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530 APPENDICEScharacter. Moreover they may, outside of the required curriculum,explain and lecture on the principles of religion. But respect shallhe paid to everyone s individual liberty of belief.Article XL Thin co-operation has as its sole object the advancement of medical education, and has no relation whatever togovernmental spheres of education or sanitation.Article XII, This co-operation is entered into with the idea ofpermanence, but the first ten years shall be a period of probation.If at the end of that time it is found to be successful, the co-operationmay be continued. But if either party desires to withdraw, theco-operation may be terminated, but notice must be given one year inadvance.Article XIII. After the signing of this agreement by the contracting parties, the Hunan Uu-Chun Educational Association shallpetition the Civil Governor of Hunan to sanction and register it, amithe Yale Mission shall forward it to its Home Society for confirmation. After such sanction it shall be regarded as ratified.Article XIV, Three copies of this agreement shall be prepared.The Hunan Ku-Chun Educational Association shall forward one tothe Civil Governor of Hunan to be filed with him. The HunanKu-Chun Educational Association and the Yale Mission shall eachretain one of the remaining copies as a permanent evidence of theircontract.Signed byOn behalf of the Hunan Ru-Chun Educational Association.And byBrownell Gage, 3g$jft. K II. Hume, $K. I). Harvey, $Mi. A. C. KeedKl W. J. Hail,O.i behalf of the Yale Mission.This Twenty-first day of the Seventh month of the Third year ofthe R. public of China.

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530 APPENDICEScharacter. Moreover they may, outside of the required curriculum,explain and lecture on the principles of religion. But respect shallhe paid to everyone s individual liberty of belief.Article XL Thin co-operation has as its sole object the advancement of medical education, and has no relation whatever togovernmental spheres of education or sanitation.Article XII, This co-operation is entered into with the idea ofpermanence, but the first ten years shall be a period of probation.If at the end of that time it is found to be successful, the co-operationmay be continued. But if either party desires to withdraw, theco-operation may be terminated, but notice must be given one year inadvance.Article XIII. After the signing of this agreement by the contracting parties, the Hunan Uu-Chun Educational Association shallpetition the Civil Governor of Hunan to sanction and register it, amithe Yale Mission shall forward it to its Home Society for confirmation. After such sanction it shall be regarded as ratified.Article XIV, Three copies of this agreement shall be prepared.The Hunan Ku-Chun Educational Association shall forward one tothe Civil Governor of Hunan to be filed with him. The HunanKu-Chun Educational Association and the Yale Mission shall eachretain one of the remaining copies as a permanent evidence of theircontract.Signed byOn behalf of the Hunan Ru-Chun Educational Association.And byBrownell Gage, 3g$jft. K II. Hume, $K. I). Harvey, $Mi. A. C. KeedKl W. J. Hail,O.i behalf of the Yale Mission.This Twenty-first day of the Seventh month of the Third year ofthe R. public of China.

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