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ii<lANGLICAN GROUP 4-9The work is under the supervision of Bishop Cassels,who was appointed in October, 1895, and whose episcopaljurisdiction includes both the work of the China InlandMission and Church Missionary Society in Szechwan. Thearea covered by the Church Missionary Society sphere isabout ten thousand square miles, an oblong district about onehundred fifty miles by eighty. Much territory stiJ] remainsto be occupied in the north and west of the district.^ieNature of Workwor^ ^ s st^ ^ or ^ ie most P art c^ree ^yevangelistic, carried on by meetings inpreaching-rooms, lantern lectures and social work, and visitations amongst the homes of the people.There is a Diocesan Training College at Paoning and aStudents Hostel fit Chengtu, in which the Church MissionarySociety co-operates; arid a women s school and boys andgirls boarding schools at Mienchow.Besides theg.Bishop (who superintends twomissions, China Inland Mission and ChurchMissionary Society) there are sixteen clergymen, sevenlaymen, nineteen missionaries wives, and thirteen otherwomen missionaries. One of the number is a doctor and onea nurse. There are fifty-five Chinese lay agents. Tliis mission has had the distinction of giving one missionary life inthe war service of his country. The Rev. James II. Stewartwas killed in Flanders while fulfilling his duties as a military chaplain. He was a missionary in charge of theStudents Hostel at Chengtu and w r as a son of the Rev. R. W.Stewart and Mrs. Stewart, who in 1895 were murdered by thevegetarians in the Kutien District of Fnkien Province.V. The KicangsirIfunctn Missions.R Work was begun in Kwangsi province byof V rfctlie Chlirch Missionary Society in 1899 whenthe Rev. L. Byrde and his wife were sentout to begin the mission m Kweilin. After a residence ofsome duration in a Chinese boat they secured a property inthe city, and now our mission is established in three centresin this city of Kweilin. In 1903 a call came from Hunan,to the north of Kweilin, and the city of Yungchowfuwas occupied. This has become the centre of importantA 6

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