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INDEXCanon of the Board of Missionsof the Chung HunKung Hui, 511-5.ShengCathedral at Taianfn. 58.Chandler, Robert E., 249 252.:Chang I-ling,Xew MinisterEd neat ion. (H.ofChanges in China, J-10; in thesize of the missionary body,1; in transportation, 3-4; incity improvements, 4; ineducation, 5; in social serviceideals, 7; in hygiene andmedicine, 6-7.Charter of Peking University,Modifications of, 516-20; ofthe Rockefeller Foundation,524-5.Charts on Sunday School Literature, o07-oOS; on surveywork, 434-5.Chefoo School, Statement on.412.Chekiang, Baptist Survey of, 432-6; intensive Policy definedand adopted, 432-3; anefficiency committee, 4, }, ];theterritory carefully mapped,4S3 4; the use of charts foreach station. 443-4; findingsof the survey,, 4, Jo; resultant alterations and benefits.436.Cheng, C. Y. ,33 1-354, 361-363.Chengtu School for missionarieschildren, 420-1.Chongtu, Survey of Social and Industrial Conditions, 479-487.Chin Chiug Church of Amoy, Thirtieth Anniversary, 337-338.China Christian Educational Association, 257-259, 268-273, 391-394; constitution of,,"08-9.( hina Church Year Book, 377-378.China Continuation Committee, 9,174, 272, 344-346, 361, 410-1;review of the year s work, 377-400; publications, 377-380; special committees, 381-391; emergency fund, 394; reference library, 39 1; statistical secretary,. 195; closer union with similarcommittees in India and Japan,395; Missions building, 390;national evangelistic secretary,396; travel of secretaries, 397;finances, 397; annual meeting, 398-400; constitution of,506-8.China Inland Mission and AssociateMissions, Review of the year swork, 144- 1C 3.China Medical Hoard of the Rockefeller Foundation, 7, 259-2(iO,325, 328, 393, 470; its relationto mission work, 260; grants toYale Medical School and Shantung Christian University, 312-313; the schools in Peking andShanghai, 312; Mission MedicalSchools, 313; report of residentdirector, 320-323; history offormation of China MedicalBoard, 320; members, 320; visitof commission from America,321 ; plans for a medical schoolin Shanghai, 322; grants tomission schools and hospitals,322323; fellowship, 323; cooperation J23..China Medical Missionary Association, 328-330; 331, 392; constitution of, 509-511.China Mission Year Book, 378-379.China Sunday School Union, 303-308; organization and finance,3u3-4; adult Bible class department, 304-5.Chinese Church, 7, 9, 10, 91, 92,94, 123, 126, 151; suggestionsfor strengthening the spirituallife of members, 179-181, 189,193 184 209 211; activities asreported in Christian Periodicals,334-354 ;evangelistic efforts, 338-341 ; missionary spirit, 218, 222,331-332, 341-342; Bible reading,342-345; prayer, . 345,, 347; coreligionists, 347-348; ehurcn

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