,000 during theyear.TUT Yvr^t St. Hilda s School for girls moved into itsW Omen S W OrK. ,-ii- i i ii ii- i_ inew building, which will ultimately accommodate about three hundred girls, and the number ofstudents rose from one hundred to one hundred and lit ty,while many arc still turned away. In the Woman sAuxiliary (a missionary organization), the part taken by tin-Chinese women, both in organisation and in producing UJPweekly lesson sheets, was larger than heretofore. Theforeign \\oinen workers held a con Terence of their own forthe lirst time, and a Woman sAdvisory Committee of threewas appointed for the purpose of giving them a moreadequate hearing ia the administration of the Mission.^ m> .Board of Education becamePrimar Schoolsactive and at its suggestion a Superintendentof Day Schools was appointed (a foreign woman) and aChinese Assistant Superintendent, under the stimulus ofwhose supervision both boys and girls primary schoolshave made more progress than for many years past. Thiswas evident both in the amount of fees received and in thestanding of the schools as tested by the examinations of theCentral China Christian Educational Union, in which forthe past two years all our primary schools are expected toregister.Divinity andBoone Divinity School, where most of theteaching is done through the medium ofDeaconess ,. / ij.ii nSchools English, has had twelve students, and AllSaints Divinity School, where all the teachingisin Chinese, has had six students during the year, all eighteenof whom are to be ordained on completing their course anindication that our educational work is not failing to produce some of the results for which it is specially fostered.Similar in its significance is the fact that three well-qualifiedwomen are to enter the newly organised course of trainingfor deaconesses which begins early in 1916. This marks astage in the development of our women s evangelistic workcomparable to that reached in the medical work whenChinese women began to be trained thoroughly in medicine.

"( ChurchEmployed<>crn|>ali<>n\\Vihsirn( 1863ANGLICAN GROUP Ot.)^>gTess isMedical Work being made in the plan tomake the Church General Hospital, Wuchang ,the one mission hospital of the diocese. a really strong centre.The men s and women s departments are now established 011one site and the staff has been increased to three foreigndoctors, one Chinese doctor (graduate of the HarvardMedical School in China), and tour foreign nurses, but bothequipment and statT still require large additions.SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPELIN FOREIGN PARTSof England Mission ))(1914).Missionaries <M,Chinese Stafl<>_ , Comuinnicants l,Hn:iDiocese of Xorlh CliinaFrank L. NorrisTlie foreign staff has been increased by tin. 1arrival of the following Rev. R, Wainwright,:temporarily acting as chaplain at Newchwang; Mr. ArthurBritland, chemist on the staff ot the Union Medical College,Peking; Miss Lilian Stroud, nurse, at present learningChinese. The (Chinese staff has not been increased exceptin the teaching department, some girls who graduated inthe normal class at St. Faith s School having now becometeachers. There are signs on the contrary that some of theChinese evangelistic workers are not well qualified for theirposts, and they are ceasing to be employed.TheNature of Work S eneral n^ture and extent of the workma in Pekingy oe briefly summarised as follows : its headquarters are in Peking, where the evangelisticwork centres round the Cathedral, and spreads through (a)Bible classes and preaching room, (b) hospital and dispensary, (c ) St. Faith J s Home and the women s work connected

Diocesan54 MISSIONS AND CHUKC1J.KSby the American home base of approximately Gold $110,000,and Chinese contributions of about Mex. $8,000 during theyear.TUT Yvr^t St. Hilda s School for girls moved into itsW Omen S W OrK. ,-ii- i i ii ii- i_ inew building, which will ultimately accommodate about three hundred girls, and the number ofstudents rose from one hundred to one hundred and lit ty,while many arc still turned away. In the Woman sAuxiliary (a missionary organization), the part taken by tin-Chinese women, both in organisation and in producing UJPweekly lesson sheets, was larger than heretofore. Theforeign \\oinen workers held a con Terence of their own forthe lirst time, and a Woman sAdvisory Committee of threewas appointed for the purpose of giving them a moreadequate hearing ia the administration of the Mission.^ m> .Board of Education becamePrimar Schoolsactive and at its suggestion a Superintendentof Day Schools was appointed (a foreign woman) and aChinese Assistant Superintendent, under the stimulus ofwhose supervision both boys and girls primary schoolshave made more progress than for many years past. Thiswas evident both in the amount of fees received and in thestanding of the schools as tested by the examinations of theCentral China Christian Educational Union, in which forthe past two years all our primary schools are expected toregister.Divinity andBoone Divinity School, where most of theteaching is done through the medium ofDeaconess ,. / ij.ii nSchools English, has had twelve students, and AllSaints Divinity School, where all the teachingisin Chinese, has had six students during the year, all eighteenof whom are to be ordained on completing their course anindication that our educational work is not failing to produce some of the results for which it is specially fostered.Similar in its significance is the fact that three well-qualifiedwomen are to enter the newly organised course of trainingfor deaconesses which begins early in 1916. This marks astage in the development of our women s evangelistic workcomparable to that reached in the medical work whenChinese women began to be trained thoroughly in medicine.

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