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ANGLICAN GROUP 03persons from 1,251 to 1,611, ami of communicants from 5501,o 659, contributions from $1,611.93 to $.1,71)3.31. The onlyregion where there has been any large movement toward theChurch is the Chinhsien district about fifty miles south ofWuhu. Here there are perhaps 2,000 inquirers, about thirtyof whom have been baptized and two hundred admitted ascatechumens. The work has been going on for about threeyears and it is very difficult to tind the exact motives.Desire for peace of an external kind is doubtless a largefactor.. , In educational work we haveEdhigh schoolsat Wuhu anditfofkAnking and a school at Kiukiangalmost of high-school grade. There areseven upper primary schools and twenty-three lower primaryschools. There is one girls boarding school at Auking whichcovers primary and about two years of high-school work. Inattendance there has been a slight falling off during theyear from 839 boys and 323 girls last year to 806 boysand 305 girls. Unless we are mistaken there has beena like falling eft in the attendance at government schoolsduring the year. School fees fell from $14,797.98 to$13,446.54.We have one hospital with 68 beds at Anking. Ithas been full practically all the time. There have been 1,181in-patients and 31,437 out-patients and 1,692 operations,major and minor. A school for the training of nurses, bothmen and women, is maintained in connection with thehospital.III.Ilankmr DiocexeIn the diocese of Hankow the mostimportai1*"P 1* to note ^s ^ ia* throughout the yearthe work of the whole Mission has been prosecuted steadily without any unusual hindrances from politicalunrest, withdrawal of support from the home base, or internal dissensions. The staff engaged includes fifty-twoforeign workers (not including sixteen wives), of whomeighteen are clergymen ;and 253 Chinese workers, of whomeighteen are clergymen, with a Chinese constituency of1,717 actual communicants ;and a total current expenditure

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