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AND COIMiAIKlU IAL CONDITIONS IN CHINA 43encroaching on the trade opportunities now open to theWest ? Economic progress and industrial developmentmean increase in wages and a consequent rise in the standards of living. \Ye, who are familiar with life in Shanghai,Hongkong, and Singapore where thousands of prosperous,wealthy Chinese reside, have noticed the rise in the standardof life among these people. The luxuries of the Westmultiply iu the wants of the Chinese in proportion to theirprosperity. All that foreign nations do toward assisting inthe organization of an industrial China will go towardmultiplying the wants of those people and increasing thepurchasing power necessary to the supplying of these wants.Thus, the West has to rejoice with China in that which willhelp to develop among her people a strong, independent,industrial nation. Although the year :i!)15 has been astormy one for the Chinese people, yet it is not without itsrainbow of bright hope for the future, not only for itselfbut for the rest of the world as well.

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