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548 INDEXties. 47, 77, 90, 93, Oli. 97. 98, 99-102, 113, 124, 128, 129, 181, 135,140, 148-151, 133, 107.Fellowships of the ChinaMedical Board. 323.Fernstrom, K. A ,99-10] .Film Censoring for China, 495-6.Finances of China ContinuationCommittee, 397.Fitch, G. F., 424-5.Fung F. Sec, L 62 7.Foreign Christian MissionarySociety, Ksview of year swork, 72-o.Forward Movement of MethodistEpiscopal Mission, North,Aims of, 110-1.Friends Foreign Mission, Reviewof year s work, 153-160.Fnkien Union College, 254.Finances for Evangelistic Campaigns, 214-8.Gatnewell, Frank D., 268-272,Garrett, Frank. 72 3.Geldart, J. II., 309 310.Ginling College, 254; constitutionof, 520-3.Gleysteen, Win. II.. 27(5-284.Goodnow, Frank R,, Constitutional Advisor, 24.Goodrich, Mrs. C., 488-492.Gotteberg, J. A. ()., 94-97.Government Colleges, Plans for266 7.Government Schools, 2(52-7.Grants to Medical Schools andHospitals. 322 3.Graves, F. R,, 51-5Greene, Roger S. ,320-3.Handbooks on SocialServi<jeand Evangelism, 379.Harvey, C. W., 100-171.Hodous, Lewis. 76 9. 298 302.Hough ton, H. S., 330-3.Huang, S. C., 58 ? 2.Hume, Edward II., 324-5.Hunan Ru-Chnn EducationalAssociation, Draft of Agreement with Yale Mission, 528-530.Hwai Kiver Conservancy, 40.Hymnology, Statement of Special Committee of China Continuation Committee on, 390.Iliff, Geoffrey D., 57-53.lndo-(Jhina Work in, 156.Industrial Conditions in Chengtu,479-457; in the CottonMills of Shanghai, Survey of,474-9; scope of, 474, statistics on workers and wages,474; hours of lahour, 476;conditions in the mills, 47G-7; attitude of owners andmanagers, 478.Industrial Education in MissionSchools, 132-133, 143, 276-288.Industries, Development of, 38;effect of war upon. 41-2.Inglis, James W., 141-3.Institutional Churches in Shanghai, Xo immediate need for,461.Institutional Work, Recommendations arising out of NorthKiangsu Survey, 44S-9.Intensive Policy,65-(>7: valueof, 195-196; as defined andadopted by the Baptist Mission, 432 3; results of itsapplication, -134-6.Intercession, Growing spirit of,345; effect of Miss Paxson spage on Intercession in Recorder, 345-0; literature onprayer with list of ten bestbooks, 346-7; work of SpecialCommittee of China Continuation Committee on, 382, 384.Irish Presbyterian Mission.Review of year s work, 128-129,Itinerant Lectures, 266.Jaffray, R. A., 154-6.James, Edward, 108-112.

INDEX 540Manual & Industrial EducationJapan Continuation Committee;379, 408. Committee, 289, 297,395.Joliffe R. O., 104-7.in Mission Schools, 276-288.Map Making, 433-4.Martin, H. S., 467-473.Kemp, G. S. F., 429-430.Mateer, R. M., 248-249.Kiangsti Mission, North, Sur May 7th., 1915, A Day ofvey uf, 437-449; origin of the "National Shame for China.survey, 437; missionary occu 352.pation of the territory, 438- Medical Board (See under China440, educational and medical Medical Board of the Rockework in the territory, feller Foundation).440-1; present opportunity Medical Education, 312-332;and need, 442-3; plan adopt Resolutions of China Continuaed by the Mission, 443- tion Committee on, 392.8; suggestions and recom Medical Missionary Work Amendations arising out of the Review lor the Year, 311-316;survey, 443-9.effects of the war, 311 ;medicalKulp, D. H. 11,474-9.education, 312-315; ChinaMedical Board and MissionLanguage School, North China Schools, 312313: NationalUnion Language School 430-1; Medical Association, 315;Nanking School 426-430.Public Health Campaign, 315;Lecture Department Y. M. C. A., Nurses Association, 316 J inWork of, 166, 350.Kiangsti, 441, 415.Leuschner, W., 86-90.Medical Schools, 231-232, 25);Lewis, W/S., 401-6.grants of China MedicalLi Fa Yuan, 25-28.Board to, 312 313; continuedLi Ho, Admiral,"A Modern need for, 313; co-operationDaniel", 353-354.\vith the China Medical Board,Literary work of Methodist 314; higher standard in misEpiscopal Mission, South, 136. sion medical schools, 313;Literature (See under Christian need of standardizing, 318.Literature) Medical Work of the Various.Living Expenses in Chengtu, Societies as given in their480-6.Review of the Year, 191. 48,Lobenstine, E. C., 101-103, 128- 53, 55, 70, 78, 91, 96, 98, 103,129, 140-141.107, 115, 118, 139, 142, 153.Lockwood, W. W., 252, 450-46.1. Medicine, Chinese versus forLondon Missionary Society, eign. 6-7.Review of year s work. 80-82. Methodist Episcopal Mission,Lowrie, J. Walter, 130-133.North, Review of year s work,108-112; aims of a four yearsMacGillivray, D., 11-21, 334-370. campaign, 110-111.MacNaughtan, W., 244-246. Methodist Episcopal Mission,MacNeur, George H 192-196. South, Review of, year s work,MacRae, J. D., 122-125.112-116.Mandarin Translation of the Methodists in China, UnionBible, 342-343.Movements among, 401.Manual for new missionaries, Middle Schools, Re port of Survey

INDEX 540Manual & Industrial EducationJapan Continuation Committee;379, 408. Committee, 289, 297,395.Joliffe R. O., 104-7.in Mission Schools, 276-288.Map Making, 433-4.Martin, H. S., 467-473.Kemp, G. S. F., 429-430.Mateer, R. M., 248-249.Kiangsti Mission, North, Sur May 7th., 1915, A Day ofvey uf, 437-449; origin of the "National Shame for China.survey, 437; missionary occu 352.pation of the territory, 438- Medical Board (See under China440, educational and medical Medical Board of the Rockework in the territory, feller Foundation).440-1; present opportunity Medical Education, 312-332;and need, 442-3; plan adopt Resolutions of China Continuaed by the Mission, 443- tion Committee on, 392.8; suggestions and recom Medical Missionary Work Amendations arising out of the Review lor the Year, 311-316;survey, 443-9.effects of the war, 311 ;medicalKulp, D. H. 11,474-9.education, 312-315; ChinaMedical Board and MissionLanguage School, North China Schools, 312313: NationalUnion Language School 430-1; Medical Association, 315;Nanking School 426-430.Public Health Campaign, 315;Lecture Department Y. M. C. A., Nurses Association, 316 J inWork of, 166, 350.Kiangsti, 441, 415.Leuschner, W., 86-90.Medical Schools, 231-232, 25);Lewis, W/S., 401-6.grants of China MedicalLi Fa Yuan, 25-28.Board to, 312 313; continuedLi Ho, Admiral,"A Modern need for, 313; co-operationDaniel", 353-354.\vith the China Medical Board,Literary work of Methodist 314; higher standard in misEpiscopal Mission, South, 136. sion medical schools, 313;Literature (See under Christian need of standardizing, 318.Literature) Medical Work of the Various.Living Expenses in Chengtu, Societies as given in their480-6.Review of the Year, 191. 48,Lobenstine, E. C., 101-103, 128- 53, 55, 70, 78, 91, 96, 98, 103,129, 140-141.107, 115, 118, 139, 142, 153.Lockwood, W. W., 252, 450-46.1. Medicine, Chinese versus forLondon Missionary Society, eign. 6-7.Review of year s work. 80-82. Methodist Episcopal Mission,Lowrie, J. Walter, 130-133.North, Review of year s work,108-112; aims of a four yearsMacGillivray, D., 11-21, 334-370. campaign, 110-111.MacNaughtan, W., 244-246. Methodist Episcopal Mission,MacNeur, George H 192-196. South, Review of, year s work,MacRae, J. D., 122-125.112-116.Mandarin Translation of the Methodists in China, UnionBible, 342-343.Movements among, 401.Manual for new missionaries, Middle Schools, Re port of Survey

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