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<intos,540 DIARY: OF PRINCIPAL EVENTSAugust JO-JJ FJeventh Animal Meeting Fdueational Association ofAug*24 Sept. \Fukien, Killing.Fifth Annual South China Student Conference at26 2Canton.Fighth Amoy-Swatow Student Suinnier ( 1 onference at28 6Ainoy.t , tt Eleventh Annual Student Conference for Shantungat Tsinan.Sept.-Oct. Visit of Deputation from .Board of Foreign Missionsof the Presbyterian Church in F.S A.Visit of Drs. Wallace Buttrick, Simon Flexner, F. T.W. S. Welch and Mr. Roger s. Greeneof the China Medical Board of the RockefellerFoundation.September 1-6 Conference of Nurses Association of China, Peking.6-7 Shantung Federation Council, Tsinanfu.27 Formal Opening Xe\v Hospital Fnion MedicalCollege, Tsinanfu.October 4-J8 Evangelistic, Campaigns in Honan led by Drs. D.MacGillivray and W. W. Peter.t, 7 Election of Mr. C. T. Wang, General Secretary,National Committee Young Men s ChristianAssociation of China.13 Formal Dedication, Boys Building, Young Men sChristian Association, Shanghai.Oct.J3-Nov. U Second Conference of Chinese Christian Leaders onAdult Bible atOctober J7-25Study Moukden.West China Christian Educational Union EighthAnnual Meeting, Chengtu.1822-23Building, Taiyuanfn.Conference of New Missionaries in Wu DialectFormal Opening, Young Men s Christian AssociationSection under auspices of Special Committee onthe Training of Missionaries of the China Continuation Committee.November Visits of Rev. W. Hopkyn Rees, D.D and Rev. C. Y.Cheng to Tsinan, Tientsin, Peking, Hankow,3Nanking, in the interests of Christian Literature.Seventh Convention of the Young Men s ChristianAssociations of China, Shanghai.M 9 Rev. Timothy Richards D.D., L.L.D., retires asGeneral Secretary of Christian Literature Societyand becomes Secretary Emeritus.8-J5 Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Sian Tao Huei, theunion of the Swedish Missionary Society andSwedish American Missionary Covenant, atKingchow, Hupeh.Sixth Meeting, Kiangsu Federation Council, Yangchow.

DIARY OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS 541J9J6January 14 Establishment of the Secretarial Training Department,National Committee, Young Men s ChristianAssociation.\5 First Issue, English Edition,, Chinese ChristianJ8Intelligencer.Jubilee Celebration of Educational Work of AmericanPresbyterian Mission in Peking.Jan. 26-Feb, 1 First Conference for Christian boys under auspices olYoung Men s Christian Association, Nanking.Jan, 3i-Feb. 2 Third Annual Meeting, East China EducationalAssociation, Shanghai. Dr. T. II. P. Sailer present.February 3-7 Joint Conference on Education of the East ChinaDistrict of the American Baptist Foreign MissionSociety and the Central China Mission of theSouthern Baptist Convention.tt 7-J2 First Annual Conference National Medical Associationof China.9-J5 Fnkien Student Conference, Foochow. Largest student.conference ever held in China. 304 delegates Inattendance.\7 West China Union University, Chengtu, first class ofstudents graduated in arts course receiving theB.A. degree.J7-23 Celebration of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of theScandinavian Alliance Mission of America atSianfu.Fourth Annual tt 2324 Meeting, Kwangtnng ChristianCouncil, Canton.March \ Rev. A. L. Warnshuis becomes National EvangelisticSecretary of the China Continuation Committee.3 Opening of the Bible Study and Prayer House at23-30Kiangnan.Dedication Foochow Young Men s Christian Association Building.April 6-JO Eighth National Christian Endeavor Convention,Apr.20-MayJ2Ilangchow. Dr. F. E. Clark present.First National Conference of the Provincial Educational Associations, Tientsin.Apr. 27-May 2 Fourth Annual Meeting, China Continuation Committee, Shanghai.May 7 Centenary of American Bible Society.

<intos,540 DIARY: OF PRINCIPAL EVENTSAugust JO-JJ FJeventh Animal Meeting Fdueational Association ofAug*24 Sept. \Fukien, Killing.Fifth Annual South China Student Conference at26 2Canton.Fighth Amoy-Swatow Student Suinnier ( 1 onference at28 6Ainoy.t , tt Eleventh Annual Student Conference for Shantungat Tsinan.Sept.-Oct. Visit of Deputation from .Board of Foreign Missionsof the Presbyterian Church in F.S A.Visit of Drs. Wallace Buttrick, Simon Flexner, F. T.W. S. Welch and Mr. Roger s. Greeneof the China Medical Board of the RockefellerFoundation.September 1-6 Conference of Nurses Association of China, Peking.6-7 Shantung Federation Council, Tsinanfu.27 Formal Opening Xe\v Hospital Fnion MedicalCollege, Tsinanfu.October 4-J8 Evangelistic, Campaigns in Honan led by Drs. D.MacGillivray and W. W. Peter.t, 7 Election of Mr. C. T. Wang, General Secretary,National Committee Young Men s ChristianAssociation of China.13 Formal Dedication, Boys Building, Young Men sChristian Association, Shanghai.Oct.J3-Nov. U Second Conference of Chinese Christian Leaders onAdult Bible atOctober J7-25Study Moukden.West China Christian Educational Union EighthAnnual Meeting, Chengtu.1822-23Building, Taiyuanfn.Conference of New Missionaries in Wu DialectFormal Opening, Young Men s Christian AssociationSection under auspices of Special Committee onthe Training of Missionaries of the China Continuation Committee.November Visits of Rev. W. Hopkyn Rees, D.D and Rev. C. Y.Cheng to Tsinan, Tientsin, Peking, Hankow,3Nanking, in the interests of Christian Literature.Seventh Convention of the Young Men s ChristianAssociations of China, Shanghai.M 9 Rev. Timothy Richards D.D., L.L.D., retires asGeneral Secretary of Christian Literature Societyand becomes Secretary Emeritus.8-J5 Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Sian Tao Huei, theunion of the Swedish Missionary Society andSwedish American Missionary Covenant, atKingchow, Hupeh.Sixth Meeting, Kiangsu Federation Council, Yangchow.

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