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INDEX 551Pathe Co., Its co-operation withthe Committee on FilmCensoring for China, 493.Pattou, Charles E., 196-205.Paxton, J. W., 412-7.Peking Gazette, 33.Peking Medical College. 321-322.Peking, Survey of MissionaryWork, 467-473; history of,467; division of field, 469;review of the five Missions,469-472; map showing territory worked by various missions, 468.Peking University, 471 ;modifications of the charter and bylaws, 516-520.Periodical Literature in China,History and Growth of, 334-5.Peter, Dr. W. W.. In connectionwith Public Health Campaigns, 315-316.Pettus, W. B., 422-3, 426-30.1 hvsical Departments of Y. M.& Y. W. C. A., 166, 172.Political Developments in Chinaduring 1915, 22-34; themonarchical movement, 23-24; drafting of new constitution, 23; Professor FrankGoodnow, Constitutional Advisor to the Government, 24-25; assembling of the Li FaYuan, 25-22; the President smessage, 26-27; the oppositionof the European Powers tothe Monarchical Movement,30; Japan s advice, 31; Crownoffered to Yuan, 31; effectthroughout China, 32; thenew cabinet, 33; provincesdeclare independence, 32.Pott, F. L. Hawks, 253 261.Pratt, F. L., 2234.Prayer (See under Intercession).Price, P. F., 134-137.Prisoners, Evangelistic workamong, 340.Proctor, J. T., 63-68.Provincial Educational Association, National Conference, 263.Provincial Surveys, 432-449.Publication Department of Y.M. C. A., Activities duringyear, 165; best selling books366-7.Publications of Literature andTract Societies which havesold best during the year,364-370; of China Continuation Committee, 376.Public Health, lectures, 315-316, 318, 332; Council on, 330-333; the origin of the movement, 330; recommendationsof Special Committee providing for a permanent Councilon public health, 320-331,forms of work undertaken bythe Council, 331333; cooperation of China MedicalAssociation, Y. M. C. A. andChina Medical MissionaryAssociation, 331,333; lanternslide exchange 332; campaign,33 1 -333; calendars, 333.Railroad Construction in China,37.Rankin, Charles W., 273 275.Ruwlinson, Frank, 407-411.Kees, W. Hopkyu, 80-82, 355-360.Reference Library, 394-395.Reformed Church in America,Review of yeat s work, 137-140.Reformed Church in the UnitedStates, Review of year s work,140-141.Relief work during flood iuCanton, 348Resources of China, 38-40.Rhenish Missionary Society,Review of year s work, 97-99.Richardson, D. W., 479-487.Rieke, II., 97-99.Rockefeller Foundation, Charterand Organization of, 524-5.Roots, L. H.. 375-400.

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