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INDEXSalvation Fund, 352.Sain a, O. M., 92-94.{School for missionaries children,412-421; Ciiefoo School, 412;Shanghai American School,412-7; North China American School, 418-9; NankingForeign School, 419-420;Chengtu School, 420- .1.School inspectors, 2(jo.Schools, (See under Medical,Industrial, etc.).Schultze, Otto, 83-86.Scout Rally in Shanghai, 494.Self-government, 158-15y, 202.Self-help for poor students, 270,271, 2S5, 286.Self-support, Questions regarding, 389; in Shanghai Churches, 456-457.Self-support, Resolutions ofChinaCon tinuation Committeeon, 388-389.Self-support, Suggestions regarding, following survey ofKiangsu, -148-9.Seventh National Convention(Y.M.C.A.), 165.Shanghai American School,432-7; history of,412-3 ; facultyand courses of study, 414;student activities, 435; finances, 416; statistics onenrollment, 417.Shantung Christian University,Grant of China Medical Boardto, 312-3.Six IlundreU Character Book.349350.Smith, Arthur IT., 1-10.Social and Industrial Conditionsin Chengtu, 479-487; livingexpenses of different classesof communicants, 479486;cost of food and clothing,485-6; money exchange,4S6; price of rice for period1906-1915, 487.Social Application of Christianity, Resolutions of ChinaContinuation Committee on,389-390.Social Service, Ideals of, 7-8;Need of Training Christiansfor, 466-7.Southern Baptist Convention,Review of year s work, 74.Stark, James, 144-153.Statistical Secretary, 395.Statistics, 533 ff. (Also in pocket)of Protestant Missions inChina, 533ff.; of RomanCatholic Missions, 531-2.Student Volunteer Movementfor Christian Ministry. 165.422-3.Summer resorts, 2, conferences,.1 72.Sunday School and Bible Study,Resolutions of China Continuation Committee on, 386.Sunday School Literature, 305-308; statistics and charts, 307-308.Sunday School Union (See underChina Sunday School Union).Sunday School Work in Shanghai Churches, 452.Sunday Service League, Shanghai, 252.Survey and Occupation, Resolutions of China ContinuationCommittee on.Survey of Christian Literaturedesirable, 357.Survey of Communicant Membership in Hangchow, 461-7;scope of, 462 ; proportionmen ofto women, 463; age ofentering the Church, 465 ;influence leading to conversion, 464; second generationChristians, 464; educationalequipment of members, 4G6 ;proportion of members insome form of Christian service,466.Surveys, Baptist Survey inChekiung, 432-6; SouthernPresbyterian Surveys of North

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