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538 biATiSTics AND CHARTSsecretaries with reference to apparent or real discrepanciesin their returns, and, in the small time that remained, toassist in the preparation of some charts and maps for localgatherings of missions or groups of missions, which mightportray graphically and more understandably the mostimportant statistical material relative to their work.r All . comparisons of the work of the differ-Charts .Jent societies have been relegated to thecharts, on which it has been attempted to place sufficientcomment to aid in a correct interpretation. The charts, ofwhich there are four sheets, are to be found in the pocket ofthe book, together with the four statistical sheets. Theirpreparation has delayed the appearance of the YEARBOOK about a fortnight, and it has been realized that thehaste connected with their appearance so soon after thecompilation of the statistics may result in some errors ofdetail.The detailed work in connection with thement compilation of the statistical sheets has beenlargely performed by Miss M. Verne McNeely,whose careful, accurate and painstaking work has been ofinvaluable assistance. Without her experience in thecollection and compilation of missionary statistics in Chinathe task would have been difficult indeed. To her and tothe host of faithful collaborators whose work enters intothese condensed returns we accord our grateful thanks andrecognition.

QuinsanDIARY OF PRINCIPAL EVENTSIn Union and Interdenominational ActivitiesApril J, J9J5-May 31, 19161915April 9-12 Union Lutheran Conference at Shekow, llupeh, andelection of the Lutheran Church Council.14-22 Triennial General Synod of the Chung Una ShengKnng Hni, St. John s University, Shanghai.15 Meeting of Educational Council and Executive of theChina Medical Missionary Association, Shanghai.M 24 Formal opening Young Men s Christian Association,Anioy.,, 27-28 Advisory Council of Educational Association of China,Biennial Meeting, Shanghai.April 30 -May 5 Third Annual Meeting of the China ContinuationCommittee, Shanghai.May Conference of Chinese Educators in Tientsin. Delegates from Provincial Associations. Appointmentof Joint Committee on Terminology.~>1 Building at Gardens, Shanghai, occupiedjointly by China Continuation Committee, Educational Association of China, China MedicalMissionary Association, China Sunday SchoolC"n ion and Chinese Kecorder.6 Fourth Annual Meeting of the Federal Council of thePresbyterian Church of Christ in China. Shanghai.14-15 Chekiang Federation Council, Fifth Annual Meeting,Ningpo.23 Kaifeng Union Evangelistic Meetings.27 China inland Mission celebrates Jubilee at Ilead-(|iiarters in Shanghai.June 30-JuIy 8 Kighth Annual North China Student Conference.July Summer Institute for Primary School teachers of theKiangsu Educational Association.t , 2-H Yangts/e Valley Student Conference, Killing.2-1J Eleventh Kiangnan Student Conference, llangchow.July t3-Awg. J3 Chinese Leaders Conference on Adult Bible Studyunder auspices of China Sunday School Unionand Special Committees of the China Continuation Committee, Killing.J4-27 Chinese Women s Summer Conference, Shanghai.July 25-Aug. I The Mokanshan Conference.August 7 Annual Meeting of the Central China ChristianEducational Union, Killing.

QuinsanDIARY OF PRINCIPAL EVENTSIn Union and Interdenominational ActivitiesApril J, J9J5-May 31, 19161915April 9-12 Union Lutheran Conference at Shekow, llupeh, andelection of the Lutheran Church Council.14-22 Triennial General Synod of the Chung Una ShengKnng Hni, St. John s University, Shanghai.15 Meeting of Educational Council and Executive of theChina Medical Missionary Association, Shanghai.M 24 Formal opening Young Men s Christian Association,Anioy.,, 27-28 Advisory Council of Educational Association of China,Biennial Meeting, Shanghai.April 30 -May 5 Third Annual Meeting of the China ContinuationCommittee, Shanghai.May Conference of Chinese Educators in Tientsin. Delegates from Provincial Associations. Appointmentof Joint Committee on Terminology.~>1 Building at Gardens, Shanghai, occupiedjointly by China Continuation Committee, Educational Association of China, China MedicalMissionary Association, China Sunday SchoolC"n ion and Chinese Kecorder.6 Fourth Annual Meeting of the Federal Council of thePresbyterian Church of Christ in China. Shanghai.14-15 Chekiang Federation Council, Fifth Annual Meeting,Ningpo.23 Kaifeng Union Evangelistic Meetings.27 China inland Mission celebrates Jubilee at Ilead-(|iiarters in Shanghai.June 30-JuIy 8 Kighth Annual North China Student Conference.July Summer Institute for Primary School teachers of theKiangsu Educational Association.t , 2-H Yangts/e Valley Student Conference, Killing.2-1J Eleventh Kiangnan Student Conference, llangchow.July t3-Awg. J3 Chinese Leaders Conference on Adult Bible Studyunder auspices of China Sunday School Unionand Special Committees of the China Continuation Committee, Killing.J4-27 Chinese Women s Summer Conference, Shanghai.July 25-Aug. I The Mokanshan Conference.August 7 Annual Meeting of the Central China ChristianEducational Union, Killing.

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